Ci.C inG. Ford who lias bce -wit tie -eryforemost daai incu&n Glle's"Secret Service C, Barui," "he C lnsm'," etc, lia,,s Ywb'lile rpeo mOllOup ad wigwoanua-,At tbiestir pudonftimcapuvs mitenseAl eede fk..el me nutiItnidHriie a sean~run tiri itwas iîiu wonerfu reait oleigadtr adufetrl teces a,~ ylatrsmdlsntrlhl aF GiD. TU ATI~ALFz L Extravagantcdaims for tetremede oul nlec teiaa polbcs ogeprienc enables thiem ta icrmnaeintelligeonlly.- re ean 'et ,anid wirryueapeaatn Otalle.110tual wrhas mueli or more than it casbsisnludollars and cents. erpiede kM i te andraif erraand by actual te st doos ýmoregad han ail other hair re1edie, cambined. Tis accunts for its popuianily ln theatrical ciodes, NewbosHepcd "I ie peaureinanmnuding tue er w, II rapidy ota1IwMs alraid1Iwoid lai u il apue fnind dviad1-erpiLJide, and allerusieu i s 'i luiy nMy hait poppe!d drppicg aui, treddruffu C'sppardtnd-y, ar 8 awv ry soO 1 ou' 'ie tc 500evers lady fcirc praf s- Wo~ o d-ld _nthcis Starnkps -to Èthe 'me-rpiie oDept. L4 Wind'Sor, Ont, for a Sample.. - Special Agents. START:1 FOR A S nmmerTraIn ig In B~INGSII~HANDor BOOKKEEPING crures yett'M BUSNES CLLEGCiE EFFOSINCY, and for POSITIONSr Èwipen Ai'l Var. Ia n gt Get dlown toln'usel NOW Telegraphya ?15 wto 0Wei b rc frw yu wlh Leddprsecsfr rmoin Domnion Schoo! of Trcelga ~OWMNVILEMAY 23", 1906. SPRING IN DEVGNSHLREF te_ý Weter Eee)Tms a remelo cilesaof hebadesand gar- den.Wriing he ast eekin April hA speRks of toweatiqher -lwers, etc: Afezhe "coldsna w hae Ad o snedayo the wolcome raz1b_1 as cre -not On1UIlliong Our tanks, but Making prac.Thehegrs are a pict. ure onthemnsclves, From _North lano ta, Bmrtnate the hmdgeau 1D somo' placs are ucwded with primroses. One doos notù wonder at great men piacing Euchl ovely flowers in a buttonhole, and !eel a pardonablo pride Là dolng so. On Satcombe MWi hili violets of mnany hues may now b l ,e soen. R1owh laviïh Nature[ to hf eastpoi fny my f rion, Mr. M. A. àJames, thu proprietor of thre "Caadiu an tae- m ana"'of Bowmanville, anada, wold revel in tdis bewitchinz Dovonshire scnr.Wo hope like Ymaýy etIpa71usn i "bt in thre Spring, and sec that the hunoeof bis youth rmas tue and1 stretchfr the oye, but nover the beanu- fui as wve jhave vbore in th'is lvl cuy. thatm ay ar o emo h Gard6o of the Wrd Bowmanv-,le istrict, was hold in Sim. coe St, huch Ohawa, Tujesday Alil thoi memers 0f tceitrc adams an equal rnmbe-r ocymo wropro- sent, Thre summing up (AIthe yoa' spiit1uali'y adfnncalThe flloýw- ina' iay oere appone eoaot liog Jéine:-J.. AMcason T. C.Je- iWei, (UMCa wker, BowmanvillecW couis FanMple Grave; O, Hïezzlewood T. if, Everson, G Wil lis QCook. swa; TY Dogls ab - ste;D, F.Waleh, tOrno A.E.Clmensi, and W Brent, One cnddteposnedbniof o mede t ",-, idbyte GConfe- encc. ~e express inUg tdle(epn r ereat t)13ide f8te laae, king a t(hrccpfZlfth0 vt e noces- peai of that unfairclause in the nUw i ces iand to h'old our repeta ta and thoeovrnototaaccouint forý tis retrosgressivo iogislation, vwhich ontirenchos tire liquor trafflo more StronLy'jý thaen ever ini our.FrOvilnce. T111e congratulationisCof the meeing woere e Venedttire Chirman, 11eýv. Dr Sh",ore'Pýy, tho hon0laci11cir 1litole. con fo6r ïVed upon lm by tho Soinate o Vctri Univorsity, in conferiug UPon htie tiLe f oor of iîu~ in fronenextvear. It pours tii4il of 11e into yoý ur Sa s- tom.