SUFFERED FOR YÂSCMUAWo PEL CDISEÂSESe Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and Usefulness to Pe--ru=na. &eèad the Letters of Grati- tude From Women Wvhô nave Been BeHefited Dy Dr. lartman's Ai multitude o0f Suîch Lete Arc Rereived l Every Y 1r A TYP~CAL LETTER. Mrs. Carry Peduzzî, LinstLad, N. Daký., *'ritea: -1 take pesr ntllgyuta entlrly cred idtaLhoi, the1o ole<p and lad terrible pain lu my back, U~ toolPeruna andInfive monh ' W efls haeil.1 lt feit so well for -a >gtime, eI wish evenyoneý who is sick vwou1d akG o Pruna and tusrocoveýrte beth. e 1 have Peruna l u tho bouse on quuaIly. tI bak you f- or ail trtyenI hwvye doue for m. A MediMýce)f Ment. MiSS KteA. Wa"Sheýr, 1706 -Prenice, gtr-eet, Loilsyille, K. rts I"AS My eprlnebas been s7o 4fvorabie from te u -se n Prna et lsa amedicine cof unquestioned m et erail the il fthat we womenSufifer "Ifind hailsrghesand lu- fesnew 1foe Ito ithe ,systern, and yereve I f eel ru-ndiO-wn o"roerte, itfc doses of Peruna w-'Il stren1gthonî M'rs. Florence Atkens, 1104 Frou S:t., Toledo, Ohin. -,rites.1 CAPlRY PED(j; rt4'rAD, 14. b I f -- I HAYDON Messrs. Theo. Siemon and 'N. C. Run- die have returnedcifrom the West, the latter beli-g laid up with a sprained ankle, - Mr, and M'rs. W. G Rundie vislted at Mr. S. T, moujntjoy's recently .Mr. Henry Ashitont's s4ale was succeas- fui. He bas moved juto the bouse recently vacated by Mr. John Rýan.... Mr. John Wright bas pturchased the biouse and lot forrlry occupied by the late Mrs. Hudsoni from Mr. J. Slemoný . .Remeuiber the longute At Home, Thanksg!ilg evening, Oct. 18. Tho commlttee le preparing a -ooà program of music, recitations, etc , from local and ouLtelde talent. Admission loc and 15C. Al are invlted. W omen's Institiite held theïir mont hlY meeting Tbursday at the home of Mrs Thios.; Paseoe. About 22 were present lnCluding visitors frým lNestieton Rand SolinaF branches Mr'. C. N. Ruseigv a pa!per ou r eei ln n cooking oi meats, " and Mrs. T. Rowe One on a"-Ap- pIesand~bei use." otpapers were good. Interesti ng discussions [oillowed Next meeting NovJ. st at Mrs John Kerslake's. Mas3ter Hlton Pýaeons, only 4sou o! Mn. Alvin Peters, was kicked "in the face by a;1colt Weclnesda% evening. He wasnolus several hours. Two cuts in bis face requlred soýVeral stit.chý-es . M -"essrsL. ýCr, dermaqn îind Poster Iloidge attended Marwkham fair and visitedl at Whitevale.Anukow Man Who wa's killed on the C, P. . ear Burketonl Friday evening was bro)Ugh-t to atrn' udertakingomsoe tSatUrdaY afïternoonl, Th oormalu wore buniod at the NorVthcnd cietery Monday afternoon. Bis effccts, umi- brel la reais watch, etc., are lu, pos- session of Mr.1'R Katerson who ùIs ob- ing after VMr. N. C. Rund te'sbuns dur-lnz bis absence. yd Oct.erdA )ir it !0 -an a a v e sym'pathy hIAXS NEW BLOU». TiHÂT is How DR. WïLLIIÂMSý' PINK Prats CUna TIIEC0MM0rON AILMENITS Maklng new blod. ThatLe rsjuat what Dr.WlIms Pink Pilla are al- waya dolncg--actuaily mnkir.g new blo(od. Thta uew blond etr,ýngthens every orgau la the bodly, and etrikea ettraiglit a% the roo, of aummia, and the commn aelimente of life whlcb have their origI n ln po ekaeyblod. Mrs, A. Hl. Seeley, of StlrlinL,. Ont., telle wbat Dr. WIlliamm' Pinik Piledid for ber fourteenl year old elter, M!PB Aniale Snger, after offher treatme.nt "ad faîed 0Sbeea8: "For- "o.Cyear% Annl ie d [lOi been wi'el. She woold tbL spzs n al e nd awha - that would la t for Meveral dayeJ, and her whole boidy would beicome dry and bol ese thougb she wae burnug op witb lever. Her Ip3 would ýeel until near thoj buretlng point, and thon when the feyer would leave ber the outer ekîÎn o! the liprs would Peel off. She doctored wltb two different d1octoreý,but tbey did not succeed l uicurng her, adthe trouble seemed gradually to be growing worFe. Tien wEý began glvlng bler Dr. Williams' PIuk ilb, And under thîs tî eatment &,e bas recove3red hb e balt. The head-aabee and dîneee bave gone; ber color le lrnprOved; ber appetite bttr, %sud ehse ar-bano funthier at- tacks of the foyer7 bvhcfh bfldtho dctoDre. We are gre'atiy pieased wlh ,ývbat Dr Williams' Iiuk Pille have donc, for ber, and recomxnend themi to other ffrs" Il s'as ibe rch red blond Dr. WIll. lame' Pilk Pilleecualymakie wh!ch curod MIss Sager. That le why these pille cure %al commo-n alimenta like ariaoMla and debillty, headaches aýnd backseis, indigesýtIon, St. Vitus dnce and t13e speclal almnt hat prey On theý haltb ad bapplueLo of girls sud-- wom-,in o! ail pages. Ge-t thegnulu Dr, sVli ' PnkPlla for:)yPaie Peo, 14e, wlth !hae fuli usme ýon ibe appe ar on.ech box. Sold byalmo- due deuairs or by mailat50 cents aï ,5"x or six bo--xes for,2 50, from D;-. Wi1ls 11d ino e YBrockviîle SOLIXA. lomen's Institull eein wih ThnrsdivfLrt. lith. at Un lek Specials For Ihis Week. PROGRFS, We hiswek sowtwo more cu.ts rProgresýs Brand lO Speàcial for, Friday, Oc 4ç3