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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1906, p. 3

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1~ANTSý-T1ieS nationial wart ai Y I ver"islcg medim 15Tbo Outiuo; c NiwFre lctouoecope vey> 'week îimo-,ng the best peoole binalu pat i Amxca ant avr smet ve ant -À>or b iy Rnte Leeefrt -write for a- 'iIýopyof i't-L ULO nd lis Ltstof Trust wo>rthy ReaEtt gns State fuluy whal ye, d îloen teeat btelice-a COuntry MrsaFaim'ý, orRncSashore or Cty prolery-and wwill i y ta serve youc,'TO giite information plaec-s yen auder une e ~gto.Addre8ssTîta OUTLOeî RGAL ESTATV DEPARTMEFT, 287 Fouiti Aveý.. New York. f ALBEE GOLLEGE. 84.1 students enrolled during eliege year, 1905 06,16e8 ycunng ladies and 175 yvoang menat tendance increaseit two a uý(le ha if trimes IL,15 years. Ceciseryatiry aud lU l-esi'y exaniniations in DAIldeparime-Its efMusc;gactu ore udter fullstuîff ef peojalists ln Bockkepn Sirrhan di,Teerh.Eoctehsta Cunlure, Fne At adDOmeltie Sine SpEecial atiecien glven te arcltc u Teaelier's Ceai-ses; New Pipe O1rt g an acd Art Gallery recently adcled; Gymnaslam a-id large Atiete Gi-enads. Buildings heated wifith steam and liguheS by Electriclty. Wlire open Tuesday Sept. il, 1906. Fori cateendar er reeni, address, PRINCIPAL IYTER, D. D,, 26 Sm BELLE VILLB, Otario. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Tituie Egne - o Vibration The FVinlle t and a tst MO E l'TO LIVERIPOOL. 101ilaa, ma-y-31, Jane Ii , Jcly 26. Vîrgilan. ure7, Juti' 5, Auig. 2. Tancii nue 14, Juy It, Au!gust e Vîieortan June 21, July 19, August 16. Flret Caliic $70 and cpward 'accordlng te iteacier SeodCapîn 842.50 and upwurrds accordirng te stfeamer. Third Cabîn 027,5o anS $28 75, For, Tiokeftsand Uvery Information il. A. JAIKES, Bowmanvullus Daml iiOallno STEA MSHIPS Every salrdy- Every Salai-day Monltreal to Liverpool. 88. S ctbwark........................ Jaly 21 s85 Canada ......................... Jaly 28 S..... .............................. Aug. Il 88, Domînîce. ........................ Aag. 18 FIRST CLS-700-7511 cauding te steamer. MO0DERATE R ESERVICE. O11 steamers oarynoly ena olass af cabin j pAssengers (S cu laos>to whemis gîii ven jtbe ~cemm itio slated unthe hstpart c! the stiiamer. e4.1 a 45.00 to LiverpeeOl; 45.00 acd 8ý47.50 in 1eat Brîtamn uai 87.5ý; bertbed lu beiti reem, For all infor~mation apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent. Bewmanville, or to DOMINION LINE. 17 St.Sacrament St. Mont. eal sEFA LED T,' NTDERS addressei ta the wderiameti, anS endorieti -Tenders foi- su pplin 9Cei fer oIhe DLominion nclidilags." wll bereel-edat Ibis office niait Thnsody, Augsi 6, 10, lclulveyfor thce sapply of Ceai feruhe le Buildings thi-eughout the Dominion, Combln eu speiIc atuan sd form cf tender ean hae btaîntlon;aliesîlen at ibis office. Persons tcnderLng au-e not1idectthat