1 Sef1 nesThat tlakes cMan, a Mor-al Pauper. Çp watprosTa ti aseo iilles. ?ie lUe lles ef lite - l'lit un iie n ais flo Fîi d Pba i- kas , a lwasaeroyleatoUclu e h l agtbxebe oewt e -p moe btaget r i beart head lwrwben ifce la slioi,.nin ils re;1 value.11 GeU puy ibi aitn wboias An[), t i bere lcl lies tbè c re !il al com bck10 tU gver Amon i im pd nribd tby wbit lbe gvsasa but l'y watlp.nîbois.lIe iwastl- iugbi sbsanc. n bew rs way w Tbod flou crs a! st ber easwib ro gai, 1rod w bastrit cooîis fnd iMstd 'tenas o vnaur;beknw 1olTe ULcar htgrw Ush by i',lesseri wa begin ta find cm- wcaiiet inet 1)i:g buingixing. Manyi a 1lmn lias geneUewn10 Uatblila a , fool b Ibisý worlud swidm bcueh beente gneusteacumnlae ny thling, d e et bs ï takenmore)utcf lite ha ajý i bis rlisputloebr Frmthe viawýpeint fl, b infniet woa,1s. the fo1uies. and tebsse Unqualîfi1ed S, u:cos of Lydia n E Pink- ham's Vegetable Coniapoundin Lithc case, of Airs. 1)i . Fox. One' of the gets tirpsof Iydi., the conquering of wý,ornan's3dreadenry Tumor. The ýgrot1h <of a turner Ls , -IV sly ha Irequentdy ils pesnc9j nt usecc nfl it îje f ar aýd'r-anced. So-aled waderngpains" eiiay Meehumn is aiy stagsor tAe pre saeI (of, age na-e oe anfs by poseothyp-ioUsý, acrpne by unusiuaI pain, from th[Ieaboe thouhoUe groitand tîrigIis,. if yn ave yseneu pins f h are idctoetinfamto rdisý- <acwenent, Faure Lydia E. linkh'am's egt5eCoînpound igit away 'and a.'n l- put tbminto a ketIe aîî heatslowl to a boil. Yu oooswloleo muýIch nicer if you remoe aIlte haid parlt.s br putting tbem11 on tue lire, onU drlib tbe plp sofl witb yôur aus BoI enminutles, dip o(ut tbsurpluis fli, or i omtes o lhot into tbeý cans, and seal. Kepin a ool qak rolae minei!th ken k ite two cucumberso 0f fir ize Drin ff gteliq . l h-: rmnce âmb il, seaon itb blepppr sa, espeontuIIll ,of enionjuice,, and a 1,, ninto ifwtha silver oî acuful 'f \vbip~d ceammb ibas been baule apich0fsoda. Sev vey akdTomatlees aa ,Creeole.-Pare large ripe tomateles, lteand ilo1y tbem1l nor i n)- a b li ake iIsb, luCnaing wihminicedgresee peppersý. Dot eacb layer witb bits e bterofoo \xvitb sait- and a dah sulgar te ote tbe acd t b tomaees.Stev finle crubsorr il onilke cveed Hahd Cl oaos---Cbop Cod t-udpolaleesb. soo bsl.pp per, ad olion jie aelotbe lafrigpan;: put' in tbepoatesan pot smoclb. ))k slo, turnng Ib brown xeniyon the1ote.uabt t1ent minues tby should 1 î1,be ncl coo d nciusedintoa lbctset enaon a bial! pints et. milU, butte, pepp, aUd sait, Tbis mke twe, [v,-, C ULr,,. un ic Ï,- in ý)1nd n i 'l'Y h4 ý. zl'sl'l ýii:l u be aral om ir l ilks fr wîi r.Thi probtm ise 1 z 4r y r ld uoca blussn ich se dubýs "ooit. wored fiha u mreuLviet f n l'on ia. Tese are pu uon hew e il L md n Ite lngineees A iid blus, facLi do,% u ith1 I N 'U~ ~LL~î~ ~I1U V±LLLLLÂ ~AJL* Bears tho Signa C ý-àt uz0 Use TL lac Suale5Ignatur elc