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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1906, p. 8

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LE Y=O=U Vour SON-Vour DAUGIITER ST, CATHARINES BUSINESS COLLI2GE REIIASONS WHIY 1. Thse ouirses are seieeted with the lutmost cane 2. Each subjeet is chos;en with dule regard te its effeCtnveness for everydayv business use. 3. The attention peid te the ln- dividuel sudent by our teachers bas euabtsed us te be successful with those witb whom others have failid. 1> 4. These subjecte are pressnted lu tbe most practical wày by ex- peienced teachers, experts lu their particular hunes, 6. lu aur Business Prectice De. penîment, the3 studenîs haudîs and se become familier witb Invoices, Statements, Notes, Cheques, Drafts o! ail kinds, Leases,Lnsurauce Pelicles, Bondls and ail sncb business papers 6. We beach tbe ever-popular Gregg sïsleet ofSbortband. We are proud te say that this Ceitege wass mong ithe fret 10 siee the sperctai advantagss o! this modemn system now taugbt lu more than one-hai! the Busi- ness Fchools o! Canada and the United States, 7.The success o! our gradu- ates lon the past four yeurs lu the schol and in busimese offices ;ubiequ1ently, bam f ully demon- itrated the wisdom of its adoption 8 The final exeminations are conducted by the business, Edu- BEASONS WIIY cre Asoito !Canada bv whiose officers the dipiomas are sl2ýied. ,. This" diplomaus are a guar- antee o! the superior work the graduae is able to do. 10. 18-a3-32-40 are the es- p ective numbers of studeute Who~ have pessed these examinations durnug the paet four years from tbis scbool. il. While the number o! grad- uateg bas ncreased Year by syear the demand for tbem from busi- ness mon bas iiucreased in 9a mucb greatr proportion so much s0 thal -we have not been able to meet the numnber of catis by person, ýphoene or letter. 12 Owing1 -to the large number o! Inuil'stri es that are comning and wili come mb othie district on account o! the exceptionlai powen and transportation facili Ites-to the growing Po pularily of the business course and to the higb reputatien this coliege bas gaiued for iteelf, the demand for its graduales does, must and wili steetdity inerease even yet. 13. To meel Ilis growing de- msnd we are getting more, mustland wili have more--young men-young- womeon-to train for the many positions offred. 14. 1 lho daily etteudance for the winter terma o! Ibis year bas been nenty one-Ibird langer then that of any former peniod, The door of opportunity is now open to you. WiIl you enter at once or will you dilly-daliy along until your former school ma,,tes-your, subsequent competitors in business 1f e get the start of you ? Spring term begins April lst. Good Friday andi Monday are our only holidays at Easter. T. F. WRIGHT, Principal. STOMCLI UR An Easy Way from, The so- caiied cures fer inig-es are almoeI as numorons as tbe vîe thm elvsand Eccsly a day Pa witbout peeftoun5f of iî beinz raised bVtIse isceývery o! 8 ,ovdr M.61hod o!fuefrti rv Unil e combination of unusuali edies, bo-relOoee but uitIle knowl this country, waq n made!r'lu Mi o-na letsno ceticreforin Ldige.stion benfouud, and il therfon to be wondemed et tIsaI our leaÉ drulgglets who hiave the Bwa agevLncY ae seliei lmlre queantiti Yi o-us. Mli-o-na is a guar&ntecuýàrf dissso! tIostomeaCb excepting( ce. If you bave ipeins