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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1906, p. 8

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Ex-Senator m. c. nButier. Dy IôjsiaLrOfien CausesdBy Catarrh -çth Somacl-Peru;.a R-Iie7!es Ca- rarrk of the Stomach and is Tkerefor-e a eeede For Dyse,ee;«. 1A1 Hion. lu. C. Butier, Erx-lT, S. sen- ator !rom., South Carolinia for two termns, lina letter from Washin gton,1 D, C, writes to the Permia Medicine Co, ,aS fol)lowîs:+ 111 can recommend Peruna for dyspepsla wnd stomach trouble. If+ have heen ugsig your medticine for a short perlodead Iee)very much rellIeved. Je Is lndeed a wvonderfùl f mdcnbesides agoodtoc. C ATARRH of the storhis th e ecor- rect nam'e for Most cases of dys- pcps! a. iii order to cure catarrh of the(ý rýtomûeL the catarrh must bc eradicated. ý)n1y an internai catarrh remedy, such as Peruna, is available. ?eruna exactly meets the Indications. South Park For Sale, eoxtafnng rome.Seven acres of landiattac1iý e, wel tokd 7ith over two bUGde rI trees. Afforls ja fine view of Lake Ouýtr!o, This l ia dsrbepaefor a retiredifriyo pl ee -f ý,i i l ur 7C rot for Cl!iv famlly. A ipl)y 'A BEmT!wilr Crnage Ont ,catalogue shows a %fine sange o! 2 seat and 8 seat Su rs-ys wit extension tops and baving las-ge, soomy, wide seat. and made so that the wbeels tus-n undor the body, Tise raterlals usod la the' construction ai Ibese vechIeles as-e a!' the bEat procuirubie. One ùf Ihenli sud a good progrini expected. Came suid e.,joy yonarself. Admission, adults 15(-, ebldren foce... .Mr. Wm Petbick'r, horses rau awav une day receuitly jump- inz over the feucé3 but escaped witb littho iDjury... .Recent visitors: Mrs. iWm. Foley and Miss Goard, tawn, vis iied Mrs, J. D, Stevenp; Miss Amanda Bodri. Osbiawa, -witb Mrs. R. L. Mason ah Vîr Geo. Power's; Mr. John and Miss Em'iyi1 Little, Peterbara, with their grandparernts, MIr. and Mrs. Wmn. Pehc;Mr. and Mrs, Ecidwatd Cale, Mr. Johbn Lee, Kedron, at Mrs, S. Gole'à; Mr. and Mrs G. Taylor, Hamptaon, w-ith Mefr. W C. Frank.. .Capt. W. C Frank bas zone ta Ottawa ta the Rifle mathe.... r.Llyn Contes and Mr. Leslie Sn.owden 'visited Mtr. Bert Wil- tzn...... Mr Leslie and Miss Shirlie Snowden gave a, party ta about 20 young frionde Friday, wheu ail enjoyed a good time. . .. Visitorps:'Miss Dodgesm witb f riendis; MlssLlzzio Painton, town, witb Miss Elva Suowden; Mr. and Mrs. George J. Stephenson, Oshawa, bas been visiting ber sister Ms-s Jno Snow- den; Mr. and Ms-s. Sam Coulin, Osbawa, aht r A. W. Il oley's; Mrs. W. J.- Snowden and two eblîdren and Mrsý. W. Evorsan wlitb Mr. R, H. LHamley, NEWCASTLE. M(r. Charles Perrin is borne fs-rn lJxbridge. M1r. WÎifrid Bell, Chicago, visited Mrs. Miss Elma Douglas bas returned borne from the City. Mm .J. Gibson bas beeu visiting relatives at Cobcurg. Mr. Conreil. Kingaston, was receut gueet of Miss Bîghamn. Ms-s. Blason and daughher Hattie are vlting friands lu Orillila. Mr. and Mrs Allan Foster, Buffalo, ,vieited the oId bomnestead. The Misses Par-ker, Windso)r, visted thei'r;unele Reeve Parker, Mn. Gao. Jolil lost one o! bis exceellent grade Jerseys valued at $75. MISs; Mastha Hiodgsou. Toronto, le visitlng Mrs. Geo Jamieson. Mr-. Allan Davidson bas gone ta Cartwsight, Man., to take a position in a bauk, Dr. Bert Braut, Mabone Bay, N. S, la spending vacation Withhbis wife and famfiiy br, M liss Emma Clarke, Hampton, bas been bolidaving ah beruues, s. Go H, Joll's, Ms- and Mrs. Fred Strowger and daanghter, Harnilton, visihed at Ms-. Herb. Henninge'. SMs-. Walter Douglas bas setus-ned ti Buffalo aftes- spending bholidays ut bis !a1?tber's, Mr. John Douiglas. iTf yon are netwoii1,sr dyseptic try !Carr'8 Litho Nrve Plls. yt spepsia makes -,eounervouas, and nervonusnessl inakïlées you dysýpeptie; oeitber one roùders~ ý -ou meserabletanhee litpileu- Mrs. Biekenan d son and daugb- tor, and Mr Ci bes and two sons, Toronto, viited ut !Reeve arers Dr. John cott andffle o! Iowa, vis- ited beýr siter, Mss. Samuel Baenathani. on their returna f rm a tour thirough tbe aiod couurny. 