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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1906, p. 8

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A S P 7UNG D AN GM i y D O'sING Wivl P U U 1- A Pprln adlie emat e e ce 't.Nare eanait asmaauid to) enrlchinF 'the bloc r ad carryltig o.ff durîiang ,thu i-ndýooe bf- oÀthe wiüiter month i. TbouFanjd;a cf peo--ple recoýg- n!7izug tlhe 'eea~ or a 1aprîn'c nedi. ahine, dosethe,;eivî wtbhah, gril- Ingprgivs This la a mistake. Âsk aDy doclo or ewilh tel! you that the vîas of purgative mnedicin(ea webkens the ante sd c"Linot poiaibly cure dls eeRM, In the spri2jg thee ystem ueeds buildling up-purgativesi weakon. The blood Fhotuld be m ade rlcb, ved and pure -urgati e anot do thia-. What i8 needud i5 a tonia, aud the beaýt tonic medicaýl sience bat, yt devlsed la Dr. WDIlais ma ink Pila. Every doseo!)o tihîs medicee ctualIly makes new, rlch biood, and thia new blood treuptheue every organ %andevery part of the body That la why these pilla banish pImples and uightly skia eruptioua. That la why they cure headaches, and back- aches, rheaumt!m and -neuraîgla and a boto! other troubles that corne from poor, watery blood. That la why the men and wornen who use Dr Williams' Pink Pilla est wll and âieep wellaud feel ative sud trong. Mrs, Albert B. Sampion, L'Ardoise, N. S,sasys; 111 bave used Dr. Williams' Pink Pille with the graiss benefit. 1 know cf no medIcine that can equal themn la buýlding up people wbo are weak or zun down." Whébubylng these pilli3 soe that te ful usme, Dr. Willlaoe' Pink Pffll for Paie Peaople. la printed on1 the1 wrapper around the box. Yenu eau gt the pilla frm m&ay medlcine dealer or by mail at 500 a box or six boxes for1 82 50O from tbe D. Willisns' Medieline 00., l3okville, Ont,i GAUTWRIGHT COU.L CIL. Cartwrigbt, Apil 2rd, 1906 logular meseting of Counil; mem- btoeIl present; Reove G. D. Mo- L,%ughllu pesldlng. Minutes o! last meeting raid and conflnmed. Communications as.foliowli: Frtem B. A. Wand M P , sud L. R. foues, Sec. o! Dept. o! Railways snd Ca*nais lu regards te wharf at Coenamoa and dîým sud look& la Lindsay,reeived FmouiAÂ. Kicenian, bill>o! supplies for Wm. Vennlng, wblle qusantined for amaîIl pox. On motion refermei to koard of Heaatb. Mr. Fieamy Sioa made application te do tatute labor on oud Division No 41. On vatlon, nequost wasS rAnte Aud road Way betw.en lots 18 Aud 19 u n, S bu sttoicbod te road division Xo. 47. (Oaniied' Mmr. R J, Ferguson made appiliea tloto tbud wire fonýe îloag part of lo~t9oua. 4; refered tb commitîeea o Mous Jobb,Rreeoud John Wrigh.t, Mr. T, W wrie d odeapplicatîi tu bud wlîs f ence along part o!fo1,-1 uou. 1. Rferrcd te ,lîs G. 11000y. T'he foîlowIug parties madQ applices tic. for wire fnegwihw rganted. Arthur V'aCamp, Hleary Moantiny, L. Byems Jas. Nealtt, Geo. Fomder, Wosley cambeli1. On motion of M.Bycrs, sec. by Mr. -Jubb, tbs.t Gouncil punhs. from J. Holmes 700 foot. of plank for idlewalkîs caried. 