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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1906, p. 3

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TMROËD ma-hner ~ J.willnot, of itself, p1o - duce good flour, Youm-ia ybe an-eJ11cn U'I5>cook, but you cannot pro-. \ duce light, wholesome -JL use be the kind that permits such resuits. mci- ery a,ýlone canni.ot produce ouit of the wrong- kind of w-.heat an ore than you can miakefthe righit kind of bread or pastry out of the wvrong kind of flour. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flouw is made from hard spring wheat-a w#heat thant is rich ini nutrimnent, that grinds fine and white, an-d produces bread anud p astry that are wvholesome and niouri.shing as well as light and crisp-it's a flour that begins to bc good in the wheat fields, flot ini the ilIs. Your grocer prefers to sel[ yQu OglvesRoyal hie knows the value Qof a pleased cus-orr OiLv I Ook for a C k"con. tains 130 -pages c f excellenit recIpeS, Sofme neyer publîshed befoire. You-r 04 grocer cant ell yu howto getlt FREE. Mr. Edward D»vey hbeon ill. Re..A. McKeen, B, A. visiteS fa theii oily. Mr. Fred S-ion bas retc ined froin tbe Cty. M is ith Chaproan wa bhorne frosa Re A.ROwland, Bethaýny, wvas guaatt M. ýG .o. MUsgrovs's. Mîýiss Laýura E lotBowmnanllle, viitedait Mr. ,G, Autiung's. MOiIs M. E. Best bas greste Port Hope Ca resîde wlîh ber brother, Mr. 6eo. Bees., Mr. sud M14v. Amýiirose Fîndley cf Kendal, were ln town recently. Mr. LeA&ud ïooper, of lhe Standard Banh"t, R hmen ilt, ig holldaylng ah borne. Miss ,Iey Hamilton, Toronta, vas recent gUeit &a irM, R.Mo n's Mdr. Wendell Alfard wili 'tart tbe Kezuclal fartoly sbOrriy. T4r. Robi. Mormnt ettended the SWeaddng eat Haaptaýn, cf Miss Mary Grace Harrs aSMr,. Avemy cf lîger- - sou,8sud baS the honor as guard!an cf the. yourg lady' cf gisiug away tb. bide, Mr. Curis HKKen 1la tmknig a cour36e.1m 1oR0yai Soealof Inftry, SLaiey Brrsacks, Toranuto, te quallfyý ferLstnn. Oar po"pulme V(ocalst, Mr,0.A GsmmbýLy, viii s3ing la illbrook May 24î1,. O)rono Metbodist Snnday Sehool tally day SundyMay t-Y20 1h. Speclal te cia ii ba preached b y Rev. J., o -'tî,g ai the Quatterly Board cf ha8 hcdist chureli a rsalutian was I r - ~ualy carrneS invltlngthe. pastor, làH. Mounteer, for another e.~~ ce year, sud expresslng cordial a - rfeit apprecisi ion cf hlsmser- vie,-ks durlng the past yoar. Loave cf absýence for oesmanth vas grauted. Oiro aLodge .F &A..,mec'ed Gililln: .MJospb enry; S.W., T. W. Jacksoün; J.W. Caýpt. H. S. Adrn hap., Dr. M.-1 M. Tueker; Sec., R. Z. Hall; Trou., John Wsddell; Tjyler, Willam Armstrong. Ait he e oskeoef tue lcdge the bretheen enmter- i'anedther ivesý, asud dughters, nS à fev inîvIteS fri.eneda ah a bLLqt lu tbe lodg6 roorn. TOc W. M. i»Bro. J. J GilIilars, vieprasided, Iord!aally vol- ccnied tho visitores.hort speecýhes weýre mlro made by Rev. J. A, WcKeen, B.A, anS Rev. H. V. MunuIeer. Wm. sploendi!d muial ontertainimont. VICTORIA DAY CONCERT. The _D, O, & P. Co'm Baud are ar- rangiug for a GConcert t10bc bis ln theiOpera Rouie