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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1906, p. 5

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_______________________________ - M 'and Trunk Railwav Svstem. Q"AIWAY TMlE TABLE. 13OWNANVILLE STATION. .9 oea.m. 1 EYWe5S .-.4.40 e, m, -'1 10 1Locail.- .7 57 i a .986 ynPasspengOL..1 36 p. M, 1..... - 6 49 p.m i xed... 58 .10£4 P.M. kýets tý ertain points saldiaacrac nafitot be honored on trains Nos. 1 or SiTorr &juzi. Towr- AAgents of Yo-ur yes Need We have ail the latest improve- nie in Optical Instruments. We have had 25 years expar- Lce. We have a private Optical oui. When We Test Eyes Its Done Properly. tott & Jury,- troit Optical Collage, aadiau Optical college, ýw York School of Opiios, icago Oplthalmic Coliege. av,-nto x hi bi'tio n Tinkets. Get your railway ticýkets at Stott & Jury's the day before youi go~ and4 save rush a-t the station, Mouey till be retarnted if tickets are not used. 5tott & Jury, The safe satisfactory Drug Store. BOWMANVILLE, ÂUG 29, 1906. FERSONAL. Misa May James, Toronto, la visaing her mother. Mr. David 'McDougall lias ret-arned f rom Aurora. Miss Alice Pope%, Toronto, is visiting 1Miss GertIe Lyle. Miss Olive llislop bas been 'Visiting frienda in Whitby. Miss Zella Boddy, Toronto, la visit- Ing- Miss Berthia Alun. Miss Morsehecad, Toronto, was recent gueat of NMrs Fred Heal, Miss Neada has gone to Toronto June- tion to reside for a time. Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Rare, Whltby, recentlv vîsited friands liera. Miss C. Sugden. Osbawa, was recent guest of Mrs. F'. R. Kersiake. Mr. William Gamble, Detroit, Mili, has been visitlng friands hare. Master Norman) Dowu, Oshawa, re- cently visited IVaster Arthiur Allia. Mr. .e'r brt MeCready lias been holidaying with finaa arcib Mrs. Jas, Morrow and son Dalton, have returned fromi visiting friands in Trenton. MIr. F. F. MNCArthur of tha Cuatoms, Toronto, lias been r6newing old ac- M.r.,anid Mrs. T. H- Smelt and Miss Smelt, Woodstock, bave been gzuests of Mr. Md. Ihem, Mrs. S. Stanley, Barrie, te visiting lier daugliter Mrs. L. Osborne and other relatives liere. MViss Mianle Jenninga lias retuarned from a pleasant visit with friends at Sàracusaq,N. Y. Mrý, C. C. Tamblyn, Richmond Hill, lias been viriiting bis father Mr. W. W. T'amnbl.yn, M. A, Mïiss Bertha NM. Eliiott of Midiand la visiting ber cousin Miss Latira Elliott, "Maple Rurst." Mrs. W. IL Greauwood and faily, Toronto, have been visiting lier father Mr. W, W. Tambilyn, M, A. Mrs. W, Warriner and Miss Gertrude Stoil, Grand Rapids, Nidi., wara recent guiests of MIrs. J. B. Mitchell. Mrs. WV. A. Boddy and son VemnLe, Toronto, racently Visited Mrs,ý W. 0. Allia and other relatives b are. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Archibald and dlaugliter Greta, Bellovi'lle, racontly visited ber mother, Mrs. R. Bailev. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Conklin, Kinga- ville, have been visiting lier father Mr. 'Robt. Collacott and oCher relatives. Misses Bertha and Beatrie Taniblyn bas retl4ud fronM % tWû weeks'trnp to Montrcal, QIobec Aîi t,-- 91flV Miss Winnie Morris, Beach Âveuid, lias returnedfrom a very pleasant visit Mr. Eber Poley, Seafonili, was homio for Labor Day. Mm. W. T. Belleghem, Petembomo, epent Labar Day liane. Miss Lottie larnley is vislting Mme. W. H. Raine, Toronto. r . T. Tweedy, Cobourg, ispent Sun- dayv at _Mn. WraJordan'a. Dr. A L. MeMurtry, M2xico, le visit. iag bis father Mr John McMurtry. Messrs. IMebourne Hooper anti Nor- mati Legge, Osiawa, weno borne Labor Day. Mma J.