Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1906, p. 3

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4_- + JELLIES. Fr uit Jcttv. i ho fruit shuulid iLe Splaýcod( in a jar ,fnd the jar sti atluwe lu bi ouilthe fruit ils brukenJ. Tair a trog jlty bag and -press -ibeî fruit a lttl Ia tirno, urning 'tuut tioi, akn ocliPne. Alluw twopunao Sugar ýl'lu une pound of jice; set on l il.' Stuve' to boýIit again. Many gu uk h-1t the ,sijgar by pacugmnIb u nastirring nuw and Ihen lu poven burning. When the juico egn t bi --watch Ihal il dues fnot Aboit oOr tw uy-flve i014111105 mu idh-hac SuuStir xxeit auid iii,[ bru)g îlu a bul; eliove direuclly fromu t he aoe Dip te x esel u contn il i o ()f poslthn uo adsbll un itof flrl ac un ! fiit, puuu 0fjuic. P oefeqic)s aiý pou them ini' wae 'i10 aoeprpr tLlio. m me fielly[ilt h 0uc e prcss Itle fut;aovitl donitseI-tf. Put e t ruicdjuceina prOeIiïi pan qp boit w entyminute, thonsi 'flOETOR CURED 0F ECZE MA 1 f 1 r ýf- 17- spooin. To twe une c-up goos an ounce et sxceen d Pnd c !innono cd choc- olat meleciover thetlc, wilh just cnoug watr 10stir il w'ýth quarterpoun o1, 0a,,astc;o!c IlUamor1 n, adt t ra1 ic) Ined jiceofto tomos an lhre oan ges. Let1iton lu hebuîin pint Purintlo a Ihol- pitcher. add ailcouple o'f sce ach of oranean oonctnotiypics dip aulrg bnc o dmpencd mint into oword u ndick fin the top oýf th ptceroS Hiat the ,punch xiii pourhrgh it. >\ gla-ss pitcher is moreattactve f groctuat1 l, heatcd. FinglihTea l: Usý Eugtish rekfast tea arnd if itis-,of tho b-1tcvryday qltuaýl ity. - SayL apoud, ;,lo a capiug tspnful for caI cu. Thiu, tea, as in nuottier caei ihrawd tgu It or neju!Ia 'inuteor is sed igbtor10 i nuts. ts ololIsa brightbrwn amut iko cfce 1di te,as. uiichcrefam ouini tusc ,in il though sa miktausdforta wt more deiýate aoma. lcIidi.( h Mi qatr apouffiao furin11a bin ith aua 1ýIrte off a tasPounfu ascer tai ll r'is god . ut abouýl it l' surk 1w in smootlus b ith1,a udev)so un VWb1 en t(i isaslhik s licco a in wth aouta qurle~0f pit o! tal! cup sugar ýand ý i tabe-spoun buitter,! the beaten yutkcs of'two I1ggs, oune-baîjf e cup milk and pinch of sl.Mix LIbiSJ lu a soft baller wit fur in which 1 leaspoon baking pwe has been s tir.i red and stir, inte Jbeaten wbiles o! the F i l oggs. Butter -sume cIups andMI fo ne-1 Ibird fuit withi berniesc, dropping un top ~ê>.~4. batter eouughl maIre oups lwu-tirds fult. Stcam orIl . bake iabout lwenty imin- BODPIOIO UIes. Ille puddinigs rnay be eale,-n frorn B s ien tihes and erved wih tiiitoo he resecin lIbe blud o! Ibie germs ,i( evdvihcreami. o urtcin o uprtoor of Puddin-Placea layr o!uncooked bluebobrries la a glsibi uvrwi the o1,i1suspduclIý O!fhs ors powdeored sugar, then witb wh11ipped1) ,,LSledSSrytodeflne ýthe epeso cream. Altern ale ini Ibis way util the at th'e begiinig, for, strictiyseaig disb is fulti hetaIlayer 1,behing of cream. every form 0 f puisrning, including ai- Chili tborougbly on ireasre with cohofic intloxication, la bloud-poisoning. t[ny bot biscuit or shcatre, if desired. There are Ibree distinct forma -of Tbis, is 'a very nice d fish flor lunch, The' btoodI-poisoniing. Ia une the gerrns o! cream may ho ftlavoredï witb tlemon. putrefaction are circulaling in the bloud Blueborry Brea iPudinig Une a and rnanufacturing their poison, uponi pudding cihh with pieýces