c n the oveulng cf MaýY 2,1-11, osetaklug pat vli bu Mijts King, CnrlaSolobsi; Me. Nr rnau J-slllfie, Torontu'e Favorite BarI. tou-,; Ms ahuP Anla;ilaîJosýals frAlng, Elocuitioniet; Robt. Cringmn, Vlolinîiat. Tickets 25e , Rserved seat B55. Pian aýf Hall oeus aIetMitchell'. D n eug atone on &, m rnlug. Rsfs-rring t,3 hie latter lady, lb. S Lindsay Dâily Paît aya: "Miss Ir- 1 lngl, the elocllaonlît, maSe a fine Im- pres.sion, capturlng ber audience vlîth ber &tirnomber. 50e bas a fine vola., good eucatoanSd1e nao.a petceptIon of 10e value ai ItuatIons. Ber ré.cita-'bn )-"An Emîter silO P&- topa Was UXOEiptianah11Y galoaiaber InterpreLt ilon of " TI e Drumtloehty Witneess," be3r accent anS facial expras. abusa la the latter beingcoanvulslngly coîa.The maounfal stcry cf "Aita Imeda'"was uMIMOv8ry weli gîven, Milas I. ving had tcreapond ta revotaI recals, suad rnsy clasý herseif asi a prime L!nd. Say faý,vorit." The Peterbore Exanniner misa baya- "Th lterry umbreon the prograul wreç given by Miiess8-sai Irving, an alcatonatCf mors 112an oadnfry abillity. Ta mamy iat mabe satlafied ber beca-zrs ta but stAtlng tChe se inldIy. Few elc hons Ébve sppizared before e Peter »ougb audience wbo bas.v- on so mucb pieasu,2 as MIss Irving Sfld last, nlght. IHeririt number was" Tii Troubles of an EngageS Girl," ta whlcb as tc- al ber numubers, ah. h&d te' re- spapd te mn encore entthnusiaestlcmiy de- manded. "An E mter wth Parepa" was gis' ouwth mn expression whicbh ledge of the patbetie, snd lu ber lighte numbers ime mnorons was Weili p.« trSYîd. ler Scotch numaber, Th Druroto chty Witnesso," wvas perbaps the selfetoinin which ne. scorES tbe great- i esttru h" Dîamid Dyesý The Only Packrage Dyes which givesspecial colors for wool andi silk, and for Cotton, linen, and al mixed goods. Diamond Package Dysefer Cotton, Linosn or MixeS Goode wlll caler, wcol, si1k, cottan, or linon lu the saiîne bath better than any alLer dyes e eer pro. ducod. For the finest results. however, different strengtbs are needed for ai Mai prad1uetS, anS for vegetadie pro- dîuels, therefare, the, Diamand Dys give the ladlies one dve fer 0silk4ar wool, &A one dys for ecttonlinon or ruineS 1he crude and weak package dyes pu t- oby &4s-oe poeulators ta imitate the DAOD DYES, hbave brought dismiay anS ruin la many hiome2s, Thev produce du0l, blotchiv anS biSieaus colore, destroying gcd anS valu.%ble mjaterials anS are posilvely dangeroujs te handle Sncb d.yeare sold by same mj erchants for the sake of tbhobig profitslthEýy iels. la ail well re.-ulated and, ecanomical hoýmes, aur wo-en rat aIl ime make use af the DIMOND DYEý3 when &oing haine celoring NovEýr accespt froru vour dealer oar ecant substitnftefor- Dbia&mo0ýd Dyos; na a -thàer àves e au Sa_â your work as sou would bave 1h doue senS ycour rnaiandS adress taW ellsg &Richardson Coc, Lirrited, Montreal, ,P. Q., for finatmuetTh Bock, CarS ofi Dyed Samples, anS Verse Stary csu- 0tlted, "The Langjihn'm Trip ta tbe Kiandik-e, " lFanatoanay lady reslid lin Ceaaaor Newtouudland. A. PAPEII 0F INFLUENCE iu addressing tlie jury &a cootrg