Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1906, p. 5

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RaIWA Ilw ABLvsE. BTry a iLEawatha ut Thos. Tod's, The! ' BfOWMANVILn STATION. rIe.J .Re ymr a nonbs.e.Amdcn that keeps babiesad j 7 We îîB w and ~r ________________ LON AT ol.....G i aanThrdar o -tmisscming oBona ilechildren well, or restores them tuhealth 4 Ê 6pm.Paenger... 86 P. an, Phot 0S. da; nt home. Grs Ready to wear straw hat8 Ju1st humanity. Sauh a ÈSdcin élil ' L«M CU lm. luMxes...=.7 588 el ' nOn alt.Tee0alta~ Mi... 102m OMra*4 ~ ~~Geo. W reently cisie a n6Mso -ai!e &abwe r besTt-% N .v v îi v S1129 .m. Sndapony,' 'wr one a chmcoeto etor e ni!f-nd n htb.Nam- weddlng cake boxes-lovrly ones pi ftehn adgv onalt hy_ _______________ Daiy Exeut Monctas $400 asud à4153 Jerdoz yphotosa Sir $ ý MssScq Toonoisg) 1 -tpain oA ofierfehig epand te mohenhai4 Tiketo ,certain p-oints sold lu accordauCe o dont fauteSiske dvantage Of nY Miss WSe Jns mnnteted s ,,jýtof SAtOCkce rg h urateofaoe'netaa*i wth CalhuIidayras annownced in another àiowbieJas 150leunato ttae frlumberinmnbgm oywme O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' wlnteanre nfan Ns r~tae moaey. ML K. Farr spent sundav au his 1See mr. Hocki'ad vt. thf a hisu edicipedo e n e otïnee Y9 e ET'TE Ury, Town ÂAgenîs Pewe Iudns oezlNemre.Choisedahlia bulbs fuor1aeS. J. prieeoftepo nsojatsf ud49ig Wear etin u cmleenew Misn Winnie pennlngton, TorontoJcka s-aldsoothing xtre.a oSt i ne o ff ringiica]toC)S ecij the ad spect Sunday at home, This year off grace 1906 is NEît passingp Piuid medicie .TAe Tablets are uqati ft ~get Our prices beoregloing esewhere. lies Mary Hihi, Toronto, is visiting 1j9layour subseription pald l goifor thenewnbb or the ~ HAEyuse htbgck op \'e u aneesaisacio n ermd- brfter'e.W Hpi.Ty îan Orafnge Fruit Snnae -at Thosý, Onehav gron hid.Mr bt rie 49 wst w'udoq ydte bo i Bum %W yi Am dmear ilof h îtMn;Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady, Tod's.They are delclousOtm~:" aef.n u st dsi ndare 1manufatuedl av te 1N My, a Vpiiighie MotWh,,eiArrange to epend 2th ManluBow.focrigontpin doheilsfgldwth hihilbegena-a aa anad a romptAjug as at-' Ïo ub" obtptnan sr so tetingient al rer. ie s i tigMa'geJoliL, avlck ~mnvll.G(ood program off sports. iteoe. o cngtteeaesprize to the one Who aomes n-retto iS tuil rderhrfthr f..W oliffe.Waehinachines Save labar. Bay froui anvmedjicedenier or by mailat 4 les utleàe, a he, la en îithe best, We seli them. Archie Tai1t. 2Vabx ywiig h Vr illî2,i m usigtewegto h op coum afîmd»ý L i ýN eabaés rtrîfrdv~bulbs edi re r oco erR1adJh o~~n 9 W'b~~cwrho ihisîueo sepia or water c1or~, aur tudiele the ente, moEd nxt door iwest off J. B. Martyn. teran r ihr aefC place te gt .Ail r ur ed iand Ms.Jaes REhadsPik Lvenew goolds ;Us"t lu &,'Centralbray, last Fdy A Gie us a trial_-Day oe fpht-eig were "%ent guests of Mr. G1, T. Mlllnery for the entamer trade. CaliDop1 ~ grphjie kChaltn.,ad see. TO CuRE A COLD iN ONE0,1101DAY rpi n, r orlckadgta S M Au2 4 à1tee« pnd orders promptlyfî»led, Mi5Lur'a Keat, st.Mysl lavisit- Arche Taitwante aCil yuregge andDutst eud oe f tls ocr. .4 ap-d vale. IVI A Y ' 2 ingheraunt Mm. William ~~Adamsz butter. 