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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1906, p. 4

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-: ithr nic ,tg you a So lid Sit, eu LIïon VwIl feel at home lu, Lt will ho cnut te fit portoctiy. L vn will 1001k dresed in, t wil1 be fashienablo, will be trengh ad. t wlîl hbe izValue. e-v Let us show yenl our goo)ds O)VERCOAT-yOUr lhandiest garment very 900n uow. i natorials usualiv used un stock ready for our selling and buyinjg. I îlpes st aeync Yen caui't attend te pay leos than we chrgýe good can't bo doue for bass Yen ciï't find better work, becausle r werU ca't be doue-anywhere by Pný body. E-- JFERVY & Sev-Ng K lieuse Bwl~lII I ur Aim I To have in stock -the speciai requiremfents of Our Irtmr,"o h can season. Uueel gtýIMe wil soon irequire, either te help maake the houso-cleaflifg lighter or to help *fronhen up the home. * Leok over thîs list and let us have e chance to show you. how welI we can sýuppiv your needs. We tHfave Bei1Carpet Sweepors, World's Dustioss Floor Brushes, Furniture Poiih-the best on the market, Hlat Racks, Towel Racks, Pillow Sham Hoidero, Wiudow Shades, OtrtaIn Polos, etc-. WJe aise do ail kinde5 of uiphoisteriflg and have in stock a large assortiRent of furniturO coveriflgs. Furulturo Dealers. Phone 10 -~Bowmavll- Funeral Directors F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-1 B.J.HazlewooOdlia.,O3.M1. 1(acres ot laud, lot 19, Con. 4, BOWNANYILLE. a ONT. Da-ellngton, Ro acres under clivatioli rea L EALS tTntt n paature ana woods; good frama bouseconc"rtaÏlu G DM D LITo -'îit n ing il romrne wth aitone cellar; good orchar'd iveraity, Toronto; Founyear AttenOi and barn, One hiaîf nmlle front Humptonl.'For Phiysiiaflan d Surgeon at Ut. O 'armai uopltf pantilulana appuy on the premisea to Mas. JOHN Ptttebiil, Ks. MÂ f!D amipton P. . 7-tf. Office ud RegidenCe WeBil"gto'a St. Taia- phono No. los. j ildiand Loan anid Saingsj JTIL smil yeinanm the vpron ipattern for i ng ma only 25C. OUUÂXEDEP'l The o.Candian EMcLimâ IE MCL BOWMANVILLE. OCT 10, 1906- lin Aecording to the Eduîacation Act oif Miay 19G6, aýi Advisory Council to the Minister of Educatien la te be establish ed. The Couneil la te onqist of twentv mnembers four ef whom are to be elected b,' the Public Sehool teachers of Ont&rio. Teachers, have ý ou decided whom you wlsh te elect ? It iste tie you wrere thinking about it. Citizens, what do yeu tbink of the charge cf $10 made *to the Council at last meting b,ý Dr. Hiler and Coin- dilo Galralh for golng to Toronto on town business? When the editr f Tuiï 8STA$TESýMAN WaS NMayor for twol years,liemPde several trips to Toronto ln connection with the erectien cf the new Town Hall, te London. Cobourg and other places on tewn business and nover chargedi a cent for travelling ar nthercoxpensos. ongtatdtosl of the Town Hall debontures, C5000C00, andi et ne feost te the tewn. Two montha a-go three mombers of Counctil. oee belng Dr. jilllier, charged $10 each for a tnrp te Cobourg. Ratopa.yers. what do you thînli of sucli charges ? The return fare te Toronito ls 82 456 and te Cobourg S1.50 Yen, working men, what do you thilk of these tonyv charges? NOTICE TO PRIZE WINNERS. Exhibitors are requested te report al errers or omissions te the Secretary, in WRIT1NG AT ONCE. Prizes wil be payable onFridayv and Saturdav Oct. 19 and 20 at Tua STATESMAN Office, M. A JAEsSecrotary, Bowanville OSHAWA FAIR. lt Was a very auspicieus inaugural epening of Oshawm Fair on Sept, 25 and 26. Unpreparedness was overy- whee i evdene n te geuns.But there was a crewd and that's wht makesa l'air pay Tuosday