àt waýirms you up and Starcs tme Mo blood circulatlng., That's what Élollister's Roeky, Mountaiu Tea doos. 8&o,, Tes or Tabilt. Sold by StAt 3c Jury, druggistu 167 ACRES FOR SA LE - 'l7 eing part ofthtie James Shn n esiate, coriposed of parts of lots 13 and 14 in the 7 th and Stnir con, ofHast Whitiiy. AppiF -tc -JAMES A. Bna aln or JOHfN sADLERý FARM O REN -"0acres in Dar- lïinglon,50 ,i ct of lots 9 and 10- ,Veil wsfeo-u - lc~jl.o jnes Road, ciran;e fr ou efeli , isgf~ Ai to H.L. ARURmrto.20If Winidow The ew sylesare lalgand I -avIalargo vaxiety. special sample book, so yolu iare sure tc be sufited. UTsual ues ()ua c5 rg9Liset t w . nuren-. for bu IfI,, o, -as IAt8,0 i. 1,L . ih an atr igigand payr 0cied" mr. reron Mu to aread taMs Trowin the fohiln2 dres We, tire memUbe-rs oftire Haydon choir gret of tho5 prospective reoval af you nd your -,s5(emed f amily frnilau mi.OUr hiarts wore sddenied 'wien '1uu roigntiaas rgaisiof ibis so- uý(eiei cam o taid. For sanie yoaýrs paeýt -ou have been tire main factor lu aur servidce af sang in tire variaus de- paýrtmnents aI aur cirurci wark. Yoar efficiency as oraieyour readineo's inu assisti-g shave greatly ondared ~ou tau s, W hle wecannotaeutl recomapens fýe ou for your faitirfal ser- vice y et we desire ta show you aur a-p- prciainsetn gible fan WeJ , ireooro, requesi you ta accept this watcirasa n gr tokenaIofoi es;too. We wish yau every happinees in 7ouar now ho anad tirai God may spare you mt' -anv ý ears ta exorcise yoar mnyn, ex- cellenat qualitios in bHis service. Miewell pr&eonli er with a beau-t- ilul gohd mwatch an beliral iaI iro---t. lisTrewin Diade a sitable replýy e igsr ought sire irad only doebr duty. Hon lathr pokeorou ber behaIf say Iing ho was giad sire wae aie jta ielp tehie service of sanig Orbin any otirer way, and did flotexpeci aPly rewavrdl for tSpeeches wr aeb nJ Siemani, W. H. Cree-per, J. Run-die, R. S7eaOB' J. Wrizban thr -Mn. Theaemo agasl.Aiwent i fo asoi tueand prlook cf tire good timn,s pnovided b-,tir ladies. Beote paýrling tiro, joiuled is ingig"is wenedtirirwayta teirseerai homes -Mr ,atd Mrs.W. H reepieran Maste rfGeorgeaspen0ut Suilnd a y ilu-N ew- Cas ti'q. - a 0don SudayV Schaa! l lia procured saine very higi casart'isîs fortiroir anýui-voýrsary which they arme delnmied a mireboterthan over. No Company 'Wouldý Insure Her, INDiGE STION AND DEBILITY HAD BROUGHT BER SO NEAR BILEANS HA VE NOW CUBED'BER. lAi'a-aonîstneC. oh grant me a pohicnI was 50 noar deatti; yel you aree irow troug Bileans have uow made mec" Sa ti rs. E. S7coît, or Anmy Ton- race, Newont, whenieviewed bv a ý-Nearýt Aorie"rporter. r ýxpnecepotsunitaiy lite pri af B'!ileas îSu ca"ses wbvere indi- gestion iraswrce lestoan dlebDhulnitv bs cepi le wili almst fatal effeci.Conti iber sarsiresidL f wvas no reduced ,,bv igstvetrube mtia I bath laoed and bLtUhMe a woman wirosedaswrnmbed fut-lness afier mue olwdb ecr in.Tien I heg& n t have paW9in le faod andgaiso bad tirtaiaing Lcaueed actui agny.1 went tao a dloctor, but cold al iee o ib, as 1 !ouidý niot affordnex ofa'along rucf docLar's bihis. Flndiug imyceof getting lonseqIne1 n iemd a amber &I nedi censtreconeddby frneds, but nou1e did me auy goOd. suce m yfien eengrod tire boari whic rreed ini ellhe bW reeterie foisepn at Aight, I was ofien abiged ta gel oui fa bOcd i lu ie ilime ndwalk slawhyabout th c rooni tl! i lie fanindg "I ;vas ati ny wetsi in tl recsct, adsai nd ttiehoant son'itimes IhlIwas obloed-t"ceae niywork lers e iadudnelier irasbaud omc goo teywoid'tbe wilioul hem lu -tirehonso. Sr osse e1 r ~hiem, 1dud so, andin a vue utile0lMeI foaLud ý hiroy wicedeinglmealicgod I1eseeo witir theni, ud oeb.ý a th cthrsnipoms ofindîestlo. wero, strangertol -wind' and indigestion." Biieane loue up tire whie digestive systoicl, and stimuhate It ta nannia!ac- tion1. Trii a hycr uhser. louecaesaIgestve isorders, as tre abave They aeacure liven troubles, fauncfemýaie aliments, constipa,- lion, piles, anenila, headacire, wpeas- RfI swnsations of lulose aller food, p irmip ïies, anid otheýr syinpltaûis aý,o i biood r ùrmput f, blauu s sicirhadacirhe, badI brfe'ati, pnngdeillyic. Tbeo' aet as a genera talu, imptove tie goni craIcCUlahionH, and tare a blicoïr ta paelcdgirls aud wcak wien. For me, puc oses tin whlcha auseirold no- edv s bt R u wlli 1%bebud oexa- collent service. IBileauis areobliabefrini alildnug- Igiits and stores ai 60 enuts per , box, or di rec t fro0nM tire B ihe aur-,Ca., C0IloCIor n e t.,, Toronto, upan neeeilpl of price. 