tenders 'mlli net be onsiýïd e re cule a, made on thce pri-lt 5<2 fon i asuppled, snd 8signeS w'lth theli- acluat sigi ai m. Esch tender imuai ha e icuinpni'd hi'an aclep)t teScaque oniu chi-rteS hlal, made jlayàWbla te Ie)r(içr cf the lRoucurie le i 1MIeItai f PaCîleWcnks. cI1zaI tellanper cet of aYoetuet of tha endevhle llbc foi- feited If tsaf anta4id-gl cel.s t o entier ie oa cont ct'twli auastres upos ta an s8 r i f be fail ta çomipleïç,te e couated for. ii t8e tendler benom accepie teSIe beuwl beý ieIîrned, Ti. Depatrtmeul dca, netb hicS Ilsaif toe ep ilhe lIcegt cor any leader. * By ordr, FR ED GELINAS, De Mace aary OttAwa, Jujy 5, 190. Ne ipre- nserlltg tiis dveitlîaernel wirlmout steuuyfuoni lthe Deparîmenlt wil lcoi ha pa1id forU. 2 -2w Geneal nsnrnoe Agent. RýoyaM: FireuiraneaeCeCompany U.Jîion Asraeeeiy l feunded 1714,) VpàinFIOiB& foneu 70 Se t lhU 1,u1 & National Pire Insursue SOvera,1 ' ig.e i-aAsuac Cmpauy. (laumacAmaica Pie IsarrcaCompnayr. New Feu creuriteu-s' ýýgecey. StPeu-th Mutahi ni 'r sruca Oompa n.b Indon Maý,tnalFie ýInsarane Compny titawaFi-,Inu-uce C paacy Mont-l) i ieCandaFr mpcuanyCmac MerpitanFrnaan.Cmsy Stnrd Mtua Pre nsu-ne Ornpny Inde Londeon Moiaydrs Isrncom~y ThSun-luHAssPr nureCanofemanda The Cn Clyire Isuance Cstempaoany. Thileso&mainio fatnaeas' PiencransuanCe Copay. -% Accatfidet ilty:- ne The jCaIca iansat,tIsaceC pn Cempanyny The Oc)ktan erkAcidtInuracrOusy BoirSinrance:-urnc ,TieBic pelwl LeAI 0isai-uce CempIII f Piste GlassInanranea: T pontetilatibave ntltise hbit aUrpi puiga haie bat an O ietursie oct i i Cusîouiior "I w a xvitbauh fat, beno a (alber heving coi-e steekl : "Yau'd t 0 rîso'oîn 1" oý peea hauve -aI -or ils SAbout 1t1e0Faim ++ CHICKENS IN HIOT WAHR If the host resaits are desureti, gcax- ing chicks shaulti bave pt'OpercI'Oi- anti atîcailîsîs turing 1the summer rmonths, wirîtesMu. H. E. Hoydork IL is ira- partaont iibt dean anti comiai-hable quOt- trbuprviticti lori' iacu. CtOpS St anti) shtei b îeîaniiiba dl tisrbl. Iis will pi-o c 11i1 1le ca.a Irosleboriag s t-ouglcby aei OS lau filake oil nîrcom ofie t il. Ilbi ness olinginil[ hcsati j, Iy iiii rlaie" foi ibsan ll ovrbaeoau- fi e, îvoc i I shoalti ho sre oimiobrboIlat i aan gru aieustbadcy nîey net du i l b-t Iher ae; ley iut prboiy, atel leceotocstescapefrindc to caop, ba otihe il y11 eat iii pea roîx'Thlacs0 vgraai wef, nos1, , oîheraItha lm, au' lberalgiSe, fiIbstcI cu- oim 1,11 we at ow Y lJsI nioropta aI)re plqnbtai-go cna gh or briiitir ihea mi ang, v> wil seemaberon tebcnail, ani tl thir hc otth anti grovthxviiresit. Maî,e rara shauiiitiii.guhenetasoncrei ov e rrrvving tsenlieti ols.Ifby ro Iu chenct feqnentt, ity-il e eîse wio e ole ol colrapl aI tbah -a pe!i, loi,Te, vhc atbomîe tmifa.hh m cus o! ý weak eant sunftgraw oiîh. Nail kof 9ea, t 111 grututiinIbeirlin-s taheom foIai) off 1 I1 Il w l launi bsb t giegowg necsary ta co nfin IIumove asi ho ploi fi-dan Iheltýier levs, I I anr iti tahr ney xvtiý.Ifooh e fa insuuiient amnaI i oti ati atw ide oîvîs wil iote mch a i orabocuta, ecmee tua f . e tcPik tae Ibis actîy 1 Una gi-cal meosure pecs a aid erefoîvi, im ivithosn Nist, 1hyac latxe t p l fIots era as mltahfi as fthcy have 111e oppearancoiims olaci!