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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1906, p. 2

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ClarkeAairat rono Prizes Awardedl. IlEAvitYDRAITGOT. .lmod manure, foal by 1ber sid,W E J uecî FRnudîe, HIl enî.s:Two yeam olti gcld ing or fIly, IThos. Cowva, Ceeu P owers, A' E, Clemence: Oaae year oC11 geldling or filly Çlco, tpes Frai Alliai, H & N Alin Suein CotH reelesW E Jexvcl., GRERAL'L PURPOSE. Brfooti marc, fal by hem side, Lirs.IH G isn ea. Stephens, A Tamblyn: Tw< yeam aid geldîng or filly, John Bnelley, Fu'au)k Aia', Gea. Stephens: Oaa year ahd geding o)r fily, Oea. Stephens, Jua. Allia: Tbrceu year aid Drivems-special by J. Ilenm y & Sou, J. R. Cooper anti F. W. *- Williaiunso-H. A. Failis îst, Cecil Warden 3nd. Lady Driver (speciaî byStan dard Banxk) nrs Thomas Cowan lst, John Darcy, (Miesq Leask driver) 2nd. 'JATTLE. IDURIum. Two ym olti bul, S Allia: One yr aid bull" AColwifl, Brown Bras:- Bull caîf, B.a- B>rasý 1 anti 3-, S Allia 2: Caw, Sam Allia i anti 2, Hl W J en-al 3: Two yr aid Heifer, S Alini, A A Coln-ifll One yr aid Heifer, S Alia , 2& ~: îerd, Sami Afin 1 and 2, wGv Ths Afin, llinBrs 2 and 3: n Two yr e ei., Thos Alia i and 21: onje yr àll11-fr Thos Af1in, AlLin Bras: rnA AColi; Reier caîf, Frank AIl hs Allin. Bulli, L B Daeidsorn, Cow, L B Davidson Ianid 2- Two yr oid heifer, L B Davi son 1 e Une year aId liter do 1feifer caif, L B Davidson do SWINE. Judiýges-.rhos, Woodley. Boar, W P Rich, Sam Snowden; Boar, one' ycar aId and under, farrowed not eariier than Sept. 1, 1905, Sam Snowden, 1 and 2; f3cw, one sear aid and under, farrowed not earlier than Sept. Tt, 1905, Si Snowden 1; Boar, 1un1der 6 mios. and aver 3 mes., farrow- cdI not eariier than March Tt, 1906, Cecil Powers, Sýain -Snowden; Sow, under 6 mes. and aver 3 mo., farroiwed nlot earlier than Marolh Tt, 1906, Sain Snowden 1 and,2; BreoC Sow in pig or having had pig, Sain Sowdien, W P Rich. Boar, A A Crlwell 1 aud 2; Boair, ane vear ald and under, A A Colweli 1 and 2;-o' mne year aid and under, A A ColwelI 1 and 2; R.oar, ndîer G mas, and Dver 3 mas, A A 1 wIiiaDd 2ý; Sow, nader 6 mals. and aver 2 maos., A A Cotwcll 1 aýnd 2; Brood So ,A A CaIweill and 2. Boar, T J Cale 1, \W Allin &-Sons2~Ba, ycar-Old ,10 under,' T J Calie, W Aîllia & i9enm; B3oar, unjerO6 mas. tnd aven 3 maos., T J Cale 1 and' 2; S ,ner6 mals. and axer 8 mas., T J Cale, W A-Jlin & Sans 2 and 3 Bnood Sow, T J Cale i and _j. Bao ~gW Allia & Sons 1,T J Cole 2. SHTEEF aug-.Tamblyn. Agedc Ram, H and N AllUn, W C Blaek-, bun&Son, H and N Alliai: Shearling Ram;- IladN Allin; Ram Lamb1l W% .C Blackburn 1 andi 2, Il and N Allia; Shjearjing, H and N f Allun ), !2 and 3; E,5e Lam b, C Blackburn SSon)s i a-dj2, il andiN Allia. 