Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1906, p. 6

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Wash Oilcloths SulG ht Soap, lcus wtb About the H u e Sa rinse clean and ,tvfre dry. The colors will be preserved +++- ++++ ++++ p ,ip and the surface unharmyed, FriIiplu iu-aetreeep e Commn isoaps fade the colors anad cups cf chepped piepl-,ant au-d ene îf injrethesufac. unlight Soap clEans, freshens and preserves seded and chopped raisins, ac add oillohs and inoleumns. Ibis add txv-tirds et a cup eofmeasses Sunigh Sop, ashs coths vhit vvthot ijur tothernot oeeand o half cups cf sýugar, Oatea- SunlghtSoa wases lôtes hiîewiîoutinjry t th lTOst specuful ef butter, a pincirecf sait and delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can Spica te faste. Tis amount will maise injure etîher clothes or hands. tbree ~pies. Bote xiî we crusts. Try Sunlight Sa is better i . are fresh crisp slalkss cf pieplaut te be than other s'oaps, but is best bad. Stuffed Tomatees.-Cul a slice trom thre ,when used in the Sunlight - stem end cf the tomate. Scoop eut tbe way (foll.ow directions). seefis and pulp. Mix threlatter witii au Buy t an folow 5equai aount et buttered cracker crumbs. Season te taste, 1111 in the cavi- 5c. directons C.lies cf the tomalces and bake till thre LEVER BROTHEfRS LIMITED. Toronto Cottage Puddings.-Cream together a cup cf sugar and one-lourtit cup et but- ter; add a bealen egg, twa-tbirds et a, cup et mnilk and cne ai-d a boit cups of --fleur. Bake lu a flot pan tlii ce- - - -tbirty cr ferty minutes. Serve witb a 71 fluid sauce-a lemen Sauce is nice. -. - ~Canning Rt'ibarb.-0fthe mouy ways OAP - ried, I find Ibis method tlie best Pee -ci enf eutlitre1 staif ml mi picces. Ceok them flu as litIe atr sposil - -.-.,-- -~L5~- - ~ ~ ~ '.* ithou sugr etsalI. Sal fvlo bt. ~ IX bo pened i l e fehand fl E -JR feE ' H À R l fleur te anicd a teaspeetilieba- ing pewder; roll, apriiie pithLi grenu- _______________________lated sugor; geutly reill itlu; cul et,ý wilhh olobin centre oafd baie. ±LOCftV Place, osettes.-To fihe yeýIs Aethtree eg ItI aR ck la e S are ndBU e 'y beaten very lii t add euequart oet ik ~ T'T~1. ~a piece et butter!tire size et ou egg cut la ït S o tiein lutIle pieces inte the pmilk and Pgs abJ o aIe Lving three coffee cups of fleuir, o littie Sait, ________________________tbree teaspoonfluls et bakinfg pewder, and, latly, tbe xvbtos oethte eggs "if Iblerefore the, iight thot is ln thee sibility, hcxv doris lire day when ýýe h;ýeln verY ligbt and stirred quicklyý be darkesnw great la tbat darkuess?" I-ghts omit darkness-. Mou judgie relig- mbio miixture. Baise lu a quicis oven. --MatI. vi.,2. ion by ils fruits. Il yeurprooest ioi's 0Orange Short Cakýe.-Ouoe quart tf, Ho, whio pretends te vîrtues ire does (A devootinde but incraseyourheoy four, CIwe tablespoonfuis et butter, twe Det -easss son leses tirese hoe may beartedness, or, worso yct, do but serve easrpoufuls cf bak'îng p rdi, tirer- have 1nid. Professional beliness brings 'vour sbiftiness and double deal;ýiug, yeu ûeughly mixed \vith tbe fleur; mU i (nt Dnbeut tbe deIatir cf erdiuoary houesty. have. by yculr fiseýhoofi, biit a barriï- very ,stif t) ,vith coidtveler,ek as lilto For paÎ in iithe bac- scanty uriuc--4ilglly colored rne- irritated bladder - irregular bowels-bad Ftoiracli - there is inothing tliat will bring sti quick relief and so certain a cure as FRUITKIVS These xumarvelo-um tablets are naturela natural rerecdy for irritated or weakened kidneys. Vhey act dir'ctiy on the kideys..ste the irritated inemlbranes -dean, heýal and strengthen the orgaus -and help them týo new vigor with i their work, Oftcezik7iuey trouble is nlot due to auy orgalnic defeet ini the kidneys. If the bwi are Comstipated-if the skin docs flot throw off the tissue waste of the body-then these impunities are carried to, the kidneys. In ia vain fendeavor to rid the systei of inpurities, -the kidneys are overworked-the bÂood tvessels are d ilated-the nerves, inflamued. That causes a host of Madley troubles. op RIT LivEe TAnUTS' flot Only hea--l and srnte hekiuy but thiey aiso increcase tire aCtiionf