-fiporanI o tte. I cieRa are fotie ti n a h-asesxvhn officei-an,,,P W aout 11d fi place oh j 11elm arei? !oniy VýJ a idtiei, so o my a ie w oft I i tasearb i b' atila ar-cîs ol'lith ,ri nla te î- ri an, f0 XVhie t onsier Ial llera certciîc vi a'hîp(t Iherorv-ýlpracit, iv lac i a ý[ iol ) changedatilamtii-tin i wt ho ) fau ohslta cine anolioinco11e nii aIw d1,.riceetinga sst a-id t ae achick's ote. On ais 1t e ma ipr icat tiggpula tir- cosoreta dui-ing 11 suni- ,asis ivrapy. 111e xvat, dersnoti o Iseon lusn some vesse onenfaortal ewil pîe- ven it 11e chs tan olstra nail, or cIs e wi erIshanîti obaneti re- cilentth1e rgf omstain shoul f cure 111e vvae rceamaetolt. WI l ite rese uber in rug pure nrems forbark, vte la n mos aure l goradalitse 1101il setathe&,uacn ofme oleRetonce a aillfi)few daner corle iihte letheras tcan iandar-dasop -hs il ta ailure a biîily repîce- 111e ( citc 11ace mcam ýli d, j W'rittr 1e prslialok e ot pies for pk, 1e pr odeeSLc"ncar tisa lryaili he viei ropaiN. A. elag AIu'pt ai atid coin aiob eleti ~i-uîa e cnr gipoil ontu Guin, hase sipsCiunmikorway futii, wi\-4ak0 park eh arkat aI- l wAt presoallime ystheo!pak rdu under-stooti. oInstiat ol Iecp agnpis yI.a1 sowaitbeetwoboe 1cr ero tri en ani lo ftI] fradkthegdia vhtthe Spu'Iga r. c en nicov hu 0-igleaîehh -it11emrse-e scatded anid iminglbed xitb thle stdm iirýlk, , \\ul(er*nVi)1 , xvhey or hoaso Slips ianti thoserc ed warm An aquaitJIiei ,s îvirh ru(a bu1wre;diiy culo IrenpclU Ic firet eurimes 1per da, xhitc thoy get a rue e t Ithe Jane graLss, claver, rapo or (nyai he forage plants 1h01 lbey i-chah, ihoy are roady 10 make or ai-qeter and ctîeoper thon ah any timeter ml 11e. Th pigpi's ,are the nnos t heýt con b-e iitlized Iteconsume the wast,ýle orits fi-a rte oclrdand gado, gean thel stubbtes and)be ripened loi- mai-ket an-tie pol coi-nofthe presoat yo-' crap: They wxiII reach tho mai-keleble weigbt la thel laIe loi and oariy winter, FOB OVER SIXTY YEARS. MsWinstow's SotingSyrnp bas hio usod by million-,s of mothe-s loi- their childi-en wite,. telhng.Il dis- tai-bcd ahit nght and ofena ya rosI by a ýsieck i suing andicyn wilh paimc in uting Teet, sl'et ohnce and gel e bettie(ai"MI's,. Wnsiow'S Soathiag 'Syrap" ýfor Ch(ildi-en Teet- hing. il wilil reievo the poar 'lit!h1 esufflerer im- mediately. Dpn uo lmothorS, thore lýis fiaomslae aoutillb 1ýCures fia-i-ac, rgua lirte stooch anti boîvls, ure \Vîd Cllo, sai)tens I he IimsIeduceslilammotion, and gives tecu anti nor(y)ta te -i-hle systora. "Mi-. Xinsow' Saahin Sy-ap for childeoniclhigispesant