1Scrub yourself daily, yaui're not clean inside. Clean insIdes meaus elean 3to- macb,bowels, biood, liver,clean, healthy tissue flu eVerY Organ. MORAL. Take alollister'a Rocky Mountain Ton. 35 cents, To or Tabiets Sold by Stott & Jury, dsu'ggîshs, B arfet's hardware store was burgias-- ized recentiy wheu a one- dollar bill, a few peeket knIves and othez- articles were cas-ied off, Misa Mlav Kenneflck Wba spent ber boiuda-s at Ms-. Wm. Keunefick's, bas reundtaosw comaidby hber aunt and cousin, Mrs. Smallwood, Toronto, vi.sitead ber aunt, Mrs. Dlekey, wbile ber tather visited 1h. MiYisses Wlîcesauhh o! -Mr, A-huËilad ruggist, Tor- anto, Mn. Fs-un 1 Rowland , Manalger o! tbh- Standard Bankt, Brussels; -are at - ài hfer 'q Mn. Jas PGwllrA- lsai eek tram tue neat.-. . Aer. W. Y -an- u Nest'e uow residence le about cornpieted and *11l ea credht ta the community. . . Miss LenaTai-lor s- .visiting aI Kendal, Oid sualde wauld bo scarce and bard ta naud, Cauld thel' bo made ta seu, Haow grace and beauty la combiued By using Raeky M1outain Tea. Suld by Shot & Jus-y. druggists. HAMPTON. Visitors: Ms-s C. Goidman, Orllia, ut Ms-e. J. H. Busrows'; Miss C, 8uzdeu, Oabuwa, at Ms-. S. J Wiilium&; Mste Milton Aves-v lu Tof-anto; Misses Maud and Mary Horu lu Kingston; Mr-. R. Allin, Cleveland, Ohio, Ms-s. W. and Master Vos-ne Boddy, Tos-onta, ut Aluin Bs-os'. .. Wesley meeting aI the Epwoth Leag-ue Friday eveuing. A membeiro! the District League la expected ho ho ps-sent... Firsl huit August cheese sbipped Tuesday aI 14e.- A womau wosries unlil segeawin kies, thon wasries because she hue the- If she takes Hollistes-s Rocky Mounlatin Tea se would bave neither. Bsi ght, srnling face tolaows lits use. 35 cents Tea or Tabiota. Sold by Statt & Jury. drugglsts. ________ Ms-s. T. B. Hoidge le offesing by pri vate sale at ber residone a parlas- suite saves, tables, chais-s, beds-aam suites, etc. ' ew dodgers for pasticulurs. Visitase:Ms-. and MrssA. As-ual, Tos-- onto, senewing aid ucquaintances; Miss Fias-a Vistue visitig- Ms-s. H. Cowan, Bus-keton; Ms-. Webster Vistue, Tos-onto at home; Ms-e, C J, Mounljov aI Port. Pers-y; Ms-s. James Cuartis, Tys-one, Bt Mr-. James Pye'e; Ms-. Fs-ank Pearu, Part Perry, a, Ms-,iJohn PI?ýe's; Mie3s - MConnacbie o! the i t'îed States, and Miss E v MeCannùachie, Oshaýwa,. wilb Ibeir mother; Miss Estella and Ms-. Luthes- Stainlon, Oshawu, aI Mr. James Stuintau'sý; Miss Be-tha Plisson, Ms-. Frank Bradle-y, Ohwait Ms-. C. Pus- cae's Sunday; REfv. LE. Duekwos-th, Roc. tus- of St. James chus-eh, St. Louis, vis- lIed Rev. T. Sawdou receutli; Miss Lauru Ranton Jouves Ibis week for Manitoba...Mr. R. B. Beacoek bas beon lail up witb a spsained aukle ... Has-vest Home Ses-vice, in Moîbodist chus-ch nuit Sunday oveniug ....,Rev. ýDavld Rogers, Thorudulo, will occupy tise pulpit, Suuday Sept. 9. 1CarOL s-HE LUNGS .