~very orn~anmay beattract- ive. Brighit eyes, pink cheeks and, red lips aile her nature- Terrible yUNRÂPPI Scenes Enacted in a Rus= I DIsFI1G UREDi Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow-, DOMINION PARLIAMEINT EMIGFIANTS FOR ONTABIO. Mr. Armstrong was informed by Mr. Oliver that the total number of emi-1 grants destined for Ontario from the countries covered by the North Atlantic Trading Company during the ycars19 ININE SAILOIS KILLED.ý A Terriffc Explosi on Board a Britih A Liverpool dsac says: Nine rien were aisanly Ablld and about fiorty were, wounided asi he resut of a teriie eploionon IhurIsday imoring o'n board the rts tamrHvrod Mf teIntenaioalNavigat[ion Cern-j Lydlia E. Plnkham 's Vegretable ComooÀpund