~' Yon can shako downm a " Sunrshino" furnace, without getting covered with ashes and dust-has a dust flue through which ail the dust and ashffl escape when you ishakg dom thé fire. and bzigl This heater is so easily rogulated An'à opersted> so clean, that it ni&keu tho entire house4 Lt and gelajal. 5914 l'y fl 0epriziug dealors. oQueIQ re Lamb and Veal Bgu.-CttsomaeI thiin slices of bacon and lay them al the bottom of a saucepan, caver with layer-s oi cald roast laimb and veal, sliced, aion,)-s and young cabbage leaves, a, seasoning a! )fsait, pepper,, and sme.ll pieceb of buttler being placed betweefl each. Pour a cupful of strong stock over ail, iay some slices of smolced 'sausage on the top, cover closely, and simmer gentlY for txvo or three hours. Serve wr,-th the slices of the sâusage in th e cen- trPeand a border of fried potatoes. Straxvberry Dumplings.-Mix togeth'3r a pint of flour, a hall teaspoonful O! sait, and One teaspoonful and a bal C! baking powder, then rub in two baaping teaspoonfuis a! butter. Mix ta 'a soIt dough witli miik and rail out hall an inch thick. Cut in roundcs the size ai a saucer; an each lay siîx or aight bernies. Draw the edges tgte and pinch f1rmlIy. Lay close togetheri in a greasedl pani aind steam for Men '-ivemites. Sadin tlhe aenfor ammet ta sigtydry the tops tenserve wýith ai hard sauce int wîc hs beenbeten as;tr3 Pali puped bernes ascun,,be add- iBfrown KCidney siew.:-Wash and tîw1pe twvo good-sized ïbeel kidneys, ithen from FOR THE WOULD-BE MILINER. Th'le art a0! ig ucsfu iln ery bow I lt ta be learned inüm- ment, nAud the amiateur "Ichoýu" or baw of ribbhon is likeoly tô a lak tie deft touch wh4ch practice, minaddition ta niatural att dealane can give IL.Inuaccord- ance wJit present fashions, the baws which atre used ta trim tie cowsof hehats are upstanding, but must be solit and crlesypased. WheI)ýn the ribban is sutlilciently slif, wiring should bie dispensed wtbut in cas fa! he soift satin and wabngibbons, orne support is ucesay nP wrefieand pliable-has ta be pressed finita service.ý One of the neweýst baws oA the mo- ment Is that fashioned of! ten loaps, re- g-ardiess af any eudi. This baw, ta be expqlicit, is, in reality, formed a! four large and six short loops, divided in tUe centre by a3 single twist ai ribbon, theý loaps beng miade ta stand out some- vwhat stifly, the taller cries grauped in the centre. .Anather favorite ribban arrangement is the butterfly baw, camnposed a! two iaaps and ana end a! broad sash nib- ban caught in the centre with a fiat buekle. Same of the newest af thase buekies are frequently made o! wîre, cavered witb chenille nnd an intriea- ing of rasebuds or ather fiaxveýrs, a strîkingiy pretty milneriai accessary which cani easiiy bce manuLfactured et homune. IThe new rechsailors, Dthi x agerte frward"tl, require a higli upwaird bowv at the side, the loapa beiufg well wiredi, 5 tat the bow may assumei the correct sh-ape., This baw 15 usual- 1', mcade Saleiy 'ai iaops, samwhlat af- 1eýr thicstyle ai a orawing lettuce. each *he Klnd Y n Hfave Always Bouglit, and whleh has beem iu use for ovecr 30 years, bhas born thesaue of and has beecn made under bis per- sonal supervisio since its ïnf.qney«, Alow no one to decelve yeni lu this. AUl Counterfeits, Imitations and "uta-go"aebUf IExperixments that trille with and endanger t-ho health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. Castoria la a harmless substitute for Cator 011, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothlng Syrups. Lt fa Plensanit. It contains nelther Opiumr, 2Mdorphine nor o-ther Narcotic rsubstaiice. Lts age la ils guarauitee. It desFtroys om and afl.ays Feverisbnes. t cures Diarrhoeu and WVýind Colle. Xîi relleveg Teethlng Tro,,ubles, cures 4Joi,tpatioIx and Fltuýlency. Lt aSSim!LateS the Foodl, reguflates the ~toachandBowels, giving be0althy and fnatural Sleep. The 4jldreu'sPnae-hellthraFriend. c EN sUIN T I ALm kflý- -,xInt--t,-1---rrts rç~vu EL auperlor curaive vIrtues and their safe and harmfless qualItIcs. Yo,,m-druzggsts sel tli@ I'voir'm PraE- cElTO"and aiso that famous altera- tive, biood puirifier andý- stomacli tonte the aGOLnES iDIOÂL DIscOVERY." write ta Dr. IPierce about your caso, Be Is an experienced IphiysIýian aud vwUfl treat your case as confidontial aund without charge for cr~~,puei~.Address hlm at the IrnvaIlds JIj fote, and 5c'rgiIaluIstLtute 13,Iffalo3, N. Y., o! whieh LOest che ot o 3ultilig phIyStelan wheat has beau a disappointment in southeèr A Âlberta, --- mteia oss will Ibe sufiered by the learmers, ais 1they ploughed the land bis s-pring and seetded wyith, oats, and a ,aubi rop ai these wlbeassuùred. Miss EÀcdon'ý i "Thre are si anfst yaung mari naaaSs"Miss Youngly: "lIm-e;you do se aedilri-ý culty ïk catchIug ae, strerigth use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. 5c~ic1 for rea s'~np1e SCOTT & BDWNE, Cnem,~ Ox~tario ~ ai~d $i.oo; ail dïuggî~ts. drai1ghts, cir in a kilcoan wnere tacre is steaor daroýp air. 1Dont give it figs, sug , o xvas.Dnt low the bird tafl aou te oo if o want his bes~ sangs. Don iee L with inustard or turai,ýpsed nsteýa ais\veet rape; tIjeyý lok i ,egodrpe, but are bitter. and as- lit fo a ird as s rawvdust !isfor you. J"d Dont euta hagei \vter lu i the~vli Ilpfrrn hiH birinks every day, an dunîn bot catber several tesa day. sytn <cotriuuue ian iueresting article, IlA Camp la th~e WgQds," and Laura B Starr one ao'-The World'i3 CUlidren at Play," whille the Vacation Suggestion Department supplies two praetical eut- lineos for sadn a few week-s Plea8. btla dUscribed la th'naMlhùiucry L3,8- tunate. In a tnousand "Afyogr oe r.u4? Vi octor D ~rbwi euê I ýToronto Appetite cornes with eatimg and each square of crisp de- !liiousness seems- but to make room for more. Moo~y'sPerfection Cre;àmtSodals are clfeetfrom iany other -cradcer Nothing fheavy or dot~y aout h~mbutSO light and crisp that tt hey are tranm- parent. Mç-oone/ýS biscuits il bea reguLar dish on your table df you vwiil try îhçni. SaL- one " oyour i-ocer, ;,,,, -1- - lee l4omen Ice