lu Youcur reThime If you could staýrt at once ini abu- itess whLich wul add a good rouind sunc to youri present earnings-wi-im OluT I -SiO DoiLA-wouldf't you do it? Well, wa are willing to siart you In a profitablesinssandwe dm%'task Yeu to put up anytgkind of a doar Our propo' si tion is s We ;V'cwiEl ehip you tcihe Cbaam Incuy*bator ,!and B1re-odej-, frceight prep'aid, and You Py No CashUni After 1906"D5 vst Poultr y raising pmys. PeoQple Vwhýo tel!i'von 1ithr i 0 busixness of a !en is-o ly eg.As a htclwr end bsooder shbe is ut Chatham 1InCubator n Jroer n they doaiU perftly and sucemslll Th~ olr iess rpryco- ducteopysfar ett"rthonaMy osher busin1ess for Lethyîaoent o ii n mny nvestd. aniwmnal h United States-ave roedtothi saifato ta i sprftal oêas chc~wîh he nr A £0 A XTTO -n T'flT 119 À TlrTT Wornan's TriaL5q cau ti hw lbard tDe resigu Phlers-eΣ te lier loîîely llot ? The iab- coc o f this tlil<te .bind imaritail 11e together. the ýýCabnce cof this onn, plIdgc te m1utual affection is a common is- P r I f e ovti n e exeuc tic dfapoitfutInth of suCil a childl osa couiple wheii Iley>,rs, on theilc uîdren of others. To them the çai remved b y th cur o01a.sso The Proivinec rtem]E(pa TPAE RMIRWTE li atc henenn r. PecsFa- iosi, is te frt 0haecmltd li vne rscipin a bent',eusc six ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e prfsinlmn u heep et 9 iec reiiWte nTedy useoeld. 1nlu tebtrr aethe xvee etrnd.The esuits howthatiiho rcic xanu Wa nea i eIobstructinon te W--eaingchchl,-n a been fouind te o u F Pasurgica caiacer lhe "mt lanid-ownieîs," wxvLi ureality lieG, inou le ckh wod~ buteasilyremwovaioy 1 -painlesa pr, v ý;re ontiy pensants cf the mo(re prosper- killedý.tramnatfiI'aldsioeludS- euLs 1as, holding their projtpiîfy in sev- -gclIsîueBlaoNYoo iil eraltfî,stecd together against bi hg 130DIES TH1RWN INTO SEA. Dr. Picrce ucf tMei"1avorite P rcrption" a' ame presdes.lal cases weecai ladcrsad chose exclusiveîy peas- A despateli frein Odoss-a says: A-fn rnaedrdan r bet nefr nt.Tfle pensants' electers are nef_ rnacd si1(,litdaeatu nefr cli.i,ed and have but oea la n under the - orders cf Vice -iAdutiali shetild hcadetel find eut the ra cause, theýir piatform, namiety, tlie distribution Choukoin, commander cf te Black Sonaince it [s generalîyse easiiy remiýoved by cland. '[ho othcrs are divided. f1cc, 19te bodies cf Lieut. Schidt iand1 proper treatmneut. Ini allh i vaiuawea1cne'ses, dispiace- lus thîee ccmradcs, vhc niore shot montis, pi-lo*psas, inflammation aind de- March 1919 for mutiny, niere exîumeéd' bilitafing, cattri-hal drains and in ail PRINý\CE EETDDELEGATE. on Wednesday night, laîten tenth open'cases ef nerouansa adedoility,Dr deaaîci fomKaLlufa, Ce ntral Ruis- sOO. and suk. T" auhoilis av1 Pece1 avri1Prescription is theimoat na, sys Pince ingen Trouibetskoy. issued a public order 190f isitst h tbst t rdtbard ftiuad leade cf 1e Moerate, nile reoside buiat place, cfliemtnrad the ohcue -or u ac ho ayote acep te offeliec, f eocfin n 19e pcing ountîe g rïi-as cf \veahsmui eed pt p o sletheuhdrg gis, Veie Cabiet, bas ýbeen ceteccd hy Ibe ceuse.