Mrs. Mcagtnweb-t1 tlte city on, cbarley ibekws oef rom ith city,, Jamnes Branch had buintess ýýiii Toronrto tbliS dyweek'. frolin beurTorolito visit, Mr. and ,MrS. Carter leave t1isscweek"or ther ouse at coîborne1. Mýr. AnlrsnofTrot,iws a gucast etEhrt on Snnday.v J. X. Allen iis lbonje agaîn fre,--ii n afiew dayvs' visit in Terent. Mr. alid ,Mrs. D. J. Gibson vi-1îited1 the city the last oet1th1wek Mr. Gormley ef Pcernis ow tile assýistant operater et the Depot. A. A.- Coi Nill is getting ready tenake aniotber si ofîntetsigar Ibeetsu. 1r.HwudsInlother, MrS. Biglibt, is paigaisit te friends iii Toronto. Mrs. Mteu1lfe vwas urpfroninPort lHope visitinlier sistes ver tbe week-end.,, Mr. Lewis, otceTrno u gnest ef Dr. Fairncomb'Ws over Suinay M\lrsz. Jobuson wenit Icit Pr Hp yesterday te makeMrs. Metcalfe aviit 7iiss Dolue n of forolito, lais h 1n i lier viii i-31.,Geo. Grav, tis M a WeLdlýVcW anld wife.ce! Mon treal hav cri111.1ýttheir vi it et VW11ilauîsý licr bnrotbýer, Hg Davàdson, aSliertvst aday , 1the guest of bisitr -3 et ur readers need riete tbe K1ng and tei hmis for if be %wauts ýteowhs tbiijgsI let hu ii t e Tbe IndepIeïident up te e Va' Day, 1908, fer 5s1. A car IF ratbier diinu-,Ltive prkes as sbipped frein here on Tuesday tbe farin- era hurr itlem ferward at $3as if fearful tbat before Xmas the fignre, ixnay be reuverse,-no miatter wbaýt thev weigb. I'he Ladies' Aid et the Methodfist churcli promise a bappy evauîing te tbnir patrons on tPe, 22nd mast., by a social tea and entertaî'i-.menrtcsubsequient te tble -ater uoon'a bazaar etwbcbtbev will offer for suie a big vaitye articles btb orne- mental and use1fu1l. Harld onî ift itbe flrst of1,1-e w.eek for Yloitre-- a1 te jein acap1t1in gn nent ef tbe Coipeny's ser\ieCa.Ka bas e1n en,,gged et late in tL'le vcnty et uuvllbut sbeen vis i'bI o Ïe utL rckysCorniers ths wek. M ieIard, wolîad b(euau -in- mate for sente .tiie e OïtlltP O!d Pla Homeiut Bwniaui lle before its recenit take be tthe UCs5egAslin. Mr, .1èivfdmformvtleryf tLake L Sier, Clake, i t 1ber 1hom l siîa wa onMon dy, an was uried iIe EryoxofMvloeney,' aPerfection Reetywe SUgg'esýted planting the Ridgesci 10 iles nerth of bere with black thîmble bei-ries s ias gelu abund- ance thçrei, n couroye4 days wàen weý lived aI Podutnkç. lTh proposition, we îhieýk, la atili -worth cenaideration. Now we av an additional idea for uliigthe Rid,-eis whichi are frem 8,)0 te 1O fee-t abojve the level of Lke O)ntarieý, wc have bcisontoid, ýe- Ou' roposai isi to ike the said Rijge2s ca rival etfGrmicinhiii-t Cornsump Nie Suiarim, fLr we bolier bisple Rigp, as it bas long been caled, afLrds lU Fome rspct een pgreateradnt Pges frrestoriLg cnu PCepesn te sat p-,d vigor than theMuok reglon undr ff Rt ares of Ésecond growh ben treîs are grewig ther. ffrigail the býieficial inlecio the arouia rf the ptne, se ffctiove a re-medy e 'rý s gthe rvgsc dsedcà sii '7 re aýgresi1 that amp ,izg in theo3(pen plue wood)s l bnelca anq proprietcy medicine fiirm pres- cribMs taking dopss0ofpure vir gin 0 it cf! a p nn=e, ii Litud u ne 01 e ~v2r.y b"sui remedia aenasfor ertgceesump. tien -wbile it cnbe ceured. Tis d edies retur, e , lici-ne o Iitk.. 1 clanie.- RowTad altd AïlamqE and irBssr HOW IT SPREADS The flirt p,%Pkage of Dr. Leýoniardt'& Hemi-l'iid (tIl"inlfallible Pile curel thiat xias iputG ont ,went tea sumal town iunbas. k; 1ured a case eof Plsthat wascoi- Ge(-,dlhopeIles.