FAIMINGýÏ IN LOND41ON, ca (af the Eîîîpiî-e a amytiîmgi bui aa agricultum-al u centr vi- hasu'pis'i mmnidi i1iGic in Londo)n anti thiE 2,080 bushels 65 lbarley ~ 1 .,â..80bshels 22 Oss .... à ,456 hushels 72 Beaîs......440 bushals 22 Pes ....,648 hushais 27 Poctas....1,960 tans 324 swris ..,701 boas 50 Manaiia.,,.4,919 tans 246 I-ly.......4,032 tqns 2,871 Theý only dosa 0 f protiace laclutieri in 1h panra rauLras wbbeh London did S- -81 -ziZ'-LOWAE-WS. Thei Ciîc-mgo and 'North Western Ra'wvwili Lzmi lw on a way secenid eles stterstiket, a'ly ra'm Feb' IdahoOrego, Waslnr Uc, California antiBd ih ouba RaLti tra To -.~n~ t VacouerVictoria, New ~9da-miste B.C.,Scattic.- Wash. or Franýchiscaý 'o-r Lasj, Aneols, Cal. $44 00 Coreapndigiylaw rates tram aIl ponein Cenada. Choice of routes. Beaýt of servie. For MuI particulars înt fodersý cal1 oný or -write B. H ,Bon- net. eneaiAg1ent, 2 East King St., Torointo, OntC. 6 8w. LA(IGH FOR 184 MILES. Spieditias be Illumintion of Ban. ~~,oon~~ 1;s nabiglaau b Primice cf wales tour 0îf Ivria bas- approacb-d the magnifIcente cocpto wbbcb . wscar uer ou ~t be, aesa autail, Bobtià aieo1 th ce lin ta Manla xbeere coratet witb sbmie t0f lnîs uri tsyl-gi ahna aon ie oya tain. he d as 184l mie, ti l nîa ha otDa1c, la show ~~~~~~~~r tîeeiroarprtanivî r laI eliumna tot e rieol Yauea no iaklrot butate A. Haï, foi unlean1 een Tho Unimvberves o ns a churata whielntaag.mD., worls np Univesita rit ouf fNew asil ofban. dgseI if M. Di wabea-, cgiaan foui~~pof tSin M.ul wil a ui, M. gn.i liver anti byd imnur bloi.' Ma mdical micveya er ofus mirh ashast sevt oret ati creatil uh e vaina ie incie ins of aný tilbei' eu aet ik lclol epetll imS ii L!needCta loosen-an ltu )iJternU-be qu fly ndcftbvar at rcil heaer s coked out, BernýIIove chope, adria lalasponfu of utt, cari i deidalybk ccan bt f re-1e th hpsmybekp ryadt1 ev cookiailepapr f:,il otho as yo woud ebekenpie, Creaari hickn.-hereare ncr bwo ew ranis f cnnei cic n o Ibe ] ceet i wbîb tb cbiken inie croameri cbicken for ban iprmpt t~ ~ ~~~~~Ulii cets o accaa babya Cbcn n mle.Mae lan m f laI, butjust befor fing rean craamilted cbiulen. all seasedof aparags, ra n califsof er conbeause, an ies omel.Cb!p fineo ree peppefutrom wbicb th seisandstu- hae obfeen mvc, tw Haeaum line omelet 'mode, spread Ibis bfot dressing over. the top, and foîi, tiben pour tbe remaînder around the omelet. efort serving. Bi- nrana -Pudding.- -Dissolve Awc I uce f sugar la a quarter a f a pinit o)f wceta wlhb bas een aded s'uee1ooil Amo.1,Jct Ibis bail ýfora ly witba for orl)-ub bemtbauh add nae ounce of Lte.AdiM ta tbiý o aI-o rumlis. Mi al el bgetber and plabo apie disb ind wt iîcb bu 20 min 1iîtesC Creole fiee.