iset week lu the libel actian cf Ooyle v. The Globe, Mr. W. R. ISSieIi, K C., counsel for the plat iff, gave utterance ho lbe follawing sncnl:T erel apaper knowuas ýthe Toronto Goe paper known tla overýyboîy luib his Couvtry. It lbas au eunorous Circula- tbmn thogothe ie8ngth anS breati o! t0e civilizeS anSr. I1h bas su en, ormoos influenice; i.IRln apaper wvhich aI least auns bai! aif1ehgo)niniIviduais lu Is coiunlry douie ho ses, and upon ,vh2lh a very large pro-po3rtion pfIn their * tl Sa nfnesîalva I hat sorne aof0 R3focmners aS aS ýdý o! 'Give w' Ibfis day acOur y rod,'ie u tjLs day aur "D'iY Gýlobe. MEN MORE FOOLISII. & - , - TOWN CO UNCIL. Minuites of laet meeting will be founed on anl Inside page. 'Accounts Pa?ýsseS at 1h9 April anS May meinsare asý Chausai, Fire Mall.. »....... 2 8 5 H. liin, aprigetc ....... 14 50 Mcde 1arn & Cf)., lumrber...... 7 60 Foundry --0 , repagire........ 8 75 Garlnk 01,fln,.pakung . 9 7Z8 Gordon Edick, rep fire alarm. .. 10 00 W ATUR SYSTE M $035 Jas. Eiitt, gasaline ..........828 57 Jos. Fiectcher, tubes ........ .... 10 388 Jai. Ellî.gsln..........41 1il McClellan & Co-, coal.......... 86 61 FU13fLIOCk'ROPERTY. MeCiellan & Co., Wood.........12 0A Ch1as. Rbal, repaire.... .-.......1 i85 ELtec Light Ca., service.. -.-...01 10 do do .... 7 00 MeCilian là Ca, coDal.....85 20 $896 65 Clerk's order for grcceries3ý......8 41 Mccielian & Co., B of Hl. fuefl.." 4 95 dn arders ta Indiigents 22 5o Coch ahstn& Cý;, clothing 11 80 W.HDausan, supplies........9 92 0lerk's advanc,6 ta Indigentse .., 16 00 F. Lascombe, paostùlg........... 75 F. A. Haddv, supplies........ 9 61 M.C. Gabraithdeec, reg ietration 56 Bell Tel. Co., messag-es .......40 lerks P1/3 paiSordere......88 8) MCLeILn & Co, fuel......16 78 Giibert & S9n, fulel.......9 451 $154 82 RoADs ANID STREEýTS MCeln& Caf, lumaber_......18 91 Durham RHubber Ca., pipe,. 16 (il 8. Gianivillie, work .,..., 3 7 5 W,, M. Hlorsey, <',..,,.. 7 881 Rt Jenniînge, ' .. . 26 751 J. Grigg anSd teama, work....20 401 Jas. Gill, work........17 25 ) B Diliing,............2 ô, N1eclelian -&CO ,wr.....21 Co 1T. byleo, wark............ 7 Il W.Gimblett, work ....,.,.. 25 CHAnrm-) AGA wST LAND) Shoveling snowy,, R. Moan .. 2 00; Muir Estate .. 2 00 O. B Stanton, supplies ....... 2 85 R. h. LoEcambe, legalexp ...... 9 60 Exp. Stamp, etc,.............. 8 90 $15,85 PRINTJNG Jas. Gale, prlntlng, advtg, etc. q2b 50 LITILE POOKET PHYSICIAN lyinel linhaler thiat iNever Falsta Cr CuCtàrrh, Thousands who have been crured by EvmlcaP the Inhaller that cornes wlth every oulfit "The littIe pocket physiclan3," as it le so i3maîl that it can be carried in the pocket or purse.. Prior ta, the discovery cf Hyomei. statiste showed that at least 97 out of every 100 persans In this etate were sufferîng fi cm catarrh lu nsoine form. The remarkable results foiiowing the use afI1Hyomei are shown by the emailer percentage to-day cf people suffering from catarrh. A complets Hyomei outfit consiste cf "'Thielittîs pocket physîian" amedicine dropper, and a bth. cf Ryamei, and coasenly $1, while addItional