or distrers Standpoint, of Convenience ýstion eaý itng-, fbedache, beiciug et gess ~timesour aste i hemontIs, izzines,-,: bseshentnu, spcckis before tIse AN e,,,ur- sree md tue, eepesee atee de- 8ome bility o C eÏ, esit shJows that the aien 91 oecbneede 1',.)ho streugthened vith remn Jue-t 0one litho tablet out ei e 50 cent I ubox bef ors meule for a few, davs and tab yeu wiii soon reg-ain perýfect heelth and hadsteg. ardIy, tding If Von u Obtin i ofetyeur Iville druggist, lb will be senTt bv mail, p3st- es o! peu , on rcstof pries. Write us for advice en your case fnom e leading ral stomeach epcýaist wbich wil ho sent cen- free. The q. T. Booth Company, efler Ithaec, N. Y. son in Port Hope. . Mliss Gertie Hïu lieu, returned fromn Toronto .... Mr.' <ieo. Rtogerson, Ca!gary, at Dr.MKei's mirsa EtheL Noden Las returned rom vi itiug frionds iu Toronto.... 'Zr.s. MeNilOroo.vlsting her deug ýter Mrs. J Stapietoxi. DyFpepýsia lun its worst forms'wil 'ieMd to the use of Carter's Littie Nerve]is. aidedt by Carter's Little Liver 'i'llla. They flot ouiy relieve present dish!-,ess but ctreng-then the stomach and di,,es- ,ive apparatUaý. HÂIMPTON. Mr. Fred Moore came home from Oebhawa Suuday afternoon, He hiaz; a mild attack of diphtberia .. .. Mr. J. ,.lve- Lean and f amity, Coumbus, have tal, Ln pospsession of the temperance house... Miss Annie J ohns bas returued from Toronto .... Mns. H. Wilcox la sufferiflg witb rbeumatic gout. ... Mr. Levi Rob- bins has purtbaçed the f arm recentiy vaeated bv bis brother John. Mr. Lewi Ward wiil act as bis foreman. à1r. Robbius and famiiy wili moye to their new home ehiortir.... Mrs. J. Robbia& and chiidren lof t Tuesday for thair ntw home at Dariingford, Man Three littie rules we ait shouid keep, To inale lire happy and bright, Smnile in the morning, smie at noon, Taite Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Sold by Stott and Jury, druggists. NBWCASTLH Mr$, T. M. Gibson has beeu, siek. Jos. Hleerd and wife are visiting aet Moorefield. Miss Butler bas returned from Tor- ente. Mrs. S. Mason visited lu the city. Jas. Moffatt and Frank Boue made a trip to Toronto. .Mrs. Drummond is viiting friends et Cleveland, Mrs. Mebaughian bas bean visittng- ber sister, Mirs. McNaughtan. 'Miss Lizzie Allin bas been visiting friends lu Bowmanvillo. Mr. and MIrs. Bichle, Zion, recentiy visi'ed the Misses Ballagh, Miss Ethel Lockhart le home from Toronto. New life for a quarter. Miier's Com- pounci Iron Pis. Soid by F. R Kers- laite, drucg,ýist. Ro.ý Fisher of theý G. T. R. at York, visited his uncle, J R. Fisher. Smart Weed aud,-Beliadonna, combin- ed wich other ingredieuts used lu the best pnrous piesters.'make Carters S.W & B. Bacitalýche Plasters the best lu the market Pnice 25 cents. Mr-.1W. H. Pearce bas sold another of bis ex(ýcellent horses to lssac Selby. Well pe9ple do not worry. Take Mil- Ier'sCompundTrou Pis and be well. 5due for a quarter.Sold by F. 11. Nor~r J , h aveis elfl b tee Ashon armtoý the Munroa farm. wbo îestwakad icorgewill ne- coi, e bt mental anjd bodil.),vigor ý-by rusin Carter's Iron PIis, .wbyich are made for the blood, nerves anti com- p!exion. Mn. and Mrs John Ricitard were at hoýme ruesdav eveuing to a number of the,ïir married frieuds Keep the little nes healthy -and bappy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentie, healing remedies Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain