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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1906, p. 6

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RID EAL EST'ATE-It Vor wisix to sei Xtor buy, Roi or Leage, fir-st write for a uOPY Of TU E OU TLOOK andlits List of Trust Wrtby YeaýiÀ Estate Agents. State funly whai 70n desire lu the reai estate une-a Countrj 2ouea armf, or Ranch1, Seasbore or City property-and i sli try to serve you, Tc gae. ilte infiormation places you under iîo oh ilgation . Address Tas OUTLOOIt REALE., rATE EFR MEB 27Fourili Ave., New Yorkt. ALBER COLLEGE. 243 stadents enrolled durIng college year, 190506 168 ý5ýYouug ladies &nd 175 v ong inen, ai ted nce nreased two and one haîft ues in 15 'ytFarS. ÇAonservatory andUciversity exiilnýatoionu ai0d) rtnno f Muse; gradiuaungýf courses under fuît staff o f speclaîs lu 13ook keeplug, Shsortindo, Teiegraphy. Elocution, Physicai CUultuire, Fine Arts anýid Dometie Science. ý,pecla ttention given te Matricuflation and Te.tcàtîr'. Courses; New Pipe Ugani and Art Gallery recently added; Gymniasiuin and large Ailetîc(rouads. Buildi-g,3 lheated wth steam Rnd ilghted by Electrility. WiIi re open Tuesday Sept. il, 1906. For iatendar or rëoorn. address, PRINCIrAL Dy ER. D. D., Q6 3m. BLEILOntario. A LL AN LiINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Turbine Engnes--No Vibraion The . Fim~t and Fa8test lm 1 SIN 0F EXCESS It Becomues an 1,)."Newýell Dwigist Hillis, of Piy- nsoulb Chureis, Brooklyn, NAY., pris,-j Cd fi'rmtPe foiiosing teaxI ."Be nol righteous ovarnsueb." -Jing ýSciomon in tPie Bock 0f tro',arbs.1 Lasseak a handsome yo,,(ulb, hufit likta a gianl, oasd knosvn on ntwo conti-1 ienîs 10v nhis 1medis gaînîind 5atiielici coîLstss, xxas deîainedGi at Elli1s Island, silb ail the piobahilîifies Int e wouid ha daportad to Pus oid Pomiiin Ireand. MIurpsy &caie !b Newv Xork as a fîrsl- Cabin pssn aond brougbt witb iîim lus silver eup tbat ha w on in thb a uai-1 ing race, lise modal ha rcceived for a rnnning contes[, aîsd various tokons Ibat puhlisbed bis coreer as on alisile. But, stranely enougis, xvien tise youtis passed ltis-eamining pisysicions Ibara svas sosiigin bisphouer ond xvaik that attracîcd the attenstion cf tPe United States Marina Physicion, who ordared young Murpby to ha sent 10 Ellis Islansd for caraful pbysical oxamination. Tise Board of-Pisysicians raporbed b bal in ovar-deveioping hz bis he and Pis spaading musces ha lsad tr]WophieI tise otisarmsuscles cf is ; dy.ron svorn the haarl out by eompeliig il to tbick buncissof muscles in tise legs ond anms. Il sacmus Ibat Ibere is a typa devaiopad called "the os oî-alble- tic type." His excass mmcnd his. By forcing al the biood- and food to oaa part cf tPe body be slow iy robbed lise cîbor organs. 