- Wash iand jpick sornie rice carefully, say, o Ibird o! a eoflee cup, aaid put il in twoancd anc-bol! plintisz cf 'rch milk, adri a trace of 'salt and thbc imallest amouat of sugar, so as 'L swêeten slightly. Put in an ni an, not boa brisk, for tan minutes, Ihna open tbe aven and stir well. Repea t Ibis la fit teen minutes. Close boen for any time tram forby miaules 10 an bour and more, and bbcIle spoon wil de,-i termine if ibis donc. Ilb shoiri ha s-ot b but not rua. A bron ida ebouwJi bave formeri at the itop, ifb mcy first be, scaond wtbgranr 1nume orsckll areIwo 's sof uigapr tti ha Icpei taa cirle,1111,bch-makei cavityjli ib smand ,iplace t Saflir1. Wanso, cu l l af 1horiZon- aad cpraad neai If b onibelwr ig bos cd, l xx 1 il1h bbc ruC- utonbb Pt in aa ýjcol plc1utl Pv.g we Froze f îe.-Ianoberas Iis o-a paration,'if e t nb lîbet into bcla- hor of ýýta Creola riceonmy 0 terial and rasir. PCul bbc coidIicei inkt ebttoIb s oes ad Iy par, 'Lavej so m hstcooking raisiný1 s scald, i, s detiatilipean utintora ut1il gcrystaleri dm11,bul is no heng o al rent t curie ni c dicela1 abcccmadwns wima-- mamr smrmngioasldb <VIN THEi KIT1, -IN. The lady l tbc itbnwlfotac uonir haba3an uIl tcices fa t ~ ~ ~ ~ ýlj -. ......aaopbl rn, rdrs pa nwic ikl beIn sclei, l xvrpdoclt frbc ah rti m C!are ie sandof111 sop cari[Ii 11em tbikanng Toden th ink sibe 1 g od pad Ï 1,1,ýý-;Ii'c ;it11illl %n ihe commo g ýýn ob n brsb wib la ikg eisîes totothete conersonl for A w________________- Iisma kepb hit snir f -ze.iaie The besaShe mc notIdisl rbetilbypovbtbItewcci) Bemmbe tht bazoinemusina ause of Iý I map, but noxshIbal h tsti eaa ot'iranor igblt Ibe mach malngNo igne rit moick is fris Su ewriigot, andcherahipunmagcotti ibs ab. s any, ia, It wood ptla ide rnawaparfo deoniîîg. Tany ara ati baildctoiin la thal can bh-cai't excellnuite xvidow podisaor s gli-wrun, il only nais iiconstann-dwi]'îs rcateposouring ia-vorued reas atifrho.Ig ut ir tre b wter faim good as al bcudslîra oheîisinsl tave, cet la mae il pfra xvoendie ra lb Lic T ie pruenwte fi nwilc oy ep'ish.ota o!ut v.ti l tuaorners.min te, goatipod cml sare îfpape at bond ctileve giag dcxvei jic an ber n10 usde lbfr wi'iiiîguprgreae rwbrpalohtacbalrll o lc solionth ps r iol eookmag-scfvl, san-es lier bac.tý. for t ill en'ýcj a le r ta ep bbc tov "e: Anoth r ston i nt i of the raîne - dean rlb baî bbc usial troble. i- cIrer is Ibe xvay sua kacps evey W 1r vigouI ani ba Jmi conns aI he rngei packeior out~ ~ ~ li inuemîite ait -Soaolsro vbs'PCr, untl rneil sîl e it h outvi, gsaet e st hulih uar nimaducs aeIxree atidaiuas er, cli bbc nedenb ts are xvell on,,' wiiI beafonti10pour ilta bar mniermeîmngi iil a din-l n d lenn s o [luisit ofkk colnwti makng iîghTfasr'heeatiber, apron dr eer îctis a'e dau seodminuesd tonade!rier slagves f:o-dan'ant-br ij tebanas riueswin praparaloner, et15 tbrfugthas whenishe bepon, mie ottbroinp o fananes o!, rnda ii- pcydnat n Itesceso 1cman pîen o! taitheîp at ore se lnlbîgS Slabvîgtepo simmerfor fivace omiute. Stain, arI Thig TEbOd1EspePly xvencIAor bîmatIbe a bs tbare ohytratpne. sho'ît Ihalaei by laps alls po ileeza begtwele n hesonanIlspeei I The bondetoaî cllrclti b u wo f ccefully wben neutîyny, bt do si, ppe, nifu rtgrso nowtce sa an A -qiro fyucao ri.if he on s uý1tIl svîg haîf iin ',caach, or omatala t oppy Heatisi i th esler. round ashestas macIckt anti Coole 