T 'ea wili keep them Strong and wel 85 cents, Tea or Table s SoldbY Stottvad ury, drug- gists, letwe he choDiceqt ioad fcte that baý,s eft the tonsI fCa o tenhead fed byAlu rs, s SelbY, G60. GaAA owl n 3Buck Ie ýy. The aa i Savrgdor ý400 ibs. each andwru pedtoliaI. iax for the Lonldon mre yteSS C.o., L.ondon, anu son of Mr. W. * wais- tend, Port Hope. 1ev. Dr. Cobb, pastor, officleted and a large crowd witnessed the ceremnony. Tho îbride looked ex- ceedirziy proftty iu a ricb gown of lvory Lousine, with satin ribbon trimmings and point lace yoke and cream chiffon bat witb ostih plumes. Mfiss Mer. guerite Metealfe, sister of the bride, acted as maid of bonor aud was prettity attired lIncearn voile embroidered with green and pinit, accordiau pieatad chiffon blouse with bolero on the emn- bnoidered voile Sho wore a.1 large eream bat with gro ýu plumes,' and carried a large bouquet o! pink roses. Dr W W. McêKinley-assisted the groom, and the bride was given away by ber cousin. Mn Ernezit W. Loacembe, Buw- mauville. The ushers were Messrs. B. Hemmick, and Evan H. MeLean, Bar- rister of Newcastle. Atten the coe- mony the gue8s repaired to the res- ideuce o! the bride'sp mothen ivhene a dainty dejeunen wae served. The bouse wes testetuit.,decorated witb ebrysan- themums arid ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Swaisland le! t for a we-ddiag tour to New York, Buffalo, WRFshinZton and other Atnericu citii ter iwbicb îhev wiil reside lui Toronto. The gnoom's gif tto the bride was n beautif ni bar. ouche neck lace set with pearis. Âmong theceut of town guiest,, present were Mr. and Mrs. R U Loscombe, Dr. aud Mrs. S. C. Hllien, Miss Hillier, and Mr. D. Bunke Simpson, Bowmanvillle, Misses Wiimot, Mme. and the Misses Thorue, Kra. Johnson, Mn. and Mns. D. Gel- braith, and Miss Charlotte Rose, New- ~ca8tle. iTIIERE ES NOW A MASS 0F YPROOF That Lumbago i Always Cuared by Dodd's Kidney Pills Quebec Man cured bis Kidneys witb Dodd's Kldney Pille, and bis Lumbago Vanisbed, Qui@BH, P.Q, Mer. 26.-(Speciai) - John Bail, a brickleyem, residiu-ret 57 Little Champlain Street, this city, ilas added bisstatementto the greet mass o! prcof thet Lumbago la caused by dis. ordered Kidneys. and consequently cured by Dodd'a Ktdney Pilla. Mr. Bell gays : 'I wae tnoubled witb Lumbago for two years. 1 could. not work. 1 had to get up ut uights to uinate se eften thet my rest was broken. 1 rend o! cures by Dodd's Kidney Pille and made up my mind to try them Af ter the first box 1I couid see and feelPa chanpte. Three box.- es curmd me completely", Lumbagi, li beo.Uaimscue byuicci in tIse bood. U ed car,- not stay lu the blood if the Kidneye a! Rre wiorkinig riglit, Dodd'o 1Kidn,_ey Pi:lle met,ý- the Xidneyv work rig-ht. OSHAWA, HBALTH IN :PR1NG NAT rE NEïe5 AssISTANýc-E IS I-41NN9 NEWHnLu(înaBO. Spring la the safton wrhen your sys ten needai toning up. la the sprlng you muet have new blood, just as the treefi muet have new uap. Nature de.