mb Cnvye into the Palace 1,000 LIVES LOST IN TYPHIOON. Chef Loss o! Lite Was Anxiong Chinese W Vater Dwellers. A dlespatch from Hong Kong says: Thi, typhoon which swept this port on Tuesday, destroying a great number-of vessels and causing rnuch loss of lit e, was of a local nature. It carne sudden- ly and without warning. The observa- tory had predicted moderato, winds. Haff SOLITAIRES - AND -- SULIRE and Three- PARADE 0F ODDLrrLLOW,1SIra MOST 9EM%,ARKABLE SPECTACLE EVER SEUN IN TORONTO. Uniformedt oie Provided Gor(leous 6I Pathetie Endinq of iffe ilah 7liýîlf, Girl Whoi