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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1906, p. 1

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abian t ~te~iiî ~n, I~RSa$.O e nu.OUR TOWNAN~I) COUNTY FIRST,'; TE WIORLD AFTERWARDS. .ZiJAME In Advance. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTAR2 O, WELDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1906. VLM Jj Roat Weather Speeialties Hot Weather Specialties In the Morinilg when youi ARE- Your eyes swoollen ? Your fingers stiff? Your lips ;tick? anmd Your bckahn? When you stoop you get dizzy and see yellow-, spots?' Then yoiîjr kidnecys ,are at fault. Thley nleed a ton-Je and restorer. Our are just such a remedy. They are choeolate eoatedi and are put UP 40 in a -box for 25c, or! we gîve 1 BOX FREE with every 4, The Druggl,-st&Opiln Phone 49. Bowmanville. A Fine Assortmrentý of Pot and Bedlding Pýlnts 0f General Dry Goods, Carpets and Linoleums in West Durham, have openect oMt a verg big- stock of Drýess Gïoods,ý Silks , Prints, Muslins and Wash Goods of ail kinds. Men's and Boys' ready-to-wear Clothing-Good fitting, well-.made and good value.o LADIES'-CAPES AND COATS -Ail new and 4 made up in the latest styles. __LACE CURTAINS - Hundreds of pairs - ne-westi -designs from 25o up to $11.00 per pair. eÎV OCARPETS-A big assortment, from the cheapest Union up to the best All-Wool,--also-Tapestry,Brussels, 0 1 Oriental Velvet and Axminster. Also a fine stock of 4 Wool and Tapestry, Squares. * Johnston and e!ryderman Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash, called a hait. Whether mé friend lames was Ilie party wio actually han led tÉe gun or not, 1 cannot sayv, thugh nec hadr ta. and did bear tlie brî, ,ftea- .ec-,iatiG1x biha made imastht gýuilty party. In due course the miglity armn of the law was raised and carnie downr with sledgehamminer force If 1 remnember rightly, lie was retired for some tune from active labour. He was among the first who tooli up anms at the turne of the rebellion îa defence of tlie country. H1e shauidered lis 'xnusket and marcheS witli the othier volunteers ta Toronto. He was one of the kind out af whicli gaod soldiers are made,-no fiiaching in face of danger.- The matenial out of wlich lie was built wafi good figlit- inig stuif When the California gold foyer broke out ami spread sa widely, ,ia x849, lie toak the disease and went out there in searcli aI the preciaus metal. It trieS a man's hope and grit ta take the dreadful jouraey around Cape Horn. He diS it and reached the dig- gingsinasafety. After tlree years triai, as it did not pan ontas lie antlcipated, liereturned home and stayed liere for some tirne, but lis former migration lad left sorne af its efects la lis blood. H1e got restless and resolved once more ta try lis luck under auir awn flag, and British-Columbia becarne the centre of attraction. After fourteen years spent in the almost fruitless s3earcb,1lie biS Iarewell ta the golden prospects and carne home ta end lis days, as lie did in npafce and comfnrt. He had a mania - nu ..e.n, a!,.,S*nura Atth CntalMilney aror fF'riday aud Satirday I of this week. We will seli trîmmed hats. Regular $5.CO-for $3.50 Regular 4ý4.00 for $2.50 VMPiI'Regular 83.00 for $ 1.75 . t M Other prices la same proportion.Alil untrimmed hats- at Jiaddy & Co., P MilinersBowmanvIlle. uIL'il A friend wrate the Editar of TE STTEMÂN sanie time ago and lu the letter aliuded ta those reminisciences tht 1 have been serying uip for future use. Old clothes was tlie text Carlyle toak tUp. an whioli lie preached hris famaus sermon Sarter re Sartis. Li this case I am not going ta confine myself altogether ta the aId but wil try my hand at a new style of garment. Helias evidently raeen reading wliat I have already written and says wlth interest noting