Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1906, p. 8

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For-t-,3 Who Iack Stlength" andviaiiywho witue not sc are ead 10become sick, th7' e le f reno iyMore sre t gv eus he nrves puifis tgbot K il orane Bnef'7i aî1t h notc-dfro2tse a, t few3 docis sust a etur o!îiîrng aren energy 5003 follows Price 1,00 e Bott5e Drg ist and Oteians. CargeagesL Ou aaoueshowS a fine rareo!2sat antwv3 sat-Surrï v - isss u'vîtun 1 t uuoeu wpJ x C mn-Bai ecouidcure ime.;Mg ife ad c w- el me te try it.Tise Mflrcewm'Ali sctbd hepela.WïithAv a d"358a~ the~A, amarisel Ipovm nat endrfuni;Tytiewoud& bvOgato close. 'L e dieiaglng cased,adlise skin bonan e owagain. Wîthln a short. f pîuovg with Z mBî 1ai 111e four wuuds wereû net. 0tfls cioseti ZanBu s just as gooti for blisters, 0oefeet. insect sttngs, sunisuru, cuts, bînsessui ahsiin iDjurles, 50e. of 0EWCASTLE. Mr. aite Gome ani wi Mr.N Yor, revlIlt3it aI is fatei, . Nvelfe era quatheerofMhiler o )p'sud Iron PUIs.Sol50bvFdo.sesrsý 2 laiervegJasont. ýZ,'j.ti lienst pi eeg. lnho"is uightlypimple ae'a be eno Componti IrnmPle 50 ses fr2 c andsdoit isyP.R m»-lke, intugis 'ti. rve Juryson, wis t wc silts M. Jhn ono lias breureii O'd ma'd wonld ba scVarce sud sar t Culd he p ho mat f i t se Ii e Ho r ntibe:tv s comby P.tB -1rn'Frls, fMidrontoias beden r neto lti ee ao lnsIte Cty wiii ~ ~ ~ ~ o, bepret fvnwl as iie r CompuntiIronPî'1. SQd by F. R. KO 5,iss.6. tirigg il-w d a 'sa lh'sFalsMiï Li3e Lnusste atir 1-rs isn P sort te u ie iy prib ouI-slfdsly * o' nt dîen ios de.Clan isdst- ansenu iss- in lîstr's Rcys 1 ai ea censTia or abl)ets e Tiby toît0 AIr. NAorAn~ ~ sd rd tissîr hs,.rousis atnt <ispnt s fuw àedi aofaîIer'sfr teorpoctfirs.t Flor IfusadOiirn eonalnng _rom.Seven acres of lau attach* trc.Afforîla a fiue view of Lakte Ottarlo. PTisL-,l a desirable placiýe for a retirec] fa,,ty or place ofsaummer resuror a clly family. Apply Ws ROMBEI arra. Wmanyllle, 29If TORONTO AND RETURN 25(; Steamnier Argyhe heaves Bowmanvill1e every TedyandntiFrds 7 a. ,, for 1'orouîo. Retumu when en iise Traqvel teon nI tsaI sasalwýasý,s given gooi sevicin tise cýýpas, antiwl continu oo0lutsftre Bu AWMNVI 7LL........S.enmt 2,7 284 .ida.............. sept. 20 21. 22 Souvis Oîtario at Oshawa ,.-Sept. 125 D-' CaeatOrono ........... Sept. 17-1 Port Hopeq..................ct. ',23 .o................... Sept.242 Toronto ...... u 7Sp.1 'Niaritisani................Ot S THE CENTRAL BUSINESS CO9LLGE 0F TORONTO, Bf',1reering te oui. dvrisu cohumus ounrentiders will no,13te tise i vitatîo; oftie ebove weiliknowin coo te ali eeseiin pýacýtical-bsns etincation le Zowrite for a copy oi uts lu- lerestiug catologua s. fThis scisool le adaitteti tobe tise best ef its Slnd in Canada. iRev Guso. BovTrno iois Augustasitt e.WmJelfei tise Sacrameutsrce usamrig solo very sweetlylaT itcucs Sunday evening. TshcogrPai, was very imucis pleaSsul te hAvýe M voices lusong. WuÂ,Fal. bush, ,,&jJ l" 1,8 t' Sprsng . 1.O O 751 't Gose .,,., O1>0e O70 ~3an,~bush, No , ,O0 0 O "Two rwd00 0 r~u~Wlli5 't...........0-2eO5 'S5OKWEA ......, 00e 501 ù 1e e Bin e 00" 0-6 Cn~vanSaî5.......00v 00 z ery pret,îz ïed1d ing wars ce, -b rat eti o!,-z tiebidCntrefSiret, when iMissl A ieA. Clemeu, tt-tC ii agiste-rcf ts plu icard-T Stepiseus of ndin WeaI, Ssi.,war uitetiW lur linge, 1E. 