OUST m'ils do yeur work' o The Gold Dus-.Twins are alweays ready to work; theay are certainly art.izsts la the cleaning U lne. Therc's nothlng Qleanable which, 'Ill rit clean-inci do it better, more quickly and more eco>no.mically than anything else can. You are net servi.-tg your best interesta if you're trying te keep house without CG0L D DUSýT. - - -- - - -~ - - s RUSSIAN PARLIAMENI inauguration of the National kssembly Passed Off WTeil. A despatch from ýSt Petersburg says: for which I cali you;, an!l be worthy A The inauguration of Russias National the responsibilities put upon you by thol Assembly on Thursday passed off well Emperor and peol ,Maýy Goci assist in two widely conlrasting scenes. In us. the white marbie hall of St. George in ýNO ENTHlU'SIASM, the Winter Palace the eleet of the pco- pie listened in the dignity of silence,- The reading lasted but tbree minutes amid a dazzling display of military and Nc, reply was made 'to 1Pie Emperors officiai grandeur, to the Czars brncI aC,ýdress. When he fiad concluded the speech accepting them henceforth asemblage dispersed, thie mambers of part of Russia's body politic. Then lthc Douma makîng 11 ig,ý<in oe approval llîey proceeded to thair- own charober ol. disapproval of wlia-t Lthey had listaned ,n the Taurida Palace, whare they re- to atlirmned, with erthusiastie cheers, their deterrnýinatîon, as expressed by prof STÂTE OF10F O isî,l CITY0FT seDO for.s CoaîI. Mourmlzff, reurnig Ianka for WRÂN J.CHENT mkesoath tha, tlie is the hkis cýlection to the Presidency of the eorprerftelrmoF.CImE&0, Houise, "to support their work for the doing bsnesi teOty o, Toledo, CouflltY wellheing of the people on two bases afh"ld îte a f oNeal, sd ht ad im t a flamely, respect for the prerogativa cf'te m of ON e ery HUNfDitaD DOLLAR fo thaI Constlit Llti, and] the necessity for cured by thl-e use of RÂL' jÂTRL UI cmengthe rigbtLs of lthe Dîuma.&9,RÂ j, TIN Althughthe zarpased sx hurs Swern to before Me andsublbedin MY 0 Czacpta f brsday, 'ej i cannot bepreâence, tuis th day cfaD'iecemb er, A. E). 188fl. s1i tïýf hatlihe went among bhis people. {EA}A. W. CGLTEASON, Hc disembarked from bis yacht, ai the oa~ ulc 'ONTARIO LEGISLATURE 14YAT TDE LEGISLATUIRE AT TO. [IONTO IS *DOING. ONTARIO INVITES THE KING. l-learty concurrence bas been express- ad hy the Provincial Lcgislatura in the varlous invitations extended by the Parliamant of Canada, Provincial As- semlblies, and inunticipalities to their Maiesties the Ring and Queen to isit Canada, A resolution to Ibis affect will ha forwardad hy thie Lieutenant- Govari-mi' 10bis Excellcnc thie Cover- nor-General for transmission to the Coloni al Sa.cretarys office ini London. SUPPLEMEN [AR Y ESTIMATES. Tha supplementary estimates ixere presenitcd and pi oved fto ha an iaddition of $662,850.46 to the main estimal;,es of $5,625,543, the, totalesiad Provin- cial axpenditure thuLing862i;,3.6 hiethe expenditura or19i as $5,- 39,'016. The items foi Cix ilgo imn accou)intad for $6,648; lgsain 1 250; justice, $576 dcto,$4, 790; public institioýns,$,- ;hsi taisq and charitias,$5.8;grclr, $1150); colonization, "I,00 (f wbch È3,00isfor the Sali atioýn Amy pub- bcbulins inclufding$000 for ad- diionalnor0Mal41scJio, 81 ýi51,353; pub- Ilic works, $21750;coloization roads, The Kind Y u Hae 7las Bouglit, and whlihlias been Ù&li se0for cover 3heas as borne the signature of' an-d bas been mnade under bis per- -~ sonal supervision slnce its lnfancy. ~ Alow no one tode-ýceve youlu this. Alil Counferfeits, Imitations- and "Jut-s-god are but Elxprlments that trie wtb. and endanger thoefelth or I ,ansand Cide-xeln againstEpeint hat 8 C TORIA Castùra Is a harmless subttute for Cator 01, Pare. goric, Drops and ooýthîng Syrups. It Is Plasat. Tt coutalus nelther Opluiu, Morphine for other Na,ýrcotie substance. Its age Is its guaraiitee. It dlestroys Worms and ailays Feverîsbness, It cures Diarrhoeaanid Wind Colle. It relicves Teéthlng Troubles, cures Conistipationk aud Flatulency, It assixUiates the Food, reguLates theo Stomacli and Bwesglving healthy and natural sleep, The Chuldren's Panacea-The Mother's Frieud.