1Aged Rîm, A E eawsLevi Skinnjer; k;iear1inýg Ram, Levi Skinncr 1 twud 3,A MIeadio-ws 2ndic: Rami La«mb,, Levyi Skinae rI anna '2, A E Mecadows8; Aged Eive, Lori Mkiaaner 1, E meadows 2 anti3 herig À EMadxws1 andi3 Levi Skiniei-: Bwýe Lamb, Levi Skinner an aa,3 Meati- ows 2ad. R-am Lambl, A A ColWei I1n ; gn Ewevg,A A CoIwill l antci 2., Seariing Ewe A Colwill 1 and 2, Ewe Lamb, A A Colwil .1 and 2, Agefi R'am, R L Iloldsworthl L son i Thlos Prower 2; SarngRam, R, L Ha0ldsworth '-Son i a nd 2; Ram Lam i b, R L Holdsworth & Son 1, Thos IFowen 2u AgIet Ewe, Thos IPawer, 1Holds,,wontLi & 'on 2- andi 3; Shear- liag, Rl 1 H1od!swor-th A- Son 1, Thos Power 2 andiç 3; EeLambj, ThsPower 1, R L JPieEi rout. hastcolectonA A Roljfe,; lNortiuern Spy F Affin, A A Cow l'Beil a~is Ait. ýa)ublyn, A A Roue;Rboe Iln Green- iag, W lebrIEClapman; Balti wios, SSnowden, I E Chapma;Gle Ruset, Rit-,A A ýolfe;' Ribston P'ippin, GeocSe0 as Stark, A Tambyn W CBlakbnn &Son;, Spitzeýnbang, Fîanýk klin-, A A Rnlife; Sýeeks, Aiban Tamlyn ~'akAllia; Grîavcnateln. W Gmsy J'l 1- GRAuIN & SEED)S.1 Jotiges-H1. Molton, A. Henry. Sping W hast, John Allia, Cea. Cainu Fal Wheat, John Allia, Trios. Little, Any other varicîy epring wheat, A A ColI-h: SiT on-ad Uarley, A Tanîblyn: Osîs, n-hile, Jac Allia, 'A Sharpe: Small peas, Gea Cain: Large peas, John Allia, H & N Allan: Beans, S Suon-ten, H & IN Allin: Coma, yellow strung, H & N Aluin, S Snowtien: Coin, n-ila slmung, S Sn-tien: Claver, A A Col- wili: Aisika, S Snowtienf A A Coin-il]: Timothy, A A Coîn-ili.- LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Jutigas--Vis. R. Clemence, Mises Gotild. Uttpjt~~T îrry Prre KatttiSlpprs Ms.A A Gamsbv, Jean Adam; Sfa Pllo, plsb r silk, Lins. Femc, ELîomis;Sofa ýPiLlow, okd ing, Jean Adain's, Ms we il dresses, E Rosseal; Boys' dresses, E Rossai! Jean Adams, Tail,'t ~-;i,,. i IMorris, Mrs. T Perey; Toilet Set, crochet, MayBLittle, Mrs.. T Perey; Toilet Mat, E Rusl.Mrs. T Perey: Crpchet Tiay, Mrs. W L Cobbledick, Miry B Little; Tidy, Mre T Perey, E M orris; Crochet Work, oatton, Mary B Little, Mrs. T Perey; Crochet Work, waol, Jean Adams, Mrs. T Perey; Damnin1 on net, E Russell, RP.crcy; Tray Caver' Ms T Perey, W L Cobbledîek;Wall banne" E Morris, H Marris; Daraed Sacks or Stock- ings, Mrs. R C Cowan, E Russell; Lamp mat, Mrs. T Perey; Piilow Shams, A Percy, Jean Adams; Drawn work, Mrs T Perey, R Perey; Tea coîy, Mrs T Perey, E Russelli Table centre piece,, E -Marris Mrs. T Perey; Table seanf, Mrs. W L Cobbledick, H Morris Picture Scarf, E Morris; Worlçed whisk halder E Marris, Mrp-. T Perc-y;- Silk patcl work, E Marris, E Russell; Outiine work, W', L Cabbledick, E Morri ; Fancy 1Kn;ttin, cot'o i o.iurEe, A Perey, Jean Adlams; Fane3 Knittirig, ottani fine, A ]?ercy, Mary SI Little; Fancy Knttngwo lrs.W, L Cob bledick, Annie Littlc;Brýaidiug, wool or siik, A Percy. J-ean Adam;, Braid, Cotton, A Perey; Col. fancy work, jean ÀAdam1is; Arra- senle work, Mins. R C C owan; Fancy table, Mrs.