1He pays the,: higheet prices in W RVssgaueI nec o.2e hS ___________ B. 1 BBINBTT Llbety ~cash or goode.49* s-e -, STÂmCMÂN blocli PhotogapBonr, editor of the Chis- 1If yoýu antp.a goed leok;ng anda GAÂI saapo,My thtaM.R.49S Those who parchases Ktain Guardi-anl, Tiâoto, bal areined go( j Ied a îing 1ntew m 1Itgo to he Mas_,- GrAnaas Those lio prehase Kodas Phon 122,hieOfficeowng ealh,0o Co.S cO adCIVCLiitr-1in othaw,, May iilte MrnWme4 OMNVLE month go arenow tking pot-1-Cal aut ýB wn ros. ext M-oa', Try a box off Ganong Bros' eelbratedE.Creas. urstha.t they have every reason qeelTuesd- ay n ensa n e cooae rabxofL'ny' hc înssNil Oba 'a1My Let t 7r 4bf Ibe prond tMfcup 0f delicious,7Mala Gama Tea. ltes atilThos. Tod'e. MaWylliamsoo. a son.fe 9 SP There is genuine pjeasnare inBWAVL . A 3 96 Mr.JsF le adsnCalsYou can buy a bachlor for10eaand Fak msa son.Ma Siewfeof -Frucis, New Yerk coqv,(US ,aevis- -an oid M mai t5we 34Pehk'e obcc Le:RI Eas tby, May lStb he it ing photos with a kodak. iigle ahr r ae llot tr n abrso.of W Give, o a o .îCail and let us show yoixthe Pesueof e avrisn la ro-Rserve your seat for the grand cn ogs oS.hasns.aSoht '"~17, t-D Mr and Mrs Rys D. Fibairu' a daugli diUterent styles. e tsvrl omeoff newe. cert lu hbo Para )HousVictoriaDay. ý pn re Zqufiky retievedbyCeoeatr 1.00to 20.00.Brinnia Micp Vaeouver, B.C. Y C. Pubérki M. .I ~barber=Topwilbe W.C5~.,f.Ol Te iBow rs Dntms ti hirfrtvereaeai MM A. .,Un- mecnritlyidnMay ni n fsso n R, M. ý_ Saxy, oS a sou, niy. Bathw J ucf lu ce Su tard C" of ns lupm 1 Growi bLq b-I swGoark la Mayng !,M.ta'Mr. soli t:e vriv Trne aecurtain's hunldrede off paýirs in . Ga inilaeuhe _________________________ ott «R9 & JU.y IDr.Lowrey Y. & new resides lu rIfteic len ruquire plusenonmeainalte-motddre-utre- AIID ________________________________ Office Pone 127.Very pleasant te take, Sldby FR.n 5 .Re.JA.MK n,.AMa ithJae AMaWe th FORSAL De'tmis liarng fietclae cn ereake'duggistTwnfolpcease read about the Woknsidem twe, and Ciara edetdsiautRI ceFbOwR-kowSrtstLE heOprYM. ,A. Hardy, 1B A., the Teacer hic ete cawker & Son have pro - laeog PlarE MoitotOoo Private Post Gards, cd aigHneVcoi a.Train .gSec etarc etthePoca ie for their customaere.R ,,My16h m l unuad a genuine photos off the tw. EBae bau. footbailu,etc., etc.,ful abtiShe seite.lisbe o tlde'NwsngcasadMrs aho saa program of sp0rte eta oî ning titi1 a ppeied Principl(odMuLon Ladies' new smirs just opened out at Concli, .E 1hVhaeaomleunof See Them, 1eveniLg. Corne and enjevyurselff. Cle'.JhntnadCyemnns TosatýNesietn taton, Ma S Mm.F in isreundhome ffom 1CoucliJolinstn and (Jyderman have, Peroy Carobeloved u vifeoSWiam Porteous, Oreelî Eneld 1Bath Tub,-- ___________________ Jsop edetaCoef J Lo & Br n od, wlierte hlas been for over 1juet opene-dont severalcasesof e' ae 4 ers oos.Lvtois Zik etc Blouss, mae up u thever 1 a ayear. lier, tMr M.EB Au. 1StUif asoft habs. Tho laeetEngiebRDwitns,-Iu atrgt My1,Jh nie lias eoeut lisedngbusiness in and ý'Ami2,eian Styles. Rdards, lu bi 501h year mn anJoexcursion te ton Oestario Agri.