Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight w,%ay. To appreciate the s:mplicity and ease cf wvashing vvith Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight ~ u ~ way you should follow directions. - ~ After rubbing on the soap, roi1 up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. wvIll do its %vork in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleanier and whiter than if washed in the old-faàshioned wvay vvith boiter and liardJ rubbing. 5cl SUy ihand f'llow 5@,*Lver BrOtheve Llmtce, Toronto36 Car of Idal Fonco ITBSAE YETTÂl has Arrived It lias Received the Ugliest Knocki SYNOPSIS OF CNDIMi NORTII-W[8I ROMESTEAD R&SGULÂ'tION8. ANY even unnmbered section of Dominion tanda ïa Manîtoba, Saskatehewan and Alberta. eXceptlne; and 26 flot reserved, In ay l),e hemegteaded by any person who la tbe Il liead of a f amily, or any maie over la years of age, toteextent of one quarter sectton 0f 160 iereïr, more or les, Entrw muet bc made personally at the local land offce foe the dtstrtýct la Wbich the land te Tl-,e let at requIred to Perform the couditions connected there'wlth uoder one of tile fdlioýwtng plans* Il) At least six monthe' residence uo n Jàitvaion Qf the land tn eack year frthree years, (2) if the father (or %nother, If the father is ,-eacd otý bumueadz residis upon a tarm in the victnity of the land eatered. for the requirments as to residence may bc sattelled by ly sncb person regIing wtth the father or (3) If the settier bas bis permanent residence ipo farmbpig land owned by hlm In the Vicia- reeldei!'n ce mna be sattsfied by t'O5tdeiice upon In Its F A iespfach frorn Paris sys: It IsI deCniala1ofI lie stateinent that chi cg foadetuffs are Supplicd ta lhie Frenci armly is incorýct. Thie fiact le (bat of, aces i ls Ifaad werc e nde t Hav-re, and seùnt Ience taBrdax whocreItie meat wiasrcendrakd with Frenclilaeland sold awF, nh One ai Ic largeet Paris caterere saysj tbetlis custamens wcrc n eiusing ta take Ameican canncd goode. Canse- quently lia itnata ceese importing I(hem. Ogdeni Arrmour, in an interview an Wedncsdasid lia!, wlateven mnigit bappen elsewicre, lis yards are aboya reproacl. Nevenihleses, lic acknawledg- cd that thie tradc lad received tlie ugliest knock In its liitary, JOHN BUBNS TARES A HAND. A despateli irom London eays : The Chronicle seys that Mn. Jalin'Burnn, as prosident ai tic Local Goverument Board, bas been cloecly watciing de- velopmcnts in tic canned meat malter. As soon as thie aspect becamnesecniaus lie summoned a meeting ai the nmedicall licalîli afficers ai the London ""untY ý Council, tic ety corporation,' and tic 28 moîropolitan bjonaugis, and consultcd wilh thcm as ta whellier enytbing fur- tien could tl ie dotasecure an adequate -1*r ii-x KNEW 110W TO BE A QUEEN, Kin'g Alfonso's Version of the Bomb Outrage.. The madrid crrsçnet of tlie Lon- don Tele(grapli sends wliat l aimps te long Alflon-sù's anaccount of the bomb ouraeLs cmuncte iy the King ta ý,jurLiers a iewv liaurs aiter tlie (cx- plosian. The !aflowitng are-, some points af the story: Their Majeetios were in- clining ta, thlefbt side ai their cania ge, acknowledging tlie salutlation af ladies on thie grand stand in front, lof the Churcli ai Santa Maria, wlien suddenly ticre was a noise close ta tlie riglit lare whecl lilce a sledgebiammer eticîglie stone pavement. Then Ibre vais a ter- rifle detonatan liketi lia'Lgeofai large calibre gun. THE CRIG RMLD likep a slip taosscd( by waves;. A srn acid odar rase, a v,îwb itcas l ike --liglit. ring wais sen benieati tic aragand(i a;nis was beard rsmbigtle rasp. ing of liundreds o!fils.TheCcarniage eapcveloped witliemkeso- dense ttt lie Ig was unable ta4ocee thc st reet and could seanrceeiydstnuhth Allonlsa ,did flotfel tleia lsttrace ai injury, but wil Illnxioujs thioulIt that Queen, who, in descending from the royal carniage, sailed lier' train and shaes with the blood aif the herses, witli whiihtlie carrnage was sprinled. Tlie King then noticed tliedead and womiuîîd by the side of tlie carriage, and exclatimedc in atane ai repreliension: "What a terrvible misfartune! Wliat iin- famyl WIat great wiak!cdncss muust te rurelto shend Sa mucli innocentll L(oadl" Tlie King, thenl giviing bis ar ta the Quecu, tried ta leadé lier Éo siie wauld nat see tlievcie but tlits was uselees. Despite the pantiie, tbe, people an the balcanies eered tbe Kintýg and Queeni. The fre made signe ta s4ow tllia't lotli were nijre. Aiter walkinig twvenity stops ta theC arnaî)ge of! espe, lie King, aiter iaving seen tie QueenD ilLsid(, turnecd ta Ilie equernies and said: "Ga, very slowly Gtahei Palace?" Aiter lie lad entered t10 caprnage lie thaujgIIt the Queni miglit have been huirt and was cacaigit. Hline ouyask£ed: "Teý!i me tlie truI. A, Are you wcaund- e d?" 