'Ou motion o! Mr,,Bruce, Esec. Mr, Hooey, thaýt the commimasoner of idewalks be liustnuce o epurehnas au!ffciet cedar for repatinngof8asmo. Oarled. Mm. Byera laitnodnced By.iaw Ne. 47M te appoint Pathmasters, Pound- Lkeepers sud Fneiwm, By-law rereeived nglsal raeadinig, Rigaed and seal- ed aud fild lia witb the follewiui narnas for Pathniatrs-Dlv. Mo. I, Daniel.LKnapp, l'o, 2 Staphien Page,3 Anthony D&mili, 4 D. W. Bradbumn, ; Wm. Vamn.., 6 Dougal MeDougaîl,7 Jai. Stong, 8 S. Swalu, 9 Johin A. Maucaa, 10 John zàWray, Il John Fond- or, 12,John iWàght, 14 Robent Foîgu- som, 15 F. Taylor. 16 Levi Graham, 17 Jas, Milue, 18 Robet Spinkg, 10 Sam-t ml Bruce, 21 Herbert Hooey, 22 S. Amecher, 23 John W. Hooey, 24 Oe fowlom, 25 A. Dsvitt, 26 S. Devitt, 27 T. Wbitfield,28 Jas. McKee,20J J. Me- - ,ir,2"1 Alexeudas Jobuaston, OhtU~NU. Mr d. Soruihm, boughitagoer M.c, P. A. irr aslae h Kendal facýorV -t', hie brtjher, m W delAlford, RchstrN.y. Mr E, P. Doncaster,Bouavle %as here recerAtly. 11-e exPeCts to .louve shFortly for Moose 3aw. Seisk, Mm1. Fs<Peo-' rrlvedfro(m Roli okhEg, sudl gaged with A. A. Powers, C. C, Mr. W. H. Hienry and famllY bave moved te Peterbomo. Mrs. George Dvdinlasit trlendm ln PiakerirLu. M?. R.,1.WllasoPort 1?er1y, wus llu town -Lcentiy. Misa Neille Calville, visltad bero?~ ter, Mris. Wm. CanaBmnle MisBrb ano,, Bowrnanvilie, la gueet of the Ml ases Co1V1,11e. Mr. .Jobn KiveIl, Courtîce, vlslted is grandmother here. Mr. aud Mmej. Ithal Walter and sou, Port Hope, viaiýted friands lu town. Mrs. A. A. Rolfe bais -rturned froin Belleville. Mrs. John Rickaby la visiting ber âtns, sud other Inonda Ia Toronto. Mr. and Mmm Pisser Little visltod bis mother, who bas been ill vwith bronchitis. Miss M. E. Boit fitende making bier home witbh lem brotbom, Mr. George Bé~at, Port Granby. Mm. Hemman Davis la able tb bo ont &gaina after bmeakIng bhs log. 4lrs. Tboa. Little la recoverlng yf romi hiem meceutilhloes. Mr. Thou, Cowan and Mr. lsac Cbapmaan recontly dlapoaed of drliIng herses. The former te Mm. Simmons, Bowïmauvllie, tho latter te Mr. Johin- sou, Broolklu Mr, 0. A. Gamsby purshaaed Item Mr. Robf. 1Miller, Stoufville, a vemy nice pony. Mi. GeoLsne wbo boughit the nortb 80 acres of the Mclntosb fsrm, Doàn- ingion aide town lin.ê, Intende lbuIlding residoaco end bumnc themeou the cern- Iag cummner The dwelling wlll face the third concessîion uneo, (back road te BowmanýVllle.) Mr. W. J. clIlemence, who la now livUig wtb bis unoce nor Port Hope, wbo bougbt tbe iront 190 acres of the âme farm--mfy take pua. session this f ail. Lt iàMr. Cleïmonce'a int-entlinte eset ont a young orchard o! five or six acres thiesapring. M1r, Herb Jowell la the prenent tenrat on the place. The M.etbokist W. M. ÂAxillry bave electd the foliowing officema; Pros., Mmi. R. Moment; lut VicePres. Mrs. (Rev.) Mounteer; had VIca, Mme. Miller; 3rd Vice, Min. Bd. Oobbledick; Cor. Sec., Misa Tourjee; Roc. Sec., Mn.. T, Smith; Treas., Miar, Lnxoà;, Orgaist, Mrs. Miller. Dolegate te branab meeting lu Port Hope, Jaue, Mre, A. J. Knox, eserve, Mr@. Bd. Cobbledick, Mn. ,J. Quinn, Licenâe Inspectot la Parry Sound District, recsutly vluited Mmr. M. L. Travello. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Thralenetollg when a mediclue may be needed la homes where,.there are littlecnes. Therelore, the pru- dent mother W'111 always houp a box cf Baby's Own Tablets on baud Thee rablets promptly cure lidige4tion, colie, sour etomacb, constipation, di- arrbeea and teething troubles. They break Up cIde, prevent croup, expel womrns, sud give the chlld sound na. tural sloop. Motbere have the guar- antee ci a Govemnmenut anialyet that :hese Tablects contaiDnon opiate or eisonous soothing stuff. Mme. J. C. Eildart, Presser Brook, 11 B.,eays: "Baby's Own Tablots aCt like magiai wben a little oan e 111, and 1 would net feel sale wlthout a box in the bouse, ' You eau get Babir's Owu Tablete front your medicine dealer cm bv mail at 251 cents a box fromnt he Dr. WilliarmW M4edieiue Ue., Brockville Ont. ReIlgular meeting o! Wernsn'sLu Stitute wae bald on Tbursday a! teouoo. 7 Discussions -wera lad by ma3mbars on:. Suitable fond for spring sud summaer; Diffaent phases o! poultry raislug; - S8uggestions for buecann.Vory 7 profitable metinig Discussions livaiy lan sudiutareeting-. Dent miss theý Foo-bail match Bow- manvila vys, Broadviowsc!ofToronto SGoo)d Friday at 3 p, m. Sehoool o-pencd IMenday havlg beau elesed for a month cwing to emal ox v~t~a ABOUT TRIS CASB Dodd's Kidney Pis iqeai Young BMan Who 1 [ad Reatched a Very Cr' i- cal Stage' of Kid niey Disease aiese wae More serions t;,it ha Tbougbt, bt Thanks te Dodd 'i Kld. ney Pi!lle o lWeil and Stror, ,Now., ST. LBOLIiN, GLO. CO , N B., Ai'r.. etb -(Spécial.)- Mr. Patriek, Dowri ig, cf this place. le a Young man onily twa-nty vears o! age. but sema time Pago kidxej disease hiad hlm flrmly la its grj,ý aud had it net basa for Dodd's Kldnay Pills hé wuuld probably net bave been alîva' te day. -1 think the cause of my trouble was overwomk," enys Mr. Downing, 'any wav it began with a beavy dragging pain fa m 'y back and acrose My loin,-. Then 1 was subjeat te headaches, cramp lu the muscles, ciizzy spolie and a- nees tilti1I bIt fit for rotbing. But the3 worst aymptom of My cea wihW'ýn I ucticeti my urine was stmeak ed witb biood, thea I knew that My kld ne%-s wero affected. Hcariaý of Dod' Kd ney Pilla 1 sent for soeansd I am pleasad te say the pains have ail gene sine usiag tbem and I amn Weil and sitnuias avor I was.- Broadviews. Toronto, and Boýwman. ville Foot-bail tenas at Dmil1 Shad grounds GoGd Fmlday nt 3 p. mi. Eidad auniveary, teaaad lecture as usual on May 27 and 2t. oa Urusadere hold a tafly-pull and pro- gram Good Frlday aâftemuona. Rev. J. P. Berry, B. A,, and ai Past Worthy Commnauders are expected te giye ad- dresses. Parente are in-vited. .Service o! song at Eldad Ester Sunday, colleu- tion ini aid of Japan Famine fund.. .. Mme, Sarsb Webber, Maiposa, visitedl bar brother Mr John Ronod...Miss Ethel VanNest has taken a position iu John Catto &Soa's, Torontoe. . .Sellas Division has3 purchused a now organ.. Mm, S Edgar Wermy sud Mise Noma, Worry vlelted lu Catwrigt e ver Sun.