-«We have seven childs-en and have used Dr. Cbuse's Syrup o!Linseed and Tus-pouline for oves-yoeea!tbem aud with good s- suite. We gel four bohtles ut a, lime and flnd lb a good semedy ta break up eald an the lunga "-Ms-s, R D, Turner, Broadviow, N. W. T, NEWTON VILLE. iMs-. Brt Wakreliubas lau i a- ta Ms-. Asthur Lochst.... Mlies Jessie Reid la home frn oe-br...Ms ertlho hmpeon wza bome tram Tor-- onto recently.. , - Miss Florfenee Reid, Peterburo, la viiting ut J. j Reid'e -. Ms-. Fredt MeNe ihiq, Taroulo, visito3d boe rereently -.. _Miss LonDickey was r3ecent guesto Mrs. Wm. Rticb, Jr..... Rey. W. Dowu and wfNaaecal. led an fsiends bore.Cluarke Sruday Scisool Convention Ilu Methodiet chus-oh Fsiduy...Ms-s Wi. Ricb basreturu-. ed f ram Pus-t Hope, and Ms-s. Milligan tram Lindsay .... Ms-. G. R. Smith, a formes- resident and moschant bore, but uow o! Tas-auto visied hese...,Ed. Ricb John Mes-nul, Bert RBeid and Ricbh. ard Gio-es- bave gone with the bas-vest- eres-a ...... Misses Winnie Glimes- and Hali. Wbittlioes, Tarante, reeently viied miss Ethel Payne .... <Jus- tes-m us- sottior Jabn McKinsts-y, af Michigan died recenlly fso-o aralysiaý.. Wed- nesîaY e veniug weekAMi3ssSte!lla Bas-s-e asganiat of the Presbytes-lau cburcbi,wuý,s made tise reelpient ai a pus-se us a llght recognition o!f aitbfill servIes.,.. -Ms-. AI!. Has-nesa, bud bis aoutbuiidiugs with his enlïime harvost, impiements and yauug stock buruod, Aug 18. Fis-e was diseoves-ed about midniglis, and the-cause isl nkno-wn. Los&$50p - - -Pa[Dtltian rf tha tm, n în"q Milton W orry attended tue wedueun fi ber siser at Oshawa on Wednssday... Ms- and Mrs A E Clemens, kMiss Fias-once and Mr Perecy Clemons, attended the funeral of Miss Truil, Oshawa. Tueeday. Harvest Hume Services wli held at Tyrouxe on Sept 2nd and Srd. Sunaday sermons -will b. preacbed at 10 a. rn. and 7 p m by Rov. 8,F. Dixon. pastor, an'd Monday Labor Day a suppes- wili ho served at 4 û'ciock and a lecture at 8 o'elaclt by Rev. G. W. Henderson, Port Hoape, au "Croakers, Luafers and Wuskets," and a mausical prg-am by home audforeigu talent, The ladies wfli also soul!e. cs-emand confertloxe- ery. Enjoy, Labor day by cornlng ta Tyran. aud haviug a gaud suippes- and pleasaut eveuiug. Admission: supper lncluding lecture 325c; childreu 25c; lecture anly 25c SALEM The Has-veat Home services o! Salem, chus-ch were weii attended an Sunday and Manday. Snucay ut I2 30 p.'m. Bey Dr. Sý J. Shorey, Osbawa, gave an ad. dreso anad ut 7 p.rn. Rev. S. F. Dixun, the pastos- pseached. 'l'he cboir assist- ed by outslde talent reuades-ed good ses--1 vice, Monday aI tes-naun a cbickeu pie supper was ses-yod by the ladies of the cburch and il was one af the fluest-cuuld has-dly bave beon bottes-. lu the even- ing a concert was given consistlng o! singiug by Miss Emiiy Freeland, Wel- lesley Callego, Mass., and MissJackscn, Os-ana, and recitallons hy Miss Sleman, Hlaydon, Miss Sheila Rutiodge, and Mm. WmChlls Salem, Who ail excelled themeelves, Short adds-esses wes-e giv- ou1 by Bey. S. Iv. Dixon and Mayas- A. Tait who presided. Il was pronouncedL a (fecîded succeqse and tbe prüceeds wbich urnouuted ta 10,exceediuig luet cear Eva hmo lc bsreturned ta To- routo. Mmr,2M. BeacoýM, Preston, visite d aI Col. SImples. Jenle MrcLeran, Bowmanyiile, vIeil- oed at D F We'e>. MeredItb L*intbon, Bowmnauvile, VIS- lIedL fstende 9here. Mme J J Qý,1illaaian ad famlly, vis ited finonde lu Bowmanvllle. NotilRenwlck sud wif e nadmisses E. and M.L Huntsr, Toroento, wore guetsa oI Mr. Herbert ReuwicWsa. Clarence Vineon, Totoulo, la guesî o! bis unele, M. L. Travelle. IsabelIA Hoîns, Tweed, iis guesi of ber unua ,5Cpt. H. S, Adanis, Manager of tb. Standard Bank, Edlth Sagdon, Fmîtes- vsitiîaffEdua Mo4on, bas rehumnesd tao 