ta the teste oiris,ihi resritio la anOa the ot-desý!Liand bos-lemle hysiIan and fa-ssin i ho ntoStates rc sure and aslai- or"Mrs. iso'sSa Theo vosmase-for JuI, c1 es 1 an "Id ieni wit ai new lar,chgd natblyimp-avd ltiler press ýand il-ý tnsîaiais.Tho atcisconîpr'lise tihu apeeing chaptors el I iaIscsby popa-1 lar CanadIian ihos,"The Dac[i-," by1 satpCoearand "The Pianeeuw, byl Thaor obonst,. Aîcaeg the illustraI-ý ed rtilesmoybc monlianed, "Thel Durs outr."by BSGA; "The Baccfi-rn inh on andtiime Phn- taîn(IftheîDoadj ," bt PiipalI-tal- tIon; "adAotKmop, yJ. clda.incplSe Je, IMn esa-Adam Si,aI Kngto'A its with manch insýig, a n "The Rt in 'o! Canada anti the Unie tte. h ijuue deporiments aîre weill cnnd Theo Westminster Campnýiy,Lite Saved Rise Comrade's ;-i fe "WVhiie returning- fi-arn the CGr-nd1 a corade frounEgn I..weml~ wlth choliera morbua and waeý In a ilt iet condiion"i S i. j E 11011 ChaSberIaln'8 Coite, Cholera and Diar- rhoemi Reme'iy and bl ovaved ie -31. I1av been' euîgageOd for ten ye4ars 1 in mgrInwork andcnutd many patietathe olh cndw .I atwaye 0carry this -,mldy nd have iusee it Succesmhlly nmaiocaios ,~l hy ail druggletl AÎter the recent San Franicisco calam- I ity, which le proving sIl disaistrou to somxea o the weaker fi-e Ineuranpoe cam-1 panilsthe genraipublic tS qwapken-1 ung to the filct laI it pays to insure ïL, the aid, rellabte, Tar-if ccmpantesg. euc as the Reval, Landoy) Lnasie Liverpool & Landon & Globe, and Un- ion, balke bv their elinimous reserve fudwhlclu companles have not oly pald ou t12eh- losie every cent Gaýthe dollar, but haye ai asenlt a generouis donation to the sufiererp a,3 wetl. There lo no Invelmntlik-e a reaan able amio oft ai ireInurancecri-d In a reliable company HIÀAmtotvfC AN ge-neral agrent, represea&s1alhlete- ing ineurauîce campants, ailt n Non-tariff, Brttishi and Ofce: Taw-iniHll, cmnll Phones: Office No. 5o, Residenue. No-- 102 20-tf. Tho Juliy-Septemberjnmbeu- 0) f Tho Aeiiluicon qfarerly arfrefowis euh, gress n -îesuwitsla eain ices elac rfant'epouneouý s,tbghebnauattiity on oge lssinl campa, anti the ioe Witte f ian the preminership, Englantis 1 -l Uicwrier.Onecanwok oplt th11 ida 4- rui ve hal aced a marb1lop tale; ed ocui' ke matanipats oding About the Hol Te ssve+ + + f) boing theonily closd dor at nlghit, SUCCE'_ýS IN CANNiNG ll;F!"UTT. AnoJlthcr wy prctiined la the samie To holp sistr bouetýooperS Who hava-' mtwcniexa olt ehd trouble keigfuit I otier ,y mehodxxs t tralare hllwtnpanis bat- in detail, wIviJtes a roli spndent. I do itom u n ale ini a h-aIllandt on thoýso neot tose an n ý,litau hudred, and,iset the plattars and otdher dishe, pTlac- wxhile there are dublssrany vho sue Iin scen corveic rl' o1ri onail]000k- ccdjuti1 vo' t-j r sil oeing heat hadIt hJaeil ih Wvho do ne2jt, an of athem under-1 tarlatan cvrasvrd las f stand theie cause a i theIr failures. Somne crse t s ioadsan