é. epcal a a' s. Thoigoi lanld -wners a dele-gote to f!lieroinIl ets f v cbthe"'vnt rsrpin Ceugresa. STL ~~~~~~FDENTS TR I lTOu1BBN. pstv noreetf-mfi ed Adespolcb hemKharkcff, Rusi, Ïumei canrtr uMtei eiac flUMOR1 D CA1LNED CHANGES,. sas Eui-cedruthnIeroi leseeasbeaohpcte.Alle ocyc l rdf Mutul Bak atonte rpernconghebtls A dspaclifren S. Pferbogp.ays: Moscov rc utlyxvs Heiat, pmade that any ima akn s ff thia>, Pumrs i mpedig Cbint hanesin rod ayiIt on -,T;i,îsdoy 10 trobh amnous eien aykon xctvnhat coninu tecirulte.TheBos delaes 9e 'oîo Kmm BaI~ y sx c01col- Sh(la takin . D.Perce tke]its ,pa- tha bycd oîmbt thie staecfPremier iddl ti ents ito bi'.S f1111 confidence, w i e VvlfO's lietth nul fore hm b relre, lg b y cllegîjý1 c a el stu e s. ea affod te o aslio rm la afe terior Ministr Duru vo an Finane cd tto Ihe bnnk i ct omlers cfte md e il b a h es.aeu x m MosIof Iie eotoîosBd mu poie, ut s adSrstlax'ltive fer wmn d Cl. \cusa arcisî adnito dewihrevovr flced uin o1 na or ly(vu2a.Fo' cESBOTO 17WDING. nihicl two narehsta nere kitd.Te he xol-o ebesn r cpurd I pnosand sm Io leain cam11e la1. O nhwoeh eerte In whch Ifwill e entredln thlesa fuie ooka.The Irstdraft coine This, Mrh% nn-1a emle,\vsa emc iedinIhe il and hI[a oibe Lsiricken Ijoui.Tegrn on f lcne to steamran diing carms blied been sellng ntoxcans ifwil onl beihese soilng ong istnces Itisne likely howvcr tat he ovrumentl \lill ma'!r]ked that1 1) in epaistIqurshad huen so l otis andinigcasin dlo1 1 h iif rthe i -) tin woud cninue ni;iý ý- ý bave ýie h-eneflit of thii reve 'Io te b get from if.I 1lu the malter of the t-wo-yeors' te.rm for local option, the secretarv stbted that the Government \V05 indif rent Fabout the length cf lime, but they \vcre emphatically cf the opinion that there should be an, inequialily bcEt\ven, Ihat thne and the lmin \vlt -,iCh t19e question cculd ho, re cpened aftcr 9e defo£ o local oto.l elingw tecas proxiingthatfhrcelils icfthhvoe option,, i. h jonna ndemnid ejec such aes Tweuty-txvo Na initi i ure in th A idsnochfren ftasvacLl. sa 2w Hoe- stea cuties t.aersthe br !,819,th od i Mni oa,*bNclwetiero iitrwiýis od rish C olobiHur ýainth îath isal yaSome31. Tb.ePlytoa rludeig,284 taEnliît,1.25 Sotc oan 4291,0û arres. Cadias frm Otai niumbcred 4,6, -nd tu65u3dcaden fin Im he Uritidstales, 43,2T5re wte ar bntientan away frend I3,52cemma Twenty-five years agoit was difficuit to eil sprinig wheat flour for pastry at any price. People didn't want it-they weý,re using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw n j o reason for changing. But hard wheat flour was pritnl pushed and prejudice has b-eený overcome,. The women tried it, succeedied with ind appiciatd i.-Today ardwheat . Leur is ihe fa'voite fo mpatry a well a for breadI, The,! our tatis doin-g the most for the repuitation -of hard weaîour is thc It is hard wheat flouir at is eà--le by modiem menthods, rtiiigail of dhc good of the wheat ami none of the bad- it is withiout a qa for every kind of c