CoId pr1-duce d GCaarrh of Throat-AtackWas Severie, ODnt., Cnwie 1 thoughtgl wo l lore0 ifi relym nZck pw,-fs swoLfeni.l, &adaloeery ~'I boiugiiisomre Pemnua after 1 had used oie rem-eiecs without relief. ln r, few tIsys imy voice was ciaeer, It aek natLnftoasily andI I began to se e- Ëà ln*lgh4. 4 lreally was surprlsed to find that 1 mas cured s80900E. -1,took only four I*ilauaiPotuna, sud If la certainl rvWI wciit*y ef andor3omenL"'- jAnd examine a, coeof our cataou:f *f iyoýubave anyiJdca of taklng a pre j2patory course for a 2cood Paylng,, Position to ous for luphcli business 'rai -1g, and for producing, good remUaît. We slitInVcs!igatïons anc. omaison. ENiTER AN y TIME. NO y ACATIO)NS. Sel. one andl Gerard Sts],Toronto. SHW, Princ&Ip. 5) WMÂNVILLE. MAR. 1q 190 cirand Couneil o f Ontario, ai Areanurm, will meet in 1amiI' tou on Wecnes~yApril 11, 190( in St. And- rew's Hall, James St Royal 11ot121willl be_ hei res o f t h o Exe2cutive The onral Dr. James M. Dou4glas wïýho for eghNenxrs' represanted East Assinibola l1unDominion Parliamp.nt bas beýen appointed a Senlator. lù the tweut"ies hec waa pistor of the Presby teia curch ln Cobou-,rg. fbswife b(3iug Bull if h become law, w1L lsunuurilv kiJ th*reating customi as thij fine is ugsedto be not less than $5 net more t- bin$20, ornot more3than a 3 er's imprsonentor it may be both. Onec stri;:g argument in its favor la that no oewili suifer personal or tinaucial lose tnrou-,,,hits prohibition. Good and onlv _ood eau be the resuit. Coi,1borne is a hustling lit tie burg and mus hve more than its share of intel. lint o ahead mien. for there seema îbenobouuds t o ita ambition. ?he ,ýillage bas alrieadY about as man oraniatins s aCity, vet we mes o!eewhoticitualand agricul- tuml scieiesbeing formed to work to. gehrfor ;getting up aEa Fai (,r to ri val he et Co 0U7bou1rg Central. Oreat succatýs te the twin o(rg-anisations. A Poica convention o! the friands o! itmperïqanesd poiiinfor Ont- tino v will býf beld in ýý issciation Hall, Torono. Tesdayand edn)esday N'arcit 27 and 28 Thi-, annul gatber- igwill be o!gratimprtanice ane intense itrs.Everv bchmeh antic (m p"erar.e eorginizationui, r-d e' - end elgts For further ilfojý1rmatiorn a'ddress P. S. Spenc, erear,52 I onedraio Lfe BidnToronto0. oougis plumlng herseizf on the pros.pect o! getting a lake fryfo ChrotN Y. 0f course, Pocrt Hope wvants itt oo! The xwauts of ftheîse twin oueare zen"erally collateqral i con- tenoavbut Coboumg eierah'suc- t eeds best 'Vide the counties ieseof Refugv. Port Hope hAd uP mmns ad.tnaeover Cobourg lu the mtc o! railway couvenience, but bur gets it. b)ecaus-e the people of the towiu o! Port inl the d&a's g-oîe by- tauvnt. ingly Caliet ' Sleepv Hollow"were moreý wide-awvake(, than these of"The prettiest town lu Canada " Ail the same that is oue instituliou Port Hope should have had We ha ve neyer quite undemstood the'action ofPort Hlopes representatîves in this matter. NEWOASTLB Judge Chapple visited bis mother Mrs. Arnott. Alrs1.H. Yarrow is visiting ber daugh- tar lu Darling-tou. Nlew llfe for a quarter MillIer's Cern p3ound IanPills.SetbyFRKesa, AI1, Micelresidncea. 'Mr. Wm.. H Pearce soltI a large ge-n- eral PuL)rposýe colt for$20 iDocte5rs ai~Druggista itrenoun-cef Miller's Compound Iron Pills the bat on the market, 50 doses 126 cent's. SoltI by F. R. Keisiake, druggist. Mr. Samuel Turner bas moved tobia new farm, purchased !romi W. Fostar. Miller's Worm Powders8, the meJicine for ebildren. Sold by F. R. Kerslake, druggist, The Misqes Everson, Oshawa, are visiting their uncle, Mr. V#, H J ackiso n. Mrs. Samuel S. Bragpggz ad daugbter1 and, Miss Berrv,Pridne ste Mrs. Abby. F1EL BTE ÏRSIIQES LOOK. GOOD -WflAR J3ST JACOB coULO SDOHURMAIt The President of Corn-elilunlversity W.en Jancob Gould Sc-hurman vwas a boy on is fipAthrs' akwe farma onPic dadIsiand, where ho was bornl in 15,edcll(ati onal advantages weesati1 qiiun-lit.y and costly in timte and eneýrgy. Boo i wre few, the ounewsaprthat connected the fànmily with thie etiid orid Nwas Ibut a provicialweeky, ad the district 84chool was taugh2t by unie teachýer who gv the staiple tingi.,s of eduication, itiî no fancy Cdishci, 0f the odem c (lass. WhnJaceb wa's tirteen 1he hadtobeee cl[0porinandserd ai clerhkship) of the general utility type in a country store a hrydolars a year and his boaird and washing. luInbis second year hie rce sixty dollars, udwith tbis comin)-g of vwealth cýaine a longing for a