-900Ô Sinday SCehOol Libaria for W eddiing Presents there jg nothing better than my Jitpanese China- ware. Price is Rilght. My Bowmianville Picture! Post eards are the best. A1 good assortment of Foreign' and Coriards also kept. A good selection of the new books and magazines Mlany of the 75E Boks, at 25he ant 3ý5e. Bibles4, llymjn BoSato eryj and School Supplies., P. rblok Special Onre § ayRates SBpnlngs Ssait Lakte Cty, NloRc lanti, aüeouver, Portlanti, OeSn Frnie.Tickets un sale tiaily. jpc-etCt4- sTr1a-ns- to North West Ev, ucs-daytu,-rin.g Mardi anti APrIl scaltrain ill ihcoloisl -eOeper wtllsae T qun o 0 .m. very Manftba anti Noî PWst The Short Liu,- to Cuba. la Rveia, Cuba, eri Mndla luirn- MOTT & JUYTwnAet J. D. É4uDogAiii, Dsrc amae Argent, Trno A verdit lias been rendereti in favor o! the plaintif! iii the lîbel suit brouglit gantthe Ladie3s' Hopme Journal (puib. lîsheti by theClurtis Publising Ca.) by, the Wrd Dispensary Mttedical Ass- iationI, of which Dr. R. Y. Pierce le President. Tîhe Fuit wvas brouglit by Doetor Pierce against -the Curtis Pub- isngCo,, for inaking false stalemeqnts about one cfýf hie standard f am-il vniedi.- crnesknown as Dr Pierc:e's Favorite Prescription1. la the May uilier o! lhe Ladlies' H-ome Journal (1904), Mr. Eldward Bok, the editor. aIteýd liaI Dr. iresFavorite-Precription coaimeti alcohol sud some other harmfi igredi. enta andi Dr. Pierce had inl the actioni allegetithat the cdefendantina'icio.-usly publisheti this article enaiîgsuci falýse andi defam-atorv mle. Dr Piercc furîher ïelaimned thaî no alcohol la or, ever wae, coutainie inla lis 'Favorite Precritio,"that saiti medicine was a vegetableprpaatonant cnai no dletelousinigredienits witvr th'at Mr. Bok's saemapretendi-ng to glyve omle o!the iUgredientrs o! saîti medcie, aewhollv and asltl f Lse DuinyT the trial, thceîcePresi. dent o! lhe Vt old'e Dispensary bMedial suociatiostae W, hdle ingre ns o! Dr Pieree's Favorite Pecito weî re t i ý ,i If r onMi thîefioig ïnative mt:Golden Seal a, eCohoch, Lad ý's Sipper, Black, Cohiosh andf Uni- corn, b rueras o! pure gîs-canine IN. wM as eti&hle knew, sea PbPsici anti experinneeti neital maî, ciaI the 'Favuorite Pecrption was a cure for1 th iesspeculiar ta om eai, scas hie pprcfeaonali xperioeanti the hiatibeen cured by "this Pecl1e. Ti ic-'esdnt ea nked togive lits autihapFes prdi from the etlid wcrks, suck as the Uited State Dis pestrThe Am,,erica Dsenatr animaav ioier standard rnedical books. Tlenreýtracl-ion printeti 'by lýIe CuIrtis- PubliUshîng- comfpaiiv bwc motisa!te nýearlv tweoumontlis after the suit hadi beeon bgun îtaýted definItclv that aa .ysis ha db n m1ade t ihoir îrequest ý-A thiat the 'aoiePeoiîo"did xnot contain cither aehoopium or dlgitalis 1 TH EHRKOU NEER S ers, nota em Greter,;lsde Thor- taoetraRelabe edaceurale-the only kiw hýyL payi b y. STOf'TT & JURY ,r:~t ilïteen, Lillian, studiedj at the Boston Coniservatory, witli Pvof. John O'Neill_ who c-ondensed the fi-se years' cus into threeC.