T1711Cstar flouse bas just received a large qulait,'V of 11gbi class T-ailor-.made Suits P ANTS-a very large aisso-.r'ment OVERCOOTS-a large sto(k -ORDFRFL) CLOTïâING ,rwell attexdedj to. No better ini West Pnrhatm Overails, Stops and il kinds of Gents,ý' lFurnishiïngS. Prcess in g a nd n 7eSing Satare,3sonab10eprices. Making Buttons for La lies' Dresses. C, Hogarth, rdMitchelll riends hero; witbh .ieurnTh mVlI. A .LýuV.&, ,cnRa,,oe9 r,,... u here . .. . larvest hats started in this e<Plitv .... Alsilte clover promises '0 a good yl. . . Mr, John Camnpbell h a very successful barn ratsïng Fri< _ »Rev. J> J obustone, Lockport, 'N bas been vlsit-ing; here. Recenrt viitors: MISS Grace SIeni on, 1 n,vsitng- Miss Florence Clernens Irene Virtuie, and Mi9s Lena « anau k3omcn )-htroubles are P-larmingly frequnent during the bot wenther montlis Too) often t'hese troubles becomea.cuteý and a precions llttld lUe is!obat ïafter ol a few ors liee Durin)g the bot weather season every wise mother should keep, a box of Baby's Own Tab- lets in the bhouse to check these jus if the.v corne suddenfly. Better stili. an occ'asioal do f this medicine wlil keep t stomch and bowý-,es ls eanaand prevent theýSe dangerous ailiments3 coin- lng. Mrs. John Lanicaster, North 1 ortai, Sask , sm s: M ay a t tacked with 'dia he n dsvr volmiting. 1 at once gave Babry'S Own Tablets and next day sheý wa8 as weiI as ever. 1 find the Tablets are- the onli med"ic,Ine a littie nuont)ds." SId 1w- TH-E iMP7-SON GOP It Is a Fact ---*l That we, save our customers large sums of money. By careful1 and Jlidicious bay-ing we baïe the advantage of Money--Power Systemnatically jombined. buW~~~ 4 ~-44'4 an ut~ tir'-~4'ff~ L~L~a pJ-l~ll is r rgwwbu ~-nrcr~bottorn t -i- ~ t t~sv~aCil se la nook-keping and - with tbç m9cet dafluite 50ugîu c:ou v erbo, Every Jewel Seeks a Jewel ve It. Lerge ineyer so large. 4 -~ - t- 'r-4 -.--e~ - -~ '1~ ~W4Y ~ tQ I-t ab~c~. ~M-~ t LUýL illub 1 10- )ý bel ........... i, É t