0hawa. Maggie Waldihbas mturned ta Jru. tlng K9nAt.1hs- b hauecharge (If à6u ,ILdian JMission Soheci. Mm. and Mm. Amoi Cobbi"edick Ihave they epent a couple of montb wih th 'eirj Uutuuntqs-, us-s. Dfavey. b I. QX.Long bas retrnrned irons the N'orthWest, Sehool bas re-apened with the new teachig itàf lu carge: Ms-. Meurq, Principal, M iesEla Tuokos-, Junior. Mss.Chas Barrett tlpped on a mat Dà sps-lnebe rlqbiýt atm. The Financiai District meeting o! the Bowmanvîlle District o! the MeIch- orlit church wae bild Tueî!day, Aug. 21ret when the taliowIng were promeut, IRevz?, Dr. Sborey, chiais-sun o! the Di- triet, Oabawa, W.B Tueker, B.A.,BD. Oabawa, J. R. Butler, Courilce, J. 0. Wls, N 2-eweasîle, J. W. Bunuer, Newianville, A. R. De3lve, Blackaýtock, S. Dîxonu, Tyrone, Ha. V. Maunteer, Orono, and Msr.Douglas, Newcamb- le, and Brown), Bampton. The busi- nIei wae wbleY roýUtine. Mme. ýTisas. Smlb wbIle returuingu home fnm the sS5. plcnic, at tb. labo FridJa, rewokzwih her sent, Mme. Ds-eW 1afnd Mmi. Smith, was sihtlcg forwtard au11 theIr knoee driving whoni the hors., botboed sth fIile-, aughAt he lins wlIb it6 tai, Mn_. Smlth gave it a&quick SHY TFLLa nuW DR. WfLL1_4,S' PINX Pur.s sÂivED Han DÂ,UoiTRR. Anml l the doctore name for blodleenes.It le,3an aliment that, effects airnosi every girl btlber tao.nEr, Woms.nbaod inakes nieîwdemande upon bar blood aupplý thet she cannot méat. Month afterrmon-lb ber etrongth, ber very lite, are beig drained away. No food and nu care eau do ber any good. No commou medielne can save ber. Sihe need5 unew blood. New bluod la the one tbinz-the only thîng-thpt eau make A heaàltby woman of ber. Dr. Williams' Pin-k Pille actually inako new blood. That le wby they neyer f ail to cure aumemila. That je, how thjey save from an early grave scores of young girls whoBae health and streiigth dep sud upon the!r biood supply. Mr2. Aýnson lark, Arden5-, Ont., e&ys:-'Dr. Wilaù' Pink Pille avebeen a great blessing In nmy family a5 two of my daughters bave ueed tbem wltb rnarkedi sucese. Whoun my eldest daughtor wae about reventeen ae. began to fail In boaith. Her blood soere e ohave turned bte ater. Sho wae -troubled wltb beadaches and dizziuees; the leaet exertion would causes er beart tu pal- pîtate vlolently and ah. oould not eialk up ataire witbout stopping to reet. She doctored for upwerds of a yenr, and tbe doctar sald ebe dld net have as mnuob bllood In ber bodly as an ordîna- rily bealtby person would bave In one atmi. The doctor'e treatment dld 'not do bot a partie.of good. 8h.eoFiem- ed eluwliy fadig îaway. Thon se h.b- came affllcted wtb saIt theuni and ber bande were alniuat raw. -About this tiie a neigbbor advitjed the uie of Dr. William?' Pink Pilla and se began t-akIng theux. Att.? usinp the pille for a tew waeks we could sces an imaprove. ment, ber appetito began tu improve and a trace of color camet to her cbeek6. Sh. con tinued talklng the pille unl ehe hadl used thîrtLeen boxes, when se was as well and etrong ai ever, every, trace of both the anaema andm sai thenni bad dieappeared, end the bas aine enjoyeýd the besb ,of bealth. Later on my youugeat dalighter agedl fifteen began tc, loâe ber bealtb, but thanks to ont experieoe wltb Dr. -Williamri Pink Pille we knew where te look for a cure and after uelng four boxee of pille ebo wae ail rlgbt agaln. 