nanuuc will'l toit authttaukoptomatoes yeun 5srriigbwwllio vl ninst uefin cn;ohr viii saV taiI swi o( I jwrap jarsi abr Joapr aexc;Lude' keep la thi, \way. lis xvell taep ber- yi)i al m1sýlries ln like maner, overin the Cilar, iigftr whle stillothers tit1y1n jrs inus be kcpt hln a collac.Aitlti is "velt o te paCIuci tee eough, but notiI[at aýilneccssary, 'Thle! Sîailow pnsoithr i, , iplain tia orr i-cl scre i lathooug seiizOtioul)1 enamcled. raay h netdalong a sheîf net-, only i ai he ru b t as cpIbefere a rnorth xindew ai a pont-y, neond a !i, ,iluenils oujsdi hewhich shauld ho iw1,t opcinand scroened, wx rk. i -it sure that tlhe pans pro- Firs. sIý iý:t voýi, aili ( a rc ii jectril i e aver the 1odgc oi he sheti, Firs, sc tht yur jrs nd cps Htai r oaa sti Ifthe undor as, Weil per'fecUy ea whc h ý1Iley sho11d uldbeasupersrfceaith etl.Th t bofore putig1w y.Thnwhe yn orîne i latsan otet ill be p putf the frit an taII Cook,)put Ihe,(-ars f Mind aiumbr(ifderee lao h an asa iet trtz;uealei'snding anth shi 1Cf direct, 0f Cour-,, dis-pn~ uibai lli i ate; ut a ertaini foods vwill driy rapidly, in Iblis oach jar xith itsr rsnatvap that thee xaeacrestabll cdway. romainýs sefor -al toast ton inutes' orIý 11EIPS unti Yaufr fuit is okdTo n -L ýIi liiiI DOETCTICPS jars brîiim I1lil, nac veli ta roi- movo air bbledip rbbrin Èbaiing Lemon Seas.-O eg , a oap- water, djstsane aseca adseoil qs fui of sugar, anc hll t eac-up ofimbuter, tîghitly asI, nasaibAleltstand unidel thre teaspüoonifulsai itnct- jdown for a;l 1,wvheurs ontd if l n maisturJe ;Spoanfut air cream taraee-alta nay ho ýfputt aay,q. a w n rt rnd aoanc IleîJt Axays us sunid, ieshirutfrn ahrifi. Ratiod ettoul,\with netl aaly iýîîxii a o tiî rsu as Pie.-One fcup aof ee ri flambe, a ir menta4oa grmsi, Ibih sins, chapped fine; anc cupful i ofsu- cre Iho cauIse aofseilodiuit. Awa gar ; ane cupial ai bat water, the, juice sweoton iuit etcanngtime as ýile the () ne lemon, anc egg, oe uni sugar being caedxiIl, -dt oty aispooniulof aicern lrca m gives il 'a urii verbut asmaler ilhoaisait. Bake bteatorich amant i i isroqire. Acupni a acirusts, This rocîpe will make anc larg quart tan is aà god roariaJerbe- itwe small pies. Ihvemdem ries po c oand pear s, hhis5rasnpies like this torwetyyears, nîeeb materai ast, a th suar ndhave nex or ioundanoherecipo basnetin ta o cwitb keepýYing Ithe fi-uitouatal ynless enaughiisiuod pctually tarpv'S;Raspbe!ry Sponge-T w, boxes ut serve il lra p)ories xo usof ualjuice of Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ct isnt eesayt 00ofut0.,n loma , ctalsp il aigela- muc asmayscen t tbnk;novr billi'n, te biesaihoe eggs; ( wash.and pait ad cok ntî Ïaici-m filte fruit anld put -it through a canreily Irather th siirneng 'asiblis î'le ieve, dd he sgrand Ileman juice. applosta ruis l gnerl. wiî nt Sakthe getatýinin laiactup ai wator and give any speoified length2 oi tie