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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1906, p. 1

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tate~ -41.00-Fer Ânnum. Ou'Ê Towe AND CotTNTe. F1àýiRT WEWORLD APTÈe'~Ate M.A. JAMES & SON, Propriotor o BOWMÂNVILLE, O(NTARtIO, WEDNISDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1906. VOLUME, LII, No 39 SAttractive Exhibi»ts ofS New Eau Styles iV R al oîo oour Fair thisI i E ~week shoiuld see ôoir grand show- ing of Ladlies and Misses Coads and Dress G-oods in ail the newest mater- of strictly new goods showa by any bouse ia West Durham. Johnston and eryderman Grocers' Due BUils taken as Cash. u ~ ô I ** Uuns, Riïfles ai id The Corne.r Shoe Store STRICTLY FIRST CLS (Equal to Boots made to order) Are Our "'Ger- main Sohol Boots. Tooth Br<ishes! When we sol] you a Tooth Brusb and tell you it will give y ou satisfaction, we stand bebind the statement.1 If thej bristles brea-k off, ori corne out within a, reasonable timae we give yoii a new brush. When we recoorncd a brushl, ilt is good, or wc make it good. Our prices are from 5e to 5e and we have a brush to -suit you. Our Oremne Dentifrice is the Best Tooth Cleaner and Preserver on th-, ,iarket,, It's 25e a tube and we reeorn- rnend it te everyonîe. FR1 KERS A KY, Phone 49. Druggist and Opîeia.n.1 AT HIYMEN~S ALTAR. FRà.SER-MEiFADER, Wednesdav eeigSe5pt. 19[h, tbe maarriage o! Mise MVary Meader, second daughter o! Mr. Herlry Mieader, Buw- manville, and Mr pbodenïlk L Frasoer, iToronto, was solemuized ut the borne o! Mn, A. Gordon Flî3tchor, 89 Davon- port Ro)ad, Toron-to. The cerernony, was eoonducted by Re,~, 'V Me 1Klnley o! Southi Side Preshyteviau Churcli The bride was prottlly g-owned fin whilto organdie and carried a bouquet o! white roses. Sho was attended by ber sieler Miss Ed1thâMeader. The groom was supported by Mr. Norman Green- field, Bowmanville. After the ceremonv a supper was served lte guestes number- lng about slxt.y. The briile was there- cipient of many hnem presents. HENty -Bmr'*ssS. A very quiet wcddlng tooli place at the MNanise. Oronio, on Woetluesdazy Sept. z nh we niMn. Wibur, Uenry, anD I racee, ugior nJohn Burgess, LbecmmnmI and wifc, nev, J. A. mony. The bride was attended bOylher sistor Miss Mabel ure àw1l r. Geo Glagss suipported the groom. Aflter the ceeoythe jouag pple 4rovefI to thoir future home, thT. HIPo wers farmu, whieb lie ha I aterm of years, The resideue ýene ready awaït;ing Ibm r riva-h sud itboy were nreceiv-ed there 'blber father, and. sisters, s.nd other fne, samong wbom were àMr aF r" Th 'Is lass Mr. CiciliGlass. Mer. sud Mrs o. Henry anId f amil , Mre Alex. MKv Mr. and Mrs. T il Powers, MUrs. Par- ker, and MisseBeatrice JKefry Anil ex cllent wedding suorper had beenjzj pre- pared, tot whieýh al partook,4. V iýh mu'Sc, singing and other aueet the eveDing ws mo-st $oo4 pent. A nu:mber o! valuabie amid useful anti- c!es Nvere received fo a.nsand weil-wishers o! thej bride, heParty dispersed with expression s o! best wIshes for prosperity and contln,_ed happluese. HEzzLIuwooD-KINVER.' A very ploasant ovont was celebrated A WORD TO CITIZEiiS. It bas flot been castornary for someof o! our- beeýt citizens to attend Fair Niglit concerts, but this year sucb bigh class and expensive talent has been secured that we eau with greatest assurance + ____ exneletigin3sogand redng oI viitheti ine il ctzstogand renjoyA 1teueF u glance at the very interesting pro)gra-m ___________________ wIl! 3ai8ly tue mnst citclo!the glia- oral exea3nce of ahe whole entertalu- mont. Reiýserved seatts have been placed4ù at, 35 cen-ts-the popular priceë--to enable Vê~ ISITORS TO THE FAIR are respectfully invitedt to ý those wbo go at 8 o'clock tý)be sure of cl tteod VeFrSor ode o a seat. Doors open ut 7.30 Program eahafta theodreiible PRUStoAReeondu tdfor to bogin at 8 o'clock proDmptly as it je a nal afaCnuyb AKSMYR rcia logty neFurrier, to inspeet hie new stock of fashionable Pur 4 SGoods imiported for this seasou's trade. eburcli and Sabbath Sehool lu which LaesadGet'PrC tsahoelotohoe MVire Bunt bas been a very active workerLaisanGet'Frot acoeltt hoe Mr. and Mro Bunt on their return from from. Evorythîng ln fur goode 110W slowing and the their wedlding trip will malte their homo ' prices right. on Duke St., Bo wmanvlle.-Brampton Peel Banner. Tais STATflSMAN extende beartiest ' Fur Goods Made to Order congratulations to ail the youing couples c A quiet but protty weddlng took place Pur repairi;ng eorrectly done and made over if Tuesday afternoon, when Mr . Finlay D. ' desired. Highest price paid for Raw Purs, Cali utt he M1cNaughton, Doputy Minister of Pub. &sl tanKn tet omnil.