1 have -aise used the pilla myself tût norvone- troubles witb comploe. uecee." Rich red blood le the secret of bealth --Dr. Williams' Pink Pille ia the secret o! Aich ted blood. Thoy actually nmbke ricb ted blood, that la wby tbey cure aumemia, beadaches and backaches, lu- digestion, nervous prostration, boart palpitation, neuraigia, rheumatism, scl. atica. St. Vîtesi Dance and tbe alimente that make the Ilves of su many women and growing girls miserable. Sold by al medîluen' dealera or by mail i 50 conte a box or six boxes for $2.50 tram The Dr.- Williémei' Medicine Co.,Brock- ville, Ont. TGwN ,H L,H amptun, Aug. 25i, '06. Council met- Ibis day lureua monthly BeselonL. Memnbers ail pre-3ý ont. Reeve Pascueprceidingz. Minutes3 o!1ai mee"ting readl, and on motion, conflrmed snd algued, Tao Reavo p9id Treasurer $5 for treus sold off road ahwne An aipplication waî roceived from Mra. Gilders, Haydon, aki te10usa 4mrneoldplnan sdcedar for a crosslug ta ber promisse. Not entertain-ed. An account wae recoived froin Mr. Horu and laid on table. F. N. Farr(Il expiained bisyaccount te supplies toa emalI poz patient, and wBas allowed. Hie3 account for sýupplIes1 to indige nt fam!ly wae also setlad ntt-n reductlou. Mr. Greenawsay's laîi for bonne building wire feuee laid over for In- formation. The Clerk was tequeeted ta get copies uf to he Sebol l'w ameudmtents for uise of enembera .o! theCoùUnili. H. wams also rqo t lu uoify Pi0tbmas- tors ta mnake their raturus at once A By-law, No. 638 was glvn lisàse- eral readin-gesud paeeedàrepal1ngý soetion Il of By-law No. 367, and1 u -aptiug that one doll1ar per day -ebali be- 1 h rc 'wIn n-nn'nrsktta laborx. B5arley Wanted .Iligheat Market Pice wil be pald for any quuntity of Barley at Caledonia Mi11s, fBowmanville. 35-If. John McKay JJmited, <.- Bowna.nville. iNew ( GýoodM We have received this week several large bLipments Eof new goods in different Uines for early fail which>' isWeilg *worth. inspection, The early buyer gets the choîce, SDress Goods. There are smre beautiful new designs imported direct frorn the fashion centres of Europe. A number are in dress Slengthis and are already being picked out by some of our Mnost careful and dressy buyers. We tliink it wise to Make seleetion early you will -et a better choice and perhaps Ebetter value as prices are llkely to be higlier. 2NewCûarpets. * Speeially uew f ail designs in Union and ail wooli 2 2and 3 ply also Tapestry and Busl ihbudtt and Velvets. These havel been bouglit at old prices E although the market bas a9dva)nced 25% ndltro vry- *body wîll have to pay the liigher prices. If you require *i E to buy anything iD the carpêt Un.e frorn a cheap hemp to themos epenivemaes t wllpay-ýou to buy now. The advanced prices wlll probably stand for 2 or C' scasous or longer. ENew T.Lweed' and Worsted *J Suitings, also Trooiserings, see sorne of the new designs in our east windows they Eare quite different frorn what lias been shown and we * guarantee to make thern up In the newest -style, Our prices Efor ordered clothing are acknowledged to b)e the Io west, ffk Cail in and ree the new goods, and get your order in before Sthe rush. You will lIkely get bettefr work when the handa s are flot hurried. E(Jarriage Rugs. Special line at '81.00. Corded Velvçteenin l different shades, 60e a yd. Flannelel.te 'Blankets ini singles 50ç~e ech finished ail routnd, *New Clot-ùhing.r E ieWe have, received this we-ek twoý- veryv choice c]earng o-e t Sults. We too3k ail and got them at a VeýrY sPeclal ee ehave h1ad also) a lot of work clothaing including E our spei ne of Kientucýky Jane work pants that giveE C suli atif~eoryWear, See them, E E BO WM.N VILLE, r 11 L'ý LLe-l'ý à 1 - 1 ýýý Il ý ý Il 1 ,, 1,11, 'l ý ik;ïàîli ý LA % i i

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