In Advance.' BOWM71ANVJLLE, ONTARIO. WEDi7NESDAY,1 MAY j6, 1906. VOLUME LI o 0 I mport ers 0f General Dry Goods, Ca,-rpetsan Linoleums in West. Durham, have opened out a verg big stock Of Dî'ess -Goods, Sllks, Prints, Muslý ins an Wash Goods Of ail kîends, Men's and Boys' ready-to-wear Cob~gGo fittiung, welI-made and good value. ~LADIES' CAPES AND COATS -Al i ew and made up in the latest styles. LACE CURTAINS - Hundreds of pairs - newost designs from 25c up to $11.00 per pair. CARPETS-A big assortment from the cheupest Union ap to the best AlL..Wool, also TapestryBruss;els, Oriental Velvet andl Axminster. Also a fine stock of Wýoolan Tapestry Squares., eouch,S Johnston and e2ryderman Grocers' Due Bils taken as Cash. P ERHIlAPS yen dlon't knOw -tisat 2Oth Century Bakinig 1 ;wder whe asae'!at t Oc parpo mahes iscuit, uns, cakes, past',y, etc., frlistrand swe etaer a ni d more whiolesome tisan aiy Tothar aDd at a great saving c f troublaý and expense. 5cM oOnly by The Drtuggist & Optiýian, Phona 49. Bowmanvilie. : OUR SPRING TBRII enow open, margeasinto our t, wlthout auy break for holidays. #b Stuidenits mav enrol a~ny time with * quai advantages. Inspection* Ilnvited, Yonge HISTORY 0F BOWMANVILLE. Bv Mu. îR-J, B. FAIR13AIRN, P. M. Bv a lapse of imemory.I had fergotten te mention two branches of the numerous P'resbyterian fannly that had active con- irgai nsl the forties. There was quite a number of members who retained their connectien with the (chu.rch of Scetland an-d beingz wealîhiy they were enabled though flot numnerically strong te maintain a inister. Ti;called the late PIrofesser McKerress, who at that time,%was quite youig.juist a studenit fromn college and hu ministered te them for mrany yeairs. H-is pastorate hiere wvas a great success, beioved by his ewn Block ai- d held lu the hî,hest asteem by the commnunity. It was lnuitable that ene oi his talents, schlar-shp- and industry could net rernain hidden lu such a sinall sphere et labour. Mie was appointed te a Professorship in Queen's Cieg.King- stoni. lis course there was a distinguish- ed ene. Sad te say lie died quite youLng in years but ici t a blessed rner bchind him 2nd which is stIi living in tho minds and hearts of those who he helped te trainfer the ministry. The 'Rav Adam Spencer succeeded hlm u ewmivnl Hie wats a scholarly god peher. H wvas here rnany years and was suddlenly called te his raward. The cengregation came ;into the union and most of the inembership uuited with St. Pau"'s. Bow- manvilla. There were a few residing lui the northern part of Darlington and somm lu, Bewmnanvi1e who had been h ought up in the united Preshyterian branch of this mruch divided church Thyute their strength and formed cengregations at Enniskiilen and Bowmanvil le 'lhe late Rev Aexauîder iKenntedy became their m1inister. He lived at Hlampton and for -ome years they kzept tegc ther while he had charge, but findiugz the wvork up bihllie resig.ned and the con- gregatienis dissolved. Mr Kennedy wïas a prince lu Israe, few indaed p)ossessed hîs ability It would takce a biZ space te delineata at a ny length his manifold gifts and graces. Benevolent, his whole means were devoted te the geed cf others Veriiy be bas bis reward I will now refer te twe iaymen, eue a Presbyterian the ether a Methodlist, both cf whemn had much te do wt the re- iigi9us movemen.nts of the eariv times The late Jehn McLaugàlin was a membeýr cf the first named body. fie lived near Tyrene and was indefatigable lu bis éf- for t kfn hefnA ,e VITRADAY IN BOWMANVILLE. A splendid program ofsportshasbejen arranged for Victoria Day My24 li ciuding a calathump)ianprcssonl the forenoon for which prizes f$,$ and $2 will be given for best cmeet Èfits- Base bail match, Salemn vs. Victors of Bowmanjtill,3 for championsh-iip of Darlington, and foot-bail match T, rone vs.