'Yet ait the limne Nature w as storiiîsg vup ber penalties. At lasItPe retihulion bas couic; the sword of Daoislias tallais. Nature wviispers "toci mucb." The lvo-buadred mise rua bas cîided in a Isospitai. Tbat is a brief restiug place lu sigi cf tPe grava- yar-d. durîng theIlloeyeark carein s (e kecti temR a ti h vu.1 "hl-r Mwas Cu Essenial L ii.iaed duing the pnst thv iâ ý& ý instructor stili reo4 ut osa soefactories.At e'ra nua1cl l s crvsl, bu[ as coldsica i oyuko iesse ieisi nsacrmtasa yone x intllct ha osob~d ', rysig.ofwateustte troghb",r asdamine the cars ithtelsuutrt Essentiaiiy h is dymg in al ihot makes idneys ? Yes, bu1 t by the ski n as vll.s sn adfo1 11oehaig uî a mon 10o be amn This tiikno- As a matter of fact, the skia id the to iu amedy t" deacis tete ose-eeo h is 1ody; bissysteus of more iurea than ithe ki (Is o. thope th Instruc;ors w Iiibeabe1 N-e shoIwed m nie ofbis bcsbon f ts aior bwios-kiacsare r, 1, s erad he1he auo iu ealfskm ýgiug Pat olt uteîeuhatytewnirwfoih you, cneo1rI to gel itisntralo century, Put the poor ma[ýn imself ure, Tis urea is c'ned Intounb possible )rmte.Nn f u ess couid bc sluck up on the she If, for, be is acîd--carrixed 1 ý--thec blood to j oints and fi ail, but Ibare is awy eaîig1 jusI as dry-as b Iisold vellum, ond-a arc cuigRhustie.îarn, and if a mnnis loigfri tearfr&ýi th pýgkjn r th, bu Oneformation, lhe somie[times gsanidean tear sin ca temiracle.orThhus-arin neer inherits Rhetn- wortb maay dollars by talking a few nords te, hcu' Solomon say "Be neot natism. One does inherit minutes witb anoîber perlson inlere,îad scholriy vermch."1'1 i the great diiry isdustry. scholrly vermeh."weak kiîctneys, irregular 'i am receiving from fibc instructors FINANCIAL SUCCESS. bowels anid bad skin action. weolkly reports Of the .amOunt of money In riches also men need 10 bislcn 10 beng expendcd aI aach fcoyiis Nature, 11ow isper Ls nBe(dotos e- car in inipronvement,--. Tbe amouints ran nîub reli" Mîsbod eon ai rond rom$ -'W $' .Tbis show-s Ibarl our eborcte. utthr ai ies meronfacoryenire making n splendide'ffort nul maRenn,,xtraeffort Ibis yn mb ol To gel money tbeyhave de- Yý O niedý \,vorsbip on Sunrd; 10 get money O 7.iTL L s Tae.r"sedbtafaIcres coler and finer-flav- Cý( 1luý ý dened thm, - ricredhimulR Iban thay bave aver done. ttsy hs edead temslve lrenshi; wll osiivey cre hmatism bcue apIbe miIlý Col and il wIîl be b elmose tsey bave deýnied the eye tie ees ie eiîi ating action lseetkep il dean and away from bd colr ad tecar music ; Io get money ofaikdcsadbwis-and make suî-roundiags and A il vii h fine flavor- lsey ýliase e', n denied tiserse1l cs jus- thlebcthree oga1s So vigorous 1and d lice and an appîo',ing conscience and. elhtathrcîbnorarat cons-erled their yery-senisa ol- 't into rctained iii the sse oosnu gold. biood s.dirýritate ise nerves. IMPR-OVITG 111E EAFM POULT11Y, Todiny io tahi ans crOson;plhyof F-RUIT'-A-TIVES are fruit juices, A fecx years ago tise only poullry we fo o in t s och ans pùosheycoii'iedithiltois-thewhoieformng bad on our forais consisled cf about do fot eem 0 kow Iat u oser-uP-thv ma effÏective cure for Riseumatiani. score o1 smali scruh hesîs, xsrites a cor- ply of dgsldmil-lions means deatis. I'espondanl. Tisese heus would loy oniy Tbeir piI'iiuaýlized pssiî, and n0 boxý or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sent wvien fîsey look~ a notion and very ýftlois unassiiiiled millions are as b1ideous ýou rsep of price if your druggist does tbis notion w as raîber tlc in eonsing as a tio, on tise hody. aonade did no[ last lonsg. Soe dcie Meanw1bji,,lle, by axcess, the atiletalsoecag us cmd , ruins, hiIIiscMf pbysicaIiiy and cms uFRi,-T S IIT9 e OTlAIWA. W1 