t th SkýIn, -a1(lset direCtl'7 On the-ive, thlus curing the cosi'axion.l su ci cal Cure for -11t kktney tobe.Te r nuade ot fruit and tuuiC-mre pleRsant to t~k ~o.abxor 6 boxes for$20 Sent on r Cnîo price if your drugg.1i ostus fot FEuIT --1172VFS LlâME OTrAWI. FELONS. A felocn or 1ývhitlow is an inflammation 0if1 the bad or fliger, usually co the ilast joint 0,f thlingEr.Is importance varies Iit heset oit; that'is to say, withl the potofe the fmnger involved. f 1 ma [afc ite skin only, the tendonis orsuwor the fibrous cov ering'0f the boeteperiosteum. A superficial whitlow, where lte in- flammnýation is confined te the skin, may be ext[reniely paintul, but etherwîse it is nlot a very serions motter; but this cannot bo said of the ctter twe torms'ý In the tendinous, vhitlow pus forms in the fibrous shealh surrounding the ten- don; and uuiless thie inflammation quick- ly subsides, or the malter is let out by the surgeon's knife, the pus may bjir- row doxvn Ibrougli the sheath into the palm of the baud, and resuit in a per- manent crippling of the member. The third variety-caicd by physi- cians the sub-perosteai-is tîtat in which matter forms beneath the mem- brane wbich covers thre bene. As Ibis membrane is tougb and inelasti, lte tnindue te the inrreasing velumeocf' mratter becomes very great, and givesý rise te a thro-,bbing, maddening pain. Th eief ffrdeud by a dcep eut miii Iisý luflamef lngr.right down tothe buis magical, olîbtougli tbeeu hr . This la tbe only treatment for thîs formi o! felon, and the niso shouild be mai;de ooriy, for iïf it is tee long deiei(tbebone wili be kiIIled, ;l'd a dchrngsere will remaluwbc \vlw ae esilotea surgical oea lin vnif il dees not result lu tbe los et tbe last joint of tbe linger. The aupertfIciaI wbitlow does net usuially call for sucb radical tr'eatme. A clay peulice often affords great re- lief. This may be mode by rnokiug a poste cf dlay,-prcviously slerilized by bakmng in o very bot oven,-aud adding glycerin te prevent to rapid drying; or tbie cay may be obtainefi ready prepared lu tbe drug-store. This protects the fin- ger from injury, keeps it cool, and if applied early enough, may prevent the formation cf motter.. W ýhen once pus bas formed, boxvever, ne malter whot the variety et the felon, the safest pl an cf treaiment is to cut into the inflamefi linger, and gîvée xit te the ofie maltr oudreieve liretensoncth The ~ uaie unc~ad_ 'sunny" ways are synonymnous. The cold, dreary winter days can be made cheery and wa rm witl a pure, healthful heat if yeu have a "Sunshine" furnace, la easier to operate, cleaner, uses less fuel and adshines" in many other ways over common furnaces. Two afiakers are used to, shake the heavy, trîangular- shaped grates. This just cuts the work of shaking- clown in haif, besides being easier on the furnace than the old one-shaker style. Sold by enterprising deal- ers everywhere. VANCOTiVEI%, ST. JOI~,ES. ML!Oý aîybdtetooe -wiebcguy"~lu i a bl e u. WIIAT IS EXPECED 0F A MOTHER.piliuliy au hcuur or se aller each' fthCgc.ain hc T)îý;og l ý mmi are thee maya if - butq -.-4 whie th g 't' meoa 0ftIhal genero lion which ThomasSad- Tie Fouh eea l'y iead o mo the be polir tIhe living pCatke.peleIe ut asî o h -- I.Aors auYwbomm cu m t"'1pit; ~SjcastpOrcupiee Cake.-Oue a brwcpe uIhnif vrthat is expecled cf riýt i ra 'elieas-i.s"i - ~ ~ Tle btnl alnus nd ligil. gee up cf sweet milk, eue and housekeepor, xia, nd mother, it ocoursDO fiiug ehrsand a deadiy cowsequ two1v cups to ,ilil c f f1 leur; mix obove ingrediculs 1er ct ail tire arts aui d sciences ,mnorfler s1 gbetbhus fyuhthci lpsilpslrt vl e elieve il Thte rebelZuuoguolakdC. C ence te spoiled by luiruing the whoe it jut ,,; pbiîîcý' er f' 1u ,~,~!,~nH~.~ consista of bri'gliteyes,liiving hair aud Irlie, thot a gereration of Englishmeîî Teuchaî-'s colrno unTe - CL 'I-Lt>- I->t'L .t' Lt.->- i.' - - '" tLZL>L>L'" i O " L>,LL L>ILtLL.Lt 1.'- It'L Ut Lt.-,- - - ..~ t t . I 1 L>~tL..~t1..L~L ILSLÇ ~~<~C> Lt> V~- 't> ~ - ece ~IhaL. .iu.iias-.imcaitaî~..ta~.-1 t> LLLZLLL ,vUL LLL LLLCLL LI1Lr111'~jLZL t il h ah-

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