Ii4land LOan and Savings ~coipany, pot Hope, Ojtý Est ablished 1872 B'Y MR. J, B. FÂxRSAIRN, P. M. Cnuddfr-om ast iweek ) 1 do tot know how it wae tILat oo mýý who were identified with the early set menlt of thiý, town caime from Port He There wae quite a large ituuber tound tjieir way into Darlington afteý short residence there. Port HOPe had wi tunm~Iaiansome yeaRrs beifare tY sold out and went ta t4 wèýt a- 1-went iDto farming at whicIh lu a. ta' the end, (To be ztnu) ýg PERSONAL .ï0, IUV en Up' Have a Look at the Re»inant Counter continue I I I frienês s, w 1; lved ta -ee his fau I 't