>u wool Sioves, Screen Doors, Windov-v ruatrealeand union thrpets ever eliwn buy any B"ADRw-In LindmysayMy14,._dJ ohnus Sres S pring M d ic ne. cu Î',raIl Colie2ge3, cpi ednesday p a laih,", Vcera'.leueluBwauvlle Un gd7 er.Orsokl nupse o Il theArOamb'ayMay lSth Margare Snnday. Off~cicrteattwo earuhagrsig- Irauce uiSspale, psh nd1Socs Purifiers or. tic miarket there are The D. O. & P. Cul. bandhvir-e e oiinan oet xrhm nntthtei oe0 ilrsWr nre tiat will give you better vîded n-excellent prooram foriav24Fee7'lerree.-hewa'vryPodrsoeasolll wllcre Sldy'o eterVlue A.nywliere 71 sueon all f-ýr i jst 816 WH V Y Umbdrellcasin aol s îi ý1a. very flue resuits than J.i and G. Stomaci lun the Opera House. Yo'llmisatreat OU'iging and highy respected by our F. R,, Kerelaire. druggisit. Liver Tonie. -if o arec ttercit1zens. It Clean,--. u a~lerI-,aesRyols PttHoe la ad eweleased b receive a eau from newlhue ou xhiitionvnwEaiThe ObnuentTaLî AkY rmt RigImmiEm a wgerte alkfro Pot ype o'ev. j. H. Turnbull, Ottawa, whe wue Mason caceMany off pem directiWu cherietrubls. post P It ivs rneed negy Toono, . istnc1of 6imlesla24l oncalling on elS ftomd. 11ere- portation and very spcial value, Lea Camrpanu475 FergosonAve7., i N.HJtn Ofc It relieves constipatson. huunoionayJne4nciedm4any aartyhaudàlake ntBri anae r hihtet id E10=i2 sice chaldhod. Hecoeînlid Go It does (everythiug that le re- Coucli. JoLinAuon 1Cri-ermanilace oUiy frM hie former parishnoes eASt. rnungan met îýis bgges ad secalsh-aywe-sao,;>ksluhoJal- B;mnvPi 16 o botle reglranSWorstes.Now Leunhmmlimtale CAIecutienswiomlie liaS thi ni Ouy bvWmEdgarSeav";a~"en kSt i> eîl/ e Meodnin 16 ozurroUdpufo r ASpin Sit _ ceing. 1Ho Was guesi off 3r.Thos adSmohv rcie e er a/rtîf »w/în1eigetrZ~ sàeor 75c. Smal size 25e.MCH odn DedHaia u-Ptesn mtaio ofCummhaer avd &at h wiuz ed wndrsjre clsaAeSdtje PPr erStudard latim Mn.John Wuders anS Sa u »erMss eta iiur. aiaSsc Don't puty isf-- gt a bcaox f dira aelé1àeg #eso »W duriT 5 , M. le a curand Wih! ch au ngel u Ea sanere lave ý-,gone it atnp ouw tyles nuS bautaifud liait. the c cdli iî Oc,. 6 for$25,0. Jname et tce paper te "The Star." viSelrebys in lu euseEnumland. At dr mu bauli ýuggs'orfmThCens C.a s Dunngtheseer thndr ton Fl.TAey cc leS by bunAiun Lice 'Vi 1e- LdesUainatsmPeip'Icq ï Cnd. î L ail-orno s o le cage n t e f oýr Mc Ký o n ke' y 's day a t e e th i u e yff W . c G e a .i .P rSIon, C r w i t v r a e t t l s ue p n d e t 4a se in emliS 11 Te sur e W0f beoking Mr.:CtyYerman's. oISE, Molesi, Mr, I t 1rn3n ie___________ 17YouKnwInitiLimis snQuehen, pyia.dwîlA UUARAE 4J rEFOPILES to wîll lieAi Brewn Bros. an mondav G ApYoR.M P LSMQe M uch About Ihefuruilitiepoga on ihe nigât t ïtlie tch"& , mp d~iPrmtng Piles 1Tueeday aSuiWeduesday, May 2e,29, 80. Pl~fislucr oC51 ay.Sc Eor.vbeelweiceme te',CailanS lOUSE TO :ENT.cSiompd cet Oiu.eq arempe the tu ts i4utt Appy ta 1Rs 1uvî Lais o r edl nie aDon't fogelttat1e pepul a n àaaeMi 13PD, S. osavll, ît es s W DoeauanStet Mla amaTeawhîliSteamer Argyle commences 1thesea GO-O D STRZONsG BOYABOUT if6 wil11 erveS t at wn ro. iva iINISTERS AND CHIJRCHES slon'-s -im n ouTuesda , 29111 Mar, leuv-- o(r 1 er wrtiis er tnnih i)VI ngINewcasle aI 6 80na r n ow piyt . .Am.aBwmn~te 5t - a 2 ilb osrvSasoSmanvîlle at 7 am, and arriAcin ~ Ton- 0__ýg.'lg ?7C o' uay2 M eosrv-j ,-îùtta ,,ý Ï r , w.z l.'nda etId Ram Rtrig evsTo- TIE TO !ENTSore srew-ec - _5PLcopieS h dJohnne tecorner1K1 