- manda It. WIthout new blood yon wtll feel weak and langntd. yon may have twlnges of rheumgdtlum or neurel- glu, ocaioLaI headachea-, a variable appetite, pimplea3 or eruptions of the akin, or a pale, pAî3ty complexion. Theeare eure signe that the blond lm out of order. A tonte la needed to give new energy. Dr. Willhame' Pink Pilla are the beat tonie l in I lie world. They make new, rich bloodi tour greatesb need ln sprinQ. They lear the skin, drive out disease and make ttred, depressed men and women bright, active and strong. Mrs. Chasi Masson. Yamachicle, Qae., proves the great value of Dr, Williams' Pinît :Pilla ln building up people who have beconie weakened and mun down. Sh e aya- "In the wtnter of 1905 1 wa% very rach mun down and]out flesh rapidly. My blood was poor. 1 suffered from lIn- digestion, severe beadaches and gener. ai debilty. In tht. condition 1 deoid- ed to give Dr. Wlilltame' Pink Pilla a trIai, and thanku to this vaînable ,med- laine , 1amn agatn enjoying ,perfect health." Drý William.' Pink Pilla cure al the al'Iments due to poor blood or shatter- ed nerves. That la why they cure anasmnia, rheuniatism, neurslia, kid- ney trouble, indigestion and the secret ailiments of women and girls. Sold by mnedlcine dealaeu or by mai et 50o a box or @ix boxes for 82 50 frora the Dr. Willilams Medicine Co, ,Brockvtlle,Ont.j OBONO. Mns. A.J. SImples vtlted Port Hope recenitly. Miss Renak1h, Bowmanvllle, la vi- itIng at Mr. R. Momeui'e. Misa Mand Hodgsou, Tyroýne, vlatted et Mr, David Noble's. Mn. Arthur Maguire bas gone te Edmonton, Mr. John Burgess, drug ciemk, Port Hope, vlsted hie sietera. Mra. A. A., Miesa Litlimu and Mm. O. A. Gamsby, attended the wedding ef Miss Olive Keney and Mr. Gordon, Manager, of the Willilams Piano Ce., aet Oshawa. Bey. N. D. Drew, Pontypeol, peaehed lu the Mothodiet churcb, Sunday morninz week, excbanginag %Itb Bey. Mn. Wilaon., Htr. Doiph Henry, Master- Werkmau Onono Lndge, No. 161, A,O.U.W., attended Grand Lodge lu Torno. The eldest son et Mn. Joseph Hall, Toronto. died, MoeI16l, after a -short iiineai wtb pneumocnIe. Mn. and Mns Dantel Hll leetIse f uerai Set- UrdaiY. Mr. O. A. asyabeddthie AI- baui ConwceritaI Meeseb-y 1Hall, Tononto'. Th A.O. U.W. itrtlm n u he3 Town Heul on Th'unada5y revenlng (f bet week wa.f hlh orEILr. Mn. H. Ruthveu MoDonaLd, hanltIons aoloiffe was et hiis beet and was th.orougbiy en- joyed. ,Misa, Merlette Lafleli once more ceptlvated ber audience, Mms., McDonald, tIse ciever acma!t presided et the piane. Crand Maetgr, J. M. PenegnirJne, Esq , delivered n addroesof rmucb tutemeat te nemba ta o! thse A.O.U.W. 'THE MPýSON CO. NEWN CARPETS, Already we have been oblidgdd t. repeat on Carpet m. We are meeting with great suecess, parties who have geen ail in town have returned and bought from us and twice recently has this happened after purcheers kad tried what they could do in Toronto. It showýs cleadly we are doing the Carpet trade rîglit. See our uew carpets iii aur large, well lighted new carpet room. NEW CLOTHJNG. Our new ClIothing is coming to %ad il large 1otm, New Suite for Men and Boys with the nevr sty,,le -front, just in, new Pan le in the new style pet ternu, in tweeds and worsteds. New Fency Veste, new Rai acoats, and an ele- gant hune of new work clothing, Smocks, overrlie, Penite etc NEW PRII'T i3IBGHAMS ANUD MUSLINS Pileg upon piles of them, nice ner eStylish pten tatcolore and durable wPeaves bought from the meut de~ pendable Meker's. Sce them. END OF SEASONGOODS We are stili selline Fur Coats and Furlined Coats, SOvercoats, Ladies Coats, lleavy UnderwearBet, etc. *at the end o LScazons prices you car, got a SD.ap Nov. ErmMRO R THIDY3 - ùM0FSîN 10 Iti h n oftsti o î1 etadcld tevrhrei

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