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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1906, p. 1

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.-$1.0O Per Annuin. OUR TOwN ÂND COUNTY FureT'; WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1906. JAMES & SON, -Propriletors VOLUmE LII, N1,i5 s The Biggest Importers i Of General D in West Durham, stock of Dîress G Wash Goods of a] IAIen7s and 1Bo fit'ing, weIl-m-cdce ai LADIES' CAPES made up in the lai LACE CURTAINS designs from 25C up CARPETS--A big, Union up to the bes Oriental Vel-vet and WooI and Ta.peatry Johnston an( Grofeys' Due Bul -'-4 Wn HIAvu -Tî4iR ETSTOCK AÂND FINIIOT iSELWý'ION Uvua, CAmrai) ni THimSmc-v'rov; - 'No Foreign or Impor*ed Papers are superior in b-t3eaty orci.omnpàre irt value tc, this ck",aqons Productions. Not lhiqh-priced ther. Direct from the Maker. No Jobber or Agent's profits in OUR price, &inen need wo pieud eut of town for iwhat yau .can get Better, Cheaper and At Once N~lIay nodisappointireut, no daims thut goodiï are flot iup te saple;no sUbstitutions. Corne and see tise Goo-dq before bnyin.g tisem QUYERY :--Can you select a Dress or Suit of Ciathes from a two ilich Saniple ? ANSWER ,--Not Satîsfac-torïly. Neitiser eau you select Wall Papers frour a Samuple Bock. Corne end See tht Patterns in thse Rol before huylng theni, - COINE NOW W. T. Allen, Booktore. ]owmanrvilie, Ont. )ry Goods, Carpets and Linolaums have opened ont a verg big xoods, Silks, Prints, muslîns and e il kinds. ys' ready-to-wear Clothng-Good id good value. AND COATS - Ail new and est styles. 5 - Hundreds of pairs - newest to $11,00 Per pair.e assortment from the eheapest t AlI-Wool, also Tapestry,B'russels, 1Axminster. Also a fine sto2k of Squares. Lh,* J (2r y derman 11,q taken as Cash. The Corner Shoe Stor' Goodyear WeIt. A name in shoe .making which deseribes the partieular sewn sole 'wkich is in highest favor. t has weight, pliability and inside, smoothness. This proces adds from- 35e to 60e to the flrst cooýt of the boot, part for mâterial, part for labor and balance for royalt"-y on the machine. We have some special vle vith goodyeay Welt Soles. Men's Dongola Kid laced, heavy Soles, slighitly extended $2,50 Men's Box caif laeed, ordinary lac&d or Blucher eut 62.7 Men's Velour Caîf Blucher, very light smooth uppers, newest swing-im toes $ 3,0(0 Mien',s Patent Colt boots, buttoued or blueher eut 8&53.0 Speîial lino in Calf, kid or patent at $3.50, 4.00o, 4.5, 500 Ladies' Vice Kid, laced (three patterns,) cuban heels, very neat 30 Ladiesi' genuine patent Caif BluL- eher,uptodate appearance83,50 Misses Vice Kid, laced, nizes il to 2, goodycar welt 82.00 Try a pair of goodyear wolt boots if you wish to avoid the tacks and surface stiteJhing which make the inside of the ordinary boot so trylng. FAUX BOOTS. 82,00 Value for $1.65. M-en's Bluchers, Williamns rellable make, try a pair for a comfortable ri.Our $1.25 Blucher is a dandy. Special value in EDglish Kip, grain and mellow, oombination tan 1eathers NEW AIRRIVALS. Men's Everstiek Rubbers. L'adieýs' 81.50 be-st Boots. Children's reliable Sehiool Boots.ý LADIES' As JUDlGIg.' lu tise present ugo eLnd ies are roming to tise front lu every wulk of !ffe. We have Lýadies us Doctors, aseBunk-j ors, as3 Booh-keepers, as Clorks la al lineýs o!fusns a nd now vie have tisem ase Lwyers sud Judge. Sevesal Ladies of Bowmunvllle have attalned the Rauik 0f Juâge, and have given thior decîsion tisat Cream Bulm le un Ideal Toilot Lotiona. t lu sootis- lng and healitug ta tise rougis, red skin cuused hy cold Marcis winds. it drys luavery qpslckiy, and le noîther gseasy or etiday. 