-Wlien lier interest fiagged in the ýslightest slhe was Stimultated to new energy jy lier mnothern, who learned lier dautgliter's parts in order to teach lier, workecl untiringly anid saved loy- ally for, the new goo!ins;truc(tion. L-illianl was g1-rilu power and courage. She was making $1J0O0 a yenr asý- a churc.(h singerýý-, but singing in chuircli did flot satisfy lier higli idenîs. She auac ,uc-bsieged Tietjens in lier dressing-room, and by lier beauty, lier gac and beýr persistence, forced the great singer to listen t0 lieýr ren3erîng of Leonora's aria in -Il Trovatore." Tietjens was cliarmed, noly capitivate-d, and became lier friend. She advised her to go io New York1 to stucfly witli Maretzek. The devoted mother was equal to this new emiergencyý; shje imet the occasion with lier custoanary bigla finance- saved, borrow,.ed nnd otheiwiseý secnred enougli money for a two -years' stay in tho eroolis, w,,here alan watched tendferiv over lier ,beloved drgt On completing tlie two years, wlien funds were ebbingand hoples flow- î¶ng, Gilinore heard thie singer and enigaged lier for a hundred concerts ln Europe. in 1878 came the début at the Trocadero in Paris, followed by a Lerm at Milan, wliere San Giovanni, an entliusiastic admirer of the singer, te.irîstped bte "Giglio Nordiïca," the Lily of the North. At Brescia, where bier success was overwbelming, lier niother fainted tlirougli joy at liearing unending plaudits of the entliusiastlc audience. îEntr1aaccrdng ti. Aci oflie a1', anetlof! Oeada, !l ihe year lue y W,(. Mack, aitîtheflepartrment of Agriculture. A RAPID IIICREASE.ý-- 1IIPZFATE-SED ý OQMPETITION 11A, NOT SESMEDlTO DETER BELL COMPASY. It il lnterestîng to niote te e!!ecî which thlegranting o!a secon1d telephone franichisýe in Petcertioro is ai pnthe in that ity The Peýterbopro Councli gratvdth Caadin achneTele-, phone Comapn a fa cin la Mav104. At thalt tme there were 52o Bell sub. ,cciibsi s ir ebr. Atltogh the rautes o!f the lattLer cormp.any have flot been iowý,ered, it has, in loss than two years, increased the nu-mber of ils bu b- seribers nearlY 35 per cent. or to over 7W,. Durinig the sanie period thie long distance reveu c;o! the Bell Compuin. at Peterboro h~i ncreased ealy25 per cent ',aI addkio0n to, the eeometwti th-e city limite, the ell ýýComfpany lias greatly extendeod ies rEUralparty lne Service,. î,ny outiîliug 1poilai n hamve0 been thuls co nctd ithe Peter eboro exchange andi the larg1ef arming! coni- muity tributarv bthei( city given the ativantageo!fbotýýh excthatnge and ilong distarcecneton erypoinlts whieh hlave bcu coneeed a Ibis wayj with Peterboro are Iniffan iver, Cion* royý'S corners, BncI tatoSpringville, Ida and Fraserville petition aI Peterboro, the Mlachine Companv having largely f inlaits vundertaking, but tLhýeeresulîs la spitej of prospective cmeiinare iztereat-11 ing. Then ý,-too,. by thas refnsinýg Ihe Bell CompanY an eclsie ranchise, Peterboro is losing aninuall1Y