JUDGE COUR Was Alarmingl'y A tflcted iïth La Gripp. Cured byPe- --ý-na. HAYDON Recent visitors: Mr. àand Mr Little Britain; Mrs Montgom-er ente, with ber daugblter Mra Il. 1 "disses Jennie and Bertha Hudso genle to Gravenhurst; Miss MaRud in at iMn. Harry Coliaczitt's, 'l Mliss Jmwell, teacher, at ber ho Toronto:; Mr. Wm Trowin ln ( 4. .,-S Sanlvrsryand concert Ashton; -Doi mot Bcee with Purg,ýatives and n have o ekeiu ledieines What people ,Trcw Need ut tblig SeaBom 18 a fonic. Not exaci -but flot feelii Le çsrinx fenhir Spring Business in ~"0< -~ .M~ I. mn. 510Uil 1 Mrs. *stil inl the vangcard 8 insti- of pre- nd pop u81 re- - -Mr.RicardHugh n lhas ee eritically 111 wlth a complloation of M.John ,Thorre. lSeber ~Dvon, 11og., 18 viahtý1g at Mr. D.. Tý Alun's..-M,- Thou isa uPeh, of MrL [r acer as woutuDOpronrted rrom 1b enD being sold for meedilàg purposeâ by the The marr: Act, HJO re6ports utthe gnrlqa-B ifp lty of the seed b feiug0 eed by tbo iDfOnG ftd-thýsY-is y rinîuch L~oc 59 uuirue LU X' BowmanviiIe, e on the 25th ce of Joseplh a. A nui he1p- freshen uip the home.f( Look over this Jliat and let us have a. chance te show you how well WC eam1u suply yoixr needg7 -uw7- --i - - for