1- Tise bottiea, Creuan Balm le put up Ilu, hold four ounces, sud us it le pure ,white and doiicateiy pesfumed Lt le a perfect Toilet Cream. Lt le preparod and SOofl ~Y laBow- Manville by P. R. Kerelatke, tise Drug. glet, wno guranteea oyery bottle to, givo satîsÉaction or ho wlll rofund tise full price 25e for evosy hottie not satfafacto. THE L1T.E R. K. -HENRY. Died altos3 a brie! ilînos et his home fla Las Angeles, Califouila, April lot Rallia H, fienry aged 58 yeu4se, Deceas- ed waï tise-eldeet son cf tho lute George Henry, and for many yeuse' a reeldent o! Bowmanville. Mýanvi!momeutoos o! hie skiff btiseshape affine photographe are proserved by peopiý lu thîs town and viinlty. Ho leaveW,ý widow, a son and a daugister la Loe Angeles, and a mothe Mrss. P. A. Hlenry af tis towu and three brothers iu Canada besidos1 numerous other rectativee ta mouru hie lose. lie removed with hie fasnily ta Las Angeles about .j yeurse ugo. THE LATE DR. 8NALR, A feling of profon .sns took possession of Wro0x ecomrûunitvj when it was leoarned It Dr. S. B. Smnale had died. HElsl',taIl Mness was o! suc(hishort duratian p tStra evening-March lith ho u1l,,(ïbuyemaklng caille on his patienlts. Wen he h arrived home ho was taken withpIeropu mania. Dr. Smnale practlcally died ln harnens IlHo was over ready ta respond ta a Sicak onu, even when ihe wau indus- posed himseof. "Ho will be grea-tly tnissed" le tl e expression heard on every hand. Not only as a pht siclan will he be missed but -as a friend and Coui- sellor. He wae trulv prateesionai and, Nature's gentleman. He wa8 the. ecsseneof cs.ndor aud klndness De-1, ceeaeed was boru near Bowmanviile and raceived hie early educF.ation ln Bow- Mêanville Hlghl Sohiool Afterwrd1h entered ToroDto University of Medicine wheeho ýdistinguished hmslf aking 8eholanrshipe lie graduaatedwith honoret and eipext-samf3 tl'n ln Bellovue Modical 1 ColgNew York, and alsa in Bellevue Hospital. Ho settled in Wroxeter ln 1865 and goon worked up a large and lucrative practice. One of the resuits o! hie succoesful practîce le seen lu a heautiful residence whieh hoe buÏilt some yïears aga. He marri(3d âMiss Adelaiido Tole, daughter of the late Ieaiah Tole, Enniekillen, who proved t o a greatl helpmate lu bis arduouls and bui5y life. la religion ho was an Eplscopaia, and took the chiot part in fouanding a cong- regation ai hie faith ini thie place. Ho contrlbuted liberally to the support of the ordinances. Hie wut also a member of A, F. & A.M. A widlow a daughter, Mrs. C. F. MoLean of Birmaingharr, Alabam-a, and a son, Dr. W B. Smale, at home, are left ta mû-arn the loss of a devoted husbaud, a kind and indulgent father. The funeral tok place Thirie- day reternoon and was iargeiy.attended The services were condiueted b! Recer T.Pa. 'I '3ieriet iook place 'in Wiro0xeter cemetery. The 'palvJýberersj .were: Messes. John D.tvldson, Robert Miles, William Rutherford, W. 8,. Me- Kercher, WM, WlIson and Robert Black- Wroxeter Star, Mr. Thos. Smale, Providence, attend ed the funeral o! hie brother, Forthe To succcecd chose days you must have plenty cf grit, cour- age, strcagth. Howr Is It with the chlldren? Are they thia, pale, delicate? DO mot forge: Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Yeu know ft makcs the btood pure and rlch, and bu.ilds up thr general heahth in every way. SPRIIIG HORSE SHOW. By seqnest Ms. Robt. Beltis mot wltis tise Munaginig Committee of West Dur- hsam Agricultural Society on Saturday iu tise Socretary's office. President _H. C. Hoar, in tise chair; Ilugis Greenlees, j Vic-President; Fred. T. Allun, Presi- dont of Darlington Township Societyý W. Jibwell, Director and M. A. James, Secy-Treas. It was decided