night's openiAg- ceremeny lucluded a preces-1 cou te the new grounds lncluding pro- mnnt citizens anid representativç4 of1 ýs; single holmesz d2; tan- d2; sew- pair LJaLguiinuj ,.uu as Duoa,.,n, m xci. MeLauglin; pair woolen steekinga, Mrs Mîonett, Miss E iMcLaughlin; pair cetten sockis, Mlrs Moett, Mrs J J Parr, GRAIN i&~NSHSE. Fali wheat,reà,J. Wrlght; f ail do white, ~J WnIrght JJ Jobb,A Taylor; sprlng wbet hard, J Stark, J Wrght, i Whitfield, sprlng wheat, Esott, J J Part; pea, Mich- igan whites or canadisu -beauties, J Wright; eue bu3hel peaai,sal, J Wright; 1 hushiel oats,J Sturk, J Wright, L Whit- beld; 1 bnahel harley,6 rowedj J Pnr,J à Jobb, J Wright; 1 pock white beau., S Devitt, T Wood, R Orawfcrd. Hait bulühel potaloasO, white, R critw- tarid, 8 Dovltt,W Wilson; haîf bumhel du, red, W Wilson, 1 Whltfield, R Crawford; hait dozen turnipa, W Wilson, J Whit. field, A B ryderman-; hait dozen car- rots, white, W Wilson, S Shepherd, é Wright; hait doîen carnets, table, Miss E MoLsýughllna, N Manlow, R. Crâwtord; three headîï oabbage, winter, J Lalng, JJ Jobb, S Shepherd; twvo table squasjh, RCrawford, J ebùwo plimpkins, j Stsrk, J J Jobb, j Wright ; halit dezen bots, table, PR Crawford, S Shepherd, 8 DevIttI; hait peck enlo ns, white, J J Purr, R Crawford; hait peck do, re'd, R Craw. tford, S Shepherd, J J Parr; hait dozan nsangoldis, W Wilson, J J Jobb, N Mar- Iow; haIt dozen tomaatoes, A Werry, J Laing, 8S Shepherd; three wteàr melons, 8 Devtt, R J McNýally, R Crawford; C citronsi, PRcrawford, Mima J Cooli, j Laing; one doyen eatrs Indian cojru, J Lalng. 1 sud 2, N Marlow; coel. of veg- etables, largesit and best, net les. thga twelve varietfiesP-R raH tfordi, J J Jebbi lins, R Mahood. Hrait dozen winter applea, W Mount- joy, T Wood, J ByerB; haîf dozan l akpplea, W Camapbeli, A We3rry,W Moant- joGy; haIt dozen russettiapples, 1 Wht. tiild, A Werry, Wes Campbell; haIt d1on. auow, do, A B Orydermnan, S Shepherd,' T UT5.5fiql.J alf , nzen nort.l4...,.,, . 1 training pays and tuia the kind tl farnlous r '~~1anw K ~ i - Port Hope, Ont, Establishled 18-72 Capital tuliy paid up . 86,0 Roserve Fand.......4,0 Savinga Deposits oSf10 and iuwtrds roeived and latoresatai3 per cent pald or compouuded haf yealy. Time Depoauis of'10,0 nd upwairds receoved or rany ierm .oSfyeans. but not lesa than eue year, ai higher ,rates of Iu- terest.1 Execýutors and Trustees are autlhorlzed by lAW to depost money 9ai their disposaai Wtth iIs oompanîy. The Sanda of the cmayare luvegted onyin ta mnicipal deeiures aud firsi maortigages o1 nlproved real eitwblch gives abslute security taeldepo)Siters. Money loaned ai owest rates of lnterest end on favorable tre li gîivlng youir bsns thi0xs eomnpany yen seouClre strict pivtaey. No nfomatoncari bu obtalied 13Y arxy ene as te your affaira. 128-6m. J. H. HELII-M,1 manager.1 One Cannot Alwaysý Be Prepared For sndden changes et weather. The Most canotai people semetimes becomo exposed te a chiliug wind sud lu ne6ar- ly svery case these very uunpleasant resulta tllow. A Cough and a CoId but mauy of Our cuistomers are leekiug ahead tais Fali by purchiasiug early a good supply et the Old Rliable Thebest Cougli Mediine ou the manket,, Prico 25e per bttle or 5 botties ton $1. Rod'k. Mle Xicl & Co. Chemiete sud Optians, Phono 92. Bowmanvllo, - T301TO>ONT. " ives to its students. Ilecent tudents hava taken positions at salaries from M50Per I monitilta $1000 per. annuin.' It l8 a well- kno-,n facitha"t our. Bchool is the best of isg ktnd in Canada This monnth Is a spien- dd tirne to enter'. Alil raduates goi positionsR. The dernand is nearly twenty irnies tue sUPPl. Write iLoday for mnag- nificeni catalogue. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, Si Cor. Tonge andi Alexansder Ste.s ALLANLINE ROY AL MAIL STEAMERS, Montreal to Liverpool TU11iian.............. «---- -Ot th, Nov. 2 îcoa............ Ot. llth, Nov, R lonln.......Spt Rat, Ot, ilth, Nov. 16 F'îrst Clas $70, $75 ad*0anduapwards. Atter Nov. let 058 and upwards. Second Class 04.50 to 7.0 Third lass $27M.50 anfi 28,5. Montreal to Glasgow mongollan... -ýý...--_.....Oct, 4th, Nov, 8 Corinthian........Ot. ltl, XNov. 15 For rates and a;l information1 apply te PlIow Bot A stroug feature et our busi- noe ie a well assorted stock et heavy Footwear fer farm use. Lu spito of cotlnued advanee lu wholesale pricos we are sti Sll ing at OId Prîces. Large Stock et Children's Sehool Shoos. New tal Rubbers,, etc. F.R.FOLEY,, Bowmauville, Ont, Oyercoats i We haveý soethtng flue for yen lu this line Tho smaart- est geeds yen can buy outaido the city. Alwe ask le ïour In- spection. wo are positive we can suit -yen as Our range la com- plote. 2th Century 1- If The Tailor's Masterpieece Don't ]os siglit et our Fur Dolparment- ey ery descrip- tion et furs ln every shapo im- ao'inahie. W.. T 2th CUSTOMI TAILORS ail over the country are giving Up trying te, compote with suck garments as are made by the Lowndes Company Limitd- Tornto, and known far and wide as 2Otli Century Brand Fine Tailored Garments for Men. This was a lesing battie, because they could net pay for a high salaried designer. They could net buy cloth in largo onough, quantities to, buy it right. They could net keep ln toueh with stylo centres and style authoritios. They could net put the came snap and stylo luto a garmont. Lt you have the sllghtest doubt about the ccrrectness of theso statements Make in- quirles for ycurseîf Thon cerne and see how perfect 20th Century Brand Garments are Ail our Imiport Goods are in t la simply impossible for ue te doscribe ýeauty and durability et our differont L very it we can please you ail. Uay buiuhoswaa liuigacd lu bufore----------------E the grand stand, It la aald that 2,500 other fruits wluen practicble-baîf dozen ~ people saw the firewenks by Haud et on piate, Wmi Moautjoly, J Byers, Tj_ pensons on the grounds, the .towniet Bowmanville and townships et Darling- ion, Clanke and Cartwright contribut- LDE' E'RTET ing mnany hundneds. West Durham Genî's sBhirt aud cellar, Miss - E Mc- winnors. tee Among themn were C E. ladies' nnderclothlng, Miss J E Parr, 1 J o h Biain, Taunuton; John Ayro & Son,an2,Mlsag âm;fncpicuh Courtice; T, 1Baker & SousSeiina; aIon, Mis Jean Adan, i; fancy pMI uae Levi Skinner, Tyronez H. Allun, Nor- Eon. r; M isa Jean anbas, Mis ey, Missn Hose man Allun, Newcastle; W, Ai lin & SousIEPartrmebaeMiaJn Hamptepl; Thos J. Colo, maple Grove; Adanis, Mies L WiolaE McLaugýh- A. A CoIwill, Neweastle; S Suowdou, lin1; fancy atitchesj on lInon or sih, Mias Ir. liowmanvifllo;lJas. Lesk, Taunten; 1Jeanl Adamis, lira. R J MoNa1ly, L W5 _________________ Jueo. Oke, Courtice; D. HJeddeu, Solinai; Ida Pair; bedrooni clippera, isa Js8_______________ Louis Trufl, Ebeneze3r; Mrs. Miarvin Adain, lira. J J P,%rn,2Mis E MoILmugli- Bunk, Mns. T. Percy, MssJoan Adams lin; ideboard scar!