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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1906, p. 1

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requaire, ether f0 tielp xnake thne ose-cleaning lîghter or to help ireshenr up the home. Look over this list and !et us have a chanceý to show y 0-0 bowYwell We cnsupply your ed We rHa ve BrieFurniture Plihie es 01 he ri-iket, Ilt îRacks, We asodo ailI inds ;of poltri and have in stock a large assoc'-fmnent of fcitr overings. Furniture Dealers. Phone 10 FnrlDirTectors IRETIPRIN G ~rom Business. (ioods Below Cost!1 &16.00 Gold Filled WaîehIes at $12.00. 812.00 G'old Filled Watzdhes at $8.50. Eyerything equl low. c'Il earlýy and gt cholce o! Goods3. Si1ver Watc-hes fromn $2.00 uip. Wedding Ringashare the same eut in prices. iklast ba fsold. Positively giving up business. FEvrythlng eail and qet Prices, Any p-)ods net usually la stock will bft procirad at'an 0âvanee of 10 per cent on cost, Watcheig leaned 50e to 750o. Maiinmprinigt% 5oçto 75c. 1 hereby thiank my nwnerotis ,stomers for libarïtl çatrur, aýgý 4uring- the Jast 42 years. Le. eORNISlýýH Octi.43m OMIVLE A shipment of Sample Spring Boots. Men's, ail sizes 7 Lady's " 4 Misses' I1, a nd 1 Child's " 9f end 10 Youth'& 12 anld 13 The leather and w -orkmanship in ampes refar above the T hese are particularly g-ood- rnigfrom meditimfine, to finest gradles. second A shipmzent o f Lady's Spring Bo)ots, Laceed Shous and Strapped Slippersý bouglit at sacrifice prices under exeeptional circumstances, This is aý splendid lot, and we can Ai out to Our customers at pricýes below the ordinary. Among thieLe are : 30 pa-irs Lady's fine Kid Laoed Boots, kid tips, summer weight ... ...........81.25 43pairs Sehiool Girls' Dongola BuhrShoes, sizes 1 to 6, heav-y selow ,flathls, bakstraps. Reguilar price $1.50 ... -....... $1.25 Third Our New Farm Boots, 011 Çalf, Engi8h Rip, Oit Grain, 0îl Split. specialOffer:- Men's Oul Split 13lauher, (Williams' reliable make,)ý one pair $1.05 Two pairs, e3.20 Men's oil spit Gaiters, broafi heavy sole, leather strap, s3lauting elastic, sole leather, heel stifiene , best Wetern make. One pair.........6$1.50. Two pairs .....$2.85 Main Four Cornerâ, Oshiawa Rnc ~ auiymatlneeS LAS Fattrrcte-d I'rov1rue i Ontario; înudeu many claim- c-n'deabeattention tbogotti g it to be a banner orle. Roger Cole, vicinity, and it W i- prbable hat ma sr, a-id family, came to the little village fro bre rfl attend tb1 ter! nncc ll1832 1 arn to]d that they andi the 1 ir Lorimer's ereation oIf tho r, ce Has who arrîved ia trie saxie year, cf David is snidte o n miaheo C irst occ-upied an unused Cooper shop V.;,ilb nusua ner, near the brid e; no other place of reiuge est bY rnsw .people-, 1oralz h could be obtaiiaed. 'lhey received advice rrmtico,ibi1itie3 ti earalead assistance fi-ouiMr. Bate's, people peronae i 'admudie bi4stprv. Mr. who at one timec kept a hotel on'the farm Lormeran bi cmpay o 10 p~es jstabove the hî11 .àr Cole rented wili bc seen fo r Lthe9n;ira2,tirne i ýlu Tornto frni theiBoýwain estate, the famino1. 