ta bold tise Spring liasse Show attise Waverly Stock Farm, Msr Belthsvery cordially complylng with tiseexprossed wish o! a numher of mnembors tiattise show he held there. He hue generoasly vlaced bis stables ut tise service o!fisorseemen who brlng atallions and mares for exhibition. A box s3taîl will ho available for e'ich staliion sa tisat whatever tise weuther mn y h ie harses witllho under caves. T ho committee givo notice tisat onily exhibition horses wIli ho allowed tissougistise gâtes. s0 that bosses and carniage8s eould ho lt lu town, as wlre fonces do nat ufford good tie-poste for basses. Smokling la or nous tise build-1 ings lo aiea expreesly f orbldden ut al tîmes, so tisat tie Coimmlttoe urge tisat tisee no indulgence o! this cisaracter. Oue of tise bouit all-round horseeoin l Canada haheon asked teacsetas judgo in ail classes, Lt was declded tao oter prIzesl as 1f.ollows, HUÂAvy DRAuGErT CLÂs Stallion, sged $5 82$ 1 Staillion, M yrs old 5 3 21 St9tlilon. Canadîabred 5 3 21 Mares, aay ugo 85 3 $ HoBYCLsS 1 Stallon, agod $5 $8 $2 Stallilon, 3 yrss ad 5 3 2 SPAqDÂRD BPaun CLâuas Stallion, aged 35 88 $ Stullon, 3 yeurse aid 5 3 POeNy CLÂS Stalol, Au'y ugo 5 88 $ AIl exisibitoro muet ho mombers of thse W. D Agriculturai Society for 1906, Eatries wlIi ho recolved up ta 12 a'clack tise day of tue exhîbilian, but positivel>' nat inter. Adminssion 25 cents, outr ance tissougisj Caleman stret-firet street west of big bridge an souti s ide o! Ring-st. Stal- lions will be admitted ut wet guteono aide raad, oaly one mnan udmitted free with oaisisorse, As thorearue a conaiderable numbes of goad utalleos l this distrIct, a verï, excellent horse show is expected ut Bowmanvllle on Tisursday Ma>' C, ta Btart ut 1.80 p. in» sharp. r WAVBRLEY STOCK FARM. (Prom tise Farming Worîd) Ms. Robt. Boltis's Waverley Hackuey Stock Farm ut BowmunvIlll, Ont , wus noever la boctter ahape ta suppi>' ta its niumerouso ustomers tise kind o! Hlaek- ney for whiois It bas for so long beon 80 ietI'olehrated, tissu it is ut tise proe- son tue, a splenadid and curefuilî se- lected lot, aftie kind whieh meets wîth tise canuervative appraval of tise ownes tisat are now looklng la tise pissk o! condition. A Pue etallon o! good sîze sud substance, stylîsisand a good mover. Ila Baieury, Ps dark bso-wn lui color, now tisreo yeurseo! ugo, elre3d by Nosbury LILghtnlng, dam Wilton's Best hy Dainegoît, g d. by Lord Derby. Ho shouid ha just tieose -osa a ke s de- cided improvomeut lu tise llgbt harnes stock wiserover ho gees, A beautiful young cises'tnUt stalîlon le tise two.year aid Cedar Go Bang, wisicb thie wites carnied off ane o! America's covetod iors lu wnuning second flace ut tise Now York liasse Show. Nethersalilils another verv typical sud hisaudeome stallian o! tise kind whicis Mr. BoilS ap. prolves of, n flue cisestaut witis four whlte foot, toppy. cloa built'&nd etylisis ulso a son o! Norbury Lightning, dam Wiltaun's Prid6, b>' Ganynsede, g. d. b>' Lard Derby, g.g. d. b>' Charloy Merry- legs. On Guard, ri8ing four yeurseo!f-ugo,r l'% splendid individ ni lo! the sisawring tapper kinti, s blacc hasýrt falà and ahorse o!flue: ,canformatlou andi superlative style atÂ-d fiction Sisowlng la hie yeuse, be akos a sigt ta deligist tise lover a! a gaad isorso Hols s9 lred b>' IMuchias ($478>, dam b> tise great Gar- tan Dukeofo Couaaught. On Guurd thus combines In thîs nlcb pedigree two ats-aus a! tise biùod o! the greut Due- goit lie gîves every promiseofo! being anotiser of tise klnd wiih have la tise p at made tise Waverlv stables fumons, Waverly Deamark-274-is s ulce bav nis;iug anc yens of! age, sired b>' Royal Donmnark (86)54). dam tise flue imposted