T his Pretty Girl Saved1 Mis8 Fiorence E. Kenah, 434 -Mariaî street, Ott4wa, Ont., writes: 1'ýt few' menths 0go 1 ca ught a severe CON,. wkich sotilid onmy facse andSre omnia firaoer rseeît thzt i beraime alarmaiS. 1*oek awdiWoë wfthoui beabWDs, uniE my digestive organE became upset, ami my bead ansd baèk brâa io achfo secverEly ar--nT frequentiy. 461 wmadaàîscd tg try Peruna, end ait heegh I1lied 11W!it i tek se sick tisai f W$s reedy to try saythlng. It brouight me fessed relief ai .noe, agt I fêlé dsmj I hid th..right medicise at iast. IWitb;ia three welaks 1 w eîitl *Wm4rred aad ha ve enjoyed perfect heufth sice. ,e sow have tMe gx'etest Ifaith la Perun."PFoc.o,"D. Kemal. The old wind WOIU HOILD alid 1Tain -11sih BEWARE 0F CO~II~O 1OAARRH. a~mud ot win- =1 er are epcel ccp*ieqtvate caurai eagmnE Poes Wmom!3a escape. e rth*a fnt 4ymptOms o! c atelhiug ~awashould be taken. Iït forti- fLý? ike sygw0m -gana %c1d tad a #.x-afor Cocde and Oatairmh. T~.fefl'gltrstn atrgi'v,,-- woman' experencv, ith MImý Rose Gr-birng, a populir soiety woman of Cnrown Foin t, 1lvad., w ri t es: 1 ee tly oek a long driVe in thle S r Y, sud being teo l hinly cadI Z$ a b --d co.ld wi i ch se t tlci onm y lto*&, sud 'àieh I o ould n*at saoul 1toi gLkake cOf. I had heard a grea tcde al of but h' punoaseeqaoerdl boWi.os b -ive Io os th hoet th'4ý m4un.93 buy, tlat, it iba3 bi7tnglt StioUt Ia spet c'là whe-rev#em i l ha.b0awd'- Gýerhi ng'. P crieaO,o,1âne ls uco one reeso:(n whiy ?eruna % aafovad permanent use in so mn y hÀcýs r* ha it <ontaifls nIlo nrffetiecof amy k1 . e usýed vnylenigth o! limiD wthou't tatnU- ing ilw ll-r> .g 4 hait. PFenunadoesa notpro- in itsefet Il bas 12o bad affect apou J1h. yslemn, and graduial]y el'iminatea eaarh by re- moving thý>ecauSe cf eatarh. thero jjte a mnulti tude o!fames w'li.,ce Pelfnau«£ been used off and a fat 4Woa'ti 7ee Suck a thing oouli un bt be .4 p O-àIl Recent visitors - iseLizzle Vi' tue, Toronto, nt homne; Misïes Ma'ide iid Loiiia Cade at Mr. Peter Wer-ýs ; Masiter Robert Richardsi, Bowrn&n , e visited hie brother Mr. T. Rïchardï- Mr. William Brimacombe, Ross e- !go and Charlie Simp8on have ý-o ýte Mait'oba. - Mr. J. Multton wag thr 'vii rrom the rig recently and badiy brir--id but no bones broken. OSHAWA, Mr (Dr.-) Seymour, Chicago je vi - inIg her eiter-in-iaw, îM (Rev.) J llo(igep,..Miss Jennie Dearbo7 ii, isiedMus HrbSanderson, Markhr mu Pthei Roberts, litratford ..Ushal"a Pulblicechools echolars recently ,îub- scribed $81 for thf3 Sick Childreri's Hiospital. . .. Pireiluthej houge of b'-. Chas. Goheen Friday week did consider- able damage. ... NMr. Bormbery bouglit Mlr Arthur Farewell's store recently fur $4,500l. This addition makes Mr. Bo(rsbery's Mu.lo Hall block comple.. .A social under auzpices of MedcaI St. Mehodist Loague was held at tha ý home of Mrse,"W. R. Bond, Tuesdayi ovening, Marck lth.. .. Mr. and MLrsI. Robert Jackson, of the Oshawa Railiway Co., haye retumned home frorn vlsitlng friendï ln Toronto. Walkerton and Greenock, Ont,...A Sabbath Sehool Institute was conducted la,4 week here by- Mr. E A. Hardy, B. A.. Teacher training Speretary, and Mr. Thoe. YoIý loýwieee, Executive Secretary of the Provincial Association. Each gave verv hlelpfui addregss and S. S. workera of tbis town wfho attended were greatly plensed and beneftted,.... The Youung People's Giuiid held a Mork IParliamen, in the Presbyterian church Monday NEWOASTLBH Mr. Collleote, Salern, visited Kt Mr, Gao. Joli'5. Mr, Ben Moise made a busins n to Port Hlope reeen..iy. Mlies Browni. lako 'shorm, is visting lier