* T'he netwS ra ad aItheugli thiswa o'nly tweyas g ltedmadpo td D)r. J. S. Lon odtfe ineiNeb.. the( discoerert pare it for encaluse. N~ilis bigsn oa!] part: eof thewowrld il ueany ýieo ie. T ueiie inebstr("Ieat atjeuabox. Sîifor $.0, ith abýsolute gran.e 'it is for Sale Xby ougi 'so y The Wln-yeCo., L xitd iagaraFes Ont. .4 Morton, Gowanbank, slghî exception- Regular meeting heldIf on Tuesday ,nebes preeeut, I70r W B Coucli, Chairman anid Mesr EBounsalI, G 0 Bonnycastie, C IM Cawktr, Jas Gale and A S Tiidey Minutes of laat meeting read and confirmned Ou motion of Mesrs ÇXiwker and Beuneali, the Secretary was instrncted te send cepy ef a Resolution frosa the Minutes, referrîng te thse laIe J B Pair press for publication A communication waes receivedl from the Town Clerk, noti fying the B3oard that tha Comncil bIAdappinted Dr B ncateon the Bad in the placeo ef the late j 1B Pair17'a)îîu The ýSecrotary silittd contract betwen te ue Pricipa, MrEllott and the Boýard. wbicb bad been propcrly signDed Received anjd fyledI A mier e of nîswere pre-,sentPd wlud onres graned for paymnt (;f the, same Pricipl Elict rporedthe achool Werk geiîng on s8atis"acOtorîiy The qeto of having soea twe or tbroealectu'res, by pïrmrInet outaide lue!-, dunring the wýintermot, was dis Cussed Iand it was leiýt w-th the Vîsitiug CeImmittee ndthe Prineipal to arrangeý fer lnspecting the stud Mvr. Beith wvaïq PinialElitGtatedthtom greatly impressed with the rtfia4 mont boDcks and other necessary additional and acition of the stock by Ruby (îj342), eqoIipmetunt was needed inu the Science and rieedloea3 tu say, moat et his pu, - Room and the Visiting Committe was chases -wie e lredb y the old 4tud herse. instructed to procure the -saino Als Our reaerc knou.r Juby%'s toc MOnmotin the IBoard then adjourned Ucted a record as the l9SJ5 Londoti Hlackney ovShow, âand wulo thosepr -_________________ chaaed bI 'y -Mr, B'"th haveflot yet býeen exhihitd, ht isctinthat es bal a them ok ae re eidn o ton aI aur princeipal exhibitions, audl the, are sure b bis heard ofonathe iither aide,. AInli tose purchaaed1 Ps iny ns 1,(7I S7), 'uy i- b ,eu t of )uchesa, by INorfek Gentlman Thîs mare la own aister to Ruby Plame, soldNw byv pulblic mucion for 27t) ga,, and R promimeiit winnýr i the South thia, year. SheLa a beautiful mare, that goes wlth tremendous force-, and will bc bard to beat, in or brood ma clarsse9. Civniene (17211) and Lad Wig'g(1657) are anextra wellmatch- ed puir ùf bchestaut mares,. by Ruby The latter la ont af own siatr tu Champion Rufa. Brynhd (7 ) bv Ruby, from- Swoet Evellea, by Don- ai Grant. -.s re(skfi-&ei nnl6nf tho beh 1nc'r-m Paris is said te have a real cee o cahmnen. The Anti-CrueýltySeiey n the CabownrrS' Associion hax e put, titeir heaa lgcterandtheresi adeph lu rief theonly(Aeto' iTo seat-at eny rmonge greilt or puniesis lebe lrogand rod !po the radnuatuIle od.buZit e 1yste bins iny ariieliorolien te tPe <I xvii whave deserved il t mPri l uy. pni yc.uth whifaspites te ho6aC"atitp" w;lt rl eav ler rEntay istuctonin h& nio, un aloogCt P hre, Chaase' inmn t era ~tF4J C¾J' .aStJt..11r..St dan'ger fcold fyrmangs f eprtue wi F EI bcý-D yu vwillàý -louinr li i ep o oaui aigcod nt 4e clute --4- -L --s-1-