mure Lady Yapisam, b>' Bucktisarpe Ferlosmes, d. b>' Eddlethorpe Fise- away, sud with a wepuith o! gond braed - ing>behlnd ttisaI Hunrnanby Duke le a large, weli turnod bay with four whsite foot, now rlsiug six yeuse of ugo. a gaod, wel groa. wel ilfilshed stallon witis lots of substanrcand good. style and action He le eired by Garton Duke- o! Connanught, dam b>' Dunegoit, g. d >v Lord Byron. Thiisorse so le t tisei klnd tisat yl mako a hrssoman money as ho Is tise klud that le papular. Tisere le aisa s grand baud o! brood mnpas lu tise stables, carefuil>' selecýted for breed- lng puspose. Mr. Beith has a rputa,,- tion second ta noue for aeetigsd ow.piug tise nîgist knd sud givling sat- lefaction ta cuetomere *The Aprîl Desfigner Is fl ai tidlinge8 of eprnug'e approacls ils dniutv ap- osselfor womneun Dcqyouvg foike. HISTORY 0F BOWMANVILLE.S By MR. J, B. FÂip»BÂÎBN, P. M. iContttieJ front fast ieek.1 - Cominrg back ta my grundsire: He first began his Canadian course ai action ut Tersebonne, Queboc. What an earth took hLmtiserelIcansat even guess Five iruitîcs yeurs e spent among the hab- itants. He hud no business faculty and was totally unfitte-d for the strugzle ini a new country. He was a book worm and a studont ta the last and ut tise timne was said ta have becu better uap in Hebrew than any anc in thse country >1Mr. Gibbs, the father o! the Gibbs' o! Osawa, ulso was residing there and a friendshiip spsang up betweeon them which cantinued until hais parties pues- ed ta the greut majortty. Mr,~ Gibbs, wha was a mnucis wiser main lun'xorldly. matters, had built a miii in South Osh- awa, and ho iuduced my grandfatiser Jas. Wulker, ta iollaw suit and camne west. Tise latter ut anc time owned tise tarm now belonging ta W.J. Bragg, Esq. w'hen I pues tisis pretty place. as i; somnetimnes do, naturali>' iaving a fond-1 ness for tht former home ai my people, I amn more than pleased ta knaw that it îs in sucb wosthy hands, and 1 hope Ms. Bragg, with hie interesting f amily, niay long; be spared ta enjay every blessing it muny bring How dae ail this apply ta my tisesie? At hie soîicitiation myv grandiather took the two sons and two daugisters of hie Oshawa friend, M.r. Gibbs, and with my eldeet brother and two sisers, iormed a duess and taught tbeu t his hanse. Thus it camne about that1 the Hon. T. N. Gibbs, his brother William, Mrs Blackstock,. whose hueband recently died, and Mrs.James Gooderhami, Toronto, received their education, partly ut Icaet in this lonely place in tise woads Tise latter lady ha beena a praminn woskes in tise Methodiet churcis. Shse went ta Japan a iew years aga ta investi-t gute tihe Stute of missions in those wander lui Islande I. had tise pleasure ai spending an aiternoan a Veas ugo with ber lu tise city. We recalled tise early e.xperiences Lu Darling-ton. 1I now ,say good-bye ta tise firet place in tise rownship Lu which an attempt wac made ta im part sorne acudemic traininz. W. G. King. af Trinit>' College Dub- lin, eurned up ut a verv early date. Wisy and how ho pîtched upan thie iocality uis tise ase3na wherein ta play tise game, I do flot know. Among ail tise vasieties ai tise species that I have met 1 have neyer seen uny ane ta compare with hîm. -AI mystery hlung- oves bis puet It was sup-1 posed that ho wus tise natural son ai somne nobleman in tise old country. On his arrivai ho had a plentîful supply of maney, and ho commenced hic country lite on tise mlddle road. Tise place was uiterwards owned by Mr. Colweil,on tise faustis concession. 