6 Ilo0xesb f etr $ 2 7"Q. 1~ ~~~~~West End House WetEdHoe SD-O, P. Co, RBand Suits fare 2oth Centuràîy Brand Le-Sec Them flaY 24th , Good ValueShs Women's Oxfords or N N ETRtA Womer's flongola Ba1s, '~Sandals, Patent Tips or witli- BTHERT N wîth Patent Tfip or without, c~~ unws tles, per pair Special valuies per pair at .... .25ta $2.50 pr. ,... $,0to $3.00 Ohud'sSanalsin an isses Laeed Bals, ail or Black, speelal1 per pair sye 12,$,5t 22 Misles Sand.s2iT an8. 1Ïý ~Child's Laeed .Bals, al)sR Sda iTm styles.......$10,15, or Blaek Dongola.,.$1,25 pr C- ami 81.50 per pair. nans aZdisan P ECIALAC ENTé S1Men's Footwear,. in An- Lifans sir(lai md ecan or Canadifan Brands, f3Button or Laced B 7p0-,als ' pecial$25 0 Oxfods Spcalaes at$1.50, $1 75 ...50c. 775e ýand $1,00 pair, 2 0, $3,00 and 83.50 p r. Deal at M Mrr' New Muslin and S iîk Waists, latest stý les ...,....................... $ 1.00O to $5,00 New Gloves in newest shades and in- long lengths................. 25c ta .5pi New Silk Baby's Bonnets, vory speeil eaeh ................ ...... ...,..... 50 New Dress Skînts, good fitters and neatly made..........................2.00 to 87.50 New styles in Crompton Corsets.............................. ...... 50c ta $, 1.25 pair. New styles in white,tan and black open work hosiry ..................... 25c ta 50e pair New White Linon Suitinga, irnported ......................35e to 75e yd New Colored Wash Fabnies, a large range ........ .............. ... 10c yd ta 40e < ý New White Spot Musi1ins, India Lin-ns, Persian Lawns.. ...............10e ta 3.0e yard iNew White Mereenized Lawn Waisting, eaibbroidered front, cuifs and coilars, sp)eelal $.0eaeli lq ew Cream Wool Fabries, special values .................30eý yd ta -$12 Nýýew Suamm,er underwear, ail stylos; oai. ......... ................0e to 50 New bs FurishingsCapSurs, Linoleumùs, New Lace CoJars, New Laces, Ne i51k, New vTrifmmingIs. Nobby Neekwear, Stylieli ilats, Latest Shapes in Collars for the Mon atMMutys Speelal Valu-es in Men's Suits .........67.. 59 ,750, 810.00, 812.00 and $13,50 c ~We givo you good goids for your produe ______9____ he Leading Clothier, Bw avle STOCK NOTE S. Stahý1ýLo; iffi stanEda aist w stable)I Haipan Trnisï-g 12. JOHM4JOLL, seor jwrite Wni. Foley and-'t pricos nfiri Fan and Rîra once; 1 solwr;alsa tcire Spocýil FieldFoceî and c Ehlwad,7mu cirapetnd be-'t1 dawnta aulty ad gadonfencing; fone. i oce îawvy d u; inpic Mad in Canada. cgoing May 23 and 24th BIetu-rn Limit May 25th et-4wen iail stations lu Canada, aLso ta, Detroit and P~ort Hluroni, Midjch. Naar aî 1 adBuffalo garai andfulnfrainci oca, S',TT & JURY, Town Agent, W. WOOD, Depot 4gen-t. J. D. MOcDoFéÂLrs, 1>lsrt aoseengeM &ýgzat, Tertinte. JOWANVIL. * OT Thy é ln1ad Srgon a randi st Pitisbr, e.cpmo Ofcand RsidnceneDoortaEx-a ArLOceaTe Tusle ur piion urditis aiea t ht heoiinnskle W'- mon ha avehad tho pportun- 1t, ta insp ït thoilang akels daring ma-nfacure One If the b7 e workmon in f tir on ht he Barr '-Fute I mhe i sut aft hae ytre ig L-aIs in tin iuciuding he Mcaugixeio Co, of shawaScnd opnithatRUheugBare gges on1ý L ir b tbut the ceauo nU Repairing promptfly donle, WAOOL WANTED Tira un asg e speared to py 1+1ae and sockin yar always on nand. socitbnig ror ontne uaronage If yu caw c Rpu ecqyLR o1U thHamp'o". ta ouOEur I~ ~~~i ~ote el u ne ýOLa-fonc ggive you relief. Cwrite cr phone for uap poîntment, Dr'ugsts and Opioa ns. Phooe92. Bwmnii OnTihe Corner." I Bouks, Fancy Carde, PTrebilcock