There's A Reason for the po.)pularlfy (! the Peesce Economv FurnFace. Anv- Eicnomv user %vil! tOli cu'1 -lis home wVaý niEyer so w) arm as Sinlco bis 'EÇ:ONOMY" was installed and hie fuel bid, nover so small. PEAS-E ECONOMY FURNACES are time- te,ted and sure.' We give a positive guaran- autee with ail our work, Corne in and see'us Rice & 'o. Agents, Bowmanviile. Hardware, Stweý and 'I inware. Barley Wanted Highesýt Market Price wiII be paid for amy ( «antt of Barley at Caledonia John McKay Limited, 4î~ 5-fBowmanville. "A"R'i FO R SA!,1ý -188 acres lu first -V cla tate of utiîio.Lot 9. Con. 1, Darliingtoon w01- ch ara ,t,rey brick bouse and Kgnod otuld I~~th tonle stabIeS.Inn nlo1g srig ea ruid and good rcar Plowt, g pwse iýo0w For particalarS ftp- SIY to Mrs. J. 0. Rowe, Bàox 321, Bowmatv leC Ont. 84-tf. Economy wm ~m ftrs~ The CaladÎall St tesiR&n BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 7, 1906. Hion A B. Aylosworth ,vill mneet Parliament with a Liberal gain froma Ont ario. T'he ,Montreai Herald saý a: Tu Laurier, Fiolding and Aylesworth the Liberals have a -big threo wlio cau- not bo maatched by, anSthing- the other side have to show lion. WV.S Fieldingl, NMiister of Fin- a.nco, waý re.oilected in Qnaeeîi's Smd ShbUrne, Nova Scotialat weel, b-, over 1000 ma.tjorlty He was unso;ated owing to e fpracticos "9-, a sup- porter His former manJoritvý wasou 885 lie ls evi ientally very popDular amoag tho BlU u Noss We congretulate Editor Ud. White on completioni of 21 years of uceeu journallsm, the Mito Zeformer of which lie i8 editor and vropriotor hav lng attained its majority on Nov. 1,- Hereaf er its editorlal opinions should carry the influence of a sage and vener- able publicist. We wlsh our esteemed confrere contlnued tuccess. Editor White la a Durliamite. The editor of Saturdav Niglit Is cor- rect when hoe sa s9 the newspaper that will thrive la thce one that strivos always to deserve popular eonfidence. Ho says politicians caunot condiïct a news- paper. A newspapor must be couid ut- man in charge must know his businieqss but above ail tLings lie mus know ,tht sure destruction awaits hlm ifl he troti' at the heels of the pliticins. Ho mkust use the scienlce of editing known OnlY to hiï craf t. The Toronto News etrougly protoutsl against the executive committee of aun political part lin any riding selecting men for postmastors, shoriffs, registrars, etc. t la nct the purpose to question the niomineae's fitnoss for the appoint- ment, says the News, against this metliod of filling public offices, 'We have noever favorod the Amercian systemn of lecting couinty and judficial officers, but surely it la a far better ï.stà than thaet of election by a fow cager adheranite of one of the political partie@. No hall dozen or dozen im la any county have %ay right to naine public offlicers. Afflance at the system exposes its monstrous absurdity If the s'.stom shall bo continued there ta bound to ho a movement for popular election audit wlll be tio natural and logicai that it cannot bo resisted Mauvers township le camng, into lino for local option with lier sistor town- slips in Durlia mcouuty. Altheothera have local option. At tho last meeting of Manvers council a depuitation coin- posod of i3ev. Dr. Mrvin,. Geo. Coulter Ileber Preston and W. H. Johuston ad- dressed tho council and presented a ptition slgned by James Gray and -408 othera, praylng that a bylaw prohiibit- ing the sale by retail o! spirltuous fer- mentet or other manufactured liquors lu the township beo submttted to the electors for ratification 'in accordance with the provisions of the Liquor Lt. ceu1se Act. The prayer of the petitloners was grantel and a committeo oppoint- ed te employ a solecitor to propare a by-law. No law on t he "tattte books is btter observodi than the local option1 law is lu Da.,rIington anid the peopie could not bc lndueed to return to licensei law agua. The Cobourg Pest says: .111113va I cancy lu Bowmansille post office lias1* not voS been filod and shere seoma 50ol tiouse Furnishings aSpecialty ihve rIVdU, IJUL1ULY i7ycle,- wUo 1i Ut.I formed tom titue to time into -Doctor Jeykel." They interchantged whenever t suited the mnait actor. Wheu MIr Hor- sey wýas himself, maters wveut along gsmootbly, and the Board got the benefit o! lis often wise advice, but when the other MIr. Horsey