SrOry à& j CIT. Town Agent$ Gxet Ready For CoId Weather.ý The bu ving sea sonl is coming and you should fortiýfy your systei bv. tak-ing coine good Nerve and ]lood builder. We have nover sold a remedy of this kind that gives -better salis- faction thani Dr. D-,ear's 50 doses for 2-5'c. Money back if' you are slot pleased with recuite. Stot &Jury, The Druggists & Opticciaus. Oiver 700 Whisks and N4early 2 T'on of Castile Softp. ise bthe bargains wo ýWhist s and Finest ted Castile Soap we based a-bove quantit-i L BOWMNVILEOCT 3, 19M6 PEHSONAL. Missi Arvilla Cox bas Kose te Toronto, Miss Ada Allin le visiting friands li Detroit, NMich Miss Franikie Jowveil l islsting frionde i N orth Bey. M4r. Davis Luttreai lavlsiting tiende et Kincardine. Miss Luttreli bas resumed bher musie classes in Toronto. Mn. R H Nott, Toronto, le vititing et Mr. W. Dtusban'e, Guy Bros. ministrele in the Opera Blouse Friday Oct. 5. Mrs J. H1. Cryderman is visiting relatives in LIemilton. Mr. John MeGill, Toronto, recentlv VÎied Mns. R Wlndett Mies Edna 'Worden, Oshawa, wes guet et Miss Flonenice bMan. Don't mis the Westminster Abbey Choir, Opera flouse 10 nighb. M. W. R. Klgbht wes jndge on Poual try aI Bobcaygeen Fair Frlday. Mr. and Mrs Jos. M, Porter and Mn Lytie, Yelyrton, with fiende. Mr. Fred R. Feley wee et Belleville Menuday night asslstng et a concert. Mne. P. S. Rombough, sr., Smith'ýs Pelle, le visiting Mrs. Richard Richarde. Mrs. R. D Davidson was judge on Ladies' wonk et CobourgFair lest week. Mrs. J. Bishop, Toronto, bas boas viitlng MArs R. T. Stephens, Beach Ave. Mr. and NMre. Jos. Peanrt, Exeter, arc visitlsg thair nieco Mre. (Dr.) W. E. Mn Roy Kennedy, telephone office, Oshawa, was gucet et Miss Imes Peanca sanday. Mise Irene âlacArthur, Toronto, bas heen vlsitlng ber cousin, Mies Ella Webster. Mn. Thos. Davldge,, Toronto, wee rocent guest ef Mn John Stacey, Liberty St, Westminster Abbgy Choir, Opera1 UOU86 to-niight. Plan of Hal ut Mit- cheîl'd Drug Store1 Mr4. sud M. Ha lwkips, etn [Mess., were receur güocte of hies ister, IMrs R, &R loain I 11v. Dr. LIezlewood and deughterl Iwerc guessoftbie ncphew, Dr. B, j I Lazlewood, over Sïundey. IMise Myrtle MeReynolds, "Brook 'Hill Dair," attended tbe birthdey panty et ber cousis Olive Gala, Oshawa, MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. LOC.' A ND OTHE WISE. Ra'l Y Day ïn the Methodieel church1 Bleckstock Fair le te-day. neit Sunday. 10,000 Bu,-hels Barley wantod at Cal. 1Don't feu to attend the social in Trin- edonle Mi! s, Bowman'sille. îty schoolroom Monday ovoning. Ad- Dont mis~ the famous Guy Bros in missýion 1,5e. the Opera 1l use Frlday night. RZev. A. Leslie, Elmwood, eccupled If you wis it a cup 0f good zoffgoe you the pulpit et Trinitv church Sunday cal, get it Fa' Peter Murdoeh's. preaching two good sermons. Woshlnp mcinssv lbr uy Children's DaýY exercises of the Dis. the best. We, soli them. Archie Tait cpeSuday Scheol in behaîf of forelgn Weekly G'obe and Canada Fermer me1ilssion wU11ork, wiil take place next Sunl- and Tim ST-TE5mAN for balance of 1900o day eveningfr2e Crtvlright farmnerte, we want