'lwrs-li efor) bo!bn oit lip untice thinge cammie loers;baliortbcemi. haavn 4 bachonitoe ebra, pain, aowdcetisoap ant oa aune ofwahl i of U eau the nbler thet cm l tha ir 1 dr ecei dy. Te he sionit becrifoti u the pooEýit rpuse wiIl~e phtlo.er I ffinîgtraa ctar-hlu o1e frm kailtet oncoosaneetile ibs 40bo- themcuîrerh. h ing_1 cLîpti ufLI 'ae ac cpiaio CLOTHES BOO0M CONVENIENCE-7. The opiîeto nu-odt clothes cosD r -,warrobe are a lon)jg way abead ;of Ibose in Ie î imewbenl one bung iber garmentjýs onnas o possihly wooden pegs driven it b xvali. The first imprv,,ement cri tbe primitive nail xa ve a womnsie tbe wooden spoo-,l frm ersewing col- ton and slipped 0tvertbe nail before il a driven, tasave bi ler hast gow'n fromi a possible ear Then the lacquar. eri iron o rssboswere madie, and con epl eedon tC'a se yet. Swall bre oosciin balves, tben wound wtl srips ojF îotb, a îopof strng iec bthemidleandsipd ne co iep )ldad, salebivLotnes Do înet delnv longer bbc use Let Homa7ÉIfyou have catrrh. This i a puireiy local disea;e, aniHyFI,, gC e r igh tte cspot Wherc bc clarha germm aare preseut. detcstbcm, soothýs anti heals ai1 linmin, anti magkes a %permanent anti lasting cure. I Iioucannt btan lgomlof vomir deaer lbavlibe forwarded bymil postage pa-id (1on rectfpt o! prîce Write ta-day orc& sutaioWba-nk thst ~WI entite vCj omii 0srvices cf cur med- ical tievacrîment withOub charge ,,The R. T. Booti epay e e]ufiti- ing, li haca, N4. Y, TUE A'S"HAVEIT. Adaît, an Azuiiartisan,adat sador, atioceti Anas Adlfeeia-rd Anna ý. pl aaiinsieiAfei ly ri, )r 1- ;k et le E- le s d iptsistIersbb Mssslalen W J'mb.foi-Pckîc s Caraüli, lui Mr iB b 1s ua-lis, Va ) ram t mOe ;about. STES cf'trosi ence are com 5,r ii Vte Gate,. A speciai feature te the sin tubin, 1Titis freine Wthibwo 'Citng In.he il v ie FIling ma1ures --thfrj% ag irc t sagg cang MONTJ Y, En U E',11e7, U11,;~ nt open be amileïs anti soya, W"i.Bu, e lnus "l'niairpty aoxv, An at-otiay arnoebeflî Wckl, ai, xe aa"ChaiMsat -l]lc iTîeahalt i at y- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Tw mr nIa eaty xvhtaeout sumaatimig bw uim'etda i fmty-six baby Gîls, the gaaaine for he Peint-aoaI VrVaies. 'l'ie iaiesl friands anti sly- , Comna orai acaiby la the hanI- of OTha 00 s 'Can we cili conie la" Mr. Busticu je- strearii, one of thin peepeti in ati saxvh oo e s plies, -soaîerbimîplyimîg ttîeme. xvidlî, afier c "Icnbliyuaîtto alty few seconds, xvcs recognizati as c py- IF - A oll pori bllas- 0 eneetla il, thon. e TAis Mm'. B'Uhel aîusntta 'm'l, he imoutti of tbe hale was enlargeti . Anîlemei S hias M. be aîyoaa goupaInta admitltme banti, anti tbe snake's tait -npa rasai l. etkste nyoegopa ime- xvos seizeri, antibath minatugged t-itilstore ana r Ant ecti rau maes lmyouse! ftihe.bbcvption vxxcs drappati out. Tiennrlaer. Andeah ropakshm,_yu ee t vs sizti y hbeati, round xvbicv--Tihe- boy a i cca Iclaîti vyshe ri. 10k a aine. TilE ÏLATE PLOVER. Tha Teobaliaar nlîe-cpep mb lu hs pocI-et, U , 1 i - ý 1 h a hu i i < c t l c r i î i t i m u r tlh i c i 01A Wou l youlik t a p Îb na T e vr b u 0 îca ta pae d w b "i ~~jjJý jutpus 1wuli"ini b cute ai li e, ca I i, tmeaîrprtse of talis- Gîmmi'W( ful! idou's, t eii rte rut aIdec aî, xosilb Ibe ecalof otnaeshidt i wltcr wea- t1wx fieis HIefa yaantg cot ,nda 'am--oct iwo i couti not be self co)ntrao. Joh ws riiagalagbaie aI ýa sotmcoht.