lEl ROTTtNM WiTH SEIIONi 1 Disclostures at Court Miartial ati MaNit-y hoýusecwives thin-k it cheaper to buy tlhani to woajd b. m dlffaesnC thIng One of paavties, me Banett, was earning 653 a dayý aand was qulte capable of pisyh3g ho ýwn bill Dz Pottý3r had done neth- ing moýre than bis dufflc as MýAipdIo IHeaMh u'ffioer rnquired De Potter repiied that ho hAd talked Of reigïning the posiý,tion as dta ueIhoffloeri, but De ja l'îFr rt p1iî -no, stsýy wt tadwie wilI sec 1yo thrug." Inc nutai widi Dr Tiired, Nervous Aothlers Make Unhappy Homaes-Their Conýuction "-,rrAiitcs Both Husiband and Children-H-ow hosadsof lIt Have Beau saved From in ervous protstrationl Made Strong and We1L.