£ :-$1.00 Per Annuxu. OuR eToWN AND COPNTY FIRST ;Tag W.OxRxLnAYTERWARDS. X XA JAMES & SON, Propreo rac.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 28, 190,6. VLm.LI *Oê#** o ~ - T"he BiggestL I mporters 0f General Dry Goods, Carpets and Linoleums in West Durham, have openiec out a verg big sîtock of Dîress (Goods, Silks, Prints, Muslins anid Wash Goods of ail kinds. Mens and Boys--' ready-to-wear Clothing-Good fitt.ing, well-made and good value. 'LADIES' CAPES AND COATS - Ail new and made up in the latest styles. LACE CURTAINS -llundreds of pairs - newesit- designs f rom 12,5c up to $11 00 per pair. CARPETS-A bi- assortmnent from the cheapest -Union up to the best AII-Wool, also Tapestry,-Brussels, Oriental Velvet and Axminster. Also a fine stock of, WooI and T1apestry Squares. eUch, Johnston, and ieryderman Grocers' Due Bilis taken as Cash, s * s s s s s s s s LADIES' AS jUDGES. ln the present azze Ladies are coming ta the iront la every walk ofIll1e, W. havç'Ladlies as Dociors, as Bank- ers, as Book-keopers, as Clerkj in aIl line'l ai business, and noir ie bave them as Lairyers anti Judges. Sevenai Ladies ai Boirmanvilie have attainedthebb Rank ai Jutige, and have given thein decis3ion that Cream Balm le an Ideai Toliet Lotion. It. la aooth- ing andi boaing ta the rough, reti skin causetiby caiti March ints. It drys la very quickly, and le neither greasy or stlcky. The botties, CJeam Balm ia put up in, hol t our ounces, anti as il la pure white andi telioateiy perfumed i t 18 a perfect ToIlet Creain. It là prepareti anti salt only la Bair- manvilie by F. R. Kensiake, the Drug. giat. irbo guaranbees eyeny bottle ta give satisfaction or ho mili refunti the fllu pnice 25e for eveny batile nat saîfsfactar, THE TWENTY-EIGTH ANNUAL SES- SION 0F THE GRAND LODGE. It was a magnifleent bodiy ai aven 500 meu whlch met la the Temple building. Toronto, Mancb 1, at bhe apeningofi bhe A.O.Li-.W. Grand Ladge Farmers andi business mon. praicsion1al men, anti clergy. Ihoy haileti tram evory cor- ner of this Province for the transaction of the buqiness af the Qrder. Grand Master Workman Poregrine, ai Hamil- Ion, presided. Rev. Bro. James Skene, ai Baltimore, invakzedt ne Divine bleas. ing upon the proceedings. The Grandi Lotige degree wae then canferreti on upwards ai three hundreti nom dole- gates by Capt. TM. Cornnot, P.C.M.W of Gonaneque The Grand Master in bis oponing ad drese congrabulateti the Grar ti Lotige an tho splenidid progreas made during, the rear, anti accorded a courbeons ol - came ta the represenîatives preseimi tram tbc ladies' lotiges wbicb havenis- en withîn the junisdiCtian. YM A -. Jame2. tP,%sGriadTrusQtee, HISTORY OP BOWNANVILLE. Bv MNIe. J, B. FAILiBALRN, P. M (Coulnued Promlast qweek. Pe-rhaps the greatest difficulty ta face was that af securing a teacher 1 do not' think Ihere were any trustees ta make a aclection. It was leit ta those who were willing ta) give s0 much a term for bis support. M aQst 11k cly ail ap- plicanîs knew domething af the Ihree R 's andi that vwas about the highest grade laug-ht The Bible was used by at least two of the teachers. Althougb the building was poorly put tagether.without a foundat ion, andi resting on cedar blocks, open beiueath we diti fot suifer mucb frein the cold, stacks of wood being pro- videti anti lots of stokers ta rut it ini the stove. The sweepinz andi dusting was done by the pupils, time about Befare 1 get ta the teachers IhA me re- late the lollowing,: Oneday at noon re Cess several of Us were îitting- on the benches, among others Bîll Munson, tbe hero of many an incident, andi anc of thc Walbritige boys from Clarke, whoni 1 cannat name, who stuttereti badly. Taking a knife out ai bis pockei he belti it in his hanti anti saidti t Bill, "I have a goat ind ta st st- st-stick you," making a feint ta do so. Miscalculating the dis- tance, he struck him a n the side and in- fl icted a sligbî wound. The in jureti youth gave a how,ýl and started for the street. W. P. Drewry, w,ýho then kept the hotel next dcor, seeing the commotion, eamne over, took hlm labo his front raomr and habtily sent for Dr. Lowe, the principal medico, wha soon madie bis appearance. He aI once hared the arm ai the pros trate chap and b!ed hlmi for aIl he was waorth They then taok William homo carefullyv anti tenderly, ail a! course very anxiaus'- about him. Ho recovered. but there was a greal deal more dangc r framn tbe effects ai the surgean's knife than fram Ihe accidentai injury. Paon Walhnidge hadti he warse lime aof the Iwa, for he hati a beavy dactor's bill ta pay. If a systemnatic statement coulti be given as ta the fate ai ail the 'boys andti girls who gaineti whàt fitnesrnatterine r fidavits, and Township clerk. In some 1 TRIP TO SOU THERN CALIFORNIA. things as simple as a