-omnil Admiszsion 15c; chul- dren Qc. ilu the afiter'oon a grand Procession, headed by the band wilt maýrch frorn opposite the Bennett fouse te the Dr-ili Sedj grournd(s when a prCo. grmOf sports conitn f fo-bl mnatch-Cýoourg -vs. omaviibase bail mac-hroresCf Toronto vs. Bowmianrviile; foot races, running and jumiping events, bicycle races, etc. Special îeýature will ha the Marathon Road ra7ce.Th dav wiil close with a grand Coný-cert lu the-Qrera Hoüuse by soea 0f thevery hast aitert;aineýre ob. tainahie. Particulars in pr-igram-s. Admissiot afternoon's pregram: Aduits 2e children 10c; grand stand 0e, ex. Coricrt,25c, Panc ýýc. Plani ef hall at M1itcheli's drug tr eev the daýte andif resolve te spend the day lu Bowmnanville as the whola programn is under aumpices of the D. O. & P. Co. Band. foot bil and batse ballub nothin;' wililbe left undonle te give everj one a goo'd time. te train and guard the growing youth iii such a way that ne stain shall rest on)îtbemn or tho-se fromn whomn they are descended. the gre t contro)lling motive being that when thev. shah puass away their hi es in turu should have beau such as te cern- mnand the same veueration and worsip. Why shoti!d net we cuitivate a pride in our ferefathers mrany, of whom struggled uander great difficui'ties wvith hiýgh aimis11n the e-&rnest enideavor te elevate humranitv. Mlichael Cryderrnan was prormiint in heipig te build up the expanidirg trada of the piace; he a'so teck great interest lu the municipat and religeus avents of the time. i was the grandfather of oar enterprising townsman, Mr. H. J. Cryderm k u, par tner ini the large dry goods house of Couch. Johnston & Cryderman. Be came te, Darlington in 182t5, having iirst lived some two years unear the present city of London, Ontario Hie was of U. E. Leyaiist extraction, hailiig from Na-panee. I arn toid that he exchan-ed a valuabie estate lu West- muinster township for the Ralph Harncden farm, wvest of the tewn of Bowm.anville, upon which he lived for soe timne it is new ewned by Mrs. Hlaruden. This j' THE 'FR1500 QUAKEf, INTERESTING LETTE R SN TMR. S. J. OKE F'ROM PORTLAND To HIS MOTHR MR'S C. OKE, HÂAMIPON, ONTF. DEÂMý% ýoTHER-J suppose ycýu are uinder more or less anxiatyý about mae aftar hearing abhout the g reat cata!st- ropha ,that hefeli the bauifl ity (cf han Franw'sco. I escaped withiont ln- jury with, the exception c f a littIe hk ing u13 I was living 6 ile tsfrem tha, cýity; wejgot the shocK 1iteerhuk but u ifd net de any dmgexceýpt kk-îin ig the chiinaý,s off the bouses- but 1 teli 0l o, I thoutiy tie world had coma te au end, I got eut cf fle bouse lu twO seconds with my pauts i l m baud. I stood baek by thegardan fence pulliug- thema on, wiie the bricks ware f lying iu ail -directions. The sbock Jast- ed onl[y A few seconds but it seeMd lik6 a month te me. 1 dont vaut te exper- lanceu it agalu. ï weut inte the city the same attarn-oon but I was glad to get away agalu as accu as possible. The sights 1 aaw there ara, beyend des- cription týmd wihi neyer be forgettan by anv parsoni who wi 'tnassad the spectacle. Alter sema cf the bi-uildîings lied jeen shakan te thea grouund witli ail their oc- cupant"s the City started afire lu savaral places an-d the water mains bainz doa- trocd bh-v the aarthquake, It was impos- sible te do auytblng wlth it ; se vlrtual- lv, the whola city was destroyad. The tire ragad (rom oe part of the ety te aniothýr ferS days and nigbt3. Standiig ou a, ii at niglit wateling the flamea lea1ping from fhuildng le building and street te streat wa-,s a great sight te sec, butnotin'te ha comparad tu the othecr sida fthspicýtura. Imaginie if you eathree huindreathousand pa- nie mqada ioeasne place te sieap and nothing- te ecat or dirink; parents ruisinig wiidiv hiere and there iunitlng for thair ebtîdren; men iookiug fer their wlves, brothErs loo;king for sisters and se ou day and ngi until tbejy wouid become exhausted and lie dow n sema never te risa againi and others te bc awvakened te miove on out cf thse path of the fira. I ceuld kep ,ou 13,ritiug ahi dcay and then net cen)vey te your mind a il description eti the destruction cf Sanl Franicisco It was about as eue put it: If 'yeu eau picture te yoursalf thes descriptions you hava raad"aboift hall than yen may iaiasonuietiiiin wbat it was lika,. I dont balilvo theric la an. other ba3il as had as that. But tha e rst. b as Passa8d. ths e ola bava nlenatv to 0-un- Tàwx AND COUXTY F!RST,ý'; T--qE WORLD AFTITRMIARDS. .1-$1.00 Per Annilm. A. JAMES & SON, Propriatof a