-d dvel.ai trot1-, vwhan lu aIoa amîrJidea iha atoppi Fixa pythonswee cpti-a n a1l, Triptue avltt i Imlbrs ïqickly atiied11,lout: a-onuti tey vem'e s-ili iicut'y-carr'ied te .gays Mr. J. * "edry, o gus ec hol"a og agecîantid rupl mabaMysore. lug, Jawa.-- * rI Ani bbe-, rpi niIlie pony'c ee hTSb"ILaram aluyaua ant abut ton ta muscles sorf t clmost, wiveal a xvb ale aîly oa Ite11e ivle ftact long', 1 008oe nin 1plos-ers. > Sucb o Jlrge hbou1l asnat lîen -nais-echilIs anti1 1 Tctidy ws 0 iliphuct hat be coulti befaro. -Chamberlial scarcely spcI-1. the sane w] Tha liny bleds wece just as quietl as CUiI a.nWnn U'raGA aG ai by is caulti ha, becasîse tet'mîbrtAti F o. MEENIG BR n vislt tauplit tbam nal la maure c noise sba LRkuektic any diangecoma naaî tbcm. Buttiugss lbay wera dreatifully frigtbenati, for Mr Wm. Thes, Lanorgan, provincial %-ou sea tbey bcd h.een necciy rua aî'ar. Constable ait Chapleam. i, ta1rIo, SAVL:NT "You many pet out, Taddy, anti rua "I caught a severe cold iwhle hùuting O aloap 0I- oci fr a sl)orit tislonce," a burgiaritheb forest swaýimp tasct fa0ll A samaîv ccir ncle ohn.f1earing !Uhmerans egbRm compaîs q oe Ani h IbenTeti sw Mbllebalitîle edy -I riei I, antiate si two ban upi)nl plaerswcr nl alone, but tbctthair, amaîl btle1 ascmpecy uet iîet a boîtier ati mathe iveca iii thni. Tht' ib7is remdyisinenet epe'niyfo4da minute Tetitiy's Icet tou bdtegeommi comlghs acnti coitis Iit wl osnani Oaesa theM' alti bits (ian l ikea afsrle-cassaeclinta esaý- lime than stoyîin PF Pmobaiy ihe iailhis a acruel, eOs- aether telei at safavor. s oa t ai bay that waýs cniîgbsea hirîewhrvr t upra eclenebs eusur bltis.bcm koa urglb i eu-Iebuia îl aiyfabwt aciiata rs - biuetibefe au ~ Li bb otsie a he lather led m'n îampimîg ai oîan la ront0f Ttid , ckcidtacîti, j GORDO-N'S ýýONLY EWN. cama ta the antizseameti ta ivant ibe ýlîtîleboy ta aîîuy, thre pîîoy witb ,hlm, 'lati a Cnü u annýiiHiý1'ti WhenIlIe Feu lîpigtover Il "Try ta ocatch hlm, Teid, ha iri. atI Katu.ropeadosti Telylit~but'bu it wa!L adti n cellentmon. eay hîg ado. MIl xvc ur. taa, for la sane eiiscences cf Sie Fiai.of a icl bbcploer rapet an îvîm aing a ricirSt, Tailîn, a dipolir xs-lcrs cd- bbic dul, cat eaat i b ha îm italm,llbis caîc iel"e' aatauat rsa bisý bau Ia ihawoli iitdiiti a aypteIpîa caatumn îaTi btm HatIasa l along the roati or 'l lîias nuai01ra v m i-ie arr ~n as orformiues neeJohn iriing jjjbean fla. Wa thrfara quota Sic F;,i-a- gmsbv sbwyattar hlmi, lIiiail 0o! azsuid(ea aick St. lobaýsaxlîoon"A!. xxhnIelIirplaî'ar b haîîg- bt tic "Wlien acting iii canjuaction xs-mh limaithe medîco. urobe ird ltati hati lime ta elbîarCiinesa paneraI, Son-I-a-lin-cia, oagainst . ms-e fam!ily lbcougt tihe tance mb Iha