- Poulton and son Melyla, Ton- onto, viEiteti at Mn. Geo. Varcoe's e- OEmtly. Mlesere. jos. andFrnk Knlipt, Toi - onto. visited their faibar Mn Tios. Mm, P. Sutherland andi son Donald, Toronto, are guesta at Dm, F. H. S. Lowme's. Mr. and MmBE R. M Saxby andi baby, Whitby, were rec4-ent guaeste at Mr. Rd. Bimacomnbe's. me, Wm. Jordan, iirs. L. Banker andi daugbterm ary, apeai Labor Day ai Mtr$. T. Scott's, Oshawa. Master Daibent and Misses Greta and Ermua Clemens, Oshawa, are viiting theîr grantifatier Mm. R. Richards'. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy and dtaugli- ter Violet, Tilsouburg, vieltati hem mioiher, Mns. Wrn. Tapson, recantly, Miss Wtirst, Hamilton, Mr. Lawrence Rebder, Mme. Anale Triai. Miss Lucy Rebtier and Mr. John Relider, Parie, hava been guasta o! Mm,ý C. Rehdem. Mr. P. R.1 .Morris, Beach Ave., le e- ceiviugthie cong-rtulations of ciizans on winaug 4,.1 place on the Bisley Team for 1907. Ho hbad emnankable suecesla Toronto wianing thli city of Toronto's Golti Mledal and 815 in cash, anti about $70 in ail in Toronto whoe ha matie 10 straigit bull eyes at 800 yards. At Ottawa ho hadtihie wliole Dominion anti the Uniteti Stat, s to compote with anti ha again "dýeIiveneti tiie gootis," besides winnjing 4th plae on the Bisley Teani ha won a lizati- sotte Silver Cup for hizhesî individual score at 600, 800 andi 1000 yards, bis cash wi'nninga ara over $410.00. Hae matie the splenidid record of 98ý par cent at 200, 500 and 600 yards. Capt. 1King, Capt. Frank ant irM. Geo. J. Row6 weealso80successful comepetihors winning consitierable aniounts Tiureday October l8thisleTianke- giving day. Petaerboro la iikely to hava a free postal delivery, The Clothing business la boomlnîg at The Mason Cols. Par abe3at4 of ast .ear At tuis time. The Friands Collage which was burn. eti, ai Pickerng labtt wintan Us, to bQ re-Vui!t t aiuwmamkei, MNtr, DMathhew Winîer, r'ton , wak 110CAL AND OTREÎIW ISE. 108 :oGx a coltdinl one daY. Farmr to ent, see adtv. Jacks tarm. Thcre ia sometbing uàeful for evary- body r. t Nicliolisf' Dor'tleave town witilout visiting Nichon'I great varlety store. Wor'ing Man, if you Want a home of Your oüvtinvary clieap seo M. A. James. Lind,ýay Town Couincil gives the Sylvester Band a g1rant of 8300 yeamly. Fiable and Ackermnan want ail the eariy' aoples, Rush tham lu whila tliey are soui. T he 57tb Regt. Band of Peterboro plays 8-t Toronto Fair on Thuraday Auguat 30. Al m bite lawn blouses seling off at anti belowî cost at Coucli, Jolinston & Crydormian 's Loa's Catsup Flavor save tima anti prevent souring. Tny a bottia, For sala at Tait's. Round trip tickets by Str. Argyle to Toronto 50 c; no extra charge for stop- ovar pri iloe 0. Bringilavour fure or mpairingbea!one theabusy seasoa commences. M. Mayar, piRaCtiCal fUrrier. Two ligli Sehool girls may finti com- fortabie home anti board ai Mme, .,R Peate's, Seeadatv. Onie d<,lar pays for Tins STÂTEsmAN to new subsonibera te Jan. 1, 1908; or 25e. to Jan. 1, 19.17. Von caui bu-y a baciebor for 10c. andi an olti mald ton 5c. at Fethick's Tobacco Store and Barber Fsbop. Pannio, John MacKay Limited, 1 Bowmaanvilleatitsail yOuirbal Besi pnices Veill, be paiti. F. C. Pethick'e barber shop wili ba closeti avery Montiay affciamnon coni- Men clng with Mayanlitil end 0f SeaiSOn CaIliandotiea belateat st'lasep [u ganmenis wben you corne to Bowman villair.M Mayer, practbical fumrier. A lot of emnants andi several pleces o! drases good sal]ileg off at about haîIf pnice at Concli, J ohnston & Cryderman's, TO CUREM A OOLD IX ONE DA-Y Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quiniuec Tablets. Druggists reffund Money if it zistacure. E. IV. GROVES signature is on ceeh box. 25e , 'You will sce the greatest