'Ho put up) quit@ a numirber of emaîl buildings which iooked like a miniature village There wese stilI some aifthernta tise fore when I cal lected taxes iu '47 For a time ho was lMe Robinson Crusoe, nonarch: ai ail ho surveyed. ,oneY, even if gold, huetise, kinuck ai meiting away. and tis melting process went an out there ut a great rate. Ho lived in fine style, and for came tirne continued ta get irmsttances. Finally tisey stopped and hoe was compeiled ta fali back on bis mental sesaurces for a living. Ho camne ont ta tise front and, takinig tise position cf tutor, ho taughit a good many youths who were desirous ai obtaining a higiser eduication tisan could tisen ho had in tise ardinary scisools. Few wcso bettes qualified ta impuit instruc- tion in any brancis ai etudy. Ho wue a splendid linguist. He had a, fine pro. sonce, and voou canld see tise aristocrat in every liniameut ai bis countenance. Ho hud no camrpanians, and lived ex- clusiveiy by himself. Wisen sober and in hic normai condition an unaccount- agble desire pos s es s ed hlm for cecinsion. Every domicile he ever inhabited was- barricaded with, cloeed ehutters ut oach window. 1It le flot so long since those articles were on a little brick house ho once occnpied nous tise end of Churcis St. on tise nortis side. Amnong bis pupile were tise Misses Smnith a! Erpîingsarn. i went ta hlm for tise short periad ai three manths, being obliged tisen ta abandon al hope of furthes schaaling Tise fise compelled me ta go into tise r ot office tauiselp mny parents, andi hee1 have been since. Thsis rerninde me ai tise gentleman -ebo said he went tisrough college, when ho had stayed anc day, entering by tise front door and lenviug by tise back. Ms. King was tisen etopping wWtisMss. Frunk. niather o! littie John On tise aid raad, soutis af Mrs. Hibbert's, came paplar trees still stand murkiug tise site -ai isehanse. In gaing down Iusýed ta follow a short cnt tissougi tise woods irom tise Eastern House. Ail 1 remnem- ber of whult ho taugist me Iu Latin is tise vesb "amno, amama"Did Igettise warth of my maney? It Le probable I sisauld have donc sa had 1 cf a>ed longz entougis. What odds did it mnako alter ail? Manv ai my compeers, whoha ud tise beest ai advuntagms, did not come o-ff in liie's canteet any botter; stili yon wan t tisebeettols you-can get ta muke ai thaugh hle had cWoly read a newspape-r until he becamne unconsciouu, for it was found in a position ta Indicate tis. Endowed by his Maker wlth splerndd intellectual parts, hvgaýi the ad'ic tages ai a liberal University trainiî_,, such wvas the end. It is to) navigate the ocean, ria mnatter how staunch and well.manned the vesýel mnay be, without a safe chart and a good seaman ut tise helm. Poocr King, 1 fear, had neitheri He did flot tg my kniowledg.e,profes;s an! kind aorlf in TmE POSTr OFIPIC1, The following extract la taken from The Bowmianvifle Statesman., "The fixst post ollico in Darlington, thse township ini which Bowmanivil.le izs itý uated, was at B'ac.k's Hill, five miles west ai the present town, on the King- ston road. Colonel Black being poat- mnaster. The office was, however, re- moved ta the town on jaly ist, -5827, Darlington being thenk th,- name ai thse place. Robert Fairbairu, J P , was ap- pointed first postmaster J-gly 5, 1828 thse ninth year of the reign of George IV. Mr, Fairbairn's son, thse prescrit post- master, camne inta thse office ail assisýtant lin August, ig8t5 and was, appointe-d to succeed hie father Januaary 28th, 1357l Hon Robert Spence beîng then Post- master-General. Yr. Fairbairïiivas bora in 1831, sa he has practically been ini charge ai the office fromn thte age of thirten, and tchus becomes, no doubt, by lenigth of servic,though flot by age, thse oldest pastmaster in Ontario, if nrit in thse Dominion. A mnique leature of thse