rBut iF I' rmaSae edP c filo 1,5c, 30e, 40Ce, 50e and 6{)Gc V er Lb At VorGocer S. IIIGIESTA~VAID S. LOIS,19C"i. AN ACCE PT"fA BLE S.ACRIIC It Is the sk>ervice of Love Bcausýc, We Arce tho Chîidren of GTod, Il I were ,huýngry Iwo1 dnot tell tbeef; foite1w Prl is milne and tite fuil- nes tterco .Offe unI G thans- ~fvnand pay ty v vus le lite Moast 4srl enlmb o! f lite cituirei l bt 1leem- Hhsz ite d111e(,be innth l- "(t Ilen and li xewie !d , "Crn uomal ,e itI vlaburtd reita 111r(gin ,l off i . Te lite plain mel,"iter xiiiU w eeem sinme absurdint iereus ia Il(e, iturnianand mtsiotdsarfc ahrnlte ioertion belongs, vHo canot undctn a aitrxite d(ees nc tliing blut ,iît1bY bis a miran itcî,lite li up o! urs l ien \Vteistebepilied mo rle ithap be let wito reigio isthe roion e! pennIes Ittougt lte iotcf luii bx n crak. lteoi. lwlie1eanig lese lite elrn l goir-sliein te( î vu\iltîug cu cl ie witoe bing gees eut A, grole fui Fj prîs, ofeing Ie Tuliere is eiin wtutsc fice I c g i'b ite AlînigItly ,asIhul licp ivreitrdu inla gunsaregad- utn as paents o paadie rtg;ages 0 l IT WEI,' iH7 l cOluCcIL- Towx Ât0rwr à, , '0(; D Faiýlhla ae cùwe vto ereet 35 roda Af wtrfnce. R. Sh>i,-,e'ron agked foru-rpaira to 0,.-. nLbru idry UnebeteeuDarlg ~on uOrlrih.CnaBrc d Hioeeý,y wr;iuroedt nsetad rceo t, 'O. Fla waaiahlowed a rebAt. oný d)g tax, uihElving a dog. A. mý li and Humupirey Wool ap- ildfor teaVe to ereci wîre fence~ u h.Cucideoïipld tha iteywol &u Iiow 9any mr gratafar fn Mra. Johnuston came before the doi;ua i i J ~kdfer renlieslOn of ate aiuo tcOok idvantage -,f the occaion to, addrehs t1l,3Conucti ou tha '"Mistakea3 o;f L clOption"',aud Sundrey oÇtheý,r eýi. zhich ah. lalmed exi8aîed about lhe village.ý Odrweegranted on 1th6 Tresaur- or m foilipa -, O.Corrn and 3J Rock- ena, Indigent,o, acb $2 50. H Glnuny, rebat. ou Dog, Tax, $2 D. Failla, for Liuàber, M.017. AMunlcipal Wrd supp!Le, Si. 3ý PIrr Bra,Ganrýlea, $3,.7 7 Audriw Sith, 63 rode of wLre .uco, $15 7... 4hô,repaira o road dia. N,, . rj$7 50; W. PftL 1 ugii- lin rear ucul,-r tu. ;, e;D, BaUa, elc'o'je'l ai îU-n-- Judge' Oeur, '4 9:.3 in Neïbýttt, M25 roda cf wlrta feuce, 5$31 2.5; Alan AL WIiaafnrlexpensea, R, Bart. iy,25; D. Faihllatato on dIt t'Mx $1;11.Pol..27loadà gravoi, z$135; ILMANS A WUMIAN'S MDCN. GRATEF11UI WIVE3 AND MOTIIERSi TESTIFY TO THEIF, VALUE, Bileaus have beenu called "al woman's medîduen" because of their exceeplional flnes e fr île various aim,.eDtsq peciar to tle sex, s e"l as for liver disorde rs fini sBomaul aimýents genýerahIïv. Uni like most li,ýer and sto-mach mdcus a miedicinle for1 rhey contin ,c, morphIlle Cor Frut--tiesare fruitjiesc- valuable b"I:C-,ailsadinter-naiatsete nonto eeiie Frita-ives (are-free of calomtel, 1caiscara, senna and the host of 'Violent purgatives titat sin-ply netbyirtin