0w in the stpnespouto ftbe pfo ur occup)ied by AIr. Beith; At that timec act~~~~~~~~~ poeflrmn~ rm,'h nyasalpart of thl-.and was cleared. shcpberd Ris, uni 1;iosztb-rb c us-, i supposeoheeureretthtceusua1l-,ha: d TUi trcinl n~ b aae sh1ips growýin!g oul of tle fimmtr on metcfW, .Bad ndwiireditios la w!hich husýbandry ,was pro givn l Trono wtbe~atlvth saeseeCd It was ,while tbey Ivdon tis pr, duec bn anýd cas eo urinte place that the late George Hainesbe sucev u ush e ok i~*c arne connected ,w.ith their. b) 1-ma riage. to)n. Tri heped iý 1 fu~ddIwel remember th ,way in which the: onte al hsey fD1- L~e uawr itten law of ca iIlg Wa S Cai'riedCi as reatd tri ec,1Jcna anlo. Tie Lroom v, ryjustly deteried( and FstBk fKiniL1s, i i to flght this outraýgeous and unseeýmiy esamnt adcovers thatperod custoçm. The battie raged with varyin David'iV, lhefrmtre im i i b~success, tuntil the mobwerewornont '111 fathr'shom onthe bg _f Jnegavet it Up àla despair. until he became KRingoffîre at tý1 Whîle 1 arn on this topic. I must djeatLh o!i auland lusson Jouathanî.ludeto NMr. Haines, who aftor-, Mal rdrsacomanodbvreitanewards loorned up so lar,.gely la rie audsel edresedstape en~elpeaffairs o! the place, as il grew into imr- for retura are uow bcrcsi1, 1 riV portance. He was by trý,adawgo MangerSbpp&d f te ri-- s and carniage mazer and carnied on the Pheatre, Toronto. business for many vear s. H e was ai large man ev-ery way and was endowed vîthL __________________________ ative ta'ents of a high order. If it had been his good fortune to hav e bad tho', advantages of a higlier edtucation, lie skYoUTcould have isen to iamy position. As it was, bce becamne Most usefuil in tlie civic work of the town, elected time and again Councllor and as l, dflue1,Mayor's 11.1.chair. 'He bad gooddngent and a W n L O LQ 'level head After he itrIfo ui ________________________ menicipal affairs lue was appoiinted by fthe Goernment. Police Magistrate, If bc tells you to talke Ayer's the v'ry onoreils aibedutuf s i of whkch office luhim rgdto fthe Ch'erry Pectora'l for Y-'Dur utmnoýf satisfaction of the puiblic. As 9. Ver. cuh r-ruhal j -gh as jast and irnlexlbleiic d,) 10týnzany of bis decisions werceteer *troubl, then takec it, If hc bas ý.appl)cýed friim. lHe rai a ripe o&d gnythïng bcter5 hen take dtw. are. Sad ta 6aylbis son George, Wh,) succeeded him hre -a worthy Ï0on11and We have great COnedtncc lin gs0d citiz 3D-dî in luidd e age> uli- txls moeâkine. So wMl you, rertd wtl* yu oce nowitMr Cote bouglit the farrtas 1near Be- whtnyou eceknowît. tliesda, which are stil ln their rosses4sion Tb "t n eetetw*D4 They lay zi a Most charnmrig ocality lïflfrov*.irty ayeort", Theview tram the h0MesteaidJsis ne t M-1 0mom con;Ure w hY011cau sCeceast, M'est 34 ,v:.C 4,r0_ x@o and soufli. for miles, including- the towaý- '~'~ ~ "of J3owmnvîlle.(a city set onahil' SA~PAUU.A. hfn lit at uight by elctricity, if is a 11P,~ ~s-glut wo,(rth seclng. If musi: be a prc- Mme 17m petual source of pleasure to thedwle, W m~a" 3 §etta i W. ýsb]P i thcîr havingstnh a grand Rand en nob'i a mjEIMMU-I=mo = siglit of Damrne 1Natune's handiwonk 1rer-, M the bowfle oopn wî ne of epetuall), under flicir êyes lie had Five 1 tîein.s a. * sous, Roger, llnnteMafhew, Jo)hn thie Jato autnm-; n; dccc 1cr aÏl opera- 1 Recitf'ins B'ýroGs. Harpe13,r and Msn tions incident te rural oc-cupa'iens at a Soengrp, Bros. J. D Keachie, ALt1hon.y fimne when mannai aPber hatf be solely ithî,MlsWakrnd igto. depended upon. Th e liqor î:as cheap Bro) Kirkwa* a rie pano an)d ymah and good, not the hot, adulteratcd stiff apprecîated!,rndrgspnid&ve new s0 commonly sold. A ý oung womar, unngtiveniin-. At Othe enneushi was once broughf before tlic kirk aufli. of the roauaveyk~rtyvote o!f oruties la Seoýtland for danicing. The hak ws rsetd o lree nister, ilutfic curse of itheinvestiga- Ngt'alabdgfr 0he mo-t exreutn tion, si:"Janet, wht wcre cou tbun.rec ptIngea to T;oroutoLdgNo ing show?" '~DeSr"scrpid 71 nd sito ldgs. A t 1 a. m, h Ithgltnae iii " Then ganig aafsiies! wee nded a nd vst haine," lie snid1 Thýesaelofmin-dasLI