hsoîna chge ut f licha mod ease iwe shoufi goWout 0f tie-ban bustne b i11 ntllect , esbl beconries o improýIved bleds ind afle r ocIl sIudy mae iselctuldagger and s',, o f oui needs, our choi, f011 onthe ve-aeing ile acquisilis a 1cr I \qVbita XWyandotte. Early in tPe sping the procil1 ,ri mon ruins bis lufe. Tl bc w(, sent asvay 10 lwo differentbîedr sin of IPebon is exe ss. XXonsen ov- c for satIlings of aggs. Ouir idea ils sending Auoîo ilss xedisaE iors eriv' might maie tbe pulets f onse iot w rie. iniItis vbo cir. oscceul vtebe hst cocherais in the cîber. Tise os ei--puths whOa ors i iisprts 100 lng -ýsags is aUin good Spason. wer balais- 1d out under Peîss and the chieRons beand 10otele os a ono sýpekalie ns MILK FOB CIIELiSE FACTOIIIES. w cre reard sucssfuily. XVa sold toc eaeb drop of w alo- in Lake Michigans, Seîssuch bas beau wrillan and said czd oeheras !o neglîbrsonU 'eol- wbiciî is a figure fuit of suggestion. A o i buis queslion thal îîo doubt lthe Mais repay us for tPe cost of lise eggs andllie 1111 ras l, o litîla consversation, aiuooept-u fteees otle iiaj wlo re at,,isof he heee fclo'08rearing of the wbole buncb of ebieks. gentliafîiendsbip, a simple Style, un- ar tiî'ed of tPeý subject, wriies ouae NV-140 XVa fouad tisaI thasa puliels wera mucp ohîrusive and quiet mailne'ao Iew Rîskoxvs. But attýer alleudiîîg balxveeij billes loyers tlin the scrubs, and also boka smnail bouse ful of love, a thirty and forty anîsuol îmeetings w1\er aicea marketl birds iflssa 3o wish. sýong, a piae r-and the hearl is full of iclîcese fcoislast winteî', and diSs c d te disposa of tbens. XXe bove since tee.Too nsuch usai . ecess stands sîsg Itise cave of inilk and the patrI:ns, rurscbased an incubalor and broodars, tor tisa tropses ; 100uile 1h01 excess i aisofhe opinion tha1 a ve'y gret ond found tbot il svos a good inves- s3tands for tise archecs of poverty ; soine- nunîbari'ldo flt quila understand th, e1, new a riemr id iyniant,(, ncagsvheconlraisaaosora IiI'd, wisara beiw en lies the iemsperate zone - osiycikepigtP slkdanth b ie nmarket oand congel lbom reody aund bise gola ean, whr joy odco.Ias fudtisaI a great uMalsy-qâîta aanly in the seoson ssbeî lie-pîlces poaca ae set up 1,,jeir lents. And, I 110 te0 h pîuîoîstisaI tbe nîisisol rebg ail tPebpyonswio xalbiercin h e1 osel,0IbPeaiar'by dîppi -iii frer con, luliss vay, addMaaliy ~ ,"-~-' + î-~~ "0rv-utia nisa ball lNoxv. if t1isaou .... ...-~lo- i, k ~ - It is net the prico yeu pt'y for a furnace that m-akes lb chIeap xpensîve, but tihe fuel it.aiterwards consumùes, A common furnaco may cost - you $5 or, $10 less than a LOýü',TORONTO, MONTREAL,, WINTNIPEG, 1ÀO'UVR LO~flQN, ST, JOHN, HAMILTON.) DON'TREAD THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day At the !, Pe3ople's Fuel and, Lumber Depot.3 We arc stili handling Best Brands Cnadaxi or el Bunsnane, cbut ifniti eats tis up tise lirslî wînter in eoxtra t uci, 'what do you gain? Nothing, but ail the annoyance and ext'ýra work tb~at go with a poor furuace. The " Sunahine I is in use from alaifaxý to 'Vaneouver, Vnd 'we have hundiruds of test-Imonials frounpiae usera,. Sold by enterprising dealers everywisere, ]3ooklot froo. mle

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