siter. Mme;. DeGroat, rono. Mmr. and Mr,%. R Katermon, Hiai-pton, visited hie sister, Mrm. S W. Mloore. Mtr. Ben Moiee hAs sïold the old Stili- Weil properîy. to Nm. W. G. Cowan for $400. Mrs., A i±.swornîh wai in Port Hope, visitinr her slter-i-iaw', àMn, F,.Sains- burv. Asa Broad and IIiss Bertha Bod Bel leviilie, are visiting their aunt. ZMrýs ýs Jose> Miss Maggie Addison, dauXhtem of the late PeterAddigon, je visitiug at Mr TRE ROA.D TO HEAL1-TH the Ls HOG a RIIen, Bsn BLOOD er Dit.WILLIÂMW'PINK PILLS CTAL red fnomn six Ich a program Dcal aud in- utions, cl ub Iress by the closiing wlth s~ou tilI we for the evening. Mfisses Minnie and Nonieý Hor n have returned a'f ten a vexy enjoyabie visit wlth friands at Weiconme and Canton.. .Miss Kelly Who han8 been vigitiig with her siater, Mmes. (Rey ) J. P. Berry for a month returned to hiem home at Brechen Saturdây... . ln the absence of the reg- ular onganist NMimsaAlice Creepen vemy efficiently pnesided at the organ during the paet three Sunida ye. .. . Visitons: Mn. and Mra J. Lathang-ue, Lotus, at Mmes J Noble'e; 1r. and Mrs A. Prouse, Brookln, at MIr. J. Wakmeey's; Mr. and MrsC1emens and Master Pairibaimn Colo. Toronto, at Mr J. T. Cole's; Mr. W.W. Horn, Teronto, spent Sunday at homne. * .Membmrs of the Epwonth League en- joyed a very pleiasant social evening at the Parsonage last weok. Mr. and neS Berry were assleted by Mine Kelly, Brechen, sand the members of the social Cormmte. in flirLiphing a prog-ram of entertalumnent both etetota.ning and Instructive. PrograM ai League this Friday willi ho a debate, Resolved: "That evil literature is a greater menace to mankiud than alcoho."..., Patrons o! lb. butter factory are enjoj- lng a Very sceeu season., February reports weme ieîued 1onday. Patrons necelved from 96je. te S.LIIcj. per cent. averag-ing oven one dollar par cwt. The averagé price paid for the season thue n ii, 9ye, peu 100 Ibs. delIlvene e t the, faetory. NOTHER AND BABY. Every maothe3r who has used Babs' 'a Own~ Tablete wLl tel' you that they are t'le beât medicineq in the wo.rld for the cuire o! constipation, colle, sour stornaeh, inïdigestion, dlamhoea, leeplessees, tioethiug- troubles. aüd other aliments of cilidren. You can give these Tablets to( a ncw -barn bab)y with abs"iute safety -thev aiwapys dIo good; they cannet poealbly do harm. Their use mneans health for the chid and comfort for the mother. Mrs C F. Kerr, Elgin, Ont,, saya ,-"Babv', fwn Tohlew are.,... LT MAX£. Common pilla purge thél bowelae. Dr. Wiluiam' Piuk PISa iake new nich biood. Poûrgivg pilla galiopi thragh the bowela-tearlug the tîsoues, IrrItat- lng the organs and weakening the whole asyatem. Dr. Willilams' Pink Pilla do not purge at %1. They're tonte plla-, aoothIng pilla, strep4I~,harn lug pilla, blood-building pW D r. Willarns'Pink lPilla rctually Seený blood. That la why they arýi'ft oGIY aclentîflo cure for ail blo ddieea Thr.t la why thay cure herdaýchea andC backacheo, kidntey trouHBlealudlIgestlon, neuraîgla. nheumaý.Lrw, hEt-rt troublea, sud the apeulaàl alimenta of groelug girlsa cd m atu.rqwomen. Porglng pilla aot only on t he symptoms 0 of dlaeaae; Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla go etralgh in t the root of the trouble ln the blood- eud cure. Mr. John Burke, Eluldale, P. E. I., rays- I thlnk Dr.'Willlarna' Pink PIlla the beit Medicine ln the world.1 had an attac z of pnietiuoni whlch weai followqéd by extremo rnervous- nesa aud rheumarn i 1trled mneacf our beau doc!tora but got înothl!ng to hýlp nie untili 1 begsn aklng Dr. Wtlli- iama' Pink PiVe After taklng the plla% mornie weeka 1 oould aotually feel the new blood they pore maklng couralng,ý througb My veinae, alla ln the coureof a few weeka mors I waa completely reatored to heaith."' Rernember that It la only Dr. WillisSr' Pink Pilla that can meke isnew, rich. health.glving blond. ImitatIont and the so-called "j est as8 good mnedfinea never cureed anyctie. aInsit on the genaîne vrlth the full narne, "Dr. WIlllama' Pink Pilla for P4ie People," on the wrapper, on paoh box. Sold by aIl medîcîne dealers or by mail at 50 cents e box or clx boxes for $2,50 by wrlti'l'~thc Willilams' Medliîne Co., Brockville,j Mr. abd Mm. Wili Davey vlled the j city rocenmly.1 MIr. Frank Woodw)(1tard, Oaha1wa. vis- " àIr. and N, H. Eerb RIdge vlated hie sst( In rl the city,SGnd!ay week, I Mr.(Dr.> Mitobmd', Brockvile, via- iteed at Ar. Geo. ollrd Mima Ida Jaylea Î.a atudyiog for a Mm.WiliamfleC rCambray, la viltinghe~tn ra o.Seia TH~ ~SONCc: BRITISR GOO D si w- Corne and see great piles- of new Goodçi, direct importations Corne and see the im-iaenise pilesi of new c lothing-, Omradian Goods. Cone sand see our fine large range of new Hat%, Chriisty's Make. Corne and see our new collars, ties, sihirts, sox etc, GAent. Fuish8ing Dept. Corne and mee our new carpets and linoleums. Our Eng-. I;sh linoleums are wonderful values. Our new. car- pets are in very choice pa.tteorn3 a Lso a beautiful lino of niew ca-pect squares iii our enlarged carpet roorn. Corne and ,see our flics lino of new wuitinga ietf> .Glamrgow, our tailor eau suit you and fit you right Corne and Sea ouir new prints and sate.,ns, Corne and Fee Our niew towal3 and toweling, table -o'vers8 and linen, the ralues of our imported Staple Goods w;fi PeaS(e economieal bujêma, col-le and sýee our newn Laces andlibiereC tan and 2urtain Nets, Corne and see our Grand new Spring Steck for M6O. W. hiave novfer been quiâte so welil equipped for a big rush of business am wc now â and we are certminly, expeo.- ting 'what Our prices deaerve a aitillfgrther inerease publie patronage. ,fl omlt Aninuai tieport 3sud fuli information as te rate--, etc , wili be nxaided ;upoU reqct. OanoBonrd 01Drotr :-.J, Herbent Mason, E- q , Vice-Preideint sund Cherma, Tro ,o;W R. Bok EqWholasale Meochant, Toronto ; G. W. lokiq , Tmoout; Hon, A.SHEuciri, Iaitn ae ceah jE qTsrWnto ~auagcr~ lm' Ont- rie; J, O. MoCARTHY- Outanlo Branch Office: 18 Torouto Street, T,'. ýAlZinnG-Ieneral Agent, Bowmanville. Li----------'n, lun,1, btzemer.... .Anothen old neeldent paesed away sud was intenred ai Haempton on Fniday. Mn John Stott die3d at the resIdence of hie son. at St. Thomas. Two of his sns acrompaui8d the ro- mains here. He was 85 :Feene o! age , . -5. nRud Mnsr. W. L. Law entertmineo a numben o! Young people froni Eldad and Zion Thumsdav evening.. .. Mm John Baker nnd Mr. W A. Larniman ~ lntond golng Co the North W..t ebOrtly. audic other ?iung i'hiladeiphia to Atlantic mC troublesretumu 31.75. Tickets good on troules.fqat express trains leaving SU Dr. Chase'sSyrIIP Bridge at 3.50 a ni., 7.15 arn. cf Linseed and Ta-p m.Apnl 1h For tic- pentine, '25 cents a fuiirther particular caili on ou ~botleataideler, I Rour. S LEWIS, Canadian I Thecpor-tiaitandasig-I Agent L. V.R, 10 Kigst,J naturecf Dr. A. W. nte, Ont Gufides o!Washlr ChaNC, tie fanions 1phîdelllja frca fGrand exce ax to Londoi larnatian ........ --ý , For TIcIkets and Uvesry Our Talocu Poider Boat for aicuk rOGM and toiletproea Antia8fpltdo. Cheeka exce8save perp)raktio Makes pRtient crfral.Preven,3 e sûre, lrluý?,lThe saf e satiaý. STIT«JURY faci(toryDruigKists and clans