that I have paid a good deal aI attention ta the En.glish and Scotch and lie wants to know where the Irish corne in, Why, rny friend, they are everywhere present, like the heavens on a clear irosty niglit, npaîigled witli glistening stars so the aorne of the great empire aver whicli Kingý Edwvard reigais witli sucli unparrel- elled lustre -there are constellations of them nii avery w-,allk aI life giving liglit and Ieading aIl over CanAda and the ta get on wjthout theni.1 An 'Irishievace lias beene the steam~ inz the atmasphere purified ard the, country free Ironsthe bliglit of indiffer- ence and stag-nation. 1 can rememrber the burning eloquence af Dan O'Connell raising a fiow af symnpatliy for bis suifer. ing caunitrymen reaojhing out ta this new land and althougli tinie had nat laid bis heavy wei glit on my youthful spirits, 1 was up in thoughtt if not in arms ta do valiant thirîgs for the supposed down- troddea Ilie of theSaints. The House of Commons lias for the last liundred years reverberated with strearns aI fiery denunciation against the perfidious Saxon. The burning elo- quence of sucli men as. Fergus O'Connor, Smith C. Brien. and others of that ilk are stili edhoing éown the corridors aI tume and will1I suppose continue ta do 50 tili the last man stands on Landan bridge and witnesses the dying struggles of this naw mizhty nation.- No people on earth have praduced greater orators, in the forum, courts of iaw and the pulpit, than af the Emerald Isle. Sucli names as Edmund Burk, Parnell and In the prescrit day aur awn Hon. Edward Blake, M. P will nat soon die out. The latter stili advocates Home LÀleaid the movement by lis wonderful' insiglit' inta the perplexing problem. I. myself1 believe lu its justice, Iti will sureiy corne. Tom- Moore sanz lI mnîrnf.îl at.aîs "The battie of the Bayne" or '<Crappies Lie Dow,' and you'il find them as ready ta dance the Orange jig, or, "Wearinig of The Green," iornpipe, as ever tliey were at Douny brook fair. Forget the lrish? Not mucli! The grandrnather of my children was bred and bora in the ancient town of Marysboros Queen's county. the ancestral home af the late Dr. George H. Lowe, and the Welsh family, one member af the latter, Miss Mary Julia iived tili May of this year in the Waltliam Cottage, e vered and loved by lier many aid puipils whom she educated not oniy in pure Eng- lisli but also taught theni how, ater tliey left lier care, so ta dernean thie caives as ta do credit ta lier training, fitt'ing tliem ta adorn as gentiewornen any station in saciety in which tliey xight move. The deareýst merres, of my past are as- Sociatuad witli xany wlio first saw liglit in aa 1stor. --- - There camne ta thé shore o fi language aI that Protestannt counity, the McClungs Who arrived at an early perlaS. 1 cannot give the date. Thewîife and mather was a sister of aid Mr Grey they liaving preceded theni in the voyage af discovery. The string, the enS cf which was placeS in tlie soil aI Darlington by some unseen power leding them ta wliat is naw quite a little village. They were exceptionally fine emigrants, well educated and must have moved in good society in the home land Thle Irish are great believers in the kind of blood they rnay have inhenited. There was no baS drop in them The father died iu Bow- manvilie at the Evemgreens during the tume lis. son-in-law James McFceters lived there, James Grey, a son, speut a long lIfe in the ministry cf the Meodist dhurci holding for several years an im- portant positio n l connectian with the w,-ork o f the conference, John was à merchant and post master and did a large fiaurishing business at Tyrone where tliey lacated. Ris son agaia is the agent of the Standard Bank at Harriston and-shows the pFeuhiar qualities aI lis ancestars. H1e is a success. Thos. Biagham,our big Insurance agent,served lis time with Mr. Grey and like ail Irish- men lad any amount cf Iunn his cons- TO- GUELPIS par G. T. lb., to theOn- n Airtia From fthe following t Ànq s roemen. tioned RFteeandTim -----Adui1R-T.t 'i c k --,. i meý PLo t Pery ....... ....