~e lu lûr ~ri~o. Uea uoe w s ro : ~ il~ ~i~5 ~ ~" - ~L'J¶J~tt*. ~ I - --'--- -~--~ i 4 4- -.,~4, ~~-fl4r4-- s-, ~'-V~r~' 1r-~-4- r'~vflfl 1Tr~ -~ -~ 11st~Omi~tiûhe ~tÂI b~ tiedted dS con~dential. CHARLES E. SLATER, lu anyway- but thero is room fuori: itest- noeacquam',lnd Ut qbrt i' il COn'a Ê.t e saoib p b t - zhI~ ----I n7 é0f: th-l' 11 ou le t- t- i r, , eu t . t;, , - Cï,à5-ý i i tSa aj, nst. eCo d as a aaY Mo1-;resti, gh agrnwJ 'cateino' cf I h~~'sI r -e and -., jin .. tlie effrt-ad them in ali lolngthis i Sab- co en, resSirs........... ý 0to 67JiOV A lontg fbt want is 'a shoe at Un J rt combines ail these 'Shades MINISTERS AND CHURCHES, of the evening moved bv Mr. J MsnI' and secouded by Dr. W. E. T[iley. MrU H. J. Knight sang a s-olo andý Rev. P. j IMlnnroe, B- A , ciosed the meeting' w"th M r ~yII taking and 1 have-a large variUety, Spceial sa-,mpie books, so you axj.e sure to bc utd ISundlay Mayw 27 -will be observed asà old Premif pep ~l a nhe Methodist churchla.II A ma ,i .ir wfjl sing. Wh' churh SudavPastDrEe' lwHter ýowmanlvillebe sejqt to the rSir Wilf ed Laurier and r Vard,MR einginaed a Caada and Itscfiavc nt e' <t;enàtc M j for your produee The,' <eigncdj it , and $2.50 SpeciaL. ~-1 I yT' r