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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1906, p. 5

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~Grand 1runk Railwav Svstem. RAMIWAXW TIME TABLE. BOWMAIIVILLE STATION. EýQ1NC EAST, QOflNG W1SST 95I...,. Oa, Mi. 1 iZpO1.. .40 8, Mi 10 10 m 1 7oa.. 757 Lcal ... 6 d9 p.. I Mized.... î 93 h&al. ....10 24 p.M zxprm ...11m2 p.m., Sunday ouiy, *Dily Excý,epL Mondays Tickets to certain polint iso l& eccordance vith 81pelal holiday ratesý. annud iu anoiher colmcn will flot nehbonored o n t. Nos. 1 or 8ToTT &JURY. TOWuA AgentS Seasonable Suggestions. Pleasing Prices. Large bottie Strong Ammon-ia 10e Furniture Polish, extra6 quality 25e Powdered Bora, 1 pouind 100 Small hand Brushes, two for 5cS Large 'bars pure Castile Soap 25o Baiby's Owen Soap 8 8e Infants Delight Soap ?, Colgates (Best Value) - 10e Bug Poison - -25e Disînfectants, ail kinds. Floor Oi. for Li'noleums, Stott &Juryrl sole agents forMeKonkey's Chocolates. Whceýp Eyelids Itch. W hn (-% He'r ad Aches. When V[sioni Blurs, When Eyeballs Burn. When eading Malkes Eyes Ache, 8OWMANVILLE, APR. 18, 1906. Read tle new advertisements. Na change in Markets this week. Our clumn "About tle House," Je extra good ihis week. Reémedy for biliousness-Bileans. Send for free sample box. -Cadmus news-we wsni correspond. ents for Cadmus sud Burketou. Lovely new goods just in ai Central Milinery for thie sumamer trade. Cali sud sec. An elegant une of new styles in Men's and Boys' Suits now sliowing ai The Mason Co. The oldesi inliabitani says lie neyer saw worse oads than ihis Spring-but lie las. He forgets. Miller's Worm Pawders for resiless- ness and peevishuess. Sold by F. IR. Kersiake-, drugglst. ïMiss Hastings giv es mudli promise ai Rtn artistic future.-Toronto Globe. Opera Il-ouse April 23. Mrs. John HaIt, Darlington, attended the funeral cf lier brother Mr. Wm Dickie. Pickering, April & , The Board expeci every suiscriber tai ta the Librsry ta cantribute ta the suc- cess of their concert April 23. Mr Thos Tod, baker and counfectianeor made a fine winidcw displa-v of G. B. aud Lowney'ýs choclates at Easser. Plan ai the Opera Hanse for the Library concrt opens at Mi'. Mltchels Drug Store Wednesday-marniug April 18. Mr'. George Swaisland, son ai Mr. W. Swailandl,Port Hope, lias been appain. ted Man.qýer of Vie Molson Bank ai Ed- monton, -Wardeu Weir liag appointed Dr. Hendersan nas gaol surgeon at Cobourg The laie3 Dr. Douglas held tie office ai the time oa ietsdeaili. Messrs. Brown Bras. liad a 'very liandscme Easser display In their gracery window whicli called faril many complimaentary remarIes. Mrs. SG. Rorke,,,Colborne, Wene recentl v presezited witl ian addmress and s purse oi money by thie Eden cau- gregation ou Salera circuit. The ScotiAnieican spe;alu iing afJ H. Camerntsays:- - is huai' is irrL- sistahle.Ridamieslcintoi ail tie fle feling s of the human ieart. Lades'RamCoats, made up in the v'ery lateàtAsyles, just opened out; also s lot oi Rain Coats seling off at great- ly reduced prices at Couch, Jolinston & Cyderman's. No hiFlier proof of Mr. J.H.Ç'ameron's Mliss Worth, Toronto, spent Easter at homie. Mr'. A. L. Darch spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr., W. Riding, Preston, spent Easter at home. Mr'. Chas, de la Pla nte spent the hol!