ý F Awde; ,.Chaýin stîtch,; Mary r; Little, J ean Adams,-; Mxcn ede ork, r,' Gamnsby, E Ruksènl; 'oot stoùl, Mrs. R C Caw n, re. A S Tonnre;Baces Mrs. F Awde; Lace work, 11, Russfli, Mms, T Perey; Smoking cap, MUrs. A 8 TouinJc. Jean Adams- Mantle drapery, E Mlorris; Phaotograph frames, Mns. T Perey, Jean A,%da ;Roa eînhroidery, E Marrisq, iH MoisTai mats, Mrs. A S Tourje, Mrs. R C Cowan;'- Doyiies, Mrs. T. Perey, E, Russell; Panels,1 II Miorris. E- Morris; French Art Warkz, MWs T Pe2rcy, H Perey; Anient ar ticle, Mmes. A S Tourije, Jean Adams.; I'Buttan hales, on 2ix duffreui tartietes, Anale Little, _'Ors. F A-wde; Nettinig, course, Mayi LitîUle; Netting, fine, EPRus elTal eaeM. T Percy, M1rs. W L Pbldck in cusion,1 W L Cobbledick,E Ru1ssell; Rattenburg lace, T Perey. _Mrs, A S Touirje; Painteti piîu oushiun, H Maorris M:rs-. T Famcy; Wnked phaçtognaphýi framie, E Rsei Jean das Faluteti photognaph framei, 1ERusseli, E Morris; 1Fhotognaph h lolder, FE MarrisIrH 1otris; UCana Rug, silk, Mary B Little, E Rusî;Couch RnLg, wool, EEselMr Littie; Kacy wbihole, r T Feir L M0orris; Ocaental FOtefrY, M.F Awdle, IlR MomiS'Ancient worlsed. articIl, Mr,ÀA GAmsyJean AmLns; Îdk- chief sachet, Ms.T Fercy, E 0(orris; Fa.ncy haikerchief, 1R Percy, Mý;rs. T Percy;- ýSide- board sean', Ms.T Cw E Russell; Pive o'clock tea table caver, Mis, A S Tourje, IMrs. TPny Fancy- lamp shàde, Jean- Adaîns; Head rest, E Morris, E RusFell. Special-Tlciefe Lace, M B Little. DO.MES'rI2C MANUFACAURE. Quilt, Cotton, E Rusnsel,'Jean 1AdaînS: woolea E Russell, Lins. A A Camsby: Qult, log eahin, Mis. A S Tounje, E 'Waddell: Quilt, drawni, Annie Little, Plain quilting, E Wad- delI: lMrs. A S Taurje: Fancy quiltiug, Mis. W L Cabblediek, Mis. A A (.imaby: Gentle- moan's shirt andi coliar. Mrs. A A Gamsby, Lins. W L Cobbledick-: Machine quilting, Lins. A A Gamsby, Miary B Little. Special-('omfor ten, Mis. A1 A Gainsby. POULTRYV. Game-Cck, MNakes& F Bttrelil,2 Hani, M Nokes al F ltrIti&2: Cook. ml, W1 utVFleW utr HaingCoeUkcaSnweW iRoi- ter, lien, %V Ruitan, ýSS tnoven, Cockrel, Sa Nanie, Falan-te, IE Capxan Çeo Stephýens;l M N ý'okes anti11F Battrai; W _Ruile: alet OtnsA A R-olie; Dess.ýert, F 1ak lla, Nokas anti F BottýrelI, W Ruiiter. I~~~~~~~~~~ E.Camn iga ouknsG. White Lpghore-Cjck, A Tam-blyn a Rolf. Snwdan Alia Bras-, Han, A Tamiblyn 1,1,3, PAI APLES Alia roeodCoanki, SamSoaýn-ten, M Snw.W Ruiler, W C Baknn& Sou; Noks antiF BtrlFlaM Nakesanti St Inrance, W isknu on nnkFBttrel, Allia Bras, S Snawdvýen. AlaBien Fipia,5 Jean Adaouts, 'W Ruitae BownLagbon-Cekaunwe, A Alexandra, ',A A Colwell; Crabe, atW 8 Tamlblyn, HalSie n ea1 anti 3, A Tam-- Ruiter. ~blyn 2nd; Coukiel, M Nokas an i F EBttric-, S notinFllet. SaýInSdn 1 & 2, i'EAR5. MNokes anti F BatÈtra t. Ilartîctt, Franz Aluni, G L1a, il Lgt 1rBna-Coek ýSam Son-encHu, F-luish Be-auty, Albert Tamublyn, Fmankl 1 nwa anti 2, CaîcS Suawdea A1lilin; Shjelden, Frank llia; Wintem Nli1 ianti 2, Follet, Sam Snowýýden 1 -2anti2. Fnauik Allia; Burr irgean, GI Wa - Dark Bnabmas-CockL, T J Cola 1 anti 2, daîl, A2A Rofe. Han, T J Cole i anti 2, Coeki el, T J Cola, Fuet, T J Cola.