Lat Enough, were lemoncratie no belief iii creed ber of the Discj1 ganýized aud wa: memnber o! it t( most truste de 1 was Township held the same wof to 1857 Beinir cc baral. lRe had' 'tly after they or. oted, consistent last,one of their 'thful brethren n; Darlington and' Bowman ville up - ýd to resigù-ý owing, 0w. eyKnw To Scienc lI'R BRAGGS QUALIJFICATION-ýS To the Editor et The Mail] n ~ni aSr-vattention has beecaih d t the Citv' o! Tor intc, li whvvieh M àr. Kenýt li eportedbli avemal verv diepar-! througl1 druggU3st forfa1711j isetakces hIsptnt uy oiss ldidobT a )"[il 11sf of alil Is Igejns Enii'Lýh t1is ,,.iinn l is âiii . ' ffi c LcditU Wntaîo Day Steamlboat Co. [idek-eoe ta arm-KfI-proa- ti j îs ois nae ianresawa o1 a ruînawa-a-- nnihm5 êa ~ j~tn tnltrg Ldborats espo-usoas rncpe tbrýai- ps-i i.,sat.en 0T1 lIft datt moved with hier childaen norIli to ~~ join withTUSTTSA ,aslgjtiyit --- '0Vf/I,)£O . i 0 linV Lt. PO te ins ! enxxFa hveocasome pont earB-averton, where the ce ho went to Tyrone, having allied soToief0abSTAE Liberi a from i ts y Tpublisbed the re, M.hmefwjth the Ilate James NMcFeeters 8m0et rueLbrls rmis T make the Zxhibitioa propiîr larger the O)rono 11sf wa-,s3nOt ouç. sion to know thut land intimnately that family grew up They are ahi doin- who was operating a gristmill. He went drowsiness. and botter than ever before the Direct Mr 9 mn dhfret Rh sand Beit weiI and- make- good-citizensq- -Mrs Tod, tie ares fnorthe cmiii He seemedg-- - mtos-dfern s hdý-[os are-thceng ew uilian ea-- ti BLAOKSTC4 shul av ee nxilag oio f! this town is one o! ber daughters Ireynoth oeigupyigrshaei ncreasedtiepz 1san solavebe niln olo or s i h ar' o téml.H ere Ra gt e r uldinghoseand at LCfOI Ki eýWilia Wndat emane i e osessa alsma, oWilliam WihndattSSC NOTBEremained- hegrond. Iihrssthisat ALALA~waid to the days when their owh work neighborhood and f ew men left a better -ossesia tlisma, forevervhiiw o DEANESS ANNOTBE CU hruee founes gaind la ots0w Afri- ca attacted he attntion o!f Iile world. amentl sIae nWoar renmove %rm in- ifai i 11. l'