Two Giratefill Letters from Womren Who Avoided Serlous Opraions.-Many Women Suffering fromu Like Conditions Will Be lnterested. WVhen a ph -icateillea Woman, Stil- pe'ithat I did so, fo)r ihrestcAeat ler Iing fin em a trouble, that an oper- Iperfec- eltsvfgrethie pi fan atin ~ neessrv oure. rigtens per-mafnn lie me iî tedn tyIlf hertuha inceluei lis more than 'figestion andmlnd ore Ian! bcmt cr1P min, sin( defermiing Islicn spiritul l d, they only 'Ire xvis hi) sut frst ting 'vliciwh uýe the gaPr- opportunitie i te peetto [the enl- ieuw fiesuwolistan aan praccd Iri lips aý f i hm wha in- Fanion1s fussiailerrs Gi xa FromnSbra Adespalch £vir, stL. Pfesugs~s Gusil iuîîir, aOcoaofl msfaascr -aistsand hcad aIhiriltngag- Pieiveî'eiîîes lis scodefrn Si hciiia. an!!ilidlu a waetefr eask. is perAoagc.sxv ha e lxasfic rai tli 'lix~~~~o îaskgahais a sldled o ganz rccdanaid he îasof'marahi n cu P c revalu1o isp cue 6r selinin, x ha i o J fi xxs eanemne lu perufual mpri~amcnt oai- t a ke-,qmore tha duce good four. h is [C-e Ca-reme sead eting the- w-heat before it ins ground .aud the searchng test0'1f that give purity anid iufomgod- ness. In' Atsprparaton no proces 3tending -to im- prove itsaait somitted groýcer tha't Ëu\an oa H-ousehold bercaue h makers qgurntre t. MAAN-JAGES OF A LIANt)SPA Th~hI sepiratar Il q.s grlly reqliatis sp"obut a91 lS iiQ lai' i asmikis delivercd i fimc' we tis nat neecssary l dxe camas aiil, au] f lileIaadbins rpdvaind utiC5esscast. Thîis,.I1huileve i.~ er imarlïiteni ta calo O pi ahem, vilIs Pif. A. Ly_~icsr Ga-ýing on the hbasisfliat ai n Od r anlaiimor ariF) id as have a valua respectiîîg lohacýit> fs lfaf ' diilfienIta o figure ai, aseeýlr0f i e -! pense ai lransparfing 'aille î,ercM fa areanîd it ftelciila,)n I I lic finie I aiea ouftlifiils dc !veing is miast flai ime, as i L ae wecceti foai scl u lir., ]agp u Iin. -yIgret. Il ale hapos l a mi lc li e, a' hra ae uh esa s yI v u ta s;ec ttlliF.ýhO ai et e 5x etpaýir cf rubbcrs ye by.-Wreis lfrei-,a -the 0oiC 7, m a L, ,o l ved in a ~o. Pu'Ly 'a par and you-'11'ha so pe~ Mlxty surpriaed you'I1tau thi good naws t u ùr fenda. mode o1 £nest grad cf Para gum, wvhicýh nakes thotogîet mo waterproof rubhers inieitne Tmlyastaishing wear resisters. Andyet sO iiglit andnet The maost valuable book for both men and women le Dr. Pierce'si . C omimon SensCëM,-dical Ad- -iser. A. splendid 100-page Pf voluime, with) engravings ad coloreci plate.s. Acoy paercveed vili i be set i>~'l toanyonLie sending 3j1 centLs ln oa-cenit stamps, to paiy Dr. R. V. Pli lcv, Iu fflo, N. Y. loth-botLnd, 50 stpmepi t w iUiud nn miexiciîîge a mess aicouiC wisli." NZewbro's I{erpicide works wiio uîiYthIrIli -"~-"' ~" pallage_, for lic henedîetofaî ran a la-1 on an old principle and wltli a new ds- fii îfiista tfcivle ffier1"ipsW lia lA so dcad lie nu lonlg-1eovey-Asrcy thxe cause and you re- h tuae li' pea- lml x faarc nI:iingý c iiafs mieSifaelioîî in truf h nîdiï,'mrove tixe erfeet, 1IeripicîIde desýtroys the filia, lhxxVf. kWx Wn heauy fln fo ao r fiurîi- gem thatcauses dandruif. fihn 7aeit e0r1Qw tuc ACw i a'ax na olish as sfý1] P nd inaflbaidneqe, se that wfth th1 aer fit~îrsh vj axnlafi Ia] tos!lin ha!-at once and n 2 emiW _ ; aelml.Sede a fcpeae u ai e'eafan ur]i iv ude wil grotb tart. Sod buneainS a, ake axatvedo,1 Il %k~s a cî'yopn eMKt iai'hew ur isvosco? S'TUCS A &JULICY, specol Agents.1 cou L 0,