- days at Orillia. Mies Jessie Kniglit, Toronto, spent Easter at home. Miss Boa Joness, Deseronto, is home for Esister holidarvs. Miss Mande Haruden, Warsaw, spent the soîa at home. Miss Zella Boddv, Toronto, was guest of Miss Irene Holland. Miss Ethel H. Mollon, Torento, was home for the liolidays, Bileans for Biliousness. Send for free sampIe. Rend'the advt. Mrs. Jsaac Jewell, -Brantford, bas been visiting friends hure. Mr'. and Mrs. Power, Oshawa. spent Sunday vat-Mr'. A. Tayla)r's. Miss Am vL. Armour -visited friendsI in Cavaniiover the holidays. Mrs. Fred Hesu visited frlends in Toronto during the holidays. IMiss Pearl Osborne, Taroîîto Univer- Eity, was home for the liolidays. Mvr. Percal arid MiEs Ruliy Craga, Toronto, spent Easter at home MisGladys Shore, Port Hope, spent Go od Friday withi friends here. Messrs. Donald and Colin Mc!IDonald, Toronto, spent Easter aI home, Master Willie Calver lias gone ta Ro- chester ta reside with his uncle. Mn .Lamne Frank, The Revie3w, I eterbaro, was home for Easter. Misses Mlary and Anjnie Hipkin, To r- ont(,, spent the nolidav' s at home, Miss Fia. Mson spent Go',od Friday snd Easter with friends lun-Guelphi. Mr, sud Mr'îs- Thos. Tod and Miass lga Taod speut Easte3r lu Tor:onto. Mijýss Edith Quigg of the Post Office Staff, spent ltholIid.ys lu inTaronto Mi'. Gordon Jury and Miss Mldred Jury, TorontQ, spent Easter a, oe MIr Tom Charlton, Toronto, was gnest at Mr. W. Hi Dustan's Easter, Mr. Horace Wallace,. Port Hlope, spEunt Good Fridsay wlth friends liere. Mr. samd Mrs Rlt oToronto, Miss E. L, Macklin, C.obourgý, was guest of MIrs. R. W. Jame2s aver Sunday Miss Mary Mvutton, Cobourg, was guest of lier sister Mrs. G. T. Charlton Mrs. Wm. Colwill is vlsiting lier daughter Mrs Thos.C, Osborne, Whitby Mr., H. P. Kennedy, Peterboro, vwss ln town Mondsy. Mr. Wm. R. Cale, Toronto, i3pent E aster wlth his parents. Mr. J. A. Tyers, Malton, spenit Siun- day at Mrs, John Broek's. Mrs. N. S. Young spent Easter witli lier brother Mr. R. Dumas. Mr. Geo. C, Mlls, Toronto, spent Easter at Mms. W. R. R, Cawker's. ,Mr Jabez Alluma, Toirnto Junetion, spent Good Friday witli friends here. Mr. . arent, VWalk'emville, was gus o ier mother 'M rs, G. C, Haines. Miss Grace Quigg, Peaterboro, was rcenat guest ai lier sîster Miss Edilli Quigg. ' Mr. R. H. Naît, Toronto, was guest of his mother Mms. Nott Stevensà over Sunday. Dr. sud Mrs. L. H.IL i spent Easser witb their daughter Mrs, F. C, Cubitt, Peter boro. Mrs, W. P. Prower sud Mr'. Wm. Prower, Toronto,, were guests cf Mrs. W. B. McMurtr y' Mrs. 'A'm. JrooPort Ferrv. lias been vlsitiuli.ýer aister Miss Olford at, at île Misses Stephenys', Mrs. Thos. boar, Mr. and Mrs. A Mitchell, Mr'. Gardon and Miss Helen Mitchell spent Easser in Toronto. Btter results follow from the use of Millers Compoundl Iron Plilîs than from any ailiers. Sold by F. R. Kerslake. druggist. Mr'. Ed. Moses, Grand Rapids, Midi., and Mr. John Burley, TIoronta, were here aiiending tie funeral af the laie Geo. Moses, Miss Carnie Cherry and Miss Freeze, General Hospital, and Mr. Gordon Carbeti, Torouto, -were E asier guesîs, of Mrs R Cherry. Zr. and Mrsl J. T. H7ooper were in Lindsay Good Frids.y sttending îlte wedding af their son Mr. H. J., booper sud Miss Maxsam. Miss Clara Colwill sud Master Allan Colwil, Whitby, were guesis af their sister Mrs. W. R. Williamis sud ather fIends aver E aster. Hlacdy & Ca., have reeeived a new impotato f summer goods ý;at tle Central Mlillln.ery. Call and se e t newe~styles su,%id besuilul.bats. Messrs C Tsmblyn,. Guiv Bilkey, Dixon and Harris, Miss Bestrice3 Tamblyn with lier fýriend ssLange ai tLie Lillian Masssey Scliolî, Toronto, wereaï guests cf Mr. W. W. Tamblyn. Messrs. J. M.Hucnsn Paul TIrebilcocli, Norman EdIger, El, F. Weekes, Edgar Adams, Gea. W. S& James, Byron S. Vausione. Norman W. Creeper, Alex anmd Edgerton Luttreil, Wrn. Chapinan, Toronto, spent Easter Notices of !BIrths, 25 cents; Uarrla;Zei, 50 cenfts; Deaths, 150 Cents, eaülh in- serti on. When funesai carda are ~rne t th*,& offce, insertion free SïEWEVLL--In Bowminville, April 14, to Mrs. Wm. Sewell, a daugluter.' McKELvEY-At Kendal, April 8ih, to Mr, and Mrs. H. Ea. mcKelvey, a daughter. BULL-SImp$ON-ln Bowmnanville, April 4th, by