- day. ...Miss Effia Taylor le much im- pmeved in health...- Mm. Jack Walterre euit bis baud badiy at M, W. Brooks' macnîv...Mm W. Wenry basj been suff emlng from inflammation of th ee yas. If you are nervous or dvispeptlc try- Csar's Little Nerye I>ills, Dyspepsia maka voun nrvous and nervouenes makos yen dys eptie; eithom oue renid- ors you mimerab! band theee littio pilla cure both. The fo1llwing a&re thaieoffiler efSol Ina Dlv. No, 40 8 of T. W. , Mi's Loulo VanNet. W A., S. Shortrldgre R. S., Fraxik Vie. A.R S , Mis Loua Taylor. Treas., Jas Hopa.rth F. S., R.C. ScOtt. Cbap., A L. I'aseee. Con., Wm Spmy. A. Con., Mise, Editb Vice. i. Sent., Miss Hild e etlake. O Sent , Carl Wllbuar. Orgunist Mise Lanua Tay. 1er. P.W:P., Fred Heddou. 8Wertbyj Cer. e! Loyal Cmusadera, Mrme. Short. idzMe Womau'e MiesiouAry Soeiety sud Mission Baud purpose zivlng au enter- taturnont sud "Maple Creai" Goed Frlday eventng. Slver collection.-ý Spacial Eser music will b. given by the Mathodiet choir naxt Suuday ý.. . Dr. sud Mme., Tro3bilcock entertained a numbar o! thoir f riande Thumrsday aveu- ing in honor o! their guet. Mme. Smith, Torouto .... Mr. sud Mme. A. -;nàtware in Tononto last weï afca havlug pur- chased a r-,s.iïf3rje on Markbam St , '-.xid leavîng a large sale o! house3hold effecte ou Tuesday April 2d4th. ýýie billi sud dont fail te attend.-,. Visitons. Mis;s Neilorouaey hasraturm.a aor au exteuded visit lu Toronto; M-ies Pearl Ranton le visitlng friande lu Ha&veiock; Mm. John L Moteal!, Darling-ton-, visit- ed ut Mm, C. Staiwamt's. TTREnS 0OP 1IG PILES -"I bad triod vary mauv so.callad curas3 for pilas suid eau trutbfiully say that thora la ne ramady on the face o! the earLh lika Dr Chase's Olulmant for Il bas ontirely cumod me. I wouild net ba without Ili for sny auneunt cf Monoy, s ane.amCtliy recommend it te ail suiferons. " - Mn, John Harvey, Mayor o! Amupnior. On.t. Sehool Report of S.8,. No, 17 Danling.- ton, for the motb o! Marcb. Namtes lu ordor uo mment.- M,'F.atne'hin Muriel Roi! and- Anthuni The .Stery of One Womnan's",Work for Ilumanlty Onê. of theý greatê.st philanthroplsts of the Unite-d States Is Mrs. Matix Balilngton Boioth, whose life has been lovingly consecrated te the cause «. humanity. In the nlnieteenth century, Elizabeth Fry, famous as -"thepri90ii- ers' friend,'" made existence casier for thq prisoners of England whlle th«y werc paying the price of their crimes. In the twentieth century, Mrs. Booth gives to the prisoners of America a new chance to battie honestly 'with thi* world, we the prison gates open outward te let themi again into the sunight. Mrs. Booth, the daughter of an Episcopalian clergyman, was born at Lympsefield, England. When she was three years old her father, Rey Samuiel Charleswiorth, moved teo a large, parlsh la the Fast End of Lo'ndon, whe-rc, amid misery and poverty, he, found a noble fied of usefuiness. The ürst bar- racks the Salvation Army ever had was opposite the rectory, and Mrm. Charlesworth, a broad-minded, large-hearted womnan, often took her childrea acrs theý strcet te. the