aswbondisledpur bitaIhie mcshodl some k inds nooed only fa 0w minute, bi-rIies aad1141lot il t and luný til i s as whie hefirorfriscb s ple tik sjeîîy, thon add the, beatea and por, e iioa nc tongor lime Jwhies ùand(lboat ail together. Peur ln A, riee xvay tacon ci-ah aplos an1 a mld iand place an ice. Japam p (um i'o amy irdit that w ,ill bel F-e rem a adouble baller brakn b aanlin whe oakedis e sc1d(nc int oai milk, adding ta il an seetsounid, woell-ceoard fiit, ich aI sick ucinnamlon. Bcd tlogcthoî m-g any that tmight ho w\ormv. woshtw(vo egsý, adIncqultrof a cuplul caeill nd remove stems nd hIs-faicald ji l,ac obesoaiu e o, udoil 1Jinat cL; pa ascloscly os flourm, hiwa aboso!us cora posbl n enjaeS-, Lhovinig raa lrca i qute ailatospa fula èlei s ;upmod, ihe li porto :ailait, and ahalfcuipfmlu i sgar> Addf amng thjas i- lesanloeytedul aleand C000k loi- iflio mod h i niling lotb tgohe t keDaddi oiiteaso ofu faibutter, îtwel- the ~ ~ ~~c jas ffteoto aIwbite, Nw abofoa us ithlnched amnd fuît bote ilh walo 11ta xvit 1 a an ic eepc ine, anîd cano toaspoaariul ci1 ai t op aCI jrheo.t ad s!teara 1 nalt1tee fri1 iopero aiywthairvlmlaanidpour into a salw thon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~qlý titet n lliuddosý ae qaepan, whicb bas been wi grose. hon cald and stif, turai ta~ ~ ri th(o)il[p ihbaln wtr oi a aoard, ecntJi mIastrips, dîpc scl1 ubr adsa.Awasueawin lightly boatea og,, roIl înfine dry By tis fethd th irit rlats muh b -oa rnbs;, do Ibis twice. To caak, mor1e ils nataral Ioerin rehni plunIgo lie smoking bat, deep fat until thon wben put in th0 sat yiTyglenbIwI Drain on sait paper and1 il.,ý dustxvit padered sugar heor e seri-- Busin auee.-In a sancepan nettf iUlEBlEVBGE. ad ljix tLogelther twa tablespoonflst 1(dChaatae -Caate when co'i-e- liiofh i butter and fleur. Cook, with, iii moe lnd redsiahdeii lset 1broxviag, lor- live minutes;, thont ceid tvholtesame. Puit anc ounce iu- igiaduaty stir-in anc plat ai stu'ong t laaagacqur oitiing watcr lnd 5h siame fo fve inutei. s, stand aver' uit issoîx clý d. Thon ad anc pi[, ;la ut twaeaidd he sîandjice IýI granuiated ogar andociak1er thi-ce in-h l a lomn, leur t(4lpon t 1a ito cieritboiait bil, ivthut tu- ehty grated herse uadlish, antid caak rn. tiainan xxoncoa-d ld anc for fuvo l% lnutes lroger. eason Ita talesp- 'oan xaii1a oxrc,iI hofute an taste wA, al'dd ascant taisp nutA ilu- kocp ilaacoi l ace.\Vhn rad t 1r ulcn c itqs, urntAababe to Soii pîcela ac tubir 1 otale- Itake -frin tiïhe fn-c. Pu1t a poeit- cSheI c e vipo rai n itI atbrild',cs ieaefai, a L pthgls thnikad ietw ih îbsue L fiml! tad a lliltte parts imilkIta anie ofaiiaer a> s a tercress, iand servete -maacr we1. Cueico potnri v le hosauce seFpar-ateiy. makes it stilipf-1ice'ho lain atî- emn ie-xv cpsa sga; w in ene plait watrlui-nin nctuiiriw wcî-bata1gs dan0 pata carrnt jltyanh tuc nti disoîx d. iik; Ibtgh e d -ilad and iluico uet tw Tho ad to qart cld at rlandor hre tmnis. Pour ah once mbpi- tho ouie p itwa iiten ionsan whn ;rdplates; lino etw ith poshte, tuing a taU sevooat ifni cuhdb.high rim. This mak ,Otvpi. quncin rink e gve blirea Oi.;ogeaid-Pleol i tho yiaW i-ld fraîn tait the goeere.Put tata0.alpor 1ce- twa orange(s and Iboilt frilve minutes. in tain kette, witb ta pi-- il takes langer ýta pîýepa're ricaril Ibis way oanc is omnply rpiiby !,lie resait. CheosePdg.Gae cheese, anti crash brakea antm ri i -cratianti crusts intofine cuh.There shaulti ho lwa cupluls ùai hose te ancneaifthe cheose. Vve the ccnmbs vith twacutp- fuis of milk lin, c bsbendis- solveti a bit f ai dane ai-ger thon a lima boan. Brat bîva ogs light, wtsites anti yobks aprh;îvipic yot1 i s ta bbce spqakotýitibcans îihPabepon fi i of iteti1butter. Scso îit sa1i1t anti e duat i c noa(Iti thefre(thet îvhites, eilyan apdl; ak aa graeilddinig dîsb la ebrisiravn fondu bahýs plieidbugb antmdi i cayo top ThonbI)w, iItiyantisoi-o a Rl m"ay ho eroa osupe'rstjiionbal 1 hiave aýIways imagineti thottnaes kopl, botHtr in in, wixiis a cuopn dent. t býýaî' avy ai pahîing li thiin 1h01t i prefer tIoany ether, bath on c-ý con fita ils speoti anti ils case. This is -xhen 1 have a large quantity ta do up ah once. WVe do nat hike aur tomaloos put up witb sugair, as ive like ta cal 1thrail 111sorts of ways wibhaut ony- thing, or Wt sait, etc. Se wbon I gel a sixtýy-paUnd box af Ibis'irait, 1 pro- pare bbings foc a speetiy putting ai thora' up. 1 want a couple af ketîles aifIhot wa- ter, plenty ofi dean 0005, ivax ant idts handy. A sharp, wchl-poiated llie, a lairge pan linîvintascatidthe' lama- ta, a deanhoard oni1the table,Lanti sevoat bIdP ciorrge cIahs te use-mn liftil, oing e mnsabot, re i n'edint. I~ ~ ~ o pbalyraevnsizet tmaee baihixeber ta !ceiy cavraii thon gel r adya 'enipan wilb colti wI- 1e. be ise that fie pol is ho- iigte oosc, Itilt eacbtnib mler andti tansIor il t ola 111eWý'tem ha tha ethe pan Tho I uz~a111ebotwaee back II halo 1e 10111eavo 11 fi-e.I have a ge to stidy fui-c turing ait my Naw a ýs fast a a, aide se, Ipoolanti cu flý b eu pic al i-gotaes; 11e tIl( e aise cnw 1î.Ipalt1110m as i ave hoînpiepai-et i rtigh lu- e 1 ruan la wihtey aire ta stayv. W ate is luth i slIl On 11 o th1e ranjge, anidweathe amros ie nIl 'ieatiy acnti,! lïa Ie es Iuthon tboitup l o la m(hees acal tho1aii ita cie cns, I ssake tora tidown xxcl ta fit 'ait spaco ta best Atvantage. kTheilis are tlaid on top 1wben I ha fulleti a cari, se ihe(, warmuh of 111efi-it irora bbc scoliag heps 111cm ta a quijcký I 1thon t-oct aorpa n 0ii (f fi-niltaIo a sýcatti, anti by bthm bav shile 111cm intobbhecait i waer 111e--conis on bbce slave eotiattention. 