- FLOWERS AND PLANTS,3 Spanîsi fan-i-Coclirel, M INokes anti F Jindge-James Phiip. Battrai, Follet Sam Snowden,' Geaoiuîns, single. W S Gamsby, Mis. F. Plymouth Rock-Cock, S Snowxdea 1 anti An-tic; Gaaniome, double, Mis. ,A-ic1 2, Allia Bras 3rti, Han, Sam Sonwden, Allin T J Cole, female. T J Cole, Sain Snowden.titOi ocm.a'x'lxautiecrn Geese-male, T JCole i anti 2, femnale, avued. .t îuîî 'îa . ut i~nl coula t pa T J Cole I antd 2. aelo. _,iilif h tp e n; Dueks, Rouen-inale, Allin Br 1os,,Sam btr lia topo? tu comanionxxayand 'y Suowden, Female, Allia Bras, S Snowden. 1loo!ke(ti jtio fi1upot brie af. E Dueke, Aylesbuny-unale, T J Cale, feinale Just 1holoxv frnslooti a baIl gooc- a: JCae laakiagong mcin, wba scaunedthetI ~~Docks, Fekin-male, T J Cole; femala, T faces otrio1w ssenulei's a s triaytioscend- '3 J Cale; maIe 1906, T J Coue 2; femnale 1906, ei Irhetgv ra epa r v T JCole 2. e.le _zv rn epa a, ~sow- hini. Afeing ý1fofainîness stole FigeonsM Nokes anti F Bottrel, Renne over lionac hlooi .XXN uld rlie tmix Foster. : Rabbit*s-Rennie Foster. froni i en ulti coniampt? A feaxvsxvih FINE AR'T. nw aultiie scyii, -ll ai Wa AMATEUR 0Oua l',AINTCRO. il tjý ie '; Copy, marine, E Morris, H*Morris: Copy, etihu.sadsaxIatut tiaira n animais, E Marris, Mis. A S 'lourje: Copy. niapiolu liufHosx i T' flowers, H Iomnfris, L W Teto Copyeilgani- uzldla ai it, E' fruit, IH Mo1rris, E Morris,: Portrait, EWd [l ya. Sacolise ht awa ,del!, M.A S Tounje: Col, 011 Fainting'u, IlbiAtaai u ri oct inl V îxetIor4satija IWThaxton. EMorsstaceihui.Cîfsilrelltih: SFnyjars. E MaNIrris, FH Mor-ris: PFaiatiug iLj t. 1 o- n chin,EMoriH Morris. * a orprin"h at,"u AMATEUR WATER cCOoRs. apeUotuaman ls.Pehps you --i- --------'mine, E Marris, L W. hexte Oiga, Suhoweti. Efluuwens, L W Tiextan, E Xadtieli: Orignal, "Ca c i w'oigospicîvrilre' she pleadati -Ifruit, I W Thexton, H Morris- Animais or "Icanuû xL-OPiuiiriu'. Birds, H Miorris, E Morris: Portrait, L W' IHe notdt. Thexton, E Waddell; Col. Watem Calons, 1, "Cetainlv " ie-,saiti. "Buitxvhre JÎS W Thexton. mac luggaga? I hall batber sea trie 9AMATEUR ]DRAWING. sofaly inta trie Cnsýims !shat befare w', Crayon diawing (copy) landscape, E Wad- go." n ticîl, Kata Colville: Crayon dawing (copy) 9Sha Iu-ni anlketi h,1ackathuý -figure, L W Thexton, E Waddeîl: Feneil, 1csemras p~ drawiag copy) lantiseape, Kate Colville: gu'ab sîip. AI'ad 1, ta-cae 1Peneil drawing (capyî figure, L W Thexton, w'are et w'onk. K Calvitie: Sepia or monochrme Landscape, "'fluai-a aie my cx s." ia saiti.and ;,Morris, E Waddell: Fan ant iLnk Sketch, rotxoi'leIola vluere tbey lay upon Lins. T Perey, Kate Coivilia. trih xhn. asolt as ha rei i h ts VEGETAIILE S. nome upuriinlhlalîîs.If lc, ha hatoec 1Lte Fotatoes, Mrs. F Ade Andnewbo tici-hoe rexxadnlys fShl.ampe; Fotaltries, HI & N Alln, Anov Tamlyn; Turnipa, H & N AlIlia, AShme; "BtI ot ndriaxrth aii Carrots, tabile, W SCGarnsby, A Taby; Ti llfn isatt t eets, table, W S Gameby, S Saowdea: "I w lt baI yoî as.soo