child, he was on; RO the whbole a wise, useful citizen. By le. zIialltt. James McFeeters, who came to Dar-' ED!FOR SI'ATLSAI,-l thought that a ilington at a vrry early date, a'so taughit few jottinga trami thisl distant part af for some time after hie came inta the Na,;rth AMëricR would hne interesting ta countrv. He emnigrated lion] the cauinty samwe oa!3yur ,rusders whoa were very af ' r ron, Ireland. Few figuired atter- kind friends of mine aver twýenty yearK 1wsrds mare largely ýin the affairs af Dar aga.1 I had a, strang_, desire ta vtsit this lington and Bowmanville than hie- It portion of the epb.t or several did flot talt lhlm long ta seek a mare. vears. Last Octoder mnv beavenly rapid mtans af advancing bhis intereste 'ather openied the waY for me to have than that of schaol teaching. that desira gratified.Nly son in-law, a I do not farget mny first experience in nephiew afi Mr. Edward Carsweii af book-buying-. Mr. MeFeeters had open- Oshawa, wantedi me ta bring h18 littie cd a small place on the west camner of the daug-hter tram Wnipgta hlmi in Sa* Haines Estate, Amnong the things affeYr- Francisea. .1 started on mnv long trip ed for sale were sonie tay boaks. 1 oi over 4,400 miles on October 21, 1905, mnanaged ta raise the funds and invested tram Syracuse, N Y. hy way of Orillia. in ane. They cast a pernny each! H-e Loft that beautiful and prosperous waited on me him"eIf. That - was indeed1 towu October 28, an a tourist Car for the day oi smail thing-s. Hoe was flot Winnipegr. Foiund s now at North Bav the kind of person ta rest on bi8 oars; on thie 29th and an Wemt for many mile&, soon he began ta spread his salis ta the The Bcenery north af Lake Superlor passing breeze and cruised on ta a larg-e wae very fine Indeed ase we sped an over and profitable trade We find him in great bridges, throug-h tunnuels and the course of time occupyinlg extensive along great precipices af ro6k. Fouad p remaises an the site of the present Mason Fart Williama and Port Arthur ail airve Companý '!i Departmrental Store H-is per loading big vesseis with whbeat for the sonal popuflarity alone would have given East. Kept meeting wheat-latden traine him a larg businesss. No ane could hetween these parts andi Winnaipex. have been btter liked, and deservedly The scenery ln and near Keno)ra wasi sa. He went into milling at Tý rane beautiful indeed. Found reai cold and dealt largelvi in ail kinid oaigrain. weather in Wlnnlpeg but na snow. My H-e took an active interest in puiblic youngest son Fred met mie i the new maltors, ran once for West Durham in and very commodîaus and handsome the interests of the Conservative party, station Just completeti by th-ceueterpris- andi was the first Mayor af Bowmanville.- ing C. P. R. Compan,-. Like everv ane else be hati great hon)es It le needless ta satj that 1 was de- that this wauld becomqý a large city and lighted ta see my boy who wa3 born at investeti largely in real estate. His ves- Orono whill 1 was ca-pastar with Rev, sel stiuck the rocks in the disasterous John Kenner on Bawmanv-lîie sireait times that followed thre comrpletion af in 188o.î.2. Loi t Wlninireg that samne the Grand Trunk Raiîway and hecame night with my littie grand Îaughter for alm-ost a total wreck. Aller the stornr SanFrcio-,0 miles. Next day some litIle was saveti, but lie gave un we saw vasi stre'ches af prairie land the figbt and he and MNrs McFeeters'caveroti witb Stooks ai golden wheat. lived in comparative- retirement enjoy- Saw farmers busy hauillng hig icad8 ai ing ta the caàtihIe lave and respect ai wheat ail loase in their large anti close ail. He was mast intelligent, a gooti wagon-hoxes ta the big elevatorzsait- speaker, and uvrate well on any subject uaîed at every station. Lt was a rare ta wuich.he gave bis attention. Itis5a trzaita ses the Experimentat Far at real pleasure for me ta recalI him. I hati Indian Head, andth ie rieh landi arouad a great deal ta do with hlm and met hlm it on everv sido Il is no wander that oflen. finding him alwa-, s the Sam(,,p copie are swaring int the Canadian kinti and cansiderate. -North West fram se many couries The first teacher ta whom I1 went was anti States af the Union. No inmos, 'John Dyer Bone, thc maternai1 grand. stanes huis, or vallevs ta hinder the father ai the present J ohn D. and \V.'H. piowv andi reaper Canada eertainly Hoar. la appearance and physique ohsa anfcethrtaei his part resembleti the ]lter, so it is neediess ta aliher vast Dominion. ln 80 yeana tb.o say, thal be!ing carr-ct, that he was fine craps have gruwn tram nathing ta 11, looking. Hoil came from Pliouîhl000,000 bursheis. Moose Jaw is a very Devonshire, Englanti, ar d was bredtet prosperaus toan As we reacheti Cal- th e dr-y>goeds business He brought gaàr', we gaI aur first view ai a suor-