4t*flflP9?+it*t *fl*flt**n :tLt GaYAlS aŽ ta-' ta- fa '~ na-' À I ~ -a-.~ ~ t 7 a-t 15 ttît ar-~ a-tata--'- A 'a "t 'atita 't atata b t. ta t-~l 'b o t - a -a t -x ' L'a-a-t a- t? '1ad 'a'. it a-. t a-a-e a-~ a- a~a-~a 'a t t'a , , a- 4 fa-44[ ,-t 41ta- ~ 'kit 44 t ta ~a t ta 't t S ~- t' 1--- -t t t't§iVt "a-I k a " -~ a-~ ~« a-Jt'a a a 1- tr a- nur j-a: ~ *a-Mt~t t<aL-l-s.a-a t val --a---- t . ~-t~* i a t 4§t-4 ta-t a ~ a lIa 'a kt a-a-a- a - t ~ a V Va. i k t Ita B 1-ta- ttt' a-4L tt, -4 4.-tait.- 4, ta-tOta. >1 4, ~ia-i. 444-a ,-4a-,Mafli a- -~ 't t ta ' . ~ la-a * sti l'a-at a-Sa I LIt Cati-.a-î . ta i i 'a- ta g t~ a-' ~a- '~ aat ' -t,' ta~ switmc~t ot A~sta-ts a Liabihuit~ a-a-4a-fl-t t~tao a- a ~t flatat' a a S a a f 4'-ta'itaity ~a -- -c-i - j t - - - , a - ~-'--- ~- r- a-a-t-' 4 t a > 't~ atit .4, il 2 Q t [fr -1t' a-a- a , .4 44 a ,a1 tUa- a-a- 'a4~ '--a, a-a-,', a "-t t la-a-paya-a' a-~ ~a- a- -Special $1.00 Foatain Pen. C RJUHES, ilues from those of a emnali ebild to those for the tallest man. Strong and ha.ndsomec. kW made. Fltted wlth ruibber tips. STOTT & J RYfetory Druggita îneîr services. -uarriea. The Serutineers report the following seven gentlemen as having received the unanimous vote of the Shiareholders, viz t-John Oowar, Esq., R ý S. Haniuin, Esq.. W. F. Cowan, Esq., Dr. Mclntosh, W.1? Allen, Esq., T.Paterson, Esq., and J A. Gibson, Esq , who were duly elected Directors for the ensulng ý ear. A vote of thanks was thon tendiered to theý Chairman for bis able conduet ina the chair, and the meeting thon adjourned. a- At a subsequent mneetin! of the new Board, John 'Cowan, Esq.1 nas iunanim- ously leoMe Presidenât, and F. S. Ham1In1iEeq, Vice-rree4ent olci wooaen chest o! my mother's which dw tfa Io aetoitheuvendors oeheir bas belonged to your niother and solcitor aný.tiheias balance, wilhin tbirty days grandinother and is over 125 ears old thereatter without interst. The saendors shahl not be reqoareçl ta fornish any abstract of titis Sor TbontandCovhe or producea-,nytitis tisets. declarattons or otIir r-c-ugs evidneeoftitisex-,ceptthoseinthieir possessioni. A simple, effetive anti nfes remedy, for ail thront Fotier particulars may ha had from iathrn- rmltataonsa is fount in dersigneti solicîtor or aucinernd wiil be CrnolIen. AntleeptIc T&blcets made known, on day o!fae ?isey combine the geroalîcidai value Of Cresoene wit L* , '.TOEL,E.MLU U. a0e mof»grpcia li.ippury eim actioser. Saicitor for ysnýtdors. 40s-SM Urissa la BoVwmayle ae 3,10Ç 1 B.W. .O1RPrincipal Domlinion .co otelegrapi anid Railroading,, s ADELAIDE STREET EA,$9 TORONTO, -t f aI -t. ta- ~a ta i '--c-a-v +44--ta-a--t a t'a t' a- 1- -a'--