aswa get IFu.rBet, N Altin, A Tamblyn; axvay aulýiera," crZ-ie sitIin;L [CxW Cabage wite, W S Gamksby; ca'bbage, raevace W S Gamsy;Oiiione, mati, W S GamsbY, 1,( Lie louxlun adreaih la id ilieýrawuy -Snfow(lti; oloas. white on yellow; W lTe~ i notil,!fer la go. fil a quiol GamlsbY, H Dvs;aliiwcWS Gmsa bbl eltie foot of PilI.Sre byfn t Cee 8,WSGamsby; Tamlatoals, W S by, wýjean Adamsr; Fminilis, IH & apiNt amxhe' hyairtt Alq -1AiS1aIlepasrsol4îs, %V l2arb,, A Sarpe; Htbr SusWS Gamsiby, asl u'xin ff nbau- gloves anlI\t'Iln Fnank Allia; Squiashi, tabi lA Tmvn'cig o b sinl ei.Btl GiL arrots, Frank Allii, 'S fHamm Ii h a o1 hn Citrons, Frank Allia, 'W'C Bakun&Sn atiqilyf1hr s utapciih Musk-Mý'elans, 'W C Blalckburn & Son; tuaiz[ixal ie niad a ilaeMyam Water Mfelons, W C Blackbnrn & SonI; l ifciSiux.Tn~pr g - eppers, W S am fyrMm. FA-e cxeot lefoi Enlout1,1ict nîrv -Set fat-un hlamnese', W EUavey: jnl "eoaleiug I1batI îîaIb.ra e carniage hamnee , Eavey: Ils(h> s nauxane ?a aug ay iowaa tiaaght, hantie, Mforrnaw ros.:- Hansr utc h I i xv 'id e (f1-chorloIatY -;Il shoas, carnazge, hanti matie, MorowBra.: Lntin. i - u uluî irhna Flannel, catton warp,etie, Stewart: Flan- aeuaix.tilent bl iîuîa BuI ask nel BIlanket, homle matie, Gertia Sýtewart, E ta oi,,, wadialw Ite 1whonfroni St- IWaddiell: VWoolen Carpet, Gertie Stewarit: nm, ati ia acnei jMixed Carpet, Gertie stewantn Rag Carmpet, Tvoyan'crrs odueeadail Mme r. lFAwda, GertÏe Stewart: R al ex ugrgeen. rie matîscg Mme. A A J\Gamisby, NMme. lFAwde: Woolen hgeihnt on.Ialtua.Show-a coverlet, Gýetie' Stewart: Counlterpatne, Anle Littie, 1E'Roisseil: Woolen eluIetsý,, El oucbti ciiIlal an rti nug-le Mme. A A (4imI,1y: Waalen Stoukingseý i, xel xce aie fo [r ituaýil, a stey iih ai Mmerj. IFAwtie, 1ns. A A Gusb Mittens, îliarit.Sevae10m fnx Mm. A A Oamsby-Jean Atm:WaoIinSe niIqieaxicait uc e yEnsMrs A A Game-byt iits aid'Glace, t-iy e M 1 oa uv u ffiue,-,NI A A Gamesby,Ln. wd. r t Sîa nbîx i<huçerd'" Anîy persan fadling errons or otsos "ahîgla ipext, hasii in die pnizefast will knl aiy h er- l't btI 1cil ii te wnr fih lary at once. IL. MM1ENTÎ, Sec. boa" w-h Ory ,1( 1ono osae ihe nboi upie s"But iliIy heloîîg la Misseallie Oua, ay', f ameittioy cauxa a selîcol "iet ndd is y ie," su ansîel" raisU"I xxoutin't say auyihiug',' ias She dupp ieu ci thriopuît ucplyi "i'd rie 100polte." "Fu nc o's ral oiti, "yonhaie fuicorrespouitictifivith me." 1,111cey a asafruabisset. "Scelia-a, lr~ exlelaetitri cncess Thn hacl uîiîbuat smthndat Antin aUî otuaht. uasuied uuuu-ugtti m. I ivos tuce. Wiîy ueti I coufass my kncw latga cf trio arror? Tria tcip te- tion ivas sb'ouxg--stuongan thaux you can- bink. I think Iains[, haie loxati yan fu'om luxe moment u sexy yoa first. 