varietY of o! goods unden one roof of aay store, between Belle villa andi Toronto, at Nichlils'. Danlington Farmners-Join MaCKay Limited, wants your bariav. You w-Ut oatmeal andi choppeti feed, Make e ÇOueIh, Johflston & Cryderman show à finle stock (0f meni'a anti boys' ready-to. wean clothing. No batter elotbing non no better value any3whare. Pub'le demnonstrations of packiing fruitilaboxes by an expert pacher will behleldga NatleSe3pt 12 andi at Ovlawa Sept. 1,3. Ail interestati pleasi note dates. Cartwrigbt farmera, we watt . ha,'1ly' Van , au rita, ,,nr, -o FggedPeople A SURE C1URE POR CONSTIPATION A doctor uses F"I i lUs Rad teatifles to the ir inerit.-Dr. Lucas, St Catharines:- ,i have used Fig Pilla ini My prac. tice when a laxative was needed and alwavs found theia to give the b2at of satlsfactiov. 1 always preseribe thesa nowi and cati racommaend themn for al cases of habitua~l constipation.ý" If you are troubled with Indiges- tion, Sour Stomacl or Headaclies get a box of Fig Pille from your dnuggist. Only 25c. a box. Notices of BIrths, 25 cents; Mara.ages. 50 coeuli; Doathe, 50 Cents, eoh In- sortion. Wlien funerai carde are printed at tisis 01offce Ins$CIrtlon free moitr. BRowh-lii Olarke, Aug. 251h, to Mr, and Mrs Dwlgrht Brown, a soný. FALLS-In Clairke, Augus1t i9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fredl Fails, a daughter. MCÂ-nOrono, August 18111, 10 Mr. and mrs. J. MeRae, a son, PiEE E -In Sontb. OshaWa. AUg. 25th1, the 'wife of Jas ifeeves, of a daugliter. FUasZOE-In Oshawa, Aug gth1, tl 1e of, i John Fursey, of a son-8tili bora. N A IIIMD. 22, by Rev. J. R. Entier, Courtie. John E Begtey, Toronto. and. Verna Viola, eldest1 da-ugbte-r of Mr. William Glmtblett, je. .~Now rWe Have 4i SYouU uessings <i HAVEyou seen that big cake of soap in ourlwest wjndow and the beoutiful fi go01d watch which will be given away as a 4î prize to the one who cornes nearest to fi guessing the weight of the soap. ADy person is entitled'to a guess who ei will buy 2,5e worth of Richard's Pure Soap, ~ fi the best and purest soap on the mardet. ' fi Drop in and t-ry your luck and getÇ,a ' ei big soap -value, fiî Archie Tait, ' 4î BOWM.ANVILLE. ' il-, -iM p FÂInDÂtszr-On Saturda(Iy, sept It, aI Tor- onto! c enerat Hlospitat, James BroughaxnFair batio, J. P., P. M. of Bowmnvitte, in 1is 75ti1 year. JIoiiqsvcz-At i56Goustr Toronto), Sept. 3, David Irvlntg iJohuston, in biis Sthyear. For mayyears bIeadmaster of Publie Sehools ba GisFoRD-In Bowmanvitle, Auigust Sist, Olive, relint of the lteoNathan Gifford, H1amp ton, in 11cr 87111 ye.. BONx-In Oshawa, Aug. mil1, Alidrey LUIa» Blanche, daughter of Davean-ud LuetiaBoeI aged e8 montbs. TE[oasE-1In Oshawa, Âug. [29111, Perses 3,I Rogers, wtfe of Stephen Thorne, aged 55 years. BIOWMIANVILE MABKETS. WMÂT, Fali, bush b. 01~ U o if Spriug........ MQQ 't0 75 Goose ... 0 00 1' O 70 BAllE!* bUhNi2,, .. 0 00 , 03CO BÂlwbuiNo.1... 0 U i0'; LOI il fi fi 0 00 fi0 00 fiTwo rowed 190 0 00 v j i A i .... 0 0a11 k1pplzHBAe.............O 00iIL-a'501 _ Our Atm To have in stock the special reqairemenýrts o! Our cetomaers for tia eoing season. llouýea-claaniag lime -will soon be hera anti we have some things which every housekeeper will require, aither to balp mk the house,-elaaniag lightar or 10 help froshen up the home, Lookc over this list anti lai us have a 10 show you how well we can supply your neede-. We îHave Polsh-te bst on the market, Hat Racks, Brushes, FumarnLU lderâ, WiadoW slwdes, Ouniain Towal Racks, Pillow Shlam Foies, etc. ~ v i Wa also do ail kinis of upholstarng Stock a, large assorimeni Of furynituracoverings. I

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