'T'le Queen repied: *'No, 1 arn natwouded Iwas t ,nki r.alY of I I Lr v. flie yueen rnîgnt. ne Iurt, lietook lier ESCAPED BY HAîiRBR3EADITH. bead betwcen bis 1landeý, ised lir _________land askcýd: "Aeya oundlied?" Look- Tlie courtier, adding bîis ocwn bera disccvr whie thf, hog are r ngM iiîxed!ý ly etier?,,husband, tlia Quen lj iane, said til, itQuen Vc oi wd lier discverwhue te hgs ae iozet rplid: No0, I arn unliurt, IJswai," escape fromf injury salely ta tlie fact tliat witl,ýer or nt tbey are heattliy. Buyers Ainothon saWid hat a bab id been sic lened ta tlie kioa thecarnge I arewre that thüy puratiase et, thelir trw.Th, Qicen wvigaway tic sIliad been stil wa-ving lir handlkcr- Ownl riskIfwl-en tlie ia)geae tiawd, moke wWli lier fbands, said: 1 ichief fomlie room windw selela ti aefound tluie lseesed (bey are thouglit, but It dae :not matter. i wiii b 1een doing a momient belone, tlie bombi imrncdt'iately eeIzc, slow you tliet I know ow w ta bc a would1 srcl ave eut off( lier bhand., A newspap er bore snta reporter ta Qucen." 1AIJ'lelic amge wesan )le n, igit sida make a surprise visit Iota li makersofai Te smala ,began talen way fed I1tliacarnafge. canned delicacies end inspeet licrpo tecrag of fred aie1,W liWen tle lroyal couple reaceld 1lie cesses. One, leading firrn acepIted Ic eyards as Ilie lorses reared e nd enug.paladkce the K ing gava, bis lia1d ta th-e clialtenge witli alacrity, and pasecd tihejgled, but it again sýtopped( and !tî l(e Quen, and aýcende'd tbe stepe wiill anelta tic utmost satisfactionaifthe ,King put bis head out ai (lie boit\i-cnmnasdpnet st ulh(iihno- reporter, wliowasrcgaled witlivaiasdow. Ho eew saldiers tyn t lek hn le ippened. tid-bits. Another fitrn esked thio news- the borses, the Orte aI Ilie Royal guepst, congratlatý - paper nepresentative ta calet a mare CODFEEN INTRO glimuo bseepercaedtt convenient limie, wlile notlier absa- C' 1! was iillithe an ivsary ai îl etempi lutely refueed "tao bave ïanytliing wbet- and (lie people on (the grand stand t1a stIlle inPars. The ing reoplid ever ta do wtl any newspaper. thebodirect confukion. Belieing tbat1itisprt:'esIrm-brad 1I no- the eiiects ai the'eposo liai been tfee (biat bombe have grawn since tien." WOULD IMPOSE EMBARG(O. liglit, thie King said ta ibhose neareet Hie1 L Majesty "sked for exact informa- ta lim*-"This le nathiing; lot us go an"lion as ta the numiben ai victime. Whin A despatdli irom Ottawa eays - Dr. Thon the equernies tld bim (btat tile htiv as taId the mnmber was not known, Chisliolm Eat Huron) will cati tbe et- carniage cauld not p)roceed' as a hiorse but tiat many wvere dead and w7ounded, tention af Parliament ta the sliocldng had been killedd arià all1cier lnjured. lie passed bis bnd acrase lis iorehead revelations in cannection witli the sani- Through tic aôpen dùoorthe King said:- and said, slowly: 1No fI el wliat il tary conditions ai lie Chicago pecking- Tell the Queen Maiený, and Princess ls ta lie a King, and 1I bel it because, il hanses, and will asic if it ie tic intention Henry that wo ara et buýhirt." When 1 were nat a Ring, I migit have liad af lie Governmenit ta probibit the irn-ItieCaClWiligeofa Rsecad arnived thie the consolation a1 tears ýIn the presence pratllnt ai canned meets and meat c- King aligitod very lwlseluted fhr & sse mucli blaod, Sa meny victime Ii- tracts irem the United States, net on1 ,V tag alengside, and gvehie befnd ta)lit',e moflatcd by tle mdesc rime in the intereste of tic public e elîl. bi, aiea toaessiet the iarming, stock-naising ALA OMSINR.BUS TFR ILA~ and packing industries ai Canada. BUE - ýR ILAj Messrs. A. B. Ingram and Hf. N. Kittsan Two .Men Mayýý Be Falally Wëunded LOSSES WILL BE GREAT. ta Act With Mn, Leiteli. Wi[h l<nives. r The only nouriihmenit that bread affords Is that which the fiour conjtajns.ý Bread baking is tlere(y putting flour i Floiir making is mnercly putting the nu- tritious part of whcat L-1 Shape for brca4d'ý Good milllng Is the kind that takes fromr the wheat ail that is nutritiouise nothing euec. Royal ilousehold Flour~ Is made from carcfully seccted Maitoha Bard spring wheat. Every pound ïs almost a pound of foo-,d; deian, white, pure and nutritious. It goes farther, docs better baking and l8 more sat'isýfatrin every way than any other flour. Your grocer knows he cannot keep store 80 well without Ogilvie's Royal Household. OglIvIe Flour MI 18CO,, mtâ rMONTREAL. <lOgivie's fBook for a Cookt," contains q pgs1of exÇcellent rcçtpes, sorne never befoe p ubi4hed. Vaur grocer can teit Yeu how to tdFREE.