You will get fulilvalue for your money in purehinrg a "Royal Sou- veni'r" Range. It does a.l kind-'s of cooking -In the most satisfact ory imanner and with very small exipense for fuel. hItýs vieil made-easily xnngdand exeedigly durable. Cail and see their maniy iew features. 1 Agents. Ri ce & o., Agents. Phone 66, Bw avi.Oppo)site post office. "ARL, VoR, ýAL -~ ce i r el ca s state f cliainLt .n, Darlingtou. op hihare t orey l riuk h usu and oo ontuildngtwth aoestables, met îilng apring year round dguod orcbard PloingposessonDOW For partieulars ap. ply to Mrs., J. C. Rowe, Box 3:1,, Bo-è,maville. 011t, 4- IFROK [ UIUDGERY fln, i Near by Ileaith A fewvdays at th~ inerasprlngs u'f St waha i t lemes und BANK 0F -Û- 1 E--stablished 1817 -0- Capital $ 14,400,000 Rtest -$10,000,000 Undivided Profits - $922,418 Total Âssets -$145,837,704 -o- Hiead office, montrel -o- J. A. McCLELLAN, che Gan ad!am-,t tesifMaul BOWMÂNVILLE. NOV. !4, 1906. î SPENDTUIIT CU,%UMJ1L. In auother part ô£ this issue we have IThe oe' o d, aDd addresse, Ancqeribed preseted from tuec var a, hopeful and progres- The afteritooit session ibly -with geiieral buti- ion of office'rs resulteci îildenT, 1ev. Wm IHip- le, VIce President, D.1 uto; Treasurer, . J C. ýSecrethrv, Rei, 'H.F her street, Toroxito. Rara led the discussion s, aDd Rev T.B. Hyde ons. Rev. J W Ped- oleejubilee funds, Voodley advocated the Lurch paper. The Uon- Church union with the was approved by MIr. Pdïes served 8upper in wherc a very pleasant was-- spent. ession was well attend- xceedbZIlv lnterestirng given. Rev, TB H'çe ;t summer's ti-p through qûrthwest and down io Dg at Winni!geg, Cal- ýuver. tdlýey described the Cen k nrieetlog at i iiains- e place that gave birth ission mnov'ement on the rient, and gave ripse tu ýordx of Foreign Mis- Is for the hospitelityv ex- ýhe splendlid quarterly Be»U1 KiwiKîYGU iiavpAlwalys Bughi TOWN CO-ULNC-iL alstmeetings 9f Have now a world-wide reput.- tion on account ef their splendid aavlug qualio tesa, end Make the best Rain Coats. An Extensive Show] Servi oablo Dress Fi FINEST BLACK 1>RESS FABRIOS--The best that, can be produt!ed--Thei Famous Priestleys' (Goods in ail the fashionable weaves, Satin Cloth, Henrietta, Cheviots, Latdy's Cloth, Venetians, ottoman Cords, Soliels etc. Amazon Suit- ings, Amures, Serge, Broadcloth, Lustres, Sîlk warp Henri ettas, in priceo from,..,... 50c. to $1. 50 per yd. ELABORATE SJIOWLNG 0F COLOIRED DRESS Gods-Our range of colored Dress Fabrics, lu ail the popular weaves and shades, is very coinpletE., We carry al the a-bove eloths, in colors Cardinal, Brown, Navy, Green, Fawn. Light Blue, Grey, etc. inprices for ............. .....5...0 ..... G. to 61.50 per yd. 'M'y mot Save YOUR MKONEY WIIEN YOU SPEND-Ladies ! You can do this by buying one of cour Readvtn-wearS.,,KT'RT' Whv 1011f Wintor Overcoat la Bordera, Ceiling and West EndlHouse. ~4, UU 4Ji0 Bowmiianvil le Cariarge Works. Wm E DaÂRAM anagectqr. (71,co(-1s , DrUg S5tore, Powmianvifle. Liu ar ywiIl find cth"t r their outlook, las unAr wiri s Special 81.00,Fou-ntain >wmanv