'veroi Eerv asia'i ho Mehoï e churcis.Nifcatno' in the presencee! bout5-0 areltvs fhe bride was gîven away by hem cou-in, Mir W. R Clemeus, anti Miss Flereuce Emaery playedth ie wedtiiug m-'rcis anti sang a solo very sweetlyý W-'Hle tise ceremony was beiug perfonni. eti tise- bridai party stooti before. a banS o! lîerngpiaMle, ferus anti pnlms whil abve hem was siupentied a prî foral llattaeished tefesteons of appamaco.Tis brdewasý veu-y be wit trmmige ! lce.insertion andi ribnat ndalbouqetoe!white caratonsani naiie hit fer. Tise golihcet t i te MissEmes-y a g.eid wissboe sl wiisreaîs.Afer cou- grîu'aî!ions an71 6xc"ellenî wedtiing tuner was seseI by--Mr. Tises Ted, cat- rer. Tise ti 'g room wns taste- fttlyo.eerute w~h.feusanti sweet cae 0sc eceupied tise cnre. Tî prsetstetu bide were aL.ery pretl auJusfulcolection. Tisehippycpl l-J' t" betiseevening train fera tnp te Torut atipints westben given a ~.oaisedffat tisedepol by ,-a number ý o iegeî who showereti tisem witis reconýfetti-anti gýýood wishes Tise Drti' -giu wa cumB WaS Ofgre~ c -' h ihperc ian trlmýmings anti rat 10 nicoiswilu ouhese!bue, Mr. anti MisStpien wil seaIhome in tiseir reslduce n Bech- Avenue ln Septem- wene rs. D. antI fMiessRobsertsanti lirA. RbersCobsourg anti Miss M E QWSn, algary, Alti> LL nvoodsase a -Asowin comîug nad for Ihis maon tsvcimOfte dees uit reali ebi dage)util overtalcen by pr st-ra-_ ieor paalysis. Loss oe interest* in ife, sI ýiee ncs, initbiltyfailure cf mrmory, musula weknesindigest--ion, heaacsetwtchngof thse nons eï feel-ýingsofdepression and cdespon-. ecy a'- ,ri3ng7 tise symptoI.S ws .c tehi of an exisausteti nervous system' arsd isie approacis of paralysis. Dr hase's Nerve Food s tops i wsigprocess;sy ýwich tise nern, t cel aebcng esryetnt formiemg newv, nýlý'iciblooi antiden- system. Dr. 'haýse's Ner-ve oo, 0 Cent a bxaIaildelesor- EdauiL*son, iniio tiselarg,,alnu etblh helidylng lîisfclends ere Î;,-. Thomýfas Simpson wciked ftomn tcrknlle ti Otouo sud'r'urn Satur da~o.Net sob bd for a manilu bs761h yac. RECENT~~ ilsy~:-r gradewsr The île at home; Haît isWlliam3on lu tise city; Ira. Thsomas lo"î,Toronto, vlaiteti frianeshans; MAro-e Ciwker, Oahaws, et Mr. M L TcýassIle'sj; rri,ý Tisos. Greeuwood, Poutypool, et Mr, John Greenwoo<h's; Bart Dobson nt siaten Emma, home frean LIndesy;'- Scaish Edwcrd.s, Newcastle, sislîlng h -r oncle, NMm. Levi Edwerdn; lira. E, P.Docteanifmyomevle M'syor Jin W. Odeliî, Cobourg, ar hIs fa ho';Mra Andrew Pollari-3anti da-gchter, IRcimonti, Va; James Cairie- ton visiieti hie motiser, at Pioton; M'F aud Mca,ý Ithel Walter anti son, Port Hope; Re-.. J. C Wilson andi wlfe o! Newsste, ialetiMcag. Wg'Alais; Sail Levy, Taonout, vIslIlnsg Mn GC,"M. Long!; 7lire Ah!Staplea andti wu os Torouto, ïallteti et Mr E3.,Plntins Mlesers Rena Doncactev anti Erra Tucker viBltedth ie dty; Mr. E Clu- namon anti Mies Piateron, Oshsawa, vsite friadshere; %Ira .John Riekard anti tiu Iitie, si fit er statan, Mro. Joh-n Milles; Aibe tBa rei r- ýunneu to tise oity; Willia, Ebecte Brown, Toronto, staitei bis uciMn JmsBrown; E la Sha4rpa etnne tiecity; Jolie Moment, tsgi.Nts Carlieviiltiherunucle, McR f'Amon~ lns.Sayle5 sud cno, hal"5er Eians, Wcrkworth, virîiurg at MIv. W. S. Stu îson'a; Ras. 'J à andi lr.