batties, cf fivamei eau be prccursd for 50 cents making it the meetecnma, as weli as the moit rellable treatment for the cecfcatarrh. DUo LnEt diay longer the usecof Hyom- el, if yoiuhave catarrb. ThýsIlea purely local diedsse, anid Hyramei goes right ta the3 spot where the caj.tarrhali germe are present, deistrares them, Foothes and beals ail ifamtoand, makies a permanent and iasting cure. If youl cannot obt iain Hygiai cf your de(1aler, il wililbe forwarded by mail, 1postge 3pald, anl reCeipt cf prie.î. Wriýte for consultation blank that wli entitie you to services cf aur medicai dspartment without charge. The R T. Booth Companjy, Hyoaei Building, Ithaea, N. -Y, SIatica Cured After T-wenty Years Mpaey, oc f $cÇln tMnepl Minau., was tortureS by sc(ýiatica The Pain anS auffeýring which ho endureSl duriug thie tiras le boyend cruprehen qion. No ting gave hiira any perman- ent relief untdil ho useS Cbamberlai'E pain Balir. one application cf thatý liniment relieved the pain and rmade fsle,:ep anS reet possible, anS los than eune baItlle bas effecleà a permanent cure If troubied itb sciatica ar rbou- rnatiera wbty not try a 25 cent ictîle cf Pain Balm anS see fer yoursoit bow quickly il relieves tbe pain. Fer sale byv ah druzgiets. THE BACON 1100. An sbuslebulletin on fihe rro- dujctian Çoh hoge lu anada for, the Brit.j igfi bacon trade lecS 'for llseribution h l diISe mbfouteen p artesafbch dainZ wit a scto f 10e bacon lu- E4very rellable sourceafilinforruatiau withn rech ws Srwn uon u scr bu data for thbulti.After des cribig the type and bresds cf bog soit- aie for 10e bacon trade anS dmescusig 1h.o bee"t anS irlohst conýmical maethode af reacing aS fseding, thtî bulletinj points Out Ibat the con industry et Canaa ohb saine thirteen million dollars per year, içs worth-y of the saru- est uppot cfIhefmenecs ofCad. CAINAIANI N FIND RELIEF Tîme Case a)fEllen NWeLby 1leOne, c Theiusornda of Cures Made by Lydia L Pinkhsma's loy many womeu realize that il le neti the plan of nature that womcen should sufier se severely? Thou-sýanIdSof CndinWornen, ho-w- ever, have found relief from alrnontýhly suIfering by taking lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Cmpu , as It lethe nmost tho-roulgh female regulatorv known ta3 med'icýaliene.It cureýs the conditioIl which causes sqý oicili irfr n rob theue periods of their terros El len MWalby, of SWelligon lote% Ottawa, Ont. writes: ',your Vegetable Corýnpound was recomz- rnended ta mne to tak'Le fr.heinene ier ýing icb 1 endured teverýy othadw ith whl-1 ich (!hadbceen siferr fran ryeamrs get t inrlg na0 reýie'f romn'tIle XmIan1y P resi'pto whlich w-ere preýscribed, unttil, finallybco- ing di'curged wlth dkwocr and the3rir di-i cines 1 determîned ta try Lydia rE. Pînk- har's egtabe osnou d d Iarn gad thlat 1 did for vwithin a shJort imIp began to rnend CIanàâ in ai ncredfible short timle Éthe flowv wva8regular, natural and withou-,t pain. This seens toa good to be true and I ama indeed a gratfuland happy wornan. ,Woren cho are troubled with painful orruar periods, backachè, bloating, (or fauec> dispiacemtent