--whl e linon-, Msb ___________________ M'isa Heleun Morri's. Bowmanville. Percy, Miss I E Parr, Misa E MoLauigli- EMLublrJJPr;hnkr 'Mao u th was one eft1the lin; sofa pîllow, lire. T. Ptney 1 sud 2, Ehiot satchet, !r,@. Jnys J Piý And- c- c'liot attractions contained lu a separato Misa Jean Adama,; tolet set, enibroldor- iemactMs.TPryizJAdCI tot t a fr sanaiiueesting ose , Mia Percy, jean Adania Miss j anis, Misa I Parr; oil. et housPlanta, In teature and another y ean ahould ho five Ceek; toilet set, paln.ited, lins. T Pencýy, 2Mrs . RJ 1aly llit Mhod tmes as largo Schofioid's Knlttlng Miss J Cooki, Miss3 E MioLanghlin; wý8k FINE ARTS. L Factery exhibit was a veny Patractive hoider, lira. T Pen5y, MisaJen Adamis, panig lu 011. displav.Ohwamnhata tow of 'Miss E McLaughliu; aiik embroldry,lireint tho, emdo uce displays sud added to lira. T Perey, 1i and 3, lira. J pare,2o2d; 2;asL. Wilsà at on, rnds. MIes J CAod-t the rloity, set table mata, Mies E MoLaughiln, lira' ;pltn.uwtrclrMs d Wodnesday's chiot attraction an oeMs a ;tbedyisMs Mlra. R-J McNaily; pencil drawiug, amusement wasMhsp1oPanr;lu&the ToMisssMisa Misa .J Cook, blira. R J McNaily, 2 aud Rrfisemnt as PeOiug111thering TPoney, MnPoney, Md Parr; pilow 3; crayon dnawing, lira. R J MeNaily,1 unden auspices ot the Drlving- Park As- shaa, Misa J Adama-,, MiesaPey, Misea 3, - NînJCo a;mncîmý sociatien. Seme nage that Cemrpeted E MoLeughlîn; tes ceay, lira. T Per c sd 3in, NisE J Mook 2ud;1mndhomt w1ereofe the "skate"' vanioty but thoy NMisa J Adanmo,2 sud 3- table cloth_ y, daig ia ca!,isd2 Made f[1n for the crowd and really pro- emlerçc-____________riý TPecy yodl a fan. greater drawiug foaturo than rodse, its I Pi,, Mrs. TMPoey, SIR CHAS. CLIFTON BROWNE. ail theo rbrnhe tthIhos Miss J Cook; taucy lauphaeMaJ insatiable la mau'e dosire o teses herses AaaMs cLnhi, 5 i art go. fancy tldy, Misa J MAasuad 2. Miss CUI{ED 0F BILIOUS HEADACHE o t le te bo heped tîa nthrya Cooki; oullinoe work on silk, Miss J BY BILEANS. in Oshawa and Bowmauyille faire wilî net Cook, Misa J Adaua, ias E licLaugli-- be liold lu the samo week as it wiîî lu- lin); onîino work on lirnen or cottoin,hlas Sir Chas. Clitton Browue, whe has b,, juieusi v affect both. 1 Parr, 1i sud 2, Misa- E MoLaugblin; toured couiderably lu Canada, inter- e, crazy patoli vork,, Miss Jean, Adamos, Mita viewed at hie Deal (Kent) residen3ce, ý, * E rMcLaughlln, MiesaI Parr; guipure admitted that ho had neaped vrygr a Infldicati'"onis werk, Miss 1 Panr, Miss E MeLauigblin, benoliît fnemn Bileans. e Misa Joa6n Adama;z drawn thnead work, Ho said: "I have ne0 objection te on sug of aralysîs tirs. T Pey, 1 sud ?2%M!aa Perey; draw*'- stating that 1 feund Bileana a verv fine!bu or Y kýg ~or netting. li. J J Parr, lils mnedicine frbiliouanees, headache aud w A.LL nervous diseuses arc slow in MoLsughlin, MiFs 1 Parr; tattIn9, Misa4 digestive troubles gouoerally. 1 suiffer- il ýA coring ou, aud for this reason Peoy, Misa E MerLsugilitn; 5 o'obock tes. cd frequently fnom bilions headache, cooh Ilu sil, Miss Poney Misa J Adamae, aud nothlng that I have over yot tnied1 theicm ofteu dees net realize hiS 2 sud 3; omhroidered cente piece for did ime se mueh geedase Biloans. I ho.- danger until overtaken by prestra- dinlng table, Mss1 Parr, MissP,, ercy, love thoy are a good thlng and ,vorthy tion or paralysis. Miss J Adama; Betlin woel work, fli, of aucceas." Losof interest in life, sîeepless- Miss8 J Cook, AMiss J Adams, Mise E Mc- Lu those at few words Sir Charlea irrtablit, filre f munoyLaughliu; embroidery on whie cotton, aptiy sumimarizes Bîleans. "A geed ness, irtbfty alr f nnoy is E yMeLghuin), lias 1 parrn, lira tbug." They are cempounded £rom inability to couceutrate the md T Poey;z point lace, Mis. T Peoy, Joan puroly vegetable essences, sud are the muscular weakuess, indigestion, Adaa, Missî E licLanghlin; taucy hunit- best possible romedy obtainable fer heaach, titcingof he ervs, lngwit ceton Mia Prcy MIs Eheadaceý dobiiity, cizziness, indigoes- felno e press twtcin fahnd esnd- MoLauhlintD, OO, lr M tyit- tien, etc. They