1 set l ther ai one hy anc on ta the boarti, mantij abak thom dawn egoîn, fuhiag oacb fr,ýor an af bbc othor cons. Il gooai1akes one cor n tel! uap fu-ahr. TOnIý set thora bock on tho teebut nal 50, lar, iowri, ntirai- I t iol ext Aehch. As an odiaary dspnwh 10w ai; mafvonag a I ai- thnf ra')io i-fvo qiui-tcon1s, yen wll Theý osaeswihih eoyt ca ie ton mrmîsahe onihe s1ove, a ! ilt1ey nect istisesteiliIng 1101corn'es froua th1e etimiecconleuiis sbeuia'gup geoti. Allter ie Iirid batcb i s aii- wrayv a stopbas ta o odeîo aii cthon ta tilt eoffconis, press 111e hitis furl in l place, aistii ax tho. As 1I use 111e string ivax, tiîs us a sho iece aifîvark anti a sure anc. Foriet- vrwe l amrn -ady ha seat up afe jrs apeni 1he aven, loy in î;i utoipaper, anti an ibis paper a couple af irrigs aifivax. By Ilti use Icon 111ii 1lt11e stove toth 1e boa-ar couple ai cens anti press 1the0 titisdowiive ho wx is waîmcd eneugb ta atlow oaiistant cnrvin.gie oposition. I funid e bit ùa! geoseti raïg betti n 1the bnati press- cd qaiký, ýUlly aunt bb wa-st,S.rig-1the bost hbinig Ite make sureit,îtis doiveil, pushei tlckais the boord, ant(i Ille Wark gae0,s amiý. 1i fnti by this melbti i haýve irait san 1ea(r1y tIk bclresh Ihat î car) lit1trilam 111e juice ccird serve it llsaladt i-o oes suce il and wlun reh iiar ,bc is w,!e Peekîng ums t'in 1e oswitllbv evea utIe exra j i n lebbc iller oa ', a oaneinoet ary hat o- ing ta pour e'bia "at ;îIer imb bbth canis wenihey au-efuît, A WBONG INIFEIENCE., cluhasn, pouiahig Con t 11 iruiîvt lae."Welil 1e cornuo-ta li cna- fio usintn oasaga;. leHo au u-awci s ome ? iinsey ta rc aseabs ket anti hegan la!otiiesoles 110w machdo you t Iikhswrb e day? Js mk us. expectanl. "Wcong, sath11e c ,ýluba, "He isn't warîb acenit, ant i 1e stîi[awes fer The Mnd Y u hlave Alwaysfluit and whw-eba been ;-l iuse fox' ove'r 00 years, Lsborne tho sgnatUzéreo and lsb-en i clo ner hi S per- * ~ A o -ne C'-"'te dvceyou lun this. Ail Couneifetschîit c nsand "Jst4 s Igol"are butù EXperimeýj1ntýs tha tre with and edn'rt;ie he,1ahOf infants mand CudrnExefnce aams xeiet Catrl s a htrmlàess substitute for Castor 011, Pa re - goric, Drops and Soething Syrups. it is pleasant. It conais niterOpium, Morphine nor other Nareotto asubstae.-itýs age,-is its guaraiitee. Tt -srosWorms and allays Fe1(verishness. Tt cures Dia rrhoea ami Windl Colle.I-riee Teethng~ Troubles, cures constipation and Fiatduleny.i t asshnilates the Food, regul1ates the Stomach qandBoes giving healthy and natural dleep. The hlrn' aaeaTello rsFrlend.- Tho iRd ÉiyoVU aAiays Bllif lis Use For Over 30 Veaàr S. A tWORrD 1,ymoriem.s AR, WHEN NuRSIn AN NFANT, AND IN TUE7 MOuUS HATcOME erEPORs rTUAI TIMT"E.V f S7C0ITTS MUS SJPJflT-ETU TENT R Cc. nHMnd O Nc-SR- O reics anti Poulies of bbc Beciamatien Service," anti Adachi Kinnasukes spim-itcti deicece ai anti tribale te "The Woeaen cf Japon." Addî-ess, The Foi- nia Pubtishiag Ca., 45 East 42cd Sîreci, Nexv Yai-k. fInavx rap ~ ~ ~ ~~I -ft-nl'Ltai tl c i- ugui

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