If you have any of the following gymptomis you should start tLaking illeyar the only remedy that ffuaýrntees a 'rapid, complete and permanenit cure. SYMPOMSTO CONSIDERi Pa-in in the Back. Iligh1y Colored Urie. Brc îuth n . lrritatýi of the B2Adder, Retenltion of),urine. Frequent Calis. Pi uUinating. ImueBlood. Faim in the joiýnts ore}iip4 Tired,WonOtFei. lnabi';yt sep .DrnZ&digsin the ý ehoussMr Hoar Vr r' letr rm , mcN as weo foil Missionarv am.ýog thlar s Ated- them lop er flien'es folie lyCe s n , hWEtr.-ham as against $ cf the Eas Du hue. For th atieseS ter there we e xt e iceseraîteffWs Duramandsbten with t('11hap i f Lhns N laew Dresainýd evS oThEra v éha !a go rpot o! t Convention here.mFin tutsolthe i ueio net meA o!BounVile M-to -s-chr - ae-g-e--- oa-ic ture of the New Preidet Rv S RýeV W Jioliiffe l ed ini prayver, Thýe Miss amieGilbrt, ooed by avieil 11 eni came as readinz by Miss Florence Masonu; a duet by Mami IbCrt and nonaly ell i~e by î~sBeatrice Cowan ans a solo by Mis Èenme Emrery'. The rth >, so'U aiieor-usefs Misss Mamie Gobet, Doroty john- sýonJeaýýn Duma", CG, adys Wc\estws BMuticeCown ad Eva Witherg«; wore avecilApreetilnd Mwere a g;rOn' I crditflotnnhto tîR hilden blt Si-i b yi the heav deiver hoses1genralpur- blockdivranwrkr.aoa fewgoo tw yer D Wi SaLea e &cloe. Tems csh Jil., inti TMO 1,Ys n 1 v .~. où e. »UTSbs ale ' b. < i' et> o oo ~ears tue Us KhId Vu 1~ave fUways ~ougil m PoPulalr S17e (6 ce.) -,40 Cents, Regalar Sî2te {8 ce j , 2rcents Regulnr Large ie i ~z4u cents, Rgm i-r Sse, largt e ( z.>43Cont4. This in a pure grPe e ream o! cftirtar pwdrsu ta USE enstouers wm -ilawaýys get goo3d rsile and be stis ed ihth egg, tu, butter, etc, we also seli %hemi. We are frank about Pit. 1%h your intcrest ni ours, that yoau buy only Royail laking, Powdeè' P-.--A ATJH C U TY . A. HADDIY TL H. R IT, SANDERS àSJQT Prints, Muslins, Cottons, Shirt'lngs, Etc., Etc. We iIctnu or dM9gblac ~.smnh ~ Groceî & uc Li Lis ale Cah Next Door -o Standard IYAL Ll vie,