appeared, the ttue was entIrely chai)gei. Mr. S mue! B, Brad- shaw, an old Bowmanviliian, used to teli a good story of an old Cornialimnan who lived down below tlic Eastern House TÏhe pifli of it ,,as that he accideiit:y steppod uponi a hornet's aicat, and twro or tliree of the interesting creeitures got up the le- of his pants, and then foliowed a series icf autics withi voiciferatîoùs iu Cor. uish that astouished thé, natives. When, Mr. Horsey appeared in the ring- in a waspish humor, w,;e had exciting times. Coloniel Frederick Cubitt was the most expert boxer we had aud would ofteu metapliorically knock him out, but the plucky littie mnan would always corne up to timne. Heliad one or two backers ready te sponge him dowu and encourage him to renew the battie, which lie did to the end o! thechcapSer. Whou thc real Mr Horsey got down te work lun dead earnest, hie was a valuable memiber. The reports that he ýgave from timec to time upon maters submitted te him-, as chairmnan ofany coumietce upon which lie was actiug- at the ime, showed care and abhity, During the discussions th at arose over a sclemewthat was lobbjed by a fcw influential persons 50 remnovo and hive our beautiful echool buildings oni the drill shed grounds,he took a'promn. inent part. and gaveý a most det erminc d oppiosi;ion to t. He was one o! the mcm- bers who bitterly opposed the separation of the buildings, and wished botli sclools to be crccted ou the site now occupicd by tIe Public Sdliool. 1 have determincd iu thiese rominiscences te bury allich past. but 1 own up thnt mauy a Sunie 1 feit that tlic -tother Mi. Horsey 'dcserved a black cye. I will now speak of another idiosync- rasy,.[I think some o! lis aristocratic aucestors lu England miust have kept a pack of houuds, and that love for this kind o! animal must ho au inherited pe- cul iarity - To illustrate. The late Rev Dr, l essop, who was a volumulous writer lu EnglIand thirty ycare ago,telsthe follow- ing racy story. The rector oetIch adjoin- ing parish was a bacliclor 30 years o! age. fBesuddienly tSok a notion that is vas not good for a mnan te be abuse and souglis a wife,. le paid coursto a young lady in the parigli wlio gave'lier consent. The Rectory wa8 refurnislied and fitted up in fine stylo. lie advertised for a Ourate t0 take charge duriug his absence on the lioneynioon tIp and fIe special stipula- tion was that Shere sliould ho ne oncunx- brances. The rigîht man apparently wp- plied and took possession the day the bride and groomn left. Hie vwite brought with lier to enliven heir stay sxenbulldoýgs and gave themi the frôeeuse of the estab- lielient. 8h.ý understood how to man- age the ourtly bruites and kep a red hot poker to roast thein to kiubmiaaion when Sheir fighting- propenaities prev;ailed. One Cari picture to themselveîa the Consýterna- tion o! the happy pýair when they returnied .LIr 1orsc, yke Ps sixteen coles. Thore is a Iegend tliat àD unfortunate indîvidual these goods CHEAPIER here than you can in the City. them ail direct from the Old Country. Department is worthy of your- inspection. Woolen Goods GOLF JACKETS-In almost every color and style. They are the amartest and-most stylish goods it has been, our pleasure to show you........ $2.00 each. WOOL TOQUES-Iu every variety of color and sty le Ranging in price from..................... 25eto 50c. WOOL SHAWLS - In Blaek, and White. The most of them wool goods we bouglit as Traveller's Samplea, you know wliat that meana, a saving of about one li! 50you. MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS- In. different colora and quality from ................50 $150 We import The saving is yours. This Overcoats and, Furs We Emphiazise the importance of you buying your Furs or Overcoats at once whlle thé stock la at its best. Don~t wait until they are eulled over., We can seil you a F!ur or' an Overenoat as cheap if not cheaper than you can buy them in the City. THIE POPULAR OVERCOATS-.Bemi.. fitted, deep vent, creased aides at $15.00. You pay .820.00 in the city for this same Coat. GENTS' FURNISHINGS - See our stock of Gents' Furnishing's. The most complote ever shown in Bowmaenville. IL) TMIS is a lune we make a specialty of. Our CARPET and CUTRTAIN DE PARTMENT is crowded with ail that is new and up-to-date in both Carpets and Curtains. We tell you positively you can buy