the t 400) And tiI-e f ree elpC soffý1ee bY the BelCompýanyv, THE LATE WILFRID VANSTONE. MaffrielAilai town ani ,ieinÉitY were urriedand gr-ieveiti lara o! th1e 1eR!l f Mr.WllfridVnsoeel- est sou, o! Mr, and â Mr8. Arthur L.' Van- stone, Brantforti, f)roneriy ofornn vile. who die-1 Marc!h 7th of Bih' disease. The BaîodEx:posit;r 'sav'iË: "Form, e tim1e WirdV so ha, beenila jai ling h,_,Ë-ýea iLth ad tde' cS!pieIhe cire f reltivesanti b letiredcal wa-S bumamae-o a, f dasanfi las,> Useingt hep tint saepi eee- relat ive.Dc- ;as, ied wah!'dwaul10i 21is s cartha a vou0,ng2an polasese o! a uaaraiiybrig of and iningdis- postion an1 thenuuaCity _y3 Aný TsI1,usuîy ý-àru a ueu cr tuttg R il Iiiovuoutj o! sciolars In.laa music!a V lieh irý a *1sEog tdanti f, or me vears lad bee oganatat eiingonstree churcli Sundjýay achwoanti hatifre uent- ly supplieti aI the pieorrgan A i wvms eilcheerful and obli-iag Wîl!riti Vasoemati e scres e! !nieadî fia Binfod il o! wlaom uwill keenlýv re-gret Lbi dl-ýàali d ili exwea s' p tcl lhe irev, 4!milv. The. f!nerai 0aes plat(c onFri vaternoaln !u 'mie fan graily hOnieon ChIarlotte tone, àtAlcs tMargoret anti esars. Frei. ,ant al r-lee tuue Alwol v,ýj,.d dffficultto-)svecif v which cýf the îweaty oddi articles ianIse March issue of The BUESyManý't MVgezine is of 1monî int-rest. Froma the caialcharact- or sketch of Mr. Fraderie Nîchoîls. wli hasi doue sýo imucli 1 romot Canadian industyrut the au Ing monograpli on bis seventith is hday by the prince o! humoriats Mark Twaîa, thmeeidenot aL duil page a ivîte riumber Ail classesý3 o! opf are Catei" t d) d l i itontlnts. The annýual oter upper of Juvenile Eranch Dis 15, A, 0 F , book place Wetcd i esdav ýe a i_-,g, F tb r uary 28th , whien a c wic .pograsa of mie, reati- ing, rcittiosetc., wasý givenr by the, bots sssttiby sneO t ihe aduit members. The uons !nred out in gooti numbeýrs andi about 5()sat dwa tUi supper. The reniatader oflie evenhag was speit ili varions games lai which thebos tornghy n~oedtheMSelvea, CAPJGIT CLD ON TUE C.P.RO A. L. Muliord teils how Psychine Cured hlm afler the Doctors gaehlm up "Il is tweolve years ic Psychince ured nïie ofcip' gcnomto. The spaervaS pic. A. E. Poumford, six te-et lau, nd loingjst xhle is a hulsky heath frier le er hiii owu farta ï cauh yColdi oringas a iemnan on hec.R.li bcooie."I had 1 ly ouhedup~ieeaof rry lunigs. I wasz ainkig faI anie, h- otors- sa.id tIliere WaS 11o hope for nie. Two inontlis treal- nientOff Psychine put me right ozi my fe aind 1 have hati no reLturn of lunig trouble ainc." if Mr. Mulinford had started te take P5svchn.e wlieus oliefrst rmn-ht mIA 1à* xvcuid heved himscU a lot of auxiety and suffering. Psýyclline cures ail luag troublea by killing the zerms--the rools cof 50e.Per Bottie Lar&Qr %ka** 61 and 62--aI wlgge DR, T. S LimUited. Tonti Tickinigs, neat patternis best of importeti eloths,- 18c, 20c, 25c, Vhite 'Spreads, bought direct from English mailis, specialj Svalues ............. ..................