'Yon seaiiedtil me so sttron'g antiiisa anti goati. Sa I 'wî'ate ta yau, acting as tixougîx I nana chiaanti knoxing ival ibat yon ixaulti ot discovanthie truih. Agaîn anti agaili yoaivrote anti I ne- plieti. XXeahu by xvaek the truiri bfcamue nxaîe real ta me. I wos leou'ning ta laie trie ivitar o? those lattar i-sxx1h groxing ion ou'. How couidte al yau the 'Ii'th- antishm? "Atitlenyo aka ue a ayour 0v1a1G, Iihe joy thalattergava e t xupouthe orizn col ual say my as I lied beguni. 'tnci oxu Lic n esI, Wiil? ued. Yon senit fou- o, me ani1Ihave Cutte.VVitrt Wty uu Žuy U ut "Can you forgive? 1 knowi b 1ave de- ceived you. Yet the dece ption bs cone ont of love-love for you oniy. Lan you flot lhink of me stili as of4 ler who lei dedd lu youu? Site has been lwo years married and bas forgolten even your narne. Do xitb nie as you xill. Pun- ish mne if yoi must. I xiii go back to England if you bld(meLbougb I do .80 xiib a broken heaart. But oh, if you eau -if you cnfriet The x orne dicd axivay and there xvas a long silence iintho room. The mans ares lvndeed oxnxvard la the boxved head. co wndxitli silýiky curîs. Tben it feli on [ho paIeutoJ lettons that sîil lOjy upon ibeabe.A ig-h escaped bim an(]h llft' 111urem L irl up 1111 lierfaexascoet is ow n.'j It is not fo'rm."beJidu gnty glu lat i EnlanTwa on(iy i n ac- She loketilato is face, the teaîs "And ou frgiî me " sie asked, I-te 1-k han Lace U teehis txx o bonids antiiscdit mýimy vtles. ~ bax noiing 0 fogive," ha ansveed."Idt, IoiOyOu uicb mor thn Iex u' neaad.Noxv JI la ni sen id fai' a l iaisom. ii sEmerson \Jnd bhy x utdcx n tIle aliris ta- MUAIt PEDCTS - Icrese s-Attihucdin Pari te Bor-j aciPe 1 Adn mliil 1 o Sine [a carlS9 [a nmbe o 11i3tn ina;[hi-164 Miy4hjeAt euobali o Sene, ada, n larges uponti et-nuualafeto THE BRIll OFIEfACHOrIlCONCOB iithithe fermer anti prafessionel huyer' lu the purebase of bey anti stran- by tUe nTiok fraru tri e noui, un uts hy the shipîoad froni Mark Loue. In ortien tUat the soldieu's' foaod shall ha [ha hast ahtainoble f(at a puicet tria oiicerliuas ta ha itstructet in utriaquai- iby ofiant' ant i uxiai deat i-cui aive), andt tue also bas ta be convensant xith thie arts of bnedmaking anti butclxcîy. Likewise the cigus o? ae, Ixealîr io dis- easc in ca[tileandxtisheap andtihte qu afly ai gracenies. as ivelu as beau'. mles, spirits anti uilk, mxuuct ha leanat if ha n-sa again a "snpply crtificate. teu'y abslalesý, anti ta rno xae rt reports anti"bsux "lxe sar.Thara, baoa, ie is sîxîvu on-1a'u ' M a auamy'ýS CoulJry frm tia gtdI iagrits o?~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h. a'aLoo a puac u or- brs )s y nlmaîousofnegrudtn nel1s; ant iwha ayif wha aSe ueuxd Utrainietiiet [tue local gyaiuasium as a Ponant o jiu-jitsu; ana flaving achievud ail these qualifications-ha can crown his ambition by graduating as'a chef at the Aldershot sebool of cookeny. Advantage is taean of bis linguistia abilities bo send hlm ta Japap for txvo years to study Jupanese, and ha is like- wise encouraged ta qualify as an inter- prater in as many languages as be bas a fancy for, from Chineuse ta German and from Hindustani ta Cape Dulch. Ex ery Britishi officer is now supposad 10 knoxv baw 10 