Rev, W. Jolliffe, Charles Nelson Bull, Niagara Falla N. Y,, and Margaret Elizabeth 8impson. X A B H RD. H0opEt-MA&xsob,1hi Lindsay, Friday Àpril iloli, by Rev. Geo. Bishop, Mr, Herbert John Houper, London, son of Mor. John T. Hoopef, Bowmanville, and Miss Amy Florence Maix- somn, daughter of Mr. Rdward Maxsom, Lind- say. MARTI-PENNINGT'on-Ifl Oshawa. April Atih, by Rev. S, J. Shorey, Frank Martin anc Eva M. Penningtou, boîli of Oshawa, Gîun'rY-HEABZe-In Port Hope, April 121h, h)y 1sv. Gý W. iHeîd.erson, Mr. Geo. W. Giddy, Beaton, and lMiss Laura Ileagens, Port Hlope. PÂUL-MCGILL-In Bowmnanyille, Aprit 111h, 19o6, ai the resider ce of the brides miele, Mr. John MeDonald, by ' ilamJlifMr. Richard Paul, of ietowvnship of Manvers, and Miss Gertrude F. M oi, f the town of BoW- manville. SDPER-ID Blowmiiaiville, April lSth,, Samnuel Super, lu bis 83rd year. luterred ai Zion. WILLIAsI,-In Darliîîgton, April 15, James Williams, aged 72 years. LYNis-At Campbelleroft, April 151h, John Lynis, aged 83 yeers. WADDELL-At Garden 11hl,April 141h, Isa- belle Mann, widow of the laie Johnl Waddell, aged 72 years. SINGLETO-In Kingston, April Pib.) Rose, wife of Tho$, Singleton, formerly of -Port Hope. BUeaRows-At 89 Woolsey.St, Torouito, April 10, Alfred Harold, youngest sou Gf William and Mianie Burrows, aged 6 menihs._ KELLY-In Oshawa, April 9ib, Rari Michael, beloved son of Michael and Eliza Kel ly, aged 22 years. LEAmiN-Ini Oshawa, Aprîl 17th, Simeon Lsamiug, aged 41 y ers. MOSES-In Bowmauvills', April 12, George Moses, aged 71 years. CAmERoN-Suddenly1niperalysis of the lisait, ai 0 a rpenter. Soi l akota, April 1, Malcolm Camerion, in bis 8ird y ear, formerly of lot 35, B.F., Darlinglon, of Jesse Truil, Esqt., Souih Darlingtin, TRaa:,cuv_-At Bitl nlnMarch 4tli, Rlev. Alexaîi(ier Treugiove, BibleChiiltan Mùiuter fr'iaboumt4t yars. Inýterred ai Par' corulwall. TO0 C UREACGJOL D J1NK1O4E D A Y Tae LAXAýTIVE BROMO Quinine Tabicss Drgaet rfund monsy If I4f ails cur . E WeROE Ssigatur Isun echbox. 25c, ~uv yor Poutry sppies at P, puli its pd&an agns ei dvt. O1ld muids are rot fozr sale at an-i' oth'-ýer cig.qr store but Pethlck's, Try onUe, 5c. , Fresh and Pure ( urocers Obtaïined at Our Store, If youl are dis-,satisfied with the gcods you are gettixig, corne and see ouirs, If you are satisfied, corne and scu,, a n ywa y.If we canuot supply you wit Ih better grceies e avbeabet MIl your order iust a little moreprmly We ,carry a fine i ne, of fresh fish- 3, CC Salmon, Wbî1v', >,~ Fish, Sal mon Trout, Smelts, Herring, "odfish, Haibut Jn the finest brand of oysters in town. Corn nse fo-r 4~yourself, 4Ç>_ BO WMAN VILLE, - at STAfTESMAN offic, .cousiirg rons;god tble I acre _____________________________ tlIud itheiey off, frut Ieeon LPberty St., lninll ýe. For petrtiuars xapply t. '.JCligs Oshaw a. Rfrus eurd __________ 5-f Appiy oibSstrt-hreOsa.11f GG Frm hac WiteWan oi, 17 ysars ,l i t ýili ) latIst imlpro Uved hvs C epifso Aply t o W f,_'s.S, T lAwm uile.15 LifppyuJs.GBasamtn OUj S E TO0R E:NT-TwosoebikR A SA Iyou TTobuly, Rientoýr Lcase. uA.. e on osw"(t side of Onterio streesi, copy oî TF1E OUTLOOK s AveBowanv'le 4.11Iye detsie lu the rei. P OPITVTOlEN-TnacesIpropet y-n d vwsiw',l the ýï1 llïati-,1 pi2 vill 16-w:( OD F ~AWrigbt. 10 crs - ~XTf'N ~.'i~ atioal wnt 'Township of C u-tbright e VV ~ .tieug mcîc t Tb,.Ootiok~t,)n statioa OC.P.R,- ml5fo NovYo., Cîcoaci,~,hoco c~pis ~ hall mile f rom gravoel rond leldingt, weeK am;'ng tMb.t epaI ilpa.ris LZ manvîlie.Exelnsobudig n Anei , Wetovtfsuet ive eetg a goc-d, two vei, sra o eerîn word. gond for cX, or better stiti seuc [brougli=wnîý crescofIgoed tmè,1 ce yonr Wani. pasture,balncelugood stats ! ullialn iPosses.qon Mar-h i107. Pinojh mn-o.. flptnhn

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