$125 to3 00 Toweling ,i GlassTrih Irishi Crash, Russian, Crashc, special values............................7e , to l5e. Table Linaens of quality, fil wilthr eat desiýg3s,.,25c to $U.50 yaL We allow o11lY goods of menit tocon into our stapleý dept. and.i-when youl buy at this store y- ou will gtfui auslov your money. v, Prices mrkdin plaluin fires Mens 2thMCMLJRTRY' Ni's"00hCentur11y Brand R-icasat Tpe' o n Sitoek)-I-Stylish, TIS 15 A BOY'S STORE ALSO Afler au illnese' o! onc ee cK. Mis. John Tremneer, a pioncer resident o!f OuaiiCouaty, pass,,eti away vWetnes- dav Fbr, r 283th, aIt 'le home of lier daugliler. MsW .Stainton, Olaa at the age o! 88 r ears. Deceaseti, wiose maiden naie was Grace Haririq. , was ani- eigrateti 10 this ,co-atry wittl lir pa--rents iii 1842,; selbtling la mDamrhingbotn. 1ln 1814,, helie-was uPnitt i d ï, r - age, ý10 John Tremneer, who prdcaeiherI Icl len years. She was a Consitent mem,,ber o! tic Meli!)dist Chuirch l.at was highl esteemeti bu A lWho knew lier Fiv»,ýe chidrea aIre le! ýt 10morthe bas o!, a cfn ioh~ hoa.o Mitilanf; ja.mes -priýncIal-o!theSali ville Hligli Sehool; John o!f inie Bally, VWhîby. The uea to ic aIm P) liawa Saturday. anti the remainsu MORE KIND WORDS. Bat, Bcki~ghreQue . wriîeî,ý: Iiav- ng ceaonle saff o! thle Ontarlo Batik, owmanvilfr tror tr7 vear.Ànthe eihtlswlrn nnaL one 10lomBowmanv ille wasared more than a aname3, 1I was diply l- iersttileb isoyo!f tli tow',n aS dep-ibd in picture ant i so i now locptet ili lhe heart o! the timber ireealso lk ont, tir, anti oter gamaqbouad, il maso! spcialinter-est lenthý' skth ia orimxleias toua dti l le mitl ! uil nio ment, lu a thiciWUfor f m! tading ru. 'ber. l Csonýgra tu;ate yo, uOit liespen di eîon o! Tia CANÂPIÂN STATh5 Ur, ni aur etep inlapub)lisig r A.,.'P z 1%. H FRM ON Y MALE QUARTETTE. Fý . 1 Frost, A. E. McLaughlin, HJ. Knight, W. iJ. S. Rickard. N1N TMH Coünsculive Season, 1905-6. Engaemeitsfor Concerts, Churcli Tea Anivesaiesanti Other Enter- tai -Dnints WiýTiprovitie the entire preron i deirei.Termamodeýrate- i*tf Bow anvlleOnt tmore are n aos sa i're Nae' Ioofsi No open ntaïla hoaie.,ln oia, no anD ot-btuilings as dry an tne xcnetc-ithevry 5>-1. 'A a4telli-us ife yonr deler4doc.S Dot ]Kea,-' ooin Mention this papcr. PtEISIMOOlIe, PNOT10 E. TA KR NOT ICE that application iit be b. ma de b ' the Corporation of the Town nof mnîl aI the presenit Beütsion of Lb. bcgisltue yontarto for thMe I ng of an At Eo validaI and eo)llni By 1g.w lN. 613 of the said] eopraipaîsed on the t5M day o! Marcli ï1500 anid eniïtled *'A 1Y la o10exempt the Do miioln Orgýan andPinolop from talation JOHN LYLZ, Cik i,! Lb. Muieipality of 1he Towno!f 3w- maijle. Dîith bi 1ttb dayof JEbr)U ry l1WS. S -Gw. Are Ready. I We are fully I propared for the Wall Paper !Ail -the niewes de>gnc-s and pat trus. - rýF r I.Pla- mil. mlefms m.f.- 1- -M U-Iki - V -.m. Fr L-Ti 1 j 'r -1 1 1 L il 4IL-M-2-111lu -b11 ce-y ý12L CmLiýýC i-ý 1 -r ý i A 1 j 1 i.