render "FIRST AID TO THE WOUNDED" and honw tbbandage, splint and pras-, ciefo-r minor ailments, and ha is ex an 1'pectd b h a mraster of phonaties andl an uaais n subjects varying from ihe report of a cricket match ta the slteigy of Moltke or the taches 0f Ilfiha lias ny pride in the appearaince, of bis men 1he- rnuslposesIlle in selrin ondanb upr ia n ispe tbe, fltlings of(Atheir grmeisandth cotrmntantitd kfnta-aln Thle p (ifeo!hoxwV)taprsevath hincoiort 1hamust h ai taplýji1-lcohal ii) t11estiksuntil ncbtima ais imself idagainst the relail dele, s as bhey Ilcan ha hanled xvthutitafcing taý vaieh aven tue soldiers' ntr mlsinwitb he rush incident ta t ia packing the-ir cantoans and groceny han. season conld Uc solvati by the Ou court-martial ha hlay [Ilue part CONSIBfPUCTION CF SILOS, hotU of judga anti jury, iand ire p peaaing as prosaucutol- lias 0f an 0 meetwbere the,,ic.scouti Uc preservati, or tbc astutalau enon bl-;islu run. s m method(Jfdry-ln1g, Iakix1tre fAs jainitoýr lespeutIe h lon sýiuheqnor.1 fuilizabion-0f tbbc product. miliar prson (Ji doreito hnrok Te oo tat thie,irena now veu' lii Fiolti; ganison aen uns bc areinpolat he tsa was-ita dea. ues ? hef nman i acaryshfali 1 Sa mnh. thn, fr theacî l", diine'td lab iralk!etalO comm &r0 of bis profession. If, oxoa.ha df-l- neady, ; u-- ta11 i faidru'Ao!gasolne Ire aci ma a socialasxvltasa gns lbas imode i îiaigai enikear.a oahaienanda ol ply-I ian o? U cmil gastin en intoi er eihuîmusi e lesic- glf ieni&. ncempo3l 1 lie1bo x\- w-0lx as !aw 10,t1'. rlr!ni-'acbar 11,ntifa L gentlemnfnp p IA a1wf:ter. cleanu1-g grain. fuo( )d bt o ibas 1(inet cf,- 'i ixe v a libt changes. Anibbcfe4r- taurn uuuîars a tutuofut salks xii pin- dace 100 pounu$s oh aleohol an 200 ponuffls aif proof spirite. As a gallon fa? eco"O n-aigris neanîy savon pounxti, h shoulti ha fifiteen galuons a acof ll a ton o? ctlîk. It is the geucu aliy acceptet ilthory ihet sweat eornrsalks cauloin- a longer- pencentage a? aleohol trian triae caminin fieldi conx, atîoaglh(triaexparirnone t5 t tria cunnet y tii net prove lU is ta ha Ihe case. Hoîver, tbere a;re othien fea- bures iii couxuection witrli a canalmg asIe- tablushaientîvUich nmaltes pa 1il 1ti qunnity expectati by the dprmn. __ buýt -trie aj) lcti car as ivell. Hr llant iq sy- loy if,[ huskiug, antl ilhcns arýie put ,iastho cavynetl dtUe cars unfit i aunin CiLEDAS -ýTHEY GO BY;. Thaa cllei ars are eý n-este. Trie wbiere th(,-, are cullcd and cast aside is quite as grant aslibe perfect ears. Thec addition of thie corn oný,i the coh addis further, to the osIites as ta Ibe amouunt oufraohAoAanul ~m a ton of cabs and vill bmAveis influence in hringing the quzanlity to a greater figure. Thie disov-eny is a very important one, wbib teds further ta nres tie list af agricullturai prodtusýý fromi xvbch a jeool my be ohlained. X bat t Lua cost o! attacing m dstlà ing plant 1toc packingplant xvouid 1b) has not ben daierminedI. TUIaobu, expense of disbilinig tib colUs slsotld not ha grealer Ihan Ibrea entjis per gal- ion» . Inasuch s lby *aloIL w~ xx'hieî now noquios anoutlay ta AI&ý thesa curcmsItancs vold cdI less plan w4l a dily apacity o f 10,060 galn l simtdai. $4'0000, ut platxith a lcs apcîy oud u o 1 shillinugs andti reepence a Iday. NE VER- GETS BY.