of organs, inflammation orulcerationi, that " bearng- dowýn" feeling, dzinsfaintnees>,iini - gestion, nevous f4prostraitionà or the bus shouald take immnediate action ta ward off eerious etonsetencsand bue retored taO peýrfect helth Adtengthi by taing Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve-etable Com- p ound, and theýn write toMs ikan Lyinu Maszs., for fuir*ther free advlce. Shec- le diaughter-ini-lapw of LydJia E.Pinkheum and for twevntyý-five ye-karS !has been ad- vieiing motmn ree of charge. Thousanid4 have been curedI by sa doing. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST. The Chicwago and North Western RaEway wili se511 iow one way second clase seLlers ticket, Saily front Feb, 18th te April 7th,0, ta points iD Colorado, Utah,' Montanîa, Nevada, Idaha ,Oregon, WslgoChfri and British Columbia. Rate tram To rûmontrit Vancouverï, Victerta,Ne Westinust,.r. B. C., Seattie, Wasb.o Portland, Ore-gan 84.2, a franicieca or Lasg.êugelse, Cal. $44 0-j CarresondinIy lw rates tram aail~ peint. in CanIada. Choico of routes. Beel o! lservies. For fuiliparticuarsý anS folders cali an or write B, . HBsn nett, Gnalp Agent, 2 East KlLing st.> Taranto, Ont. 6i 8w Dr. anS Mrs, Anderson, Newcastie annaunce 1heengagem rent cf their onlv daugbter, Kate, ta Mr. T R. Neale. son cif Mr. anS Mré. %Williama Neale, cf Far. aday. The weddlng wili take place quietly at an early date. "~The Gran-deur of the Summits"l, e the titi. of an articlolu hie May mmm. ber o! the Four-Trael!ý News. FMbis lea beautifuiiy writhen anS artisticaJl Illus;trated deoscripition cf theý ever chnging vision anSdniajestv cf tbe Rockies. Oe. H.Daniels, Pbihr W7 E. 42n5a Streiet, Nw York city, UT The large deputztien cet miisterp,, !a'ýmeon and ladies ofthlb.W. C. T. U.. wbo walted oun lb. Gove3rLmsnt at the close cf the nniui meeting cf TOc Ontario Branch cf lbe Dominioýn I. liance, lu Tarante wfl agreewitb Bey J. B. Freeman. etc.tminite5r cf Landau, whc ssuq iatHon. J. P, Whitueiy bas rnsaIly 4çccived anS dreý pudIated thie temperance votera et Outaria. MrWbinevbs thro-wn hie challenge ta evýery temperane voter lu the Provine. We take it up, and we will neyer reet, day or nîght, unatil L'e le Sesposed tram power and Ibis great wrong bas issu ruade right. 1h bas been a liltîs longer eoning than we ~kwus n.,, Ut~ ~ flOtO OUJ <410 toUJrf ,..,;.1u nouiAsiiuiaj.,i 1 anc.o peapla would seoner or later sces tàe istl.ake Chey ruade wben they lbrew hboir lifte-ionzg suMrcfHon. G. W. Rogi, averboard. Tiihemp erane people ruade their bed withei ecys oapen, anS they, muet lie lil fe r a tjrne at ieast. THE VBOG TIIN&TO) SAY. you, general-," beIgany MiSss ur "Yiou know 'a cfma 10kat a O 'interruptP edOcfamousGoncral demib dked g79 Or e aool euta Atmtc for u dùý,ieuîs lor tier r i rQi ibcanrLi 5,,sr n- deed snogy niepicis ariedno r Cli dic,eIts 0:ai DOMINION PARLIAMENT' "Lt E , WLU DUssTITI oywek NOTES AND PROCEDNGO F TUE 0¶TAWA kCbUSE. w FOREIGN-MADIE BUQYS-. F Mr. Foster wa inf iorrned by rMr. Bro- 1t1een purchased lby the Gvrmn c txvePen Jufly 1,194,andM ari3, 6 