tuenbegan tu thinîk o! "Hom1-Le, epesdb\- Janct, largely epan he SotHm. rcsinwsfre situation 'The best off ever y c css venad20Odflws arhdbte ministers attim,îrc indulgcd la a sociý-al tafba addvD O& .C0Bad glassiThe oor evil Who drai to ex whee spciltrainwaswitu5o ar ceýss w'as looked u-pon as a fOýrol, notas ath- re.)r.hoe victim onidrigthe wliole situation fro wua Iherdof heties bfoe ood byes were saýý!id sud three hearty my own . noledCioffthemý, 1 shon,,ld M essda ie îe adrfr the-1c-wonder th,ýlat 10 fu' cnm'araas he t!nmvc u or Trao fisytnok the lhorrible dîsea1se uniits5w, -1rr worst fo;rm,. It should not rie forgottea n tris ois t:i bsid Ues ton ohe (ýer lodCIes thaf mny had l iard Icrand .urndlrwent froinvaions parts o! Outaýrio, inq1udlugZ great hadhpand fhey somnefimes ne-thefratonihorgRpbi. sofe o dikfoolislily, indced for AotI5iiigrtrnwrpe~n sti laionad cnoato Buras said, Who with the lcýal breth1ren ftalle "f maikes the wheeis ni life gang dowui 250Odieos.Srg fraterual re-tý wltbý rtlnnise and ýgie" and nolaunwrecmnebtenFrne d1ourit tby er glad to get, and ta', ihtnaeNo ael oonoLodge an" hiag that would cli er fhem np. Trio e. 1advstu ogs r wort ffct~wce se nlapub'c meef- paueisd e heol mieeo ings when crthe porulace assembledlanmnageme nt o h xeletarne large anumrberq fillling np flic taverasmetan tbuhfldtilorte Theno bnteastc'bronglit ficcthe Co on Ud Moineof v rrise i.the týraffic into white liglit iiarcy a Ti oil e eeBe.FF ors ternific now took place a conls 'quecco off ydan alb.Knt tree undugence la thst utuff wbiciu, puit Arngtoupeu îre Msra Înto meu's mouths, steals away theiri 'j S Bond, J.D. Keaclute, A. Loùkbârt, brains Thie tact is that, if was looked W.Crant. C. A Wnigî_ht, F. A cole, upon flot oniya rcfrom uarm but as 1J.Co t e CJohn Ur ,,G Co Il.B aplte eneft offer thMs as sme IH. BUkrvl il G. FlthrP.W. excus o-mu ho uwitin ly feu Di xonW .Mc ntuJ oea inothe anms o! this clemon o! estrue_,c . PFreelan, TH MMnt :in t ilmention one case ht xwGo.BldnyWRongk . ýP. wlth uny owu cyes whecIf was evîdent lin. the paon uhlfQrtnnafe wREAT-WEder flic powcn Of fl_ýue ort fofo! hiskýy fe eýr TEGRA.WSLI. At fîmnes hli let il sdi1-conraI o1and i waui doanyluiu faobti r Os Thie Infounua.,tion contglaed lu the as.. manm eder brother and a clcnk rof 1,1al report !or 1505 o! the (Grest-Wegu; ours fouri. that during flue Pnigluf lue luad JLuie Assurmrnce (Jo tshould provoe higIaý broien mb fnic storehoube where flic saisfa>Corytf0their polieyhodni ad il, non for salet waskcpf, aud hadbroaclu-wllwhes hecrpylaetan' cdh f 'c rel Afe diuin a h a in uthk3 geucral prosperut7 04 téo cou,1lu e lay down withlutnf uriig 0ljCres ami lias ln a few short -ýe&rg flic tap nud was folnud llterally smamnRuade1a p10Ddid rLecord The statemnent iiîg llusfavorite boýverag-e. He bad shows fluatthe Grýeât-Weat Lite ha,'. i;ofhinýg on but lis -shirt and pan1ts. udov(3r 7 per cent, interfet on tboîr When hey gf hlmont lc waiin a tafe almns, have never 1bat a dollar of o! conip)etr olpe but affer liavin-g a inîtoresýt or prinicipal, have pald in fiLl iberai suppiy ;o! coid watcr pum-p ed Oen ail osn foSo profits on mxatured poli-. flue only ccrecfr trie coouplaint, -he îiaid te '11-' nelders hlisbeen aotUPLUY gave if up enrer y. i will deal later on b'tau w1 inkVestwinent and its &accu. with thCet g iatintint sUbsequen-- rou n. Witl such a record thiscom.u wIth rtîe, f:rafLLe. do p%%avav s5ic to attract ilxusurrs 'Vith not nt Qceru itsei! wlth udrt. Tro be ff ià 1,3 9_Or GovM1nment lnvestigatÏotis.

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