$1 j. 3 '-) 7 9ýA. M. Myrie........1, 25 7 25 Broiu.........1,i.5 7 3;5 Port Hopec...._.......1.90 6 29 Newtonviile ..........1L'75 642 New.'caSt i,............. 1.45 6 5G Bowmanviile..... .135 T7 W Ohvajonction . 12l 721j chidreni under 12 Years i ag&er hall tho fae Tickets good going onfly on Bpeelal 'T'rainÀ, and good t b rnu up t. TLhuraaY Eveilng ~Jupe 28. Return Sechlava Galph 'Why êvorybocty nieOtbh i ousIs 1Becamme fermer2 eev oia well as other people, 2 Because the Guelph Collego i. the Facz. merft' Colle, a nd the Guelphi F?.rm the Model Parm for Oetrjo Perimets, 3 ilecase the coflege Tarm resai! vArièties of gan rsereaté and forage cropz, ànd thé faîmerà of this eountry, by examiaing these groîwing czï,ro a ld b.D able ta !sélect smt.igfor thair owa. farmg» better than Ihey prduhce at présent Iime. 4 At ,thz Col'ée thé prinipal bèède!?l 1 live atock, ýc10tieskè, swini ami powltry May b. sean terCIOt he moit favovrale o ea. dittone. 5 rho ?àri Da;iry, the Ore.meoy, thà Cheese Factory, tho AgricuIlt'nal M118elm sud the Plots and h'1,werm may ail be ir- 0pècted sud willi show to goodadnag . 5h.e season of!the Vea:, ,2 TI-onew Rural ooldtd eho Building on the colloe grotinda and Gpert. ed by ive sehool-sectoaawtIl b. 'n xunîklng ordèr. The chidren are bronght in vane frèm five Siems round, anS the trstes c3f the tave sections foreiajitboard te eper- étéý thé achool, Hiera e w.ave a oSraé tsohool in A country dist1rict. 7 Macdonald Institut,, thé scel for farmerà' dvughters, will ba open ta leépe. tion. Caoking, Se in am iiudry and thus year the habituýe k.hea béeJSeS'ta its uatmest éaipacity. MAcakyrr îgeenarland tait, in Tickects for alè hi ail G, T. ER,.ÀgOD_î , Alavè Stations. H C. HOAR. J. BTBWAIDT Se. Fies -MAPLH SEOVI, The Sabbath School anniversary wa8 another great sueceus. Sunday good practical sermons ware given la the afternoon by 11ev. V H. Eoeer.y and la the evenlng by 11ev. T. W. Jolliffe, Bowmanville. The Suaday Sclioo under leadership aI Mr Chas.,H. Snow- den, arganist, furaished the singlng and was assisteS by Miss Emery who sang a solo ln the afternoon and by the quar- tette Messrs. Charles, Wesley and Mark Allia anS A. W. Piekard Ia the eyening. Monday alternoon an excellent program was presented by 11ev. j. M. Butler, pastor. Reeltations wEee given by Lamne Stevens, Anale Cox, Ivispor Munday, Vivian Foley, Gertie Lymer, ESna S-owden, Keaneth Cox, Llo *yd 8aowden, Myrtie MeReluolds, ESna Hlobbs, GInd-,s Mundayv anS Williie Murphv; sn A'Edra McRe,3,nold&s dialogue bý 8 boys; flag drUi bv 8 girls; club swinging Myrtie KMcReyaIdî; an interesting address3 by ýRev J. J. Rae HISTORY CF BOWý,MANVILLE. By MR. a, B FIRAINP.M <Cnt:nued from la3ft Week,) The Muirsi, an)other na-ne cloaly iîdeniified witlithe early records of the village, Ilived on the lot where Mýr Murdoch now lias his 5eed store He occupies the roors which once 'orimedi part af the original house, tliey being removed frorn wlere they then stood. One of the dauliters was married; ï have forgatten which and on the refusai of the groom ta subrait ta the custamary penalty the edict ta corupel submission was issued by the gang adete-rmined effort mnada ta enforce it During the fcoray e. gun wals flred off, the cntents aI which p)assed through the 4aor and either wounýded sorne of the lnaintes or came so near doinig 80 tlat fthe leaders -------- -------- The Corner Shnn Str Increase Your erop of potatoes by using BUG DEA.TH Our Popular Prices For June. 1 1 -F -F -f ý -L m -L

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