- UCOLu Uon t t ,tueaty, nay reds- "I nlways halete bpass an !ce cr-oam pos otaapponjdicitis Iroin il so f saaauxxren PI1'n vl1n vti trioVtiltinall'vlil hylria l'clîIli'coliegirl. "Tîtsstrange. Hoxv do yau man Il xvas lu o nailway cari-toge, anti the age it?" conîpany consislet o? soi oral-cammen- 'Il dont mafnage it; she doles. She doal traînlors anti a steiti anti lîaipous alwi:îys insists upon going in. olti gentleman. N7orlons, afforts xx an - - nnsnccesstnll i aie hy brie knights of Y(onng Lady : "INOxv ane i epýSü tria noati10tiu'axv thair coraptiion intc great c onfîidence luin on. ýI n conversilion. AV len iri an o? tham Mong'I,. tro oiý ut le gardait aGi ns. 'fen ivriat1yo are brip lIngl ionci atix Oituimeaitr',sd lu. "Sm." ailverulti trio ai geîuna, vcklp l lai f:itlil;x kwIti fac'g bs laenlcutr canil~ " onuMis t"Yoan Lay "tatixxfiy l travellig ju vu-3 ohjrûtcuîuîiil anti hi w aid.lua uîc t iîît~A qusiiv cmpny at re lu aeleie S ypaeîs aî~îinsnh mon w 11 finuztlobelouuponi1F xvee aneau aigaJsolijcineold mieai thre caclgof bis pJi icy. AGREFkD WITII 111-M. A tiiet xx who x s ailinÏ a hoat et. v stcrqascapout xxJiitot letheb pcltnosfor wri'il tle boa Imen ucf that panticulur towu are mmc. Noîv thore wasae (Janeual aat I anen xvtcn ti ~ ot xVa enr;1e11ani h aI'lis ea- lin t ePwha iltie crait - rw Iý xt,, tivnuiiioaa lw T, 1 Ha treghbnedhiacîfpgzing tiawnl a', ber withwatranineeulylu "Do you m Iaotaass et,"ha sked( dcu cely, "tUa , [tiswIlh you 1I bave camrapartieti ailj11 bjis jtime-biat Ilj i oi ;axyo il thase answan came ? "I dUasii ana1, hcAIiluxa d uol iiy isba got np "o thnd.cndent fn w1atI hav laýe Yau sa passiouataly thet 1 coudi not beer trie tibuguit ai siuxg yau. MENT 0 I'iIiY paaient et Ilooîxstoti, Ili..,hva rougrit ta lilî aoîic-important coimeriat factin rio îufornx i ot roduot w aî cribastccefnhyitiaill ItS MENTAL-, PIIOFfSSIONAI, AND B'USINESS CAPACITY Mauy Thiags He Sh u'iti ow But FaullslsIn ili 'lima o!f fin viwof athre -cneLnL repart aOf Ilic, aii A frican Marn Stores Comaîiiission, witîî its ccx ara stuictuces on triu e natl, profassional ant iieslls copocity of' trie British alfucar, It may rie o? geacrai interast ta navian- briefly a icx o? triae breee xxaltei in lufîj iscvenLuxe Lilto le cîiaalsraeionlt t treio xe- oo ti dtk"fo" vire thea g(,isipDuai aion.!ce goiîe don iix. luie tu-cwi býeavas lue qace ainigit ias caretymisseul. For an a et-Ituexvmbr,, aI wét he' ille Y! At ChOham he is tau2lit to mokel IN 0! 01113' al'e i 8 AI _r_ -1- u- Ljý -t-, -1 ,ým --L --t luaryb Little; T_ i - tli = . 1 Ilý..ý,,ý, - .1 11-1 iii-, -Y - --- üm. di--[ -1-1 1-t

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