TH1E SALVATION 0F PIEN Let iReligion Hfave Its iRightfil Pomnalin Through Ail the Being. than~~~~~~~~' eve ebeîvc.eas iýicages bis opinins ocbtsprefes- 11.sin.Disease is net cure-d by buying a XVods rebut symbels, and, like nx doctor bok. Life is flot made conif te beceme carrent, their heaithy, sane, and perfect bLy the sub- HTEALTHI Whnil i cenidred that the whel afer-iife (cf1 a b1umnbb e i icprdfori: do' l yth aae ment o! the frrst ear o xsec.i ~eem imossbletce dPýAL tee el'hen ,lie fcw f uoidemenitai mies It h ul dh M goveriialal thes.,e whe have the cap'ecf inf ants. THJE LORDS DAY AUTI 111E LIAlITATIONS FO0R SUNl)A%'S 1Tie Act espctng h Lord's Day a AC( is lai thIfeilo iagteu: IL Majesty, !byTanidw Uthbbc dx ire and conset o!te o natew a-d Hous o~mof s f Cna enacîs as fob l' ami wvith ltheGobject of prev1entîrîg any Undule delays, deem necess5ary to per- miit ln conneiocn with te1, egh taf fiC o! anyrilway. T'le costs o! ail11ap- pcionslube paid under Iispara- graph sha be bJorne by the apiat and! if nmore Ianone, lu suai ,propor- tions asthe Board etrines. Nofice of applicaltion, hinwhich Ithereasons la beo r(ciied on sluah befuy set out, shahil an Cnas.In ohe rspct epro- ce m ieuder te Ba,, yAcrt,1903I, shahse frasapplicalea)ply\. CA\N\OT !BEQCUIBE WOK. i. 'Àett csse emcrgency, iA 'àh111 jnet be, lawfl for any prs icit eureany emtpilye, engaged in any gévjwv p s a p rar. -î Ï 'F .1 . thet 1 -'n L' :E1 atîv .ï.-ctx ts nt I ÇEJEEX fs 00 -li, 'f> )pi'ýiitElE-tU Ilt 1'lt.1tEV(S tEICL i tl'.IZEE tEEtt't'oEE' 41SEu-EE jýj,ýj-. t r cd o he peifiatenso!thi geatrae he eu frm he anandsae dmcdm ade poniIs lifnysti f frmance" incous aay came, mlilý,SU YGMS Coon as dectailed by the auhorized rPo tat whileIboeireatof lm tlacs ils own HewaSftise UNnain AbbysotcAîsexiiioYi nera liiu eces aild oln dtrid cus edcsr iI --ano ea u d tllTStgti 'uEE . ,t it.' t - 1 PT 'IflW TDÇ-IM V OEOEwtU ,CIIEJ Wrnat w1E1 rýao drTI,"t iyI 0l llb1tLo"sivc1e!a. r m . ail mact uvnictiwe nacte ;i nlî s pu îuuu ttt t-t.lw CloheswahedbySunliht Soap are cenrA wi'er thani if wa he wi any sohnr way tich Cmycalsin psoasudrmoe h u-'t- 't tte iia I t'.OErtlt iliEEEI" t~ 11, But ib~' tnedtcines. sndaîIr~ieai ~ ~EtE*Et iîuî Le ueeiiîeu tu ce 1u n...,E-..~î t' - tEE. - . t t, t o -s C'à 111t - Jediis utn tà i u tk um -- t li ' " 1 t5tý', tE.u uî-tttEworgEkt. ElEIlt't uwrk iciena teet. h pexson esbi dha 'oril t IIl___ for 25 sd 3o cntsihe 3yard. The ae roxs cfgr-ay velvet rîibbon acope f"f bth ff.d...te.erryr ten. taisan vsel i rasi ie t fnent es hn $ alne ginh cfzehyrthnnes, i ne"f laches ivide ae p t aruud the' ski't lie!; drgs mligbIt asile, b prcrhei hnte odsDaybein ad ck xcedng$4,toeierwththe cejlit 1 if ý di ledblea11w,11pters-il lpiece ndte cresond. A whic Jr à ù p bý y l fil e e 's s , P i e e nl i 1 1 1 e flt , i n e f r a a t u a h h a e i ht a t l e e ; b t I e e i u ci n c d e, n ai I h r eoe r h a n p e s c i eng~N O I r in mchniaispciieth gaplo (i Ladagen u]odigICI tr -~t'~Ettt'~,~'t ,E.' O' p1t', ,E "tu t. is m rid r on r o .'ý,l stt t~~~' N .. G 'a for ic e odo btt lwm i rm pet." So ha t ektetuptfo i pooltet, and hbegan te blcw-wt al i 1 Ica? MèS u it nu ?C.ý im %2 b j 0 . 1 1 r 14