of bullered wb,ýich thie syrnptoms o! the diseasq de- bread. Slow 1 quart lubrnes weel- pond; in thie second form fh lcoi(od con- ening tu haste, thon poujr mb the disb tained germs are those w\hich cusepus- and cuver wbilc lbot wvith miore pieces formation, and thley also manufacture a of butterod bread aaid lot stand (lsovorai poison which produces the dîsease; jn bours. It witt tuiirn ouI 0f Ite dilb whole the third ,furmn the bactérie, elîhor uof aad con bo sers ed with imillk or any, pro- putrefaction or of suppuration, arc not forred sauce. -' the btood but on lihe surface o! the - 'body, and the symploms are duie lu the HINTS FOH TI-IE HOME, absorption of the poison eklburated by Cook acid fri nr, hnaepn hm and lhey wibave a lovely Colontn Ttoias Ibi ara-pnodJucedt suporlur flavor. pois)1on is called, is in Ihis lst instance Bacon ridatrbigsaddai nported, white in the first lwu cases scraped, 1,udh acdfrîa rngmnindi is, as it \wore, o! dumrestic stocks amdilos.manufacluclecoe band re Panes O! glas may biv e oilaiy rmo- esilyand m in greaer quality. efd !)Y bigcvrdwtsf opfr these flhree oraare callirim ei a few hus hssofi tons thle putty, l lnuge otmi 1yei n wbicb cathon hoWscraped off. Spoiraetvtmaigsopîic Betfore' appl1yiag fur11nPiure putisý, gern la te lloodý, puis in thie btood, ,,,rit)g out 8a clotb fnom 1very lbot waler and thI prouctao! putrefaction lu the Marylan d Physician Cures Himselfof Eczema with Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them and Has Cu,cerd Many CasesWhere Other Formulas Have Failed-Dr. Fsher Says:' CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT My face was afflcted with eczema in the year 18 97. 1 used the Cuticura Reý(medies, aad was entinely cured. 1 arni a practiciag physician and very ofite-n prescribo Cuticura Resolventlad cuItiýura Soap la rases o! eczemia, and thley bave cured where other formulas haefailed. I arn not la the habit of/ endorsitig patent medicines, but wben I filnd remriedies possessing truc menit, suéhas the Cuticura Remedies do, I arn broad-miaded eaough to proclaim their virtuesý to tbe- world. I have bee-n prac- tiviag mdc for sixteen ye.ars, andr mnustsay 1 fladc your Remedies A No. 1. You are at iberty to publish lthis tetter, or any part, of it. 1 remain, very truiy- yoýura, G. M1. Fisher, M. D., Big ool, MdMay 24, 90. A SET OFTEN CURES The Kind, Y n H-avce Alwaýys Bought, and whiclh hLss been lu use for cover 3ro years, ham, borne the si!gnaturc or and lias been madeo under Lis per- sona1 supervision since ita inifancy. AJlow no one te deceive you in thiks. Alil Counterfeits, Iitations and,,'Just-as-good" are buft E p£eriments th at trîie with and endanger the heaith of In-fanits and Chidren-Experiente against Eprmn~ 1-hatisCSO A a harmiesiisbstituite for Castor 011, Pare- gor-le, Drops 4and Sootýhing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It cotin eihr p UMrphine nor Other Narcotto suibstance. Isaei turitee t destroys Wormgs anid allays Feverishnesq. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. It rclleves Teecthing Troubles, cures Constipation andII htFlieuey. It ,tssim3late3 t'ho Foo0d, regulates tho Stomch nd owei, gvin heathyandnaturai SleOP, Tho Childlrens aceaT ote'sFied CEV'UIN C TRIAALWAYS /J Dears the Signature of

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