u a You would nttik for a cinle1, sLtts Lcaý L 'q U mveT m j Ut pepnsdaeîli ehoiichrl, uoai5oclctp .?iiiln tets osnnlleei n~oment off riskig your siglit ~y ~s~sîns j A maiechoir will sing.W.1,Hreaelnonrsen ils ,~~~ch Th1adies' aid off St. Panuchlof hahmÎwsbuud eda1iwhl tTLE SRYamIn«ot2 Cbig spectaclesfrom pe, 3dlir ad mng11e LcctL dîats àulliiutrabursoia aM, îcig aoe ihies auwmr ctag.c;vs ne ny aesaeb po inexpenienced persons. îePlui olgee IrmaTn i cCehne olBwmnîl, 2 h ilesupposeS t e hve c ught propcrsy andipvsngex5eresn W. w- tot~tciitpoprl ndgur Btham, Tnone; R. Poter r.leo s Pa sroby Ii aIemeiieoSl !be m.Jh ~ e onc en, evu atdl fmt S5m.toem!______ 25anse p rln e e al S 1u Me us ASSa S lth e prLsaofy. h o u emrniu J uti ve o itoi a l G-n 'un .oo .JDrigo bu a as5o utiea r eperiv nd enbles awenotnune ice henae rr1etcoH. R laeMeods duc udvdultrt r mnLlSnle-Q RATWNE-4eSgnea!u_______ atee resul ttat aiaesisffact oqr lsy, Syeuý idsy p euhimuun n Junet Rufineces reemr nboth services, itrta2gadVM e , bnt t osavle 1 St t & J r , s renedrmsnyg pYet. ilsna anSdDurlinglon Sunday trigod gil May 1rd hd 41h re DOALLD Ip-111 1ALBRÀAITH, - Lienwork luthe Ladies'Aid anS Mussion- fichoal convention wHlibchelS Monday stations lu Canada, aisboSusp BidAs i sSera, Sotcor, Notay t'ubti c~ The Prfgglets and Opticans. Rrvblatxll Yo' hrotComt ue4a apo Pormsm saS ufl .YDtrl n tirte ani Cospany lemneyto Ananut It'et __________Inad__________N__ï___________ uand.cure u ae. Agntifor The Msdtad Loan f prepared for tlie posi-peed convention. HmHur iel, Cad!angntas forisd ains r1gaiOfic ppsiejB* ef uinceorsokof Villam ashngtn, 68 nclS Ae- u ulght Soap and4olow &diren, out next DMonday lunîle ibul g nex'u may luhaat oan ster 8 years ol! nuTeoto earagefrth una n hrsa veig f ex ee 0P il othforso Ms HrAc otho ai Lc urane.,,... îm25 ai pb so ar nerio rowDulsmCntyt R1 . .fie cagn ffFe ileceuug, neainQou eîlemHn')s road nonfninbm lustabye ~ Niagara Fahis in Jnlw. oc'iyihspyeakn Tiiycinei htiuOf.Gvehmaeu LthmsrdSyDuf-n .L ASOSln, ap l lm,=noWo ndTr~g- irmi aou'e noua'1 uesa, e 9hTiemtiwthe Suninet ing onhcsy lehettYal etcksbre r.J.BTOhmhSomavee emmo t~ . uavs Nwc le6.80~ hu, es.Colecton ill c siop ME WATED50 en fr ~ Spradsn Vlvefinsh aS. a sule frin 5c-41f an ystey tb ï1 în. î f r- 1 Cmosî e',tr r y v îlieî l Ee Dr ~~teDmlmPcilS aa nShmerudre ar orscah(.A.WaTu;,ne.wihfrae ý0,addition, and a aril hm 4 x Mme.thr,ýcp, .A Ho j' SD.Hsî - & os itrawt stable attacheSs1 x 16. Ther is ase a Tablets jpostivelycro alhdny hv vr'gaiosyikte h is-Blig, omuv.e 01about balS utoha'i,th banc yog trouble, and free woïMon fIrol i eoinrm ýIl, l'ý î7 e s i C o s'e Ser TbrÔat Md r TheOntdYoW Rae--PDgjZrutars anScnilios f aobSfo I aaes sneefeciv nresfore ey t' at boaluAI ay MyabvenaeTuecto oRteu-Arig.i day trre nd diturbasoeicttye-a Tor 1au c ,tio anS ilt h e rd ora w. ery" .riaioeisiole i e-, !As ef uasth , , ."D lSsae __________________ et.taCres leno A tInptl Tecbet.Ki 775 Stte eVuul___ ____ ____ ____ __a_ ____ ____ 4~C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ThnýLt ýnéý t 1LI.!,-tr and&CBlld1. L. A, W. bý 1-ýIifioi Th Ki ignturee las8 C l) rth ii &a MnBWSn1, 1 . A 7ý, % 4, W

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