iPE-RU-NA WAS ETCESSFUL WHERE DCT S FlE, mnWiL~LnrrtHOJLETTE[. 1Nl - luesip Cholette, Ste. Thlerese de Blairville, P. Q., wr I.Mnspitese il ver be able to speak la terms high enough to express theo Ientire confidence 1 haem~-.- "lThere is nothing better to ras bore hI flteo. -AIl the pains 1[ had in the head and bowels, also thé catar et t*q_ Visibors:. Mrs. John Ormiston, Brook. lin; Miss Forguson and Mr. Parr, Black- stock, wîth- Miss Emmerson, Rov. R. A. Doive, Blackstock, preached to a very appreciative congregation Sunday... M-aster E Ormiston, had one of hie eest hurt iu a bicycle Saturday, ... Brooklun f~laiteam expCt t1 play Enfbeld WEAK KIDNEYS . I B. A., B-D D-pasto'r, gýave s '-3ivr- ouatbothsevics.The sigin h te colarud 't1-3duets by the0 qua-rtitt -Messrs. Charle3s, WesleY and M- rk AlUn au ad A. W. Pickard were y, ' " rpasig t the large audiences wb 3h filled- the church to overflowiug. I',' î day af ýteruoon a very irersCi i gram wais presented bs thi3 eocol, t h c2hair being occupied by Pas,îtor WiýC S'inging by the seliool w 'Ith Mis Etî À ragas orgauist. interspersed wi h recitations by MiEsses Bessie Crag ' Pe rl Luxon, IR aYs Bragg, Nel Hendorson and Oscar Luxon; songo y Misses Ella and Effi 1 Wight; the drill -, songs and pantomine by members , f the school were exceediugly well give ý. and was pronouued by ail one 'f the best programs evor given L .ý îâe credit o Ainnthe .ouugpoop.eý helongs to M0iss Courtice, Miss Ne1l3- W ight and Miss Laura Bragg who mu. ' fest gratified with the results. Rev. W. Limbert, Camborue, a former higli V estoemod pastor, gave a'short address The base bail match between the Park Niue of Bowmanvilie and Salem-Provi, dence resulted lu favor of the former. Score 42. Mr.-Geo. W. R weecS umpired the game. A splendid tea was eervod by the ladies, the tables beiug ulcelv decorated and laden wittu alil 1h gqood-'things which ýthe ladies of this section iknow SD Wfl h1o1Vto prepare and the service was excellent. Proceeoû about $100. ENFIELI>. ---u U - jj~- * ~ V -,,1V attention of bis audienlce whileie h e-t$1;Sisrpin 20 oa 81.. Orcharch is rece4lviug a coat cfo ~~~hSuiu>ianivrst s ri"bed "eso aliP1CS Pl c on trip Mru. F. W. Lee is visiting lu Rockwoo)d white peint by Mr. Preston,.,. rs. ~~j<JrJ ite Ixe 1nrtunn b ayofwhose charge she bas bad !or thepustjonto.. sW H rer is vlslliu twi f a al saviea ev-i S C ua,'. 't vî l ý "'...A Ne-, .A #.. ff N wZ1t4 Mv1 ,. Wkb BA DT~on, reahe eceeiuiygo d L bo lmurus'A ato,n 'ad gtsMyteT MOLtjoyMesrs.aud E Slema -3 , a p r p r a1, çk o a n o J I I a s s V r a a n d L ç ua S e m n is t 1 I theehor~ud ~haIhSoool~n~r lterstng.Mr. Lig ~glnsan M~s . ooýd adMrO Secugog friende ln Cadmus Sunday. and -n bije .,hi iidl înteu peo,. Mr sio.b R vL Ths'coi nd Mr. N y rP r S rt M , W, A, Leigli of Torouto saýng sooshat by tluo beh(edietinb -e.To u»-ad r.N.1, rrýûrM were highiy ploasing to ,,1i.! MoNdý0;.,a y don. Proceede of annivorsarv and lec- L. Byers, Toronto. at Mr. C. J. Mount. - aiteruoou ýa good program of singing, rure about $185, The people of Solina joy's; Mrs. J. WIlliams, Oshawa, wilh Mr. and Mra. -M. B Cryderman, Mrs. re atosand d iloguesubythoýchoars have reawen. to feed gralified over theo Inonds; Mr. and Mrs. Heury Brent and G. Kersiake spent the week-end near w8s muchenjoyved. Rev. J. P. Berry, (unparalleled succees of the Uuited eff orts Mr. Albert Brout, Uxbridgo. at Mr Stouffvillo. .Miss Eva Clalworthy, Tor-, B. AX, prosided and the iolowinl ook o this occasion, Eldad le becomiug a James Staintou's; Mra. Grant, Toronto. onto, apeut Sunday at home. .Mrýs. pat rival