management is the fact that during the long period af seventy-eeven- yeas Lcavered by the services of father and son only one registered letter has been lost, and that was stolen when thse post office wvas destroved by fire in 1845 l No7cthiing- wou'd be more interesting those than the 'ics of the Post, Office in early days. 1 arnisarry they cant be obtained. The revenue wae small, talthough in ',,6 it had becomnequite ae item. A wonderful expansi.on su business! aio every description bad taken place during thse previaus ten ycars, Lcading Up to this, an enormous amcý,unit Cf foreigu capital ,vas brought into thse country and laid out ïLu the construction of public work,, pirminent amang whils was the Grai d Truns Railway, Thse Crirniean War- created a demand for ail kinds of produce, anad fabulous prices were obtuined by the fermers for any- ~thing they had ta dispose of Sulr golden days, have neyer bensoen sincet Many an one heaped up a fort-ute Abave aIl, we hud later Gm, reciprocai trade witli big, wealthiy ijuclo Sam, so that it hadi neirly reache4 the point Ài which it stands ta. day. Th pst 0c was -ut first %under ir.lperial eairbl and manlagemnent.. Sutherland was the first Deputy, and afterwards, T. A. Stuyner. Bath ýwere able, upright men, and in matters that asose cancerniag the man-agem.ent they wre just and fais te Pastmasters, But wha-t a system pr.. vailed in thse inland ervice! it lookea as if the mnost cumberrome plans poïsible hud been deyised, Under sncb condi- tions it would be uttierly impossible te bundle oven a moiety of the corsespoa-. donce now passing through the imails. The rates of postage were deterrnlined by the distance the lettrs wese catrried, If niy memnory serves me, i i pence Was the rate ta Montreal, and ij pence to Toronto (Tbsough thse eourtesy of E. P. Stanton Esq, Supjt. z!tithe Stamp Brancis Dept. Ottawa, If md tut 1 aie correct and ho- also infoiru m ,me 'thjat stamaps wese firet introduced by th@e Canadian Post Office Dept for tise pur. Pose ai prepaY ig postage in 185i,) Thse greater proportion oiflise letters werC sent unpaid and had ta be r-egularly charged against the rQeïving Office. Letters Ïirom Euro-pe came in sailing vessels ta alfand sent et Lby stageo and boat. Tise charges vere sa isig4h as ta preclude any frequent intescisange, I have envelopes uipon mhich the rate from ,Scotland is shown 1-a have bhotu four shillings sterling. After the De- partmnent wais handeýd oves ta the Canadian Government great improve- ments W ere Madti. But the prace-e was slow. The men ut tht isead ai affairs isad s, ill and preceverance aad, tuder thecir management. Lt graduzally develop- ed, until naw Lt is .ite equal ta any postal service alnywliere ta ho fourÂ, Peýr haps greater imiprox ernete in working details, and in larger suatters bucis as the reduc tian in thse lettes rate, whichh rowfalplies ta CanadattiseUnited States, 1,reat Britain and ChIer of tise Postal Ujnion Countries, the introduction o postal notes, the extengion and modifi- cation af tise money order eysteni are due, more ta) Sir Wm. Mulock. Dr. douiter, Deputy Postmatster Cîteral, ud ta th,, skiiliul mrnebesai the staff. than ta any o f their predecessors. nir Wm. Mulock isas recentil-v ietired, aier maniv yeasai deyoted service ta the wvosk. 1 arn sure the wish af aIl Canadians is i that ho muy long be spared ta occupY tise higis posi- tion ho at prescrnt flUe, and that ho may louve as grand a recor d ther e as he luit beisind hlm ut Ottawa. (Ta be CniM- Advance. 1. v Spring 1906 spring 1906 Oup, TowN àim COVNTT FIRST'; .00 Per Annum. WORLD AirTERWARDS. A.

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