your TnE, STA"ICSMAN and Weokly Globe barley. You ast our suporlor eat- te end of i1906 for 25e.c Elther pper meal and chotpped feed for your stock. Sîngly 1be. Deýal with ns Johni MacKay Limited TESMEMNadWol lb Bowmanille.will ho sent from now until tho end of Next Sunday evening Rev. Wm. Ilip- 190)7 for $1 fi kmii, who wvlll have relurned [rom bis Vacation, wil conduct a special Iear. Now le your time to order Ideal Fonce veet rhanksgivlng Service in Trlnity Peter Murdü--h is ready te put it up on 1 church. Mrp. C. A. Cewker will, assist Short notice the choir. Monday evening there wiJl Archie Tai1t wants ail yuur eggs and1 be a social in Triaity Sunday School- butter. LIe p- s the highe6t prices li room, when a firstclaý.ss entortalament cash or goodi. will bc gi-ven followed by llght rofrosh- Exchange Your barloy and oatsi for monts. Admis;sion 15 cents, oatmeal and fi3ed aI Caedonia Mille,s The Methodist Sabbeth Sohool held a Bowmanville. veryv successful aniniversary. 11ev Dr, BrIin n oiir furs for ropelring before Hiazlewood. Toronito Junction. con- the buey season commences. M Mayer, ducted tLhe- Sunday services lis mornlng practical furrier. theme from the' word "'Fight" was You,%il gýt cooked meats ln good addressed ta the children and wes a shape and t te best quallty at C. M. plein, practical and very ltiteresting Cewker & Son's. ýdisicourse. Tbe scho)l undor leadership of Mr. W. S. Bragg and Mr. Bort Farr, Osne dollar pass for Tui, STATa5MÂAN organist, sang special seleetions In to sew subscribers te Jan. 1, 1908; or the afternoon- a public session was held 25e to Jan 1, 19j7. in the church wheni superintendent Yeu cen buy a bachelor for 10e. and c Tilley presided. Aflter the opesing an cid mald loi bc. et iPothlek's Tobeco exot-cises e prog-ram was rendered b,; Store and Barber ehov. the Primery Class, consisting eto chorus- Fermaers, John MacEay Llmited, os by the class, rocitetions by Allen BowmanviLle, wants ail your barloyV, Annis, Gertrude Hamley, Beesie Crago), Boo)t prices will be paid. Violet Devman and a "Scinbeam" select- Mon',S and 1boys' Suite and Overcoate. ion by soven girls and boys; solo, Reta are selling fast now et The0 Meson Cole. b"ol8 esd a 'Goý'odbye" chorus bï A good time te buy no, Gladys Westewvay, Elsie Luxton, Ila I e h Sincelr, Muriel Chartran and Merjory If yon want "Law-n Fonce"sc h Iîttlatraigtoslopt Ideal round St. John's Chiurch grounde which was ver, pretty nded. An aýd put up by Peter Murdoch dresE from Dr.nflezlewood and theé MM aver bas the latest ta 1 ailflIats, treesurer's report bv Mr, Jas. MeLean Breçes, Neeck tics, Sh.irts, Collere end cempleted a very pleesant eftornoon'e Gloves. end the pricos are low. prog-r am. In the even1ing Dr. Hazle. F. C. Petbick's barber sebop will be Wood gave an excellent sermon on closed cvery Mondai' afbernoon comn- <'Prayer7" that wae much eapprociated mnonclng with Mayuntil ond ef seeson1 by the lagHogçto rsn;Le Caîl and soe the lateet styîea in futr te agoe praeb, ad he adresosgarments whien you corne te Bowman throiighouî the dayv wero mucb enjoveçd. vi4îl 'eir, M,, Mayer, practical turrner. ~~h ~ to Iho3inging byth ool aduet wesni ~~ y~ Derlinglo amr--,oî fçe Emery and Y orng and a qur'tê'by Llrnitod, wents your berlev. You W1 Messrs. Chas and Wesloy AlinW. oatmel aend choppod feod. Make an Bra-g and H. J. Knight. Proceed e echaiigo. about $114. Uf yoti have eny ftirs that need alterlng or repalingmo1w te the lime ta bring thom in, before we gelteeo busy. M 4 2 CARI) 0F ANS Tîue ChoseilFi ns omavle GENTLEMEN.