of Ebenezer as asca centre at Miss M. and O. Thomas, Taunton, at W.Coiwll, Hou1sail, Mrs.J. Vie,goin"" pern dr ýVu anuiversary lime. Mr. W. H. Martin'e eslled on a number 1 frinnde, Mouiday Opnn ddes isslsie d1 Vn-Il you had laken two of Carter's Lit. Harsh purgative remedies are fast .... Rev. G. Webber, Toronto visited NesI;trellatior, Wills WesfokeE vaIl' .onou old giving waY t te genîle action and Mr, T Eiliotl and oCher fi'iends. He Pacc, oloeynolds,Oive VanNest jîle Lileil tPille be ore re ring Y W d lin Ireue Argue, Nancy iammiman. may neot have had thit coated l ong-ue or bad mild offelts o! Oarter's Littlo Liver Pillae. uldIepli vr cetbySn fliionds. Herart V&Y.. t U, ~ . ,.,tselutomuhIbsmr Âg oep If you try them, they iîîceraiu' fontinn"'Miss Reeve le atlending e te, Our vlaeMi' 'ewin and family of i ftý e~ kfle Je rh~ o rnÂto au : wetb uabr ea for holldavs. t equlpment Most successful graduates. ,11 W. H. SH~AW. Priynlnnl - O~4~pie S~fti~- -~ Are wondierful values and please every time, if' yoii are iin need of a neýw suit. This lot affords a money savLng suite at $3.50, meu'e at $4.50. 3ust Tc han& Anothier delayed spring shipuient of Men's and Youthns Suits, these are very choice, new styles, and would have -been. ai o&h th-yanvderiri h ean -Our 8 .anvra 3VaDàMs. J. Ilawkey are( r~Virtue stli continues ill 'l os1 Si chnE lWroJglh11Y LeLcu kicJiey Incu- s, Oshawa. j Kerr. West jRates may be- obtainïed-cT.. from t he Long Distanc3e stearnehip1 an, Dominion anj te un ut i are represouted bRy M. Th "-N( rounds fr< r ~ q~ 'E T~ V~w~lpkc. ~ REOýTORLED ro STENTr uv Dp,j 1 Bad od La te c Lcaue t ekikd- neya. The rprllaof the blood cIog the kiLdnEyeyaauthat theýy are uni- able to performi their worek (of aepa- a'Jnuý the waste mnatter from the blood, -Ihe bad frcm good. 'the aymptema of dlaieaFaed kldneya are numaroue. The3 duli gaukeû oye, the coated tougue, the ahch1e, weak ahaky kneesa, aallw, aoiit face àil ahow what la wro.0! This dlaeaae muat not ho ueice.Eery day deiayed lu find- ing cue l a dey nearer "Bright'a dl,,eeaýe-that trouble la Incurable. D)o noýt wuae teime and rmoney on a moiietha.ýt acta ouly on the kldueyr. It may r;olievo, but it cannot cu re you. The truble to be permaueutly carod mauartt 0be reated through the bicod. Good Bioodmfkea beoalthy kidneys. Dr. ilaî Pink Pilla actualiy mako neý,w, rich red biood-thst's why they cureo when other mediclieo a l. Thouansud owe good heaith-somne 111e Itseaf-to thta mediclne, Arnong thern im Roy Davîdacu, who roîdea vth* ba utcie', Mi', O. . B. blanieau, near Brock vill, Ot.Mr,. Macloan aaya: "My1 nepheýw, Joyi had weak kldneya. About a year ago ho took the moelea and th;ia lef him lu a bad abats. HRia kidýurys were se weak that they were) Incapable of performingtheir functions, Hoe ïeuffêeed from bsôkache, wealiueas sudreteees For a lime ho had. to leave achooL. Our' faxuily doctor 7a munable 10 help hlm.* In lao ho told me that Roy might neyer get bstier; that the diaeaae wouid probably gro)w -orae, 1 thon prooured a auppy of Dr. Williamsa' Pink Pilla. 1 had already uEed the Pilla myseif wlth greaýt benefit and fbit canfident they would cure Roy. Ho began taklng fhem' sud continued thel useo until b4 h taken a baîf dozon boxes, whlch inih lr UpHý j§ DOW atronger'U B5arrie Fanrcy Piano Body Buggy W~~ E SIROW this week a out of our No. 9, Barrie Fancy Piano Body Buggy tb.aýt is havesucli VVsale al over the Dominion this season. The reasons are they are light running and have a fine appearance ; the finish is superior. The high-grade of material used enables the manufacturers ç à..