mission services. Mlaud, a beautiful young girl 'pf fifteen,' upon whose mind spiritual truthe had mnade littie real imrpression, suddenly had her heart touched by the ser- vices oue night, and the great privilege of living the highest life and hielpingi1 others te live it came to her w;,Ith the luminance o! a revelatlon. Two ye*ms later she became a soldlier ln the Army an 'd dld osplendid work wlth Generat Booth's eldeszt daughter in France and Swltzerland, and among their mauy adventure-s they were erpelled from the canton of Geneva. When Ph(, was twenty-onie, on her marriage te BallIngten Booth, they, were sent to the United States, where they carried on a most successful cam- paign on aggresslve lhues fer the Salvation Army. In 1898, ewing te, a dl!- ference of opinion with General Booth as te, thei policy of the internai man- agement o! the work dlrected at long distance from London, Mrs. Booth and hem husband reslgned from the Ârmy and organlzed the "Volunteers of Amer- Ica," of which the "Voluniteer Prisoners' League" Is but a part. Thie latter phase ef the crusade of help!ulness, with ail Its finanefahi buirden, itg round of vîsits, Its organization and plans, has falIon on the shouLtders of Mms. Boeth. 0f the 86,000 prisoners Iu the State instïtutIong of the country, 14,000 are enrolledl as members, and when the. prisoneme leave, their confinement they are taken te "Hope Halls," where they canget their bearings ane-w on lite, have Influtnce te stcure honest labor, and a helping band anid ispiïrlng etivkoment -while struggling toward botter thinge., &ntureMt1ew tttoACt u , ýPe1Lùaat miandaÀf , î ýyear U4byffW . O. ek, ut the iDepauaami a Aeultm.. HOT VATER BAGS. wU maGse t rôsg aa< durable an a e leaks, STOTT & oIUR! trugiste NEWOASTLU Valuble Property for 14 ace eof laud on wich are tw..'dwôlling1 l&ovssa, welf s, etirn nd necea-s&iry eon- vanenes; a~realaorchard mo-,tly frîteda3m wiuter fruit, Qo aiitsf' iragard.- anar, retimed fàiarmeir, or anjyone watlugii a ajmali iarm nna healthy anS ea tfu own, 4o miles Eamt from Torouto. Wili ba aoIdt very cheap aa owner la ging to sons ini Cafiornlia. For par- i CUlarM ppyto JOILN ManLLÂjriD, Eci174, Bow. marvilic. 144tf. Mm. James Hleard feîl sud breke ber anm. Mr. Frauk Bennett has niovad te thýe, Belmoat Farmm Mmr. O, M. Wrig-ht, Beýthany, visited Z Mm., C. M. Eddy. John Mofatt has3 purcbased the old Mclntesh house. Mr. Oaa. Hedge, PickenlnUg, vlsîtad bis slsers meently, me. Walter Renwiek, Port Hlope, vlsit6d Mme. Loekbamt. MilIe's Grip Powdene Cure, SeId 1)yj F. R Kerelaka, druggiaft. ' Mmr Ed. Steeni, Deýntonia Park Farme, Celeman. 'was hbe r rconty.4 M)me. W. F. Jackson racantly vlsitad honr ,ister Mm. Gao. Mitchell Mme. TIhos. Douglau ila visiting melat p, m~aejj 0kiga ie ls iVeS at St. Marys sud Strat!ord. . piioto, f ue basný, 't beentakans Mn. Thwo.. Moplontbas old b i aîmathieyear denIt fail to gat it douýa at once. woodworingplat t Mm W.Plaard. a hSe pieturas of ïjOur IOvaed eues Btter resulte follow !mrnth use o! I raGmertd sud bang tbem up thcy wlll Miller'e Compouind Imea Pille3than frem jpreserve bete rsudInset long-er. auj others. Sold by F. R Keretalka, i cllr Î, r t. -i ou uthï8i4,e-t yu nd3o TM~ M~SONCo. NEW- CL-OTI1i4G The large8t stock of Rteadly-t.