- I WýIshteto hask fiOSt heniy the officers and memb3ers 0f Bowmanville Cocunil ef Chosen Eniond9 for the prompt and satibfactorV pev ment o! Ose ThoDusand Dolla4rs. being insur &lice on tho life et My lato hiucband In your Ordor. Yours talthfullv, EMMA S. :FEY Meple Grove. Bowmaxivifle, sept. 26, 1906.ý CLARKý'S VEAL 1LOAF. More whoesomne and tasby than plain veal. it bas ail the delictous fle- vour of fine veel1 appelizisgly seaeoned. LYL3-InBDoWMAnville, Sep t. 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle, a §ion. (Gerald hsta> MOMNT-At Glen Itidge, N. J., Sept. 24th, to Mr, and Mrp. Alfred 0. Moirent, a daughter. YEo-Znt, Darlinigton, 5ept, Sth, ta the wlfe of W. J. Y ea, a san. lu ARRIED. C0RNISM-PENWARXDEN-Iïl Bowmnanville, Septemnber 2th, 11.0i, by 11ev. Wm. Jolliffe, Mr. Krederiek Cornisb. and MIss Hazel Penwarden, bath of Leskard, Clarke. WEIa-WOTTN--At Coluambug, Sept. 19. by Bey J H, Borland. lMips Edilh Wütteài And John Weir. bath of Eaut Wbttby. cLzARv-ffEWSaz-,l Wbitby, sept. 2k61h. byv Bey. D. 0. Cro8sley. Alfred F, Clarry, and1 Carcie Hewson, Oshawa. PIED. erawford Peaches 4î~ 4î This is the hour to ýthinLk about them, 1 have arrauged with "the grower,,s for large shipments. These will be so packed that each basket « will be sound throughout. You eau be just as sure of my peaches4 as 4îyou cau of anything-that 1 recomimend and you 4Ï knowwhat that means. e Archie Tait, The Peoples' Grocer, M Hîghest cash pice paid for ail farm produce. Fuley. wtt e of Mr Tbae. Fu)ey, aged 08 y6ars GlasaN-In Casrtweright. Sept. 24,iîhr Gibsan, aged 68 years. GLBFR-At BawImanvIIIce, Sept, 29th, 1Han. n'ahi, reliet of the- late Williamr Gilbert, iged 84 ý QQ.1~ HOWMANVÎLLY, MARKETS. WHHAT, Feul, bush . O0 0 f i O 80. à "~Sprine ...O.. a 0 075 in fed ......O090 '(jO85 _____________________ BARLUIF, e bush, No. 1 ... 0O00O" O-uO 2 .0 00"1300o 3 0 00 o 0o00 71yz 1TORS TO OUR TOWN are respoetfully invitod te OÂr-s, white l"...... c O fi se- co cal ti thbceId reliablo Fur Store condueted for Ryw Ti........0 c)" O o noarly hait a centuiry by MÂRKUS MAYER, Praetical - BICKHET e.... 00 t0 50 Furrier, to inspect his new stock of fashionrable Fur PÂ,Blackeyve, e bush.. O0 0 fiO000 'ik Goods importc.lifor thi, eç-;ason'ts brade, 'iCanadinBeauties 0 O e00 7 5 jr Mmy 't 00(JO"e 000 tu et 0 ô ~Ladies' and Gents' FPur Cents a Choico lott We eoose qiBitie i 99 :q o 7 froËL. Everythtng ln fur goods now showing and the CGwVaiaSaED------- 0 'Q QO Prices righIt, Tîimo'iuy SPaIs ........00el0" 00 ê ~3UTTER, beet tablce f b,O50 f' 0 22 ~ F &80m, ledoz ..... -......O0 00 n 18iFur Ooods Made to Order PoroAi0S, f bUSh new -.-,O0 0 0 40 4I-l±