î lie Works for Mlanitoba was uuited in ad igsreBwavle mnarniage witli Miss Isabella Wilson, ~ dau 'ghter of 'ho late Josepli Wilson, Newcastle. The marriage took place atAgy8Vllte eidneofM.M ac-trk uL 4s fla yer, bride, 5ev. W. E. Carroll officiatimg-PatclFrre1Bwavle The bride, who was givon away by Mîr: ~ Mason, was gownod in white silk over taffeta., She wae unattended. A! er theceemnvand a dainty supper, Mr and Mrs. MeNaughton 10f t frtew on a wedding trip. They wîi reside in Wlnnipog. The groom's giU tet the bride was a gold wat cà set wltb diat- monde. The giftes from relatives and fiends were most elogant showing eteem held for the y oung couple. The bridle's going aWay ceostume was a gray tailor-miade serge witb wlne colcred biat andi gloves 10 match. Among the gueRs from a distance were Mrs. Me- Naugliton, mother o!"- the groom, and his brother Mr. Alex. MeNaughton, of Cornwall. LANGmAiiD-BARtBER. The churcli o! the Redeemor, Toronto. wae the scene o! a very pretty but quiet weddint Wednesday morninir Sept. 19, at il o'clock, when Miss Eunice M. Barber, only daugliter of Mr. Elmund Barber. Spadiua Ave.. Toronto, whole- sale printer and publisher, was ulted lu marriage witb Dr. Clare A. Lang- muid, M. D, C. M-, Darlinglon. Thel bride wae attended by Miss Irene E. Langmaid, sister of the groomn, anld the groom wae atteuded by Mr, George F, Aunis, ci L Countice, bis couAsn. The bride was given aw!i y b er futher. Rev. C. J Jlamies. M. A , ecloýr (o! the churcli 'f tle ReD'eeMer, Bloor Street poirTormed the ceremonv. Tbe churcli was beautifully decorated with ferng, palms aniid cilusters et white rose,,, the altar being ao masie bank o! ferns, wliiteleis and bridai roses. The bride wae bandsomely gowned lu a grey tailor-made travelling suit with a large picture hat o! groy trimmed witb grey ostrich plumes, silver buekies and velvet roses o! a dainty old rose shade and grey salin. The bnidesmald was beau t- itally attired lu creain silk crepe del ceone wth a garniture o! lace andi daintily trimmed witb frille o! chiffon and haudeome peari ornamente A peari snnburet pendant sbowed preltily on yoke o! cream lace over satin. The skirt was looped up wltb kuots o! drop WBST DURHAM Boys. Almost weekly tle ploaslng news rea.ches THE uSTATESMÂ-N O! the promo- tion or sucëss o! some West Durham boy. Ail parents kuow wbut satisfaction tbey feel over the well-doiug o! thib ebldren We feel a paternal interest lni all e boys and girls fromt the "Home Land o! Durbam," and no news that we eau publieli is more gladly sent out to car neadere than sucli as we have mentioned. The laelt good news item le that Dr. J. 0. Mitchell's second son, Mn, 0. Harold Mitchell, of the Westing- bouse Electnie, Manufacturnng firm. Haumilton, Ont., was recenîly appýointed store-keoper-and ebipper o!efir vorv resuonsible position. Buti ri tbe post with, every satisfaction, DELIGRTED WITR '"EXPRESS" Dr. ClareALaugmald, o! Darliugtou, and bride wore booked from Tonýonto to London, Englanti, bv MI. A James, C. K. R steaimihip Agent, Bomaulville, by the large, Swif t and olegant new steamer "Empress o! Bitain."' We bave received a lecter from Dr. Lang- muid sent off bt' the pilot ut Rimouski in whlcb he expresses verv great satis. faction with the large state.noom reserv- ed for them, the favorable location and the elegunt equipment o! the puallal floating palace. We give bie own worde: "We are uow speoding down the irrand old St. Lawrene ut nîneteen knots au hour. So steadily and nois~e- Ietssly doos tle "Empressof EnItaia" eaul that we were a mile -on our way Iowards the sesu befone wo knew thal wo had lotI Quebec. I bave 10 thanli sou, Mr. Jaumes, very sincerely, for securing for us suoli a comfortable outeide state-room PAIR AIGHT CONÇBE>. The best concert and outertainment givon in the Bowmanville Operna House) for a long lime will be the Pair concert next Friday niglil. The commlttee de- cided 10 raise tle standard o! Fair niglit concert and ut great oxpense eecured the best Toronto talent available. We can most confidently advise our beel citizens and esveciully ail muse-lOvers to heur Mn. McDonald und ail who eau enjoy a roui literary treat will be a!!ord- ed au opporlunlty by atteuding and boaning Mise Emma T Irons, elocution- let, oneofo the best and possibly ail thinIgs considered the veny basl lilenany ontertainer in Canada, Secure rfeserv- ed seuls ut fixa 20 and uvoid the rush, Planl now opený FAVORABLE PRESS NOTICES, Mr. H. Ruhven McDonald, the cele- brated baritoue, who will appear lu the_- Opera flotise Fuir n1ght, le ý. whoie entertainment iiu himself iJere are some of thie Many good things sald of, bim : The Globe Toronto-Mr. Macdonald poss(3ssese volée of rich quality and wouddrfui coinpass SHe je au artist lu the manner 0f ie ýireudition. Hamilton Spectator.-Mr.H. Ruthven M, cdonald is possessed cof a powerful voice of which lie is complets master. Se has the happoy facultv of clearly en- unciating everv, word lie singe, and delighs hie hearers with his splendid expres-sion, Tilsonburg Liberal.-Mr. Macdonald is unsurpassed in the Dominion as a maný-sided, versatile aud gifted enter- Stainer. Tho purity of his tono ah richness of lis volce, the naturain1ess of ei lii (j :R à r, -r Il a

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