foi ý wueiinCanadinwtes SALE 0FTI E. Mr. Bennett iearned Num M. Oliver ttI flic ti mber onutOc Whitfish, Lake Inin eerve, neair Suidburyiý, ad been iod by the Indian 1Departînient durmgc ije pas-t year. The sale had been by tendier, alter advertisemnent in the press. IMMIGRATION MATTERS. Mr. SitO <Nanaimo,) was toId tDy M.Olier hatsine 196 taninl -h ione Ibutagriuflturail casso o inesie ervats Ioemgrae taCanda. SuOscquentlyl when 10e mraion itwwnusw iivas incresed1 Lo$5, Lthe 11lds wa enlarge Io0iniclude minersnvis etc., w1lo intended ta) go in f-"trr ing inCanjfaa. TUE BOS RIF'L E. Col. l-ughes was iensaiedeal cf 10e rport y 10e omm1llissio)nwic exainS tc ose ifle (beforc Ïil waývs aape y th Goermen. 0e is oh O linfmtinwas that ltc rifle w sa better anc enerll tan thle Le-nId, anS klt at af ew defeets dicvrdcold 0 'esil coreée PLACERT MINES IN THE YUKO)N. Mr. Olýlrs11l 1 a cerl in;1ing in Ile Yukon was given a lsec- ond rednadconsideored iniconi- vwork ý-oh thie commission, wbicil haýdj examlined 10e liwhole subljee.t in tIOc ,yuhon- TOc ricipeof t10e 0111 vas agredtapracticailly by v ryoyu 'Mc-Olve xpaiedtat the ajc toa t l crstalize Ithe iregulations whic iadbe() enfund Ita 0e acceptable,1 tions wer usaisacor, ecaul1se bIey nere ltof apraetnature. )MosI 1ý2OO TONS 0F FLOWERS. Lavish Oulay for King Alfonso's Wed- Sding. A Madrid desýpatch says: King Alfon- sû, N\vOo was tweniy yeolad on May is l en1grossed 41with 10ile preparations foi liîs wdin.Amnonlg 1e lavish out- Flrss rmo1a , Cnar Isod,rv l'ave been smoe yllgahLa afy a f1lorlcrpto Ocsres htt caplital forltIcu weddI(Ii)g poein Twv 1e hnre ons of(J owrs ave 1ceorý 1de red decora e On lzade Trsalone, 10e w:floralprdue aISe'- vilMiurca r dVcia, iaanS AranjuePlz, ftram MaIY 80 taeJune G , lOas leen ordered tb !e seniltc, Madrid. The cosb Oais beenlagy subseribed by the publie. Alfonso's'-wcddýini jft ta Prînccss Ena will consist of jeWeisvaledal, half a million dollars. They vil comprise a golden crown studded(:( wviLO ianmonds, a diadem, a diamond n iechIace, a peari neekiace, a gold baee studded with clîamcnds, brach-ý,ocladenrng.The gCmIs were taken fronii aid( pieces cf jewelry in possinof tho sovercign a)nd reset In neelashioni. The crown is a magnificent piece of- art wc-rlç. Oneý Ai th(, pendants is composeS of enorm~ ous p)earîsý, hecKin g seîcctcd from undres subittedfa Oî. Prin-ý withffallegoricie dvices, sou.,rjaiý fh Am erican Gand Cua!n visitlO doill 0,Lýle ,te inMadit aI 10e lime omi10e aeddSing. Manae aîrea5,here STE 0ý: f ON, CHUOTNDED 'or Crab h LUC 0' Cou S CTnr. f 1 F R. OENT ANe otKtht e3s. seniornpatner'f-te andm ol F.J cd ieNET Ca doslgbness RS the City otf oiedoe", DCoP3nt6 HalsCalarrl Cure la istaken iCtern]ally and setsý directly con ithe 1b1("01 anS jmucOus surfacesj 1f the sys,,telmy.,Sr for testimnonIal,, frae F,' J. CH ENEY & CO Toledo, O. SolS b y Pail Duggists1, 750. Take Hal'~ S'my SPila fori, stpthu GENERAL RISINO FEAÉIED A adndespafclh says: Thc Englisti carresponldenîs ni Soaýth Africa concur Josttig hit heeis dngroh a - gecralflar up mangtOcnatýives. A