Sunlight Soap, rn dry. The colon and the surface ur C..ommon sa it oaoclIpansfre Wash oilcloths and linoleums with warm water andi nse clean and wipe> rs will be preserveýd mharmed. s r'ade thne colors and and pepper, ana put into an eartben disti and btakýc for twenty inuteîis, or unti'L tbie custr'd i,-, irmi. Servec-I as a rHOuSEIIàOLD IINTS. Tro remox-e rust from steel rub thie rust- cd article wl with swe ýet oil and alovu He oi1 te rman ponif frt egh hours.i Then rl'ibwii] a sofeahr Sp %n\e ILh fnl owee n slke ime !until Ithe rusltdippas ToLiAvoid Fioles r ic Feet of to ings.-Get a piece ofr so ftin a Doctors and HsiasCaIId it chroinic Eczema and Sad sores Fýaslhlon Notes. FABRICS FOR COMING GONS. Burlingham silk ivill be ciioen for street and other simple gowns, especial- iy-i the carly spring. This suRk is f1iî eýnouigh temaRe into ftic fashioniable cir-; !)e kif ut silice the tendency )f ths krsis te sag, if is well te allo,\v tlïem e ban for at least a week, before,, Iiinisi;ing or trimmiiug. Very littietrm- mýineigLqused on Eurlingham sillk enwns. i ,-e the, surface. Sunlip-hi