alluer Nankin or Foaclîow, Gordon î - set up 1)iýIi fielt i 11oi t idI ;emamcfalytla Iba ongc eivetia niessage fcom lime robot leari- ttirea patient gras, b ros staiptteu«, 1ha i -s, ftering subaissian if thair lises- ond axoy haflew o ta tbembeforelwereepucranteeti. Hoving ablamncdtihbb Tediybc hielaibinI-. consent aofluhe Ciaacaîîîmcrndcr, no' Anohx'ail "Wasn lbl a bcdta fool a boy Ilkere agreati. The taw arrmietr andtheIbe hat.'lii blvi,", Unicle ,John sariý, as Tedtiy climbedti birebaldbchSaaaiots ct an- iokal badîr ftaota la buggy. "Yon cee bbe fa- k-n- [ le seeîn'g btPi ttme h 1i ot homme, hile Ihar bleýd i-asoniy peetending lh aWi5stuc-adIbir beade nigaa!:,:i siîxcciinsc lame, soyen wauid thinîr you caulti b;Atitamn deapitatýi on tuma spot. Sriegati jluis catch -lm atidIuen, xx'ile you vs-re V mcapnexasparotet - lya rcantrol b-- acanea chiasiag hielm.haInaw itha mather puas-- lyut rcacham', lardnrri _timi.Iing hue n or ai sulti ha bidinte iuýJt, ens. i -l ît 'iolsaeantixx s 'mctaaiiigj i ou i-ere ,ta o 1bocîr noxv you e couldn't otegnrlctmt vluteilnit find tîem a~wbece" c' haalîcag hl laJ'a iritsUmm "Ofi t erl."u vuti' a- nnerfrbsbecijItitieaj'haaao hurtbba. Wy dul tîeyivan tabire stitinIytit pa'sar, aiticaaig, a1 mîalflci-Lo. n OTnce's ev"s ait Tdd. obit nr uan amrthe omii ofiatn salecn." aeo ie QUIT E BE iVle ciblt. boinrtbe Tmn-gaiesi l G nitî !fr i-sd Sct jdew i -e ir biscas'ati)vtb heoimlrtPtl The oly sfe efectui monthly \ ei-,nenn whih wý.ornenen 'ý ceedSodl Wo degrees ju- s trnt-oirg1,for ordlnary for, Cook's col- ýonoo"Ccmýývnd;taka -,, iane wb abppened tb be ncd- ILrcful boy, was in a drug day wbcn a shiabby urýchinj -alvanceý,,d slowxIy fo thecer and said: y~ on Ib spot thaï b oDth m'.0w!91111 MV-'. t'ed c3evcre cidvwlich spe-ýc atd ino he worstktxrid oz la "Kuees and joints aehIng, , tiead stcQpppd up, eyes aeid gwit.h altern Rte speils 'of feverv. We be.-an uslng mn's Cough Remedy, alding ith a double dose cf Cham-' tmach and LvrTbea Ieral wusE sonconpet )t the grlp.", Sold by ai AS ANTICIPATED. Iiat vexatious law iii Cb)Ïi (-ry 'doctor, ale drk t fotof bis house as many psas ho bas !v ptint [mg a Enrope-an owa dctor forbis son, wb bd. Lly 4akn 11, e. alld M bohus-e of a dco lampasbsed areac hîe crutrance.Tbbay e cýýd into thebos0fbs - wo,-kanedbmndokhm Ileywntaog be ou tia eS? your dor vbî~ourco Ve do)zCns onù_ teir bue .1 therpason?" calmlv repliecd "Tbe lact le. I only ltl Dractice, and bava ba-dbu ls." MUSICAL BEI). adilan nelr axyns ausia oefbtaIthe bori s;sIb andbeoi ati ~Iane Iu-,raants. I-an arcwave ati motar. icikee t -bola ie nlong. IROAD 8T~TE~E'%'T acemant la made wlthout an~ Hem-Ibid is the oaa pra- îe world tliat. guarantees lb. ,rdt's Ham-Roid will cure aay h le la Hic form of a tablec, 'y pile remedy uscd ict'-enslly. esible to cuîe an astablislîad wîth oîatrneats, ~uppaîitories, ontward appliancea. a iii îssued with avery package apdt's Heci-Roid, whicb cua~ t'a treatment, î ta yoar draggist about it. i-Fyla Co.~ Limiteri, Niagara i I BROAU STATLMEN 4' U