beliuscIfo tambaa to Ns ul seed i'- uccsfî etnsv toh s I Hic~~~~o 11wfwalkcohtOrihews,srrgy sxmpahizewilOfOc Zluswho h mi UEAR TrI IR. A depalc froiUliv\a sayvs Mr. E. Stewat, Suerintndentoh ocby Tne Gold Dust Twfins are alwaYs ready to work; they are certainly artist ira the oleaning lino. Thcre's not.hing cleDanable which wîIl flot clean-and do it better, mnore quioknly and more economically than anythlng else can. You are flot serving your best 141eetai you'rc trying to lceep bouse without GOLD DUST. USES FOR jwrk Ucloth, silverware and tfrwalu oib brazs work. GOL.O DUST olaa2nsing, bath roorl. plpqýe t,-, anl a!ing thz finest soft soap, Ma?,de by Till'N, K. FAIRBAN K COMVPANY, Montrea], P. 0.-Makers of FAIRY SOAP. OOLO DST male01ha227ateouFi DON~T ET Every'Day sB*raî y SPe ople's Fuel and O tc Lumiber Depot.;- 0 We are stil11 handling Pest Brande Canadiftn Cemente, British Columbia Red Cedar and other goad : Brando Cedar and Fine Shingles, Bine and Hemiilock and Mouldings. Fresh Mined Scranton Coal, Cannet C oal, Steani Coal, Charcoal, ilard and Sof t Wood, Lonig, Sawed and Split, Siabe, Edginge, Land Pla.ster, Fine, and Coarse Sait-in barrels anld sueks. We always aim t-o give the O best value at reasonable prices. H3ighe-st Cash Price Opaid lfor ÇGriain and ,Seeds. * e Kinig st iEast, Bowmianville.p LIEAYNOTES, LoieImagen Guiney Oas hiied in a short csyfor lihe Jaine Scribner' tOî there is nol uc(2 uail;vafw caîlrosrve is nlyan inoane h O science 0f expiessin." Secotaî LOc Engiman1 withi ficbercan wLo uis epesie bial bhings.'c 'e jy ThPe cGreat Egih ?md ~~t~W"ïodin old yeilis. cuere.s Neri,- o inaDebiW ,dnal and Rrabs Woirr)y,S Dýe- Pric $1parboxsixton$5. n. lllpiesse, six wilcr.SolS b y ail dmugglets oj r ailil i Ipanpkg. on rýeceipt of is .eom PlC iet vmeË-d free. TFhe WVeId MedîCÏÎne rÇo. (formerly 'wilwsor> oatOnt. 11)ani arleos a or uselifcyiteresl"t, ThceaneDenao is ai mist ai1trac- inc-ýludinig ia cLapIer on "Dlrf n Dn tjIe nmecoiiItaîflinig tOcusual array ger in O Mret, l TO elnatr a[ t[oc lateststyles, \witli fOc interestiatg Campaigu for sale Fos" Ades hasionchrnicesof Helen Berkcle'Y- Thc Butterick Pub. Ca.., Ncw YorII City Loyd anS douard iiii(La Fontaine, and litrar hatuesof heicgreatcst excel- lence Burtn F.steývensan contrihnfes Tcc~esta uc nîeefe tOc l WrIpr o TcRse oh Sharon,"' h ffý, a mstey tle oatwil lx tc igeiu-produced on îLe e, moins Oypictorial lIv~ ~ ~~ ~~ýý otisredr l ave n fhe arat, whci amaIrmake " rmel anS0c ac icur tut rogo lur tm Quex" i conlined. Undr toc tlle on y heail "10eRevvaloh ai 05 AselyI xvhcLcoleSTe prove te yautha1li r. washel, n Ari. (ustv ohb n anS 'Ldevery farim of itchinr, fersfiglythe manufaCtrers ha.'ve guarantee'd it. Sces tes- exelet ere. orclîrethrele i bars whathey -think cf it, You cu us iiIL and "S ies aSPsie amang te gel or money baek if not cureS.6ea boy, ai anc oh!AlceBrw ' Gaduiai',Firy a Il deaiers Or EDMÂNSNc,13ATEe Co.,oronto, Tls"anS for (bc iioniari0f file home. Dr, h seaQ nt e ' r.- -r -r -L -LI -r -r 1 --r ýL ---L

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