better euain Ia two years ho had savied eighty dollars and with this as a bulwark aaststarvation ha atteuded the village high schoolI studied voraceiouisly day aindnit and entered a comnpetitive examuination for a scholaýrship at Prin(e ofWls College aýt Charlottetown, on the islanid. flo e w6n the seholar- ship oif sixty7 dollars and wNent tu the college. Then aýfter a year of teaching hie went te Acadtia- College, wvhere- his appetite for pr,îze-w,,inning becnme in- satiable. He,-wýon a scholarship of $,500 a year for three years offered by the University of London, followed by bis wluning the traveling fellowshipi of the Hibbert Society, anid other prizes, scholarships and similar rewards,', with predestined certainty and monotonous iteration. He studied in, London, Paris, Edinburgh, Berlin, Glttingen, and bal! a dozea other cities, and when six or seYen nations bad given. hlm'ail they coud supply but net uearly ail ho could absorb), ho returned to Canada as professor in one et the colleges. lu 188S5, Andrew D. White recommended hlmi to Cornell, and the year following, at tbe age of thirty-two, he beeamo bead o! -the Department o! Philosophy; lu 1891 was madIe Dean of the Sage Scheol o! Philoisophy, andt in 1892 he received the degree o! Doctor o! Law% trom EFdinburgh Uinversity and became President o! Cornell, belng the only man eyen considered for a moment for the position. Dr. Schurman is remarkable as a lecturer, broad and liberal as a teacher, searching for truth with his students rather than giring them bis opinions as finalities; sincere and thorough as an inveatigator; clear, eloqueut aud effective as an orator; simple andI direct as an author; and az a man, popula.r, inagnetic, sympathetie, sterling and broad-gauge, Enteied according to Act o e hY Pa5aee5 t £ CeadA, jnte ~yu1904,1>Y W, C, Masck, ai 5the.Dea".5 t f e5tu MAAPLE t3I1OVH~. 01u Mardi 17ti, the if o!Mr Rsud home te elbrt ite.8haules o! thi aet'wdigday ampi pro- senbeýd tbbem with1 a haudaome- combined set eo! dishe,,ý The 'Niarch rumber o! the Sunwsetý Maaieis a min nu mber The~ leaiding article la "Cal iforiaTreaurel beda." esides thbis article, thare is" Cal ifornia's RiVera of Buriect Golt," "So. chai Life Amnoug Western Mlinera," lSoilrlutt, sud a fna ystory In Siler StanGd Surrinvses," 'la DavidI Atkius; ,"Heîw Noonan Lost Ris Fortune," Address Seuter Pacif ic 431 Califomnia Street, San Frucsc ' aîi. forna. CURE THE IMOST EXTREME ,lCASES Stone in the Kidneys Cnno Stand Beifore ,Dodd's Kidney Pis. E1 t, $ ALL _ SOLD AT LOWYEST PIIICE,,S EVERY AGE bas it., ownl shoe ies-Th'eSe iesaefte to the peculiarities, of the %rt Oi perfect fitting shoes itrouigh -lite willlý bring you foot comforts From the shoes of the infant to uie pretman We have the right one for ealfh. Emnpress Brand Footwear (For Wom-en) Need no recommendaton-they are in: comifortalble fitting and good-to-wear footwear. say they aýre perfect shoes-Pricels $2.00C, $250, aclasS by themisolveas as regards finle stylish, New Spring Styles nojw lu and we vt7e U .0 and $3.50. ts ~- r* S-1atisfactory Shoe-s M!ea[ium Priees Menj's Shoes-Dongola Kid, $1.75 and $2.W0. Box Caîfs $2 50. Buffs $1.50. Women's Shoes-Dongolas kids, Patent Tip, neat sole, Special per pair...0$1.50 Women's Shoes-McCready's brand iu gloss, grain and Icangora, per pair 81.25. Misses' Shoes-in Box Galf, Dongolas aD d Oil <hroms ........01.15 to$1.75 pr. Chhl's hoa-inailleathers, beat akr'goods,-..75c, $1-,, 01.25 paiïr. Infant's Sh.oes-branded makers goods .50c, G60e,'75c and 01.00 pair. Boys' Footwear-ln 0O1 Spiits, Bi&ffa, Dongoglas, Box Caîfs, .. .. $.25 to $200 pr. Touth's -Footwear-in same leather as boys, great values at. . $1.00 to $1,75 py. New L'lnes In our Men's Footwear The James AMeans o-Me at BIrookton, Mlass. Li. S. Ini Vici Kid, Patenit Leatheir-, and Russia Tan Caifs, very stylish in ape lne it the foot exactly and wear in every pa--r Just a look wil convince you that they are the best, 03.50 and $1,Q0 Shoe shown by the trade. 111 buying the Crawford Amuerican MIirror Patent Leather shoe you get $5,00 worth of style, comifort and durability. One of the most caled for shoes in Ameri ica and for mild -weather, liglit easy service for dre casiosPtn Leathers are~ desiraible;. 'arm Boots 1Madffe by Reputable Firms at Lowest Prîces-A Bie Range. We sali good Footwear-We seli lots of Footwear because we sali only.gPod Footwear at Lowest Prices, MCMLJRTRY W w AW w IK FOR