-weor .lothing e.voe shown in Bowmanyiiie, we have iow reudy for yeur il-. specticix1 As we soid out almeest *verything during our big sale in December, we haye practically, an entirely new stock for our customers te selert from. We have iomae of tb. niceet patterns we have ever shown, we neyer handi, any but dependable gooda. Our suite .r&â h jk r *. Our price. are always favorable te 4h.e purchamer. RAI NCo ÊtTS Se.eur elagant new lin.eof raincoatt. W. are pa.y- ing 50o extra on eacl garment te kàave the. padded shottld-' ors, but 'we are selling them at the. saine bafore. Tiie new stylisi, patterns and the heavy shoulderz gire the gamments a decidedly fine appoaraace. NEW DRESS MATERUNLS Be3ide8 a fine range of the maoât popular fabi*% suek as Grey Tweeds, Creamu Serges, Orepe De Chenea, Eolien-ne's in ail shades, we are showing a new drmi5 ma- teriai which we have imported direct, ffld which is no shown by any 'other 'store in town. Tt iiam pure woQI1 French Batiste, or wool Taffeta, it is mediuma weiglit, smooth, glossy finish, it has the. durability of cashmere. a"d the ânish cf Lustre, Golden Brown, Light Nayy, Na-ry and black. We are seliing this splendid materisI st 5*e a yard. It is a real bargain at the price.. T EBMASON ee I RETIRINO~ Prom Busi ness,* Goods Below Cost!1 816.00 Gold F'illed Watehes at $12.00. Watchces at $8.50. Evemything eqzta!Uy Iow. get choice.o! Goode. Caîl early and Silver Watches from $2.00 up, Wcdding Rings shame the same cut. in prices. Elvrything muet be sold. Positivaiy giving Up business. eai and "et Prices. A.ny goode netu usually lu stook will b. procitred tPii1. a& advance cf 10 per cent on cost. Watches Cleaned 50o to 76 c. Mainsprings 500 to 75co I hcraby thank my numemeug customers for lirai paioit- age during the lut 42 years. Be1x 'LL. u<.1,.y 1 Ie 9 r.eemera1 Jam' Malolmover charge ou taxeas may ï 'h. WCA f M P> .cocX: lk. La I bSort Qe evous ozijleuitf Npak7a supplieci by iDe. kase's 1S.îcaey- Liver Pills, thea most reliable and meest thoroughly tasted kidney mcd- icine extant, Dr, Chbas's K dney-ivcr us ,:)n pill a doseo, 25 cents a box, at ail deaiers, orEdasn Bates & CcToroalto. Portrait aild sigDa- o f Dr, A . Chase, the2 amous recp.boc"k auIlthor, onfl -very box, C,,ASTROR lA For Infants and Children. The KMn Yod Have Alwayis Bought MD1 3 O avareci and thoi tva mtes ueedv duing Mamch an~d Amnil fci d tiedailMautoba sund North Wecst. te do ruea sud mm stek should akaexprS siasin cumed by eot 1 45 p. ms ion, Cape For tîch'etLýaA e sdfI lf a l un houer. T TT & JURY, Town Aet 0-RLer(ý VV ~ OOD, e -e by hie D MO;DONLD Dstl' asen ursea, Agent, Toronto, -W. aise do al1i kfnds of upholstarîng and have In stock a large assortmant o! fuimiture coerings. L1Morris & Son,"%î Furniture Deare. Phone 10 Funeral1

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