theboel. rui-atiesare mdefromn fruit an.d toniça and are plIeasan"'tet take, and so înild 'in their action bththey neyer gripe or pain. During 'tie surmie,, xlen children are so apt to et imiprocperly, mothiers should have a box of Futatie always handy. At the first sýigm of Diarrhioea, Indi- gestion, Fead1ac1hes, Bliounqr.s, Peev- 1 shnenss, Vom"itin - giveFrbatie fruit liver 'Labl-ets wilî inislanitiy correct f auLty digetio-dean ianid seebeu l e stomch-rgult le boel, idnîeys au n-and so invigorate -audé stxengtheu l e 's'ole systeru,1t1at tle Iitte Oeues can qucklytlro,,w offi lie tem"porary illuetss. Get a boy now-to-day. 5oc. a box Or 6 for $2.50 Sent -on receiý,pi of price, if your dIruggist vdozs itot handle tIeLI IIM IT -D, wànt for auvth;niluthe. ea tiug ,-lin.. .Mea 8 ara slen(ïdidiv gfot Up 'lnd x lent atrd u t île tables vwa'ite'I 1on by inost olgigaiodcivil sead Wrc expeet ro r,ç chO.d Eiirlauid neixt1 FriayNov 9ai a'brek.Tfwe dont ie t CEivtY e a tLer woa e xpe t v wýEha do0 t e ftEil. D IiiAd p ams w rilte 3 1 h v sati lu le Panud 0. Boaýets to tle T1H1E CAREE O0 TUHE T EIETHi TIIUGI'rFl ýPkýPLR ON TRIs uI i PORTFANT MAlTEi. Ailora'sIaltt i Seo o ty 1I ws puitlil bcdlllitefi Domlrino gd die l til ubictonn thuitt dIraiio. ill no ccri tty r ep nlrl dnt.mTheeaorethe iîast ttïing n ing.ýll and dalite orpores elween ite n Icias nloea aid opa ltnayo wash your face. iitiryfra1',Ilie brusit and watcr sbould be used %%allre r Ild Aebrs ighl Letw Ihmlat I ip o lrs ad ond lin so h ue Ihe rush i Il",ii da a;il lite11(surfascfal1t i lilees-pe Hlnd oxr-Ttner as vï- n uersds k)on lp holng our faces cl ve (,feep, tte ý,n prcriiely adetist, YaagdLike an Engfne. àe One-tliird of a housekecper's lîfe is spent in lier kitcliert. One-haif the Labbar of bousekeeping is attheskiam 'Vour range can double or hative the cooking saryo( oskel A poor rangýle ad ds worry as well as wurk, and worry riultipfiest bouSekeepiers care. Cet ;arange t1iat reduces t'le work and imîatthe vworry. The PanLdore angeýîi is as easily and aucurately xnaîîagd as enigie-it responds ic thec touch as quickly amd certinzy Ias lice hu pagine obeys th biaud 'of the eniginleer. The Pandora RPan-ge savea worry, and becauae cworrY k;fl!3s,àil prO!l life. Sold by enîterprising dealers everywhere. W ,ritefobolet London, Toronto, Montre.!, Winnipeg: VneveS.John, PN, lie bei reqird, owvrfc)bil a~~~li lagr c ua epaid."' XViten p!,operly dncIilling ris la su- ce l la pre-xe,11tin dcaysullf["rin g fiad los.Onte ltî odsrtxok li DODio tom 00 to wii uuinîdiu1t aown J, r ;' Ie, o oaL,)~ .., Tr orno, on t 6 boxes for $25 ili v b iiilLd and1 iias am t * i[idi~U d even lite 11Y1êtU LUI 5 <tillA aI as for sitoî'l îlcd \Xifa: "Oit, bas fallen and trois 3, lte( cotten Root SThie aven;.t Uibe repaikl1 on Fre, a pamepl )a as 1 almost