-. McKeen hae returneti rr-oma poe' saut ovtlug et Bsnssleo-ie Waie; Fsa-nlulMoment antid eer oe 'e~Y r, It isome;W. inoo P, 0piOO6 c'ýýf the Çor') U ~ os 5 Boîer actnyvîsîec- frienile haro; Mr. aIi seR.Wte anti Bon, Ntw ïr, iti bs otiser, Mca .Johsn Watoo;Mn utiMrs M.,tcofe, Port 11o qan I ssLu)ttie Brition, New- sil-fini e ako' Pfont Li A Iona Leekarti, acd Mary Sqoa'r o!r Greili, gnuas o! E la -tihampe; Mergart Ps kin, scompaelt. ybe ~ltr Ca. Fjra'.er Littlet WeguaRa R cc'; Rev. Jh oetat rad à1r,, A, C. Tyler, B A , Pisilatiàelpiia. N.Y.are a afoirw -ehs ou Lakte T gnnNoew Ontario; Mn. John HUonau, Mitchell, nt dange, Mis HuchnonScisool teaciser, CsiagIl , smlnq hie si tan-, lice. B'ssa îati thr nise Mesr r dc ad ioie eune t t Tisne oa';RzlPr 'or5on,Tonoiiiipbrnce G o Dslsln;Frank alonanti C. M uiaihome fnom CsU-itago, proise; Ma Bron Bowunati W. T. MagýuIWs 'sSunnay. FALTERM OPENS SEPT. 4thi. In deciding to gelt a business ed ucation or Shorthand traintng, it is w iae lu cioose a scisol tsailawell "no wn for strictiy hîgis- TOROTOQ, OM. ta well known a3 oïia of tea best, comn mercial sehoolIs iu extence. lIs record tisis year hias been mcst remarkable. Noie o our gradý,uates are ont ofbpositions ani the de meSfer the. 5 aoutt,,ty urnes tise aujpply. Write today for Our magnificent W. JýE , L10T Trncpl Si Cor. Yonand ;Alexander na ALBERT COLLIEGE .eL-ville,GOat. Buinsss oI founded ISif. Practical and thiorough. Fiva complote ecurses.' Many g-aduàtes oceupviig im- portant places as book-keepers and short stand reporters. $38.50 paya board, room, tuillon, elBetric llgbt, use of balis and gymna8dum, ail but booksanad lainîdry etc, for tan geeks- logrperîcd attse sanie rate. Special re dton te miniister8 or to- two or more en- te.ri,,g et thseaie lime3f rom theseaie f amily or from thsaie place. A ',specialiat la Book keeptng who la also an expert peu- mi ncd a specialîstinuSisorîisand inu conh 'tan ten'c The teachers10ts literai y de.partment aise assist in thse work. Tise high eclaracter ofthtie collage lsaa gnaraeuee of thorouglineass Catalogue wi h apecimen of penmanship free. Address PBINCIFAL D D.- Room The uew styles are talin-gand I have a large variet .special sample books se you are sure te be suited. Usual liles cf Stat.onery, Gantes, Goods, Pieture Post Books, 15ncy Cards, Special $WO Fountatin Pen r Tebilcc FUDAT LAST Tise proper Lmet' hotio harcd i L-awru ýMower. h lis leytise use-,o! t ideal Lawn MowerGidemanufac 1 ureti bVstise Root Bros;.' Co ,Plymo)th, mîts, an u la,'d-eu anisl paleAti t shrpeun ahm akes e!f moweru. Call anti nie it work a nti you wlll 1>0, cenvinceti tisaI ilis tise oniy "-< te sisarpen a mower.1 District MngrWanted. A District aagrfortise Couini o!~ ~ ~ i J)tsmbnat seiiurhsa m by o(i oA ad'srogt anti moaýt pW contract iPiuibe.maieby tise igh pnrty Attresl cîn ieue Tia NORTHERNZ 29-3w London, Oa $8 00 TO MINNEAPOLIS, ST, PA AND RILTURN, Prom Chicago VIa seChic-agoal Nortis Western R Til'eaio August 1115 te 131, ial rtr aepembr 30 ch, 190us Cor lpod is rates front many poinIp Pn C Lowý mside tInn rates front w.ea Generai Agený-it, 2ERasI Kig m Toronto. On-t Ottawa Change in ah iiune3'spsçcia liî1 ens. Deîndnstrîratosani ecr RButter anti Chees mniuing i Dairy Bull ig. Exisibit of uotti u the Exýhibition La, sir lr t unediun m1e Auinioes n.ý No militars Spýcta cul ýr aI nigl "I grand presea,tifn o! Ise PC r mi opera '-TisLGngrime r s is'te large -new !,etr al 0 grondts, 1Popuiar Vaueeu-iil Pror tiseatre hait turing a&fleuc Outasvahmoie Bus sels copen aI ugýtýh un1i otse SEa!tr i a- I Aten -lseBih F rt W--, -r MML-- -LL - il- u LU -L Lý

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