aise eperate gentl-y on feelngsof eprssîn ad dspod_ cLgh"21 ý1z' l1rBtt;f&ny kltasthe boweis. curnngconistIpation, piles, enc ar amng the symptomns which tiug with wool, Miss E McLaughlin, isla etc. They correct femnale iregularities tel c a exaute nrvos ysemJ Aulamae; onotcho.t wo;rk wth ootton,Mlesand ailments, pains lu the loins and tel ofan xhaste nevou sytemJ Adams,tinas Perey; orDtchst work 0th beaing deown pains. They toue up and the approach of paralysis. vècel, Misa J Ook, MsaJen ÂtiAma, the wholo systom aud enablo Il te threw Dr. Chase's Nerve Food stops thlihra. T Poney; crotichet work wîth gî1k, off celda, chilis, rhoamatism, etce. An- wasingproesaby hic th neveMISa I Parr, lIs J Adams, Mis4 E Mo- somia aud paie-facod wousuad girlst Lsughlin; coll. of crotet patterns,MNfs. will find them a voitable beon. Off ail celis ane beiug destroyed, and by Monetti, 1 sud 2; patoh qutt, sny mate. dnuggists at 50oc a box, on post free forming noew, rich blood and creat- I&i on pattern, Mi-a KMeLanghlln, Mn.i upon reoîpt et pries fromn the Bilean ing new nerve force positively and R Mahood; log cabin quilt, Misa E Mc- Ce., Toronte, 6 boxes for $2.50. Send peninaneutiy restores the neérvous Langhlin; huitt quilt, Miss E MecLangli- eue cent stamp on sample box. Nvelin, 1 sud'2; pleced quilt, Miss E me- --o.ZXM Laneý1_&ghin, bliasi Adamos; Beniln wool .AB" .a Dr. Chase's ev Food, 50 cents &Ëgid, Misa J3 Cook; chair acant, Misai J ffltAIa La sode QvVous WSAC0 a box, at aIl dealers, on Eâniauson, ,Adamc, Miss E McLaughliD, Misa J giatwe Batee "'- Toronto, Cook; baby's dra", Misa J Adamas, Missa . 4 W Unlder-Olothes for Men a fd W'oien Pure wool nuchninkable underwear fer Mon at per garment from.... .50C $3,()0. Watsouis Wool underwear for women and children,per garmo.nt from SO0c, to$,1,2,5 n McMurtry, F C. Pcýthlck,'s barber shop wil be losd eervMonav tte'oo cam- miencirn.! with M4ayuntil end cf Seaqon To be frec from. sick headache (, billous ess, constipation, etc., use Carter's Littlc Liver P1illa, Strietlv vegetable. Uhey gently atimulate the liver and free lie stomacb from bile, Seeds!., AâLsirE, RE UOYR mDTI-MGT1iY, 1 arn lu tke 3MaLrket te buy the abovo at higffest market value, either cleanE d Ir as it cornes frem the threshing RE APLS- trust Farmers wMl e,, careful and brlng true sýamples cf ees they effer. A geod way teprocure Rtrue samiple is te open each and every ag, take a haud ful trom each, mix torouzhly and brin gat least a poundj ýasthe deRIer can judge what thol bulk is like. If the aboýve ia followed it1 will likelyv savo unpleasautnies when te seed is del-ivered. Truly, J. B. MARTYN. The Finest In the Worldl The larZeet and beat equipped tolegrapi achool in the world la riLrlit hAro lu Canada. Picturos cf teach- ors o f differeut departments and ,uccessfu1 students are shewn liu cur handsomnely lllustratod telograph book, A postal bring8 It.LoLt us mnail it te yen te-day. B. W. SOMERS, PRINCIPAL Dominion Schoot of Telegraphy and Railroadi1ng, 9 ADELAIDE STREJsT EAST, TORONTQ. Sou.aFtha..,Park For Sale, h Thaýqt large bikresIdenIee In Bowmanyille cwelî stocked wiihoMer two hujndred fruit A tesAffordsE a fine view oS Lake- Outanlo. Thisje desrabe pace for a -retiredfi S arnily or plae 0 aumerne-ortfora cty amiy.Apply tO RÏOIIErtfBKITTE onll, 29 if Paper and Window Shades The uew stylos are takiug and 1 have a large variety. Speciai sample bocks, 80 yen are sure to be suited